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layout: "google"
page_title: "Google: google_bigquery_table"
sidebar_current: "docs-google-bigquery-table"
description: |-
Creates a table resource in a dataset for Google BigQuery.
# google_bigquery_table
Creates a table resource in a dataset for Google BigQuery. For more information see
[the official documentation](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/) and
## Example Usage
resource "google_bigquery_dataset" "default" {
dataset_id = "foo"
friendly_name = "test"
description = "This is a test description"
location = "EU"
default_table_expiration_ms = 3600000
labels {
env = "default"
resource "google_bigquery_table" "default" {
dataset_id = "${google_bigquery_dataset.default.id}"
table_id = "bar"
time_partitioning {
type = "DAY"
labels {
env = "default"
schema = "${file("schema.json")}"
## Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
* `dataset_id` - (Required) The dataset ID to create the table in.
Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
* `table_id` - (Required) A unique ID for the resource.
Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
* `project` - (Optional) The project in which the resource belongs. If it
is not provided, the provider project is used.
* `description` - (Optional) The field description.
* `expiration_time` - (Optional) The time when this table expires, in
milliseconds since the epoch. If not present, the table will persist
indefinitely. Expired tables will be deleted and their storage
* `friendly_name` - (Optional) A descriptive name for the table.
* `labels` - (Optional) A mapping of labels to assign to the resource.
* `schema` - (Optional) A JSON schema for the table.
* `time_partitioning` - (Optional) If specified, configures time-based
partitioning for this table. Structure is documented below.
The `time_partitioning` block supports:
* `expiration_ms` - (Optional) Number of milliseconds for which to keep the
storage for a partition.
* `type` - (Required) The only type supported is DAY, which will generate
one partition per day based on data loading time.
## Attributes Reference
In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are
* `creation_time` - The time when this table was created, in milliseconds since the epoch.
* `etag` - A hash of the resource.
* `last_modified_time` - The time when this table was last modified, in milliseconds since the epoch.
* `location` - The geographic location where the table resides. This value is inherited from the dataset.
* `num_bytes` - The size of this table in bytes, excluding any data in the streaming buffer.
* `num_long_term_bytes` - The number of bytes in the table that are considered "long-term storage".
* `num_rows` - The number of rows of data in this table, excluding any data in the streaming buffer.
* `self_link` - The URI of the created resource.
* `type` - Describes the table type.
## Import
BigQuery tables can be imported using the `project`, `dataset_id`, and `table_id`, e.g.
$ terraform import bigquery_table.default gcp-project:foo.bar