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layout: "google"
page_title: "Terraform Google Provider 2.0.0 Upgrade Guide"
sidebar_current: "docs-google-provider-version-2-upgrade"
description: |-
Terraform Google Provider 2.0.0 Upgrade Guide
# Terraform Google Provider 2.0.0 Upgrade Guide
Version `2.0.0` of the Google provider for Terraform is a major release and
includes some changes that you will need to consider when upgrading. This guide
is intended to help with that process and focuses only on the changes necessary
to upgrade from version `1.20.0` to `2.0.0`.
-> The "Google provider" refers to both `google` and `google-beta`; each will
have released `2.0.0` at around the same time, and this guide is for both
variants of the Google provider. See [Provider Versions](https://terraform.io/docs/providers/google/provider_versions.html)
for details if you're new to using `google-beta`.
Most of the changes outlined in this guide have been previously marked as
deprecated in the Terraform `plan`/`apply` output throughout previous provider
releases, up to and including 1.20.0. These changes, such as deprecation notices,
can always be found in the [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md).
## Why version 2.0.0?
We introduced version `2.0.0` of the Google provider in order to split the
provider into 2 distinct variants; `google`, the provider for the generally
available (GA) GCP APIs, and `google-beta`, the provider for Beta GCP APIs.
In addition, we made small breaking changes across the provider to enable import
for older resources, enable some new use cases, align field naming / formats
with your expectations based on other GCP tooling, and to facilitate generating
more resources with [Magic Modules](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules).
While you should see some small changes in your configurations as a result of
these changes, we don't expect you'll need to make any major refactorings. As we
develop the provider, we hope to continue to use Magic Modules to provide a
consistent experience across the provider including features like configurable
timeouts, import, and more.
## Upgrade Topics
<!-- TOC depthFrom:2 depthTo:2 -->
- [Provider Version Configuration](#provider-version-configuration)
- [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider)
- [Data Sources](#data-sources)
- [Resource: `google_bigquery_dataset`](#resource-google_bigquery_dataset)
- [Resource: `google_bigtable_instance`](#resource-google_bigtable_instance)
- [Resource: `google_binary_authorizaton_attestor`](#resource-google_binary_authorization_attestor)
- [Resource: `google_binary_authorizaton_policy`](#resource-google_binary_authorization_policy)
- [Resource: `google_cloudbuild_trigger`](#resource-google_cloudbuild_trigger)
- [Resource: `google_cloudfunctions_function`](#resource-google_cloudfunctions_function)
- [Resource: `google_compute_backend_service`](#resource-google_compute_backend_service)
- [Resource: `google_compute_disk`](#resource-google_compute_disk)
- [Resource: `google_compute_global_forwarding_rule`](#resource-google_compute_global_forwarding_rule)
- [Resource: `google_compute_image`](#resource-google_compute_image)
- [Resource: `google_compute_instance`](#resource-google_compute_instance)
- [Resource: `google_compute_instance_from_template`](#resource-google_compute_instance_from_template)
- [Resource: `google_compute_instance_group_manager`](#resource-google_compute_instance_group_manager)
- [Resource: `google_compute_instance_template`](#resource-google_compute_instance_template)
- [Resource: `google_compute_project_metadata`](#resource-google_compute_project_metadata)
- [Resource: `google_compute_region_instance_group_manager`](#resource-google_compute_region_instance_group_manager)
- [Resource: `google_compute_snapshot`](#resource-google_compute_snapshot)
- [Resource: `google_compute_subnetwork_iam_*`](#resource-google_compute_subnetwork_iam_*)
- [Resource: `google_compute_target_pool`](#resource-google_compute_target_pool)
- [Resource: `google_compute_url_map`](#resource-google_compute_url_map)
- [Resource: `google_container_analysis_note`](#resource-google_container_analysis_note)
- [Resource: `google_container_cluster`](#resource-google_container_cluster)
- [Resource: `google_container_node_pool`](#resource-google_container_node_pool)
- [Resource: `google_dataproc_cluster`](#resource-google_dataproc_cluster)
- [Resource: `google_endpoints_service`](#resource-google_endpoints_service)
- [Resource: `google_filestore_instance`](#resource-google_filestore_instance)
- [Resource: `google_organization_custom_role`](#resource-google_organization_custom_role)
- [Resource: `google_project`](#resource-google_project)
- [Resource: `google_project_custom_role`](#resource-google_project_custom_role)
- [Resource: `google_project_iam_policy`](#resource-google_project_iam_policy)
- [Resource: `google_service_account`](#resource-google_service_account)
- [Resource: `google_sql_database_instance`](#resource-google_sql_database_instance)
- [Resource: `google_storage_default_object_acl`](#resource-google_storage_default_object_acl)
- [Resource: `google_storage_object_acl`](#resource-google_storage_object_acl)
- [Resource: `google_*_iam_binding`](#google_*_iam_binding)
<!-- /TOC -->
## Provider Version Configuration
-> Before upgrading to version 2.0.0, it is recommended to upgrade to the most
recent version of the provider (1.20.0) and ensure that your environment
successfully runs [`terraform plan`](https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/plan.html)
without unexpected changes or deprecation notices.
It is recommended to use [version constraints](https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/providers.html#provider-versions)
when configuring Terraform providers. If you are following that recommendation,
update the version constraints in your Terraform configuration and run
[`terraform init`](https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/init.html) to download
the new version.
If you aren't using version constraints, you can use `terraform init -upgrade`
in order to upgrade your provider to the latest released version.
For example, given this previous configuration:
provider "google" {
# ... other configuration ...
version = "~> 1.20.0"
An updated configuration:
provider "google" {
# ... other configuration ...
version = "~> 2.0.0"
## The `google-beta` provider
The `google-beta` variant of the Google provider is now necessary to be able to
configure products and features that are in beta. The `google-beta` provider
enables full import support of beta features and gives users who wish to use
only the most stable APIs and features more confidence that they are doing so
by continuing to use the `google` provider, which now exclusively uses generally
available (GA) products and features.
Beta GCP features have no deprecation policy and no SLA, but are otherwise considered to be feature-complete
with only minor outstanding issues after their Alpha period. Beta is when GCP
features are publicly announced, and is when they generally become publicly
available. For more information see [the official documentation on GCP launch stages](https://cloud.google.com/terms/launch-stages).
Because the API for beta features can change before their GA launch, there may
be breaking changes in the `google-beta` provider in minor release versions.
These changes will be announced in the [`google-beta` CHANGELOG](https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google-beta/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md).
To have resources at different API versions, set up provider blocks for each version:
provider "google" {
credentials = "${file("account.json")}"
project = "my-project-id"
region = "us-central1"
provider "google-beta" {
credentials = "${file("account.json")}"
project = "my-project-id"
region = "us-central1"
In each resource, explicitly state which provider that resource should be used
resource "google_compute_instance" "ga-instance" {
provider = "google"
# ...
resource "google_compute_instance" "beta-instance" {
provider = "google-beta"
# ...
See [Provider Versions](https://terraform.io/docs/providers/google/provider_versions.html)
for more details on how to use `google-beta`.
## Data Sources
See the `Resource` sections in this document for properties that may have been
## Resource: `google_bigquery_dataset`
### `access` is now a Set
The order of entries in `access` no longer matters. Any configurations that
interpolate based on an item at a specific index will need to be updated, as items
may have been reordered.
## Resource: `google_bigtable_instance`
### `cluster_id`, `zone`, `num_nodes`, and `storage_type` have moved into a `cluster` block
Example previous configuration:
resource "google_bigtable_instance" "instance" {
name = "tf-instance"
cluster_id = "tf-instance-cluster"
zone = "us-central1-b"
num_nodes = 3
storage_type = "HDD"
Example updated configuration:
resource "google_bigtable_instance" "instance" {
name = "tf-instance"
cluster {
cluster_id = "tf-instance-cluster"
zone = "us-central1-b"
num_nodes = 3
storage_type = "HDD"
### `zone` is no longer inferred from the provider
`cluster.zone` is now required, even if the provider block has a zone set.
## Resource: `google_binary_authorization_attestor`
### binary authorization resources have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these resources.
## Resource: `google_binary_authorization_policy`
### binary authorization resources have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these resources.
## Resource: `google_cloudbuild_trigger`
### `build.step.args` is now a list instead of space separated strings.
Example updated configuration:
resource "google_cloudbuild_trigger" "build_trigger" {
trigger_template {
branch_name = "master-updated"
repo_name = "some-repo-updated"
build {
images = ["gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$SHORT_SHA"]
tags = ["team-a", "service-b", "updated"]
step {
name = "gcr.io/cloud-builders/gsutil"
args = ["cp", "gs://mybucket/remotefile.zip", "localfile-updated.zip"]
step {
name = "gcr.io/cloud-builders/go"
args = ["build", "my_package_updated"]
step {
name = "gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker"
args = ["build", "-t", "gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$SHORT_SHA", "-f", "Dockerfile", "."]
step {
args = ["test"]
## Resource: `google_cloudfunctions_function`
### `trigger_bucket`, `trigger_topic`, and `retry_on_failure` have been removed
Use the `event_trigger` block instead.
Example updated configuration:
resource "google_cloudfunctions_function" "function" {
name = "example-function"
available_memory_mb = 128
source_archive_bucket = "${google_storage_bucket.bucket.name}"
source_archive_object = "${google_storage_bucket_object.archive.name}"
timeout = 61
entry_point = "helloGCS"
event_trigger {
event_type = "providers/cloud.storage/eventTypes/object.change"
resource = "${google_storage_bucket.bucket.name}"
failure_policy {
retry = true
resource "google_storage_bucket" "bucket" {
name = "example-bucket"
resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "archive" {
name = "index.zip"
bucket = "${google_storage_bucket.bucket.name}"
source = "path/to/source.zip"
See the documentation at
for more details.
## Resource: `google_compute_backend_service`
### `custom_request_headers` has been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to set this field.
### `iap` may cause spurious updates
Due to technical limitations around how Terraform can diff fields, you may see a
spurious update where the client secret in your config replaces an incorrect
value that was recorded in state, the SHA256 hash of the secret's value.
You may also encounter the same behaviour on import.
## Resource: `google_compute_disk`
### `disk_encryption_key_raw` and `disk_encryption_key_sha256` have been removed.
Use the `disk_encryption_key` block instead:
data "google_compute_image" "my_image" {
family = "debian-9"
project = "debian-cloud"
resource "google_compute_disk" "foobar" {
name = "example-disk"
image = "${data.google_compute_image.my_image.self_link}"
size = 50
type = "pd-ssd"
zone = "us-central1-a"
disk_encryption_key {
raw_key = "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
## Resource: `google_compute_global_forwarding_rule`
### `labels` has been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to set this field.
## Resource: `google_compute_image`
### `create_timeout` has been removed
Use the standard [timeouts](https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/resources.html#timeouts)
block instead.
## Resource: `google_compute_instance`
### `create_timeout` has been removed
Use the standard [timeouts](https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/resources.html#timeouts)
block instead.
### `metadata` is now authoritative
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in this field. Any `metadata` values
that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
### `network` has been removed
Use `network_interface` instead.
### `network_interface.*.address` has been removed
Use `network_interface.*.network_ip` instead.
## Resource: `google_compute_instance_from_template`
### `metadata` is now authoritative
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in this field. Any `metadata` values
that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
### `network_interface.*.address` has been removed
Use `network_interface.*.network_ip` instead.
## Resource: `google_compute_instance_group_manager`
### `version`, `auto_healing_policies`, `rolling_update_policy` have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these fields.
`rolling_update_policy` has been renamed to `update_policy` in `google-beta`.
## Resource: `google_compute_instance_template`
### `network_interface.*.address` has been removed
Use `network_interface.*.network_ip` instead.
## Resource: `google_compute_project_metadata`
### `metadata` is now authoritative
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in this field. Any `metadata` values
that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
## Resource: `google_compute_region_instance_group_manager`
### `version`, `auto_healing_policies`, `rolling_update_policy` have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these fields.
`rolling_update_policy` has been renamed to `update_policy` in `google-beta`.
### `update_strategy` no longer has any effect and is removed
With `rolling_update_policy` removed, `update_strategy` has no effect anymore.
Before updating, remove it from your config.
## Resource: `google_compute_snapshot`
### `snapshot_encryption_key_raw` and `snapshot_encryption_key_sha256` have been removed.
Use the `snapshot_encryption_key` block instead:
data "google_compute_image" "my_image" {
family = "debian-9"
project = "debian-cloud"
resource "google_compute_disk" "my_disk" {
name = "my-disk"
image = "${data.google_compute_image.my_image.self_link}"
size = 10
type = "pd-ssd"
zone = "us-central1-a"
resource "google_compute_snapshot" "my_snapshot" {
name = "my-snapshot"
source_disk = "${google_compute_disk.my_disk.name}"
zone = "us-central1-a"
snapshot_encryption_key {
raw_key = "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
### `source_disk_encryption_key_raw` and `source_disk_encryption_key_sha256` have been removed.
Use the `source_disk_encryption_key` block instead:
data "google_compute_image" "my_image" {
family = "debian-9"
project = "debian-cloud"
resource "google_compute_disk" "my_disk" {
name = "my-disk"
image = "${data.google_compute_image.my_image.self_link}"
size = 10
type = "pd-ssd"
zone = "us-central1-a"
disk_encryption_key {
raw_key = "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
resource "google_compute_snapshot" "my_snapshot" {
name = "my-snapshot"
source_disk = "${google_compute_disk.my_disk.name}"
zone = "us-central1-a"
source_disk_encryption_key {
raw_key = "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
## Resource: `google_compute_subnetwork_iam_*`
### subnetwork IAM resources have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these resources.
## Resource: `google_compute_target_pool`
### `instances` is now a Set
The order of entries in `instances` no longer matters. Any configurations that
interpolate based on an item at a specific index will need to be updated, as items
may have been reordered.
## Resource: `google_compute_url_map`
### `host_rule`, `path_matcher`, and `test` are now authoritative
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in these fields. Any `host_rule`, `path_matcher`, or `test`
values that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
## Resource: `google_container_analysis_note`
### container analysis resources have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these resources.
## Resource: `google_container_cluster`
### `enable_binary_authorization`, `enable_tpu`, `pod_security_policy_config`, `private_cluster`, and `master_ipv4_cidr_block`, `node_config.taints`, `node_config.workload_metadata_config` have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to set these fields.
## Resource: `google_container_node_pool`
### `max_pods_per_node`, `node_config.taints`, `node_config.workload_metadata_config` have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to set these fields.
### `name_prefix` has been removed
Use the `name` field along with the `random` provider instead.
Sample config:
variable "machine_type" {}
resource "google_container_cluster" "example" {
name = "example-cluster"
zone = "us-central1-a"
initial_node_count = 1
remove_default_node_pool = true
resource "random_id" "np" {
byte_length = 11
prefix = "example-np-"
keepers = {
machine_type = "${var.machine_type}"
resource "google_container_node_pool" "example" {
name = "${random_id.np.dec}"
zone = "us-central1-a"
cluster = "${google_container_cluster.example.name}"
node_count = 1
node_config {
machine_type = "${var.machine_type}"
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
The `keepers` parameter in `random_id` takes a map of values that cause the random id to be regenerated.
By tying it to attributes that might change, it makes sure the random id changes too.
To make sure the node pool keeps its old name, figure out what the suffix was by running `terraform show`:
name = example-np-20180329213336514500000001
Determine the base64 encoding of that value by running [this script](https://play.golang.org/p/9KrkDoxRTOw).
Then, import that suffix as the value of `random_id`:
terraform import random_id.np example-np-,ELFZ1rbrAThoeQE
For more details, see [terraform-provider-google#1054](https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google/issues/1054).
## Resource: `google_endpoints_service`
### `protoc_output` has been removed
Use `protoc_output_base64` instead.
Example previous configuration:
resource "google_endpoints_service" "grpc_service" {
service_name = "api-name.endpoints.project-id.cloud.goog"
grpc_config = "${file("service_spec.yml")}"
protoc_output = "${file("compiled_descriptor_file.pb")}"
Example updated configuration:
resource "google_endpoints_service" "grpc_service" {
service_name = "api-name.endpoints.project-id.cloud.goog"
grpc_config = "${file("service_spec.yml")}"
protoc_output_base64 = "${base64encode(file("compiled_descriptor_file.pb"))}"
## Resource: `google_dataproc_cluster`
### `cluster_config.0.delete_autogen_bucket` has been removed
Autogenerated buckets are shared by all clusters in the same region, so deleting
this bucket could adversely harm other dataproc clusters. If you need a bucket
that can be deleted, please create a new one and set the `staging_bucket` field.
### `cluster_config.0.gce_cluster_config.0.tags` is now a Set
The order of entries in `tags` no longer matters. Any configurations that
interpolate based on an item at a specific index will need to be updated, as items
may have been reordered.
## Resource: `google_filestore_instance`
### filestore resources have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these resources.
## Resource: `google_organization_custom_role`
### `deleted` field is now an output-only attribute
Use `terraform destroy`, or remove the resource from your config instead.
## Resource: `google_project`
### `app_engine` has been removed
Use the
[`google_app_engine_application` resource](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/r/app_engine_application.html) instead.
To avoid errors trying to recreate the resource, import it into your state first by running:
terraform import google_app_engine_application.app your-project-id
## Resource: `google_project_custom_role`
### `deleted` field is now an output-only attribute
Use `terraform destroy`, or remove the resource from your config instead.
## Resource: `google_project_iam_policy`
### `policy_data` is now authoritative
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in this field. Any `policy_data`
values that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
### `authoritative`, `restore_policy`, and `disable_project` have been removed
Remove these fields from your config. Ensure that `policy_data` contains all
policy values that exist on the project.
This resource is very dangerous. Consider using `google_project_iam_binding` or
`google_project_iam_member` instead.
## Resource: `google_service_account`
### `policy_data` has been removed
Use one of the other
[service account IAM resources](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/r/google_service_account_iam.html) instead.
## Resource: `google_sql_database_instance`
### `settings` is now authoritative
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in this field. Any settings
values that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
## Resource: `google_storage_default_object_acl`
### `role_entity` is now authoritative
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in this field. Any `role_entity`
values that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
## Resource: `google_storage_object_acl`
### `role_entity` is now authoritative
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in this field. Any `role_entity`
values that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
For fine-grained management, use `google_storage_object_access_control`.
## Resource: `google_*_iam_binding`
### Create is now authoritative
Every `iam_binding` resource will overwrite the existing member list for a given
role on Create. Running `terraform plan` for the first time will not show members
that have been added via other tools. *To ensure existing `members` are preserved
use `terraform import` instead of creating the resource.*
Previous versions of `google_*_iam_binding` resources would merge the existing
members of a role with the members defined in the terraform config. If there was
a difference between the members defined in the config and the existing members
defined for an existing role it would show a diff if `terraform plan` was run
immediately after create had succeeded.
Affected resources:
* `google_billing_account_iam_binding`
* `google_folder_iam_binding`
* `google_kms_key_ring_iam_binding`
* `google_kms_crypto_key_iam_binding`
* `google_spanner_instance_iam_binding`
* `google_spanner_database_iam_binding`
* `google_organization_iam_binding`
* `google_project_iam_binding`
* `google_pubsub_topic_iam_binding`
* `google_pubsub_subscription_iam_binding`
* `google_service_account_iam_binding`