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2010-08-28 21:42:35 -07:00

148 lines
5.8 KiB

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<? $theme->load_sessioninfo(); ?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">
<!-- Grey Dragon Theme - Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Serguei Dosyukov - All Rights Reserved -->
if (($theme->enable_pagecache) and ($theme->item())):
// Page will expire in 60 seconds
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header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
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<?= " <title>"; ?>
<? if ($page_title): ?>
<?= $page_title ?>
<? else: ?>
<? if ($theme->item()): ?>
<? if ($theme->item()->is_album()): ?>
<?= t("Browse Album :: %album_title", array("album_title" => $theme->bb2html($theme->item()->title, 2))) ?>
<? elseif ($theme->item()->is_photo()): ?>
<?= t("Photo :: %photo_title", array("photo_title" => $theme->bb2html($theme->item()->title, 2))) ?>
<? else: ?>
<?= t("Movie :: %movie_title", array("movie_title" => $theme->bb2html($theme->item()->title, 2))) ?>
<? endif ?>
<? elseif ($theme->tag()): ?>
<?= t("Browse Tag :: %tag_title", array("tag_title" => $theme->bb2html($theme->tag()->name, 2))) ?>
<? else: /* Not an item, not a tag, no page_title specified. Help! */ ?>
<?= t("Gallery") ?>
<? endif ?>
<? endif ?></title>
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<?= $theme->script("flowplayer.js") ?>
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<?= $theme->page_top() ?>
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<?= $header_text ?>
<? else: ?>
<a id="g-logo" href="<?= item::root()->url() ?>" title="<?= t("go back to the Gallery home")->for_html_attr() ?>">
<img alt="<?= t("Gallery logo: Your photos on your web site")->for_html_attr() ?>" src="<?= $theme->logopath ?>" />
<? endif ?>
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<div id="g-site-menu" class="<?= ($theme->mainmenu_position == "top")? "top" : "default"; ?>">
<?= $theme->site_menu() ?>
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<?= $theme->header_bottom() ?>
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<?= $theme->user_menu() ?>
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<?= $theme->breadcrumb_menu($theme, $parents); ?>
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<div id="g-main-in">
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<?= $theme->album_menu() ?>
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<?= $theme->photo_menu() ?>
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<?= $theme->movie_menu() ?>
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<?= $theme->tag_menu() ?>
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<?= '<div id="g-column-centerleft">' ?>
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<?= $content ?>
<div id="g-footer">
<?= $theme->footer() ?>
<? if ($footer_text = module::get_var("gallery", "footer_text")): ?>
<?= $footer_text ?>
<? endif ?>
<? if (module::get_var("gallery", "show_credits")): ?>
<ul id="g-credits"><?= $theme->credits() ?></ul>
<? endif ?>
<ul id="g-footer-rightside"><li><?= $theme->copyright ?></li></ul>
<? if ($theme->loginmenu_position == "default"): ?>
<?= $theme->user_menu() ?>
<? endif ?>
<?= $theme->page_bottom() ?>