Paddy 961c878e0d Switch to using Go modules. (#2679)
Switch to using Go modules.

This migrates our vendor.json to use Go 1.11's modules system, and
replaces the vendor folder with the output of go mod vendor.

The vendored code should remain basically the same; I believe some
tree shaking of packages and support scripts/licenses/READMEs/etc.

This also fixes Travis and our Makefile to no longer use govendor.
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00

360 lines
8.9 KiB

package getter
import (
urlhelper "github.com/hashicorp/go-getter/helper/url"
// Client is a client for downloading things.
// Top-level functions such as Get are shortcuts for interacting with a client.
// Using a client directly allows more fine-grained control over how downloading
// is done, as well as customizing the protocols supported.
type Client struct {
// Src is the source URL to get.
// Dst is the path to save the downloaded thing as. If Dir is set to
// true, then this should be a directory. If the directory doesn't exist,
// it will be created for you.
// Pwd is the working directory for detection. If this isn't set, some
// detection may fail. Client will not default pwd to the current
// working directory for security reasons.
Src string
Dst string
Pwd string
// Mode is the method of download the client will use. See ClientMode
// for documentation.
Mode ClientMode
// Detectors is the list of detectors that are tried on the source.
// If this is nil, then the default Detectors will be used.
Detectors []Detector
// Decompressors is the map of decompressors supported by this client.
// If this is nil, then the default value is the Decompressors global.
Decompressors map[string]Decompressor
// Getters is the map of protocols supported by this client. If this
// is nil, then the default Getters variable will be used.
Getters map[string]Getter
// Dir, if true, tells the Client it is downloading a directory (versus
// a single file). This distinction is necessary since filenames and
// directory names follow the same format so disambiguating is impossible
// without knowing ahead of time.
// WARNING: deprecated. If Mode is set, that will take precedence.
Dir bool
// Get downloads the configured source to the destination.
func (c *Client) Get() error {
// Store this locally since there are cases we swap this
mode := c.Mode
if mode == ClientModeInvalid {
if c.Dir {
mode = ClientModeDir
} else {
mode = ClientModeFile
// Default decompressor value
decompressors := c.Decompressors
if decompressors == nil {
decompressors = Decompressors
// Detect the URL. This is safe if it is already detected.
detectors := c.Detectors
if detectors == nil {
detectors = Detectors
src, err := Detect(c.Src, c.Pwd, detectors)
if err != nil {
return err
// Determine if we have a forced protocol, i.e. "git::http://..."
force, src := getForcedGetter(src)
// If there is a subdir component, then we download the root separately
// and then copy over the proper subdir.
var realDst string
dst := c.Dst
src, subDir := SourceDirSubdir(src)
if subDir != "" {
td, tdcloser, err := safetemp.Dir("", "getter")
if err != nil {
return err
defer tdcloser.Close()
realDst = dst
dst = td
u, err := urlhelper.Parse(src)
if err != nil {
return err
if force == "" {
force = u.Scheme
getters := c.Getters
if getters == nil {
getters = Getters
g, ok := getters[force]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf(
"download not supported for scheme '%s'", force)
// We have magic query parameters that we use to signal different features
q := u.Query()
// Determine if we have an archive type
archiveV := q.Get("archive")
if archiveV != "" {
// Delete the paramter since it is a magic parameter we don't
// want to pass on to the Getter
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
// If we can parse the value as a bool and it is false, then
// set the archive to "-" which should never map to a decompressor
if b, err := strconv.ParseBool(archiveV); err == nil && !b {
archiveV = "-"
if archiveV == "" {
// We don't appear to... but is it part of the filename?
matchingLen := 0
for k, _ := range decompressors {
if strings.HasSuffix(u.Path, "."+k) && len(k) > matchingLen {
archiveV = k
matchingLen = len(k)
// If we have a decompressor, then we need to change the destination
// to download to a temporary path. We unarchive this into the final,
// real path.
var decompressDst string
var decompressDir bool
decompressor := decompressors[archiveV]
if decompressor != nil {
// Create a temporary directory to store our archive. We delete
// this at the end of everything.
td, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "getter")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Error creating temporary directory for archive: %s", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(td)
// Swap the download directory to be our temporary path and
// store the old values.
decompressDst = dst
decompressDir = mode != ClientModeFile
dst = filepath.Join(td, "archive")
mode = ClientModeFile
// Determine if we have a checksum
var checksumHash hash.Hash
var checksumValue []byte
if v := q.Get("checksum"); v != "" {
// Delete the query parameter if we have it.
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
// Determine the checksum hash type
checksumType := ""
idx := strings.Index(v, ":")
if idx > -1 {
checksumType = v[:idx]
switch checksumType {
case "md5":
checksumHash = md5.New()
case "sha1":
checksumHash = sha1.New()
case "sha256":
checksumHash = sha256.New()
case "sha512":
checksumHash = sha512.New()
return fmt.Errorf(
"unsupported checksum type: %s", checksumType)
// Get the remainder of the value and parse it into bytes
b, err := hex.DecodeString(v[idx+1:])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid checksum: %s", err)
// Set our value
checksumValue = b
if mode == ClientModeAny {
// Ask the getter which client mode to use
mode, err = g.ClientMode(u)
if err != nil {
return err
// Destination is the base name of the URL path in "any" mode when
// a file source is detected.
if mode == ClientModeFile {
filename := filepath.Base(u.Path)
// Determine if we have a custom file name
if v := q.Get("filename"); v != "" {
// Delete the query parameter if we have it.
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
filename = v
dst = filepath.Join(dst, filename)
// If we're not downloading a directory, then just download the file
// and return.
if mode == ClientModeFile {
getFile := true
if checksumHash != nil {
if err := checksum(dst, checksumHash, checksumValue); err == nil {
// don't get the file if the checksum of dst is correct
getFile = false
if getFile {
err := g.GetFile(dst, u)
if err != nil {
return err
if checksumHash != nil {
if err := checksum(dst, checksumHash, checksumValue); err != nil {
return err
if decompressor != nil {
// We have a decompressor, so decompress the current destination
// into the final destination with the proper mode.
err := decompressor.Decompress(decompressDst, dst, decompressDir)
if err != nil {
return err
// Swap the information back
dst = decompressDst
if decompressDir {
mode = ClientModeAny
} else {
mode = ClientModeFile
// We check the dir value again because it can be switched back
// if we were unarchiving. If we're still only Get-ing a file, then
// we're done.
if mode == ClientModeFile {
return nil
// If we're at this point we're either downloading a directory or we've
// downloaded and unarchived a directory and we're just checking subdir.
// In the case we have a decompressor we don't Get because it was Get
// above.
if decompressor == nil {
// If we're getting a directory, then this is an error. You cannot
// checksum a directory. TODO: test
if checksumHash != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"checksum cannot be specified for directory download")
// We're downloading a directory, which might require a bit more work
// if we're specifying a subdir.
err := g.Get(dst, u)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error downloading '%s': %s", src, err)
return err
// If we have a subdir, copy that over
if subDir != "" {
if err := os.RemoveAll(realDst); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(realDst, 0755); err != nil {
return err
// Process any globs
subDir, err := SubdirGlob(dst, subDir)
if err != nil {
return err
return copyDir(realDst, subDir, false)
return nil
// checksum is a simple method to compute the checksum of a source file
// and compare it to the given expected value.
func checksum(source string, h hash.Hash, v []byte) error {
f, err := os.Open(source)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to open file for checksum: %s", err)
defer f.Close()
if _, err := io.Copy(h, f); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to hash: %s", err)
if actual := h.Sum(nil); !bytes.Equal(actual, v) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Checksums did not match.\nExpected: %s\nGot: %s",
return nil