upgrade guide changes based on browsing commits (#2424)

<!-- This change is generated by MagicModules. -->
/cc @danawillow
This commit is contained in:
The Magician 2018-11-07 15:25:40 -08:00 committed by Nathan McKinley
parent 5baeddf95f
commit 9db57b81de

View File

@ -19,17 +19,28 @@ Upgrade topics:
- [Provider Version Configuration](#provider-version-configuration)
- [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider)
- [Open in Cloud Shell](#open-in-cloud-shell)
- [Resource: `google_bigquery_dataset`](#resource-google_bigquery_dataset)
- [Resource: `google_bigtable_instance`](#resource-google_bigtable_instance)
- [Resource: `google_binary_authorizaton_attestor`](#resource-google_binary_authorization_attestor)
- [Resource: `google_binary_authorizaton_policy`](#resource-google_binary_authorization_policy)
- [Resource: `google_cloudfunctions_function`](#resource-google_cloudfunctions_function)
- [Resource: `google_compute_backend_service`](#resource-google_compute_backend_service)
- [Resource: `google_compute_disk`](#resource-google_compute_disk)
- [Resource: `google_compute_global_forwarding_rule`](#resource-google_compute_global_forwarding_rule)
- [Resource: `google_compute_image`](#resource-google_compute_image)
- [Resource: `google_compute_instance`](#resource-google_compute_instance)
- [Resource: `google_compute_instance_from_template`](#resource-google_compute_instance_from_template)
- [Resource: `google_compute_project_metadata`](#resource-google_compute_project_metadata)
- [Resource: `google_compute_subnetwork_iam_*`](#resource-google_compute_subnetwork_iam_*)
- [Resource: `google_compute_target_pool`](#resource-google_compute_target_pool)
- [Resource: `google_compute_url_map`](#resource-google_compute_url_map)
- [Resource: `google_container_analysis_note`](#resource-google_container_analysis_note)
- [Resource: `google_container_cluster`](#resource-google_container_cluster)
- [Resource: `google_container_node_pool`](#resource-google_container_node_pool)
- [Resource: `google_dataproc_cluster`](#resource-google_dataproc_cluster)
- [Resource: `google_endpoints_service`](#resource-google_endpoints_service)
- [Resource: `google_filestore_instance`](#resource-google_filestore_instance)
- [Resource: `google_project`](#resource-google_project)
- [Resource: `google_project_iam_policy`](#resource-google_project_iam_policy)
- [Resource: `google_service_account`](#resource-google_service_account)
- [Resource: `google_sql_database_instance`](#resource-google_sql_database_instance)
@ -125,6 +136,14 @@ them in an interactive editor and shell - all without leaving the browser. See t
[blog post announcing the feature](https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/kickstart-terraform-on-gcp-with-google-cloud-shell)
for more details.
## Resource: `google_bigquery_dataset`
### `access` is now a Set
The order of entries in `access` no longer matters. Any configurations that
interpolate based on an item at a specific index will need to be updated, as items
may have been reordered.
## Resource: `google_bigtable_instance`
### `cluster_id`, `zone`, `num_nodes`, and `storage_type` have moved into a `cluster` block
@ -159,6 +178,18 @@ resource "google_bigtable_instance" "instance" {
`cluster.zone` is now required, even if the provider block has a zone set.
## Resource: `google_binary_authorization_attestor`
### binary authorization resources have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these resources.
## Resource: `google_binary_authorization_policy`
### binary authorization resources have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these resources.
## Resource: `google_cloudfunctions_function`
### `trigger_bucket`, `trigger_topic`, and `retry_on_failure` have been removed
@ -200,6 +231,12 @@ See the documentation at
for more details.
## Resource: `google_compute_backend_service`
### `custom_request_headers` has been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to set this field.
## Resource: `google_compute_disk`
### `disk_encryption_key_raw` and `disk_encryption_key_sha256` have been removed.
@ -224,6 +261,12 @@ resource "google_compute_disk" "foobar" {
## Resource: `google_compute_global_forwarding_rule`
### `labels` has been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to set this field.
## Resource: `google_compute_image`
### `create_timeout` has been removed
@ -243,6 +286,10 @@ block instead.
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in this field. Any `metadata` values
that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
### `network` has been removed
Use `network_interface` instead.
### `network_interface.*.address` has been removed
Use `network_interface.*.network_ip` instead.
@ -261,12 +308,18 @@ that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in this field. Any `metadata` values
that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
## Resource: `google_compute_subnetwork_iam_*`
### subnetwork IAM resources have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these resources.
## Resource: `google_compute_target_pool`
### `instances` is now a Set
The order of entries in `instances` no longer matters. Any configurations that
interpolate based on an item at a specific index will need to be updated as items
interpolate based on an item at a specific index will need to be updated, as items
may have been reordered.
## Resource: `google_compute_url_map`
@ -276,8 +329,24 @@ may have been reordered.
Terraform will remove values not explicitly set in these fields. Any `host_rule`, `path_matcher`, or `test`
values that were added outside of Terraform should be added to the config.
## Resource: `google_container_analysis_note`
### container analysis resources have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these resources.
## Resource: `google_container_cluster`
### `enable_binary_authorization`, `enable_tpu`, `pod_security_policy_config`, `private_cluster`, and `master_ipv4_cidr_block` have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to set these fields.
## Resource: `google_container_node_pool`
### `max_pods_per_node` has been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to set this field.
### `name_prefix` has been removed
Use the `name` field along with the `random` provider instead.
@ -339,6 +408,31 @@ terraform import random_id.np example-np-,ELFZ1rbrAThoeQE
For more details, see [terraform-provider-google#1054](https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google/issues/1054).
## Resource: `google_endpoints_service`
### `protoc_output` has been removed
Use `protoc_output_base64` instead.
Example previous configuration:
resource "google_endpoints_service" "grpc_service" {
service_name = "api-name.endpoints.project-id.cloud.goog"
grpc_config = "${file("service_spec.yml")}"
protoc_output = "${file("compiled_descriptor_file.pb")}"
Example updated configuration:
resource "google_endpoints_service" "grpc_service" {
service_name = "api-name.endpoints.project-id.cloud.goog"
grpc_config = "${file("service_spec.yml")}"
protoc_output_base64 = "${base64encode(file("compiled_descriptor_file.pb"))}"
## Resource: `google_dataproc_cluster`
### `cluster_config.0.delete_autogen_bucket` has been removed
@ -347,6 +441,25 @@ Autogenerated buckets are shared by all clusters in the same region, so deleting
this bucket could adversely harm other dataproc clusters. If you need a bucket
that can be deleted, please create a new one and set the `staging_bucket` field.
## Resource: `google_filestore_instance`
### filestore resources have been removed from the GA provider
Use the [`google-beta` provider](#google-beta-provider) to use these resources.
## Resource: `google_project`
### `app_engine` has been removed
Use the
[`google_app_engine_application` resource](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/r/app_engine_application.html) instead.
To avoid errors trying to recreate the resource, import it into your state first by running:
terraform import google_app_engine_application.app your-project-id
## Resource: `google_project_iam_policy`
### `policy_data` is now authoritative