The Magician 46b08ed82d Make google_organization_custom_role.deleted computed (#2596)
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/cc @rileykarson
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00

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layout: "google"
page_title: "Google: google_organization_iam_custom_role"
sidebar_current: "docs-google-organization-iam-custom-role"
description: |-
Allows management of a customized Cloud IAM organization role.
# google\_organization\_iam\_custom\_role
Allows management of a customized Cloud IAM organization role. For more information see
[the official documentation](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-custom-roles)
~> **Warning:** Note that custom roles in GCP have the concept of a soft-delete. There are two issues that may arise
from this and how roles are propagated. 1) creating a role may involve undeleting and then updating a role with the
same name, possibly causing confusing behavior between undelete and update. 2) A deleted role is permanently deleted
after 7 days, but it can take up to 30 more days (i.e. between 7 and 37 days after deletion) before the role name is
made available again. This means a deleted role that has been deleted for more than 7 days cannot be changed at all
by Terraform, and new roles cannot share that name.
## Example Usage
This snippet creates a customized IAM organization role.
resource "google_organization_iam_custom_role" "my-custom-role" {
role_id = "myCustomRole"
org_id = "123456789"
title = "My Custom Role"
description = "A description"
permissions = ["iam.roles.list", "iam.roles.create", "iam.roles.delete"]
## Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
* `role_id` - (Required) The role id to use for this role.
* `org_id` - (Required) The numeric ID of the organization in which you want to create a custom role.
* `title` - (Required) A human-readable title for the role.
* `permissions` (Required) The names of the permissions this role grants when bound in an IAM policy. At least one permission must be specified.
* `stage` - (Optional) The current launch stage of the role.
Defaults to `GA`.
List of possible stages is [here](https://cloud.google.com/iam/reference/rest/v1/organizations.roles#Role.RoleLaunchStage).
* `description` - (Optional) A human-readable description for the role.
## Attributes Reference
In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are
* `deleted` - (Optional) The current deleted state of the role.
## Import
Customized IAM organization role can be imported using their URI, e.g.
$ terraform import google_organization_iam_custom_role.my-custom-role organizations/123456789/roles/myCustomRole