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google Google: google_compute_network docs-google-compute-network Manages a network within GCE.


Manages a network within GCE.

Example Usage

resource "google_compute_network" "default" {
	name = "test"
	ipv4_range = ""

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) A unique name for the resource, required by GCE. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.

  • ipv4_range - (Optional) The IPv4 address range that machines in this network are assigned to, represented as a CIDR block. If not set, an auto or custom subnetted network will be created, depending on the value of auto_create_subnetworks attribute. This attribute may not be used if auto_create_subnets is specified.

  • auto_create_subnetworks - (Optional) If set to true, this network will be created in auto subnet mode, and Google will create a subnet for each region automatically. If set to false, and ipv4_range is not set, a custom subnetted network will be created that can support google_compute_subnetwork resources. This attribute may not be used if ipv4_range is specified.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • name - The name of the resource.
  • ipv4_range - The CIDR block of this network.
  • gateway_ipv4 - The IPv4 address of the gateway.