Riley Karson fbad37ebff
Fix storage notification tests (#1913)
* Update google_storage_project_service_account to mirror API.

* Fix storage notifications test, clarify docs.
2018-08-22 08:19:52 -07:00

93 lines
3.6 KiB

layout: "google"
page_title: "Google: google_storage_notification"
sidebar_current: "docs-google-storage-notification"
description: |-
Creates a new notification configuration on a specified bucket.
# google\_storage\_notification
Creates a new notification configuration on a specified bucket, establishing a flow of event notifications from GCS to a Cloud Pub/Sub topic.
For more information see
[the official documentation](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/pubsub-notifications)
In order to enable notifications, a special Google Cloud Storage service account unique to the project
must have the IAM permission "projects.topics.publish" for a Cloud Pub/Sub topic in the project. To get the service
account's email address, use the `google_storage_project_service_account` datasource's `email_address` value, and see below
for an example of enabling notifications by granting the correct IAM permission. See
[the notifications documentation](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil/commands/notification) for more details.
## Example Usage
resource "google_storage_notification" "notification" {
bucket = "${google_storage_bucket.bucket.name}"
payload_format = "JSON_API_V1"
topic = "${google_pubsub_topic.topic.id}"
custom_attributes {
new-attribute = "new-attribute-value"
depends_on = ["google_pubsub_topic_iam_binding.binding"]
// Enable notifications by giving the correct IAM permission to the unique service account.
data "google_storage_project_service_account" "gcs_account" {}
resource "google_pubsub_topic_iam_binding" "binding" {
topic = "${google_pubsub_topic.topic.name}"
role = "roles/pubsub.publisher"
members = ["serviceAccount:${data.google_storage_project_service_account.gcs_account.email_address}"]
// End enabling notifications
resource "google_storage_bucket" "bucket" {
name = "default_bucket"
resource "google_pubsub_topic" "topic" {
name = "default_topic"
## Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
* `bucket` - (Required) The name of the bucket.
* `payload_format` - (Required) The desired content of the Payload. One of `"JSON_API_V1"` or `"NONE"`.
* `topic` - (Required) The Cloud PubSub topic to which this subscription publishes. Expects either the
topic name, assumed to belong to the default GCP provider project, or the project-level name,
i.e. `projects/my-gcp-project/topics/my-topic` or `my-topic`.
- - -
* `custom_attributes` - (Optional) A set of key/value attribute pairs to attach to each Cloud PubSub message published for this notification subscription
* `event_types` - (Optional) List of event type filters for this notification config. If not specified, Cloud Storage will send notifications for all event types. The valid types are: `"OBJECT_FINALIZE"`, `"OBJECT_METADATA_UPDATE"`, `"OBJECT_DELETE"`, `"OBJECT_ARCHIVE"`
* `object_name_prefix` - (Optional) Specifies a prefix path filter for this notification config. Cloud Storage will only send notifications for objects in this bucket whose names begin with the specified prefix.
## Attributes Reference
In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are
* `self_link` - The URI of the created resource.
## Import
Storage notifications can be imported using the notification `id` in the format `<bucket_name>/notificationConfigs/<id>` e.g.
$ terraform import google_storage_notification.notification default_bucket/notificationConfigs/102