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google Google: google_compute_instance docs-google-datasource-compute-instance-x Get a VM instance within GCE.


Get information about a VM instance resource within GCE. For more information see the official documentation and API.

Example Usage

data "google_compute_instance" "appserver" {
	name = "primary-application-server"
	zone = "us-central1-a"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • self_link - (Optional) The self link of the instance. One of name or self_link must be provided.

  • name - (Optional) The name of the instance. One of name or self_link must be provided.

  • project - (Optional) The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If self_link is provided, this value is ignored. If neither self_link nor project are provided, the provider project is used.

  • zone - (Optional) The zone of the instance. If self_link is provided, this value is ignored. If neither self_link nor zone are provided, the provider zone is used.

Attributes Reference

  • boot_disk - The boot disk for the instance. Sructure is documented below.

  • machine_type - The machine type to create.

  • network_interface - The networks attached to the instance. Structure is documented below.

  • attached_disk - List of disks attached to the instance. Structure is documented below.

  • can_ip_forward - Whether sending and receiving of packets with non-matching source or destination IPs is allowed.

  • description - A brief description of the resource.

  • deletion_protection - Whether deletion protection is enabled on this instance.

  • guest_accelerator - List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance. Structure is documented below.

  • labels - A set of key/value label pairs assigned to the instance.

  • metadata - Metadata key/value pairs made available within the instance.

  • min_cpu_platform - The minimum CPU platform specified for the VM instance.

  • scheduling - The scheduling strategy being used by the instance.

  • scratch_disk - The scratch disks attached to the instance. Structure is documented below.

  • service_account - The service account to attach to the instance. Structure is documented below.

  • tags - The list of tags attached to the instance.

  • instance_id - The server-assigned unique identifier of this instance.

  • metadata_fingerprint - The unique fingerprint of the metadata.

  • self_link - The URI of the created resource.

  • tags_fingerprint - The unique fingerprint of the tags.

  • label_fingerprint - The unique fingerprint of the labels.

  • cpu_platform - The CPU platform used by this instance.

  • network_interface.0.address - (Deprecated) The internal ip address of the instance, either manually or dynamically assigned. This attribute has been deprecated. Use network_interface.0.network_ip instead.

  • network_interface.0.network_ip - The internal ip address of the instance, either manually or dynamically assigned.

  • network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip - If the instance has an access config, either the given external ip (in the nat_ip field) or the ephemeral (generated) ip (if you didn't provide one).

  • network_interface.0.access_config.0.assigned_nat_ip - (Deprecated) If the instance has an access config, either the given external ip (in the nat_ip field) or the ephemeral (generated) ip (if you didn't provide one). This attribute has been deprecated. Use network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip instead.

  • attached_disk.0.disk_encryption_key_sha256 - The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the [customer-supplied encryption key] (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-supplied-encryption) that protects this resource.

  • boot_disk.disk_encryption_key_sha256 - The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the [customer-supplied encryption key] (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-supplied-encryption) that protects this resource.

  • disk.0.disk_encryption_key_sha256 - The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the [customer-supplied encryption key] (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-supplied-encryption) that protects this resource.

The boot_disk block supports:

  • auto_delete - Whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted.

  • device_name - Name with which attached disk will be accessible under /dev/disk/by-id/

  • initialize_params - Parameters with which a disk was created alongside the instance. Structure is documented below.

  • source - The name or self_link of an existing disk (such as those managed by google_compute_disk) that was attached to the instance.

The initialize_params block supports:

  • size - The size of the image in gigabytes.

  • type - The GCE disk type. One of pd-standard or pd-ssd.

  • image - The image from which this disk was initialised.

The scratch_disk block supports:

  • interface - The disk interface used for attaching this disk. One of SCSI or NVME.

The attached_disk block supports:

  • source - The name or self_link of the disk attached to this instance.

  • device_name - Name with which the attached disk is accessible under /dev/disk/by-id/

  • mode - Read/write mode for the disk. One of "READ_ONLY" or "READ_WRITE".

The network_interface block supports:

  • network - The name or self_link of the network attached to this interface.

  • subnetwork - The name or self_link of the subnetwork attached to this interface.

  • subnetwork_project - The project in which the subnetwork belongs.

  • address - (Deprecated) The private IP address assigned to the instance. This attribute has been deprecated. Use network_interface.network_ip instead.

  • network_ip - The private IP address assigned to the instance.

  • access_config - Access configurations, i.e. IPs via which this instance can be accessed via the Internet. Structure documented below.

  • alias_ip_range - An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. Structure documented below.

The access_config block supports:

  • nat_ip - The IP address that is be 1:1 mapped to the instance's network ip.

  • public_ptr_domain_name - The DNS domain name for the public PTR record.

  • network_tier - The networking tier used for configuring this instance. One of PREMIUM or STANDARD.

The alias_ip_range block supports:

  • ip_cidr_range - The IP CIDR range represented by this alias IP range.

  • subnetwork_range_name - The subnetwork secondary range name specifying the secondary range from which to allocate the IP CIDR range for this alias IP range.

The service_account block supports:

  • email - The service account e-mail address.

  • scopes - A list of service scopes.

The scheduling block supports:

  • preemptible - Whether the instance is preemptible.

  • on_host_maintenance - Describes maintenance behavior for the instance. One of MIGRATE or TERMINATE, for more info, read here

  • automatic_restart - Specifies if the instance should be restarted if it was terminated by Compute Engine (not a user).

The guest_accelerator block supports:

  • type - The accelerator type resource exposed to this instance. E.g. nvidia-tesla-k80.

  • count - The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.