Paddy 961c878e0d Switch to using Go modules. (#2679)
Switch to using Go modules.

This migrates our vendor.json to use Go 1.11's modules system, and
replaces the vendor folder with the output of go mod vendor.

The vendored code should remain basically the same; I believe some
tree shaking of packages and support scripts/licenses/READMEs/etc.

This also fixes Travis and our Makefile to no longer use govendor.
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
agext/levenshtein Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
apparentlymart Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
armon/go-radix Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
aws/aws-sdk-go Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
bgentry Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
blang/semver Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
davecgh/go-spew Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
dustinkirkland/golang-petname Vendor random provider to allow use in tests (#2110) 2018-09-25 15:09:13 -07:00
fatih/color Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
golang Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
google/go-cmp Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
googleapis/gax-go Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
hashicorp Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
jmespath/go-jmespath Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
keybase/go-crypto Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
mattn Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
mitchellh Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
oklog/run Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
pierrec/lz4 Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
posener/complete Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
stoewer/go-strcase Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
terraform-providers/terraform-provider-random Vendor random provider to allow use in tests (#2110) 2018-09-25 15:09:13 -07:00
ulikunitz/xz Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00
zclconf/go-cty Switch to using Go modules. (#2679) 2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00