Riley Karson 76801f0ef0
Update CONTRIBUTING to be more clear (#3032)
* Update CONTRIBUTING to be more clear

/cc @rambleraptor

* Add link to provider reference
2019-02-12 13:42:17 -08:00

98 lines
6.5 KiB

# Contributing to Terraform - Google Provider
For a set of general guidelines, see the [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) page in the main Terraform repository.
The following are certain Google Provider-specific things to be aware of when contributing.
## Go
See the root [README](../README.md) for information on which version of Go you need to use the provider. Generally, this will
be the latest stable release of Go.
We aim to make the Google Provider a good steward of Go practices. See https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments for common Go mistakes that you should attempt to avoid.
## Autogenerated Resources
We maintain 2 different versions of the Google Terraform provider; the [`google` provider](https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google) and the [`google-beta` provider](https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google-beta). The `google` provider supports GA ([general availability](https://cloud.google.com/terms/launch-stages)) features, and `google-beta` supports Beta features.
We are using code generation tool called [Magic Modules](https://github.com/googleCloudPlatform/magic-modules/) that uses a shared code base to generate both providers. Some Terraform resources are fully generated, whereas some resources are hand written and located in [the third_party/terraform/ folder in magic modules](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules/tree/master/third_party/terraform/resources). Generated resources will have a prominent header at the top of the file identifying them. Hand written resources have a .go or .go.erb extension but will eventually be migrated into the code generation tool with the goal of having all resources fully generated.
For more details on Magic Modules please visit [the readme](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules). For feature requests or bugs regarding those resources, please continue to file issues in the [terraform-provider-google issue tracker]](https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google/issues). PRs changing those resources will not be accepted.
## Beta vs GA providers
Fields that are only available in beta versions of the Google Cloud Platform API will need to be added only to the `google-beta` provider and excluded from the `google` provider. When adding beta features or resources you will need to use templating to exclude them from generating into the ga version. Look for `*.erb` files in [resources](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules/tree/master/third_party/terraform/resources) for examples.
## Vendoring Libraries
When adding support for just-released GCP features, you'll often need to vendor a new version of the Google API client. The Google provider uses Go Modules; use `GO111MODULES=on go get {{dependency}}`, and the new dependencies will be included in your PR.
If you're developing against Magic Modules, vendoring changes is done automatically by the Magician at PR time; you may need to `go get` locally, but those changes don't need to be included in your PR.
## Tests
### Running Tests
Configuring tests is similar to configuring the provider; see the [Provider Configuration Reference](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/provider_reference.html#configuration-reference) for more details. The following environment variables must be set in order to run tests:
To ensure that your tests are performed in a region and zone with wide support for GCP feature, `GOOGLE_REGION` should be set to `us-central1` and `GOOGLE_ZONE` to `us-central1-a`.
For certain tests, primarily those involving project creation, the following variables may also need to be set. Most tests do
not require their being set:
To run a specific test, use `TESTARGS`, such as in:
make testacc TEST=./google TESTARGS='-run=TestAccContainerNodePool_basic'
The `TESTARGS` variable is regexp-like, so multiple tests can be run in parallel by specifying a common substring of those tests (for example, `TestAccContainerNodePool` to run all node pool tests).
To run all tests, you can omit the `TESTARGS` argument - but please keep in mind that that is quite a few tests and will take quite a long time and create some fairly expensive resources. It usually is not advisable to run all tests.
### Writing Tests
Tests should confirm that a resource can be created, and that the resulting Terraform state has the correct values, as well as the created GCP resource.
Tests should confirm that the resource works in a variety of scenarios, and not just that it can be created in a basic fashion.
Resources that support update should have tests for update.
Resources that are importable should have a test that confirms that every field is importable. This should be part of an existing test (in the regular resource_test.go file) as an extra TestStep with the following format:
ResourceName: "google_compute_backend_service.foobar",
ImportState: true,
ImportStateVerify: true,
## Running a local copy of the provider
If you are building Terraform from source with a Google provider built from source, Terraform will automatically use the
local `terraform-provider-google` and `terraform-provider-google-beta` plugins in `$GOPATH/bin`.
In order to use a release copy of Terrafom with a local provider, you can use the [provider discovery directory](https://www.terraform.io/docs/extend/how-terraform-works.html#discovery)
at `~/.terraform.d/plugins`. When a copy of the Google provider is present in the discovery directory, `terraform init` will
use that copy instead of downloading a release version. If you've already used a release version of a provider in a given directory by running `terraform init`, Terraform will not use the locally built copy; remove the release version from the `./.terraform/` to start using your locally build copy.
To use a single locally built version, such as one built by a CI or build server, you can copy a `google` or `google-beta`
binary into the discovery directory. If you're testing a local provider in active development and want the new binary each
time you run `make build`, you can symlink the built binary into the directory:
ln -s $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-google ~/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provider-google
ln -s $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-google-beta ~/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provider-google-beta