This repository has been archived on 2021-04-26. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
shadlaws ab0265b1c4 -proofsheet: updated to v7 (previously v4 on github)
-tag_cloud_html5: updated to v7 (previously v5 on github)
-short_search_fix: updated to v2 (previously v1 on github)
-register: updated to v2 (previously v1 on github)
-image_optimizer: v1
2012-12-12 22:51:42 +01:00

30 lines
1.7 KiB

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
@import "<?= url::file("modules/tag_cloud_html5/css/admin_tag_cloud_html5.css"); ?>";
<div id="g-tag-cloud-html5-admin">
<?= t("Tag cloud HTML5 settings") ?>
<b><?= t("Underlying JS libraries:") ?></b><br/>
<?= "1. <a href='http://www.goat1000.com/tagcanvas.php'>TagCanvas</a>: ".t("a non-flash, HTML5-compliant jQuery plugin.") ?><br/>
<?= "2. <a href='http://excanvas.sourceforge.net'>excanvas</a>: ".t("maintains canvas compatibility with pre-9.0 Internet Explorer, and does not load if not needed.") ?><br/>
<?= t("The module author, Shad Laws, has modified TagCanvas to add a physics-based model for motion and some extra parameters.") ?>
<?= t("Although this module loads a minified version of the JS library, the full-sized one is included in the JS directory for reference.") ?>
<b><?= t("How sizing works in TagCanvas:") ?></b><br/>
<?= "1. ".t("make a square the size of the minimum of width and height (as determined by width and height parameters)") ?><br/>
<?= "2. ".t("scale result by the stretch factors, possibility resulting in a non-square shape") ?><br/>
<?= "3. ".t("set text into result at defined text height") ?><br/>
<?= "4. ".t("scale result by the zoom, scaling both cloud and text height (e.g. text height 12 and zoom 1.25 results in 15pt font)") ?>
<b><?= t("Legend:") ?></b><br/>
<?= t("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;option name (more info on option) {related TagCanvas parameters}") ?><br/>
<?= t("More details on TagCanvas parameters given at TagCanvas's homepage or in the above-mentioned JS library.") ?>
<?= $form ?>