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<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
* Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class Admin_Tag_Cloud_Html5_Controller extends Admin_Controller {
public function index() {
// print screen from new form
$form = $this->_get_admin_form();
public function edit() {
$cfg = $this->_get_config();
$form = $this->_get_admin_form();
if ($form->validate()) {
if ($form->options_general->load_defaults->value) {
// reset all to defaults, redirect with message
message::success(t("Tag cloud options reset successfully"));
} else {
$valid = true;
// run checks on various inputs
$options_general = $form->options_general;
if ($options_general->height_sidebar->value < 0) {
$form->options_general->height_sidebar->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
foreach ($cfg['groups'] as $groupname => $grouptext) {
${"options".$groupname} = $form->{"options".$groupname};
if ($options_general->{"maxtags".$groupname}->value < 0) {
$form->options_general->{"maxtags".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if (${"options".$groupname}->{"maxSpeed".$groupname}->value < 0) {
$form->{"options".$groupname}->{"maxSpeed".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if ((${"options".$groupname}->{"initialX".$groupname}->value < -1) || (${"options".$groupname}->{"initialX".$groupname}->value > 1)) {
$form->{"options".$groupname}->{"initialX".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if ((${"options".$groupname}->{"initialY".$groupname}->value < -1) || (${"options".$groupname}->{"initialY".$groupname}->value > 1)) {
$form->{"options".$groupname}->{"initialY".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if ((${"options".$groupname}->{"deadZone".$groupname}->value < 0) || (${"options".$groupname}->{"deadZone".$groupname}->value > 1)) {
$form->{"options".$groupname}->{"deadZone".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if (${"options".$groupname}->{"zoom".$groupname}->value < 0) {
$form->{"options".$groupname}->{"zoom".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if ((${"options".$groupname}->{"depth".$groupname}->value < 0) || (${"options".$groupname}->{"depth".$groupname}->value > 1)) {
$form->{"options".$groupname}->{"depth".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if (${"options".$groupname}->{"outlineOffset".$groupname}->value < 0) {
$form->{"options".$groupname}->{"outlineOffset".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if (preg_match("/^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/", ${"options".$groupname}->{"outlineColour".$groupname}->value) == 0) {
$form->{"options".$groupname}->{"outlineColour".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if ((preg_match("/^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/", ${"options".$groupname}->{"textColour".$groupname}->value) == 0) && (strcmp(${"options".$groupname}->{"textColour".$groupname}->value, "") != 0) ) {
$form->{"options".$groupname}->{"textColour".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if (${"options".$groupname}->{"textHeight".$groupname}->value < 0) {
$form->{"options".$groupname}->{"textHeight".$groupname}->add_error("not_valid", 1);
$valid = false;
if ($valid) {
// all inputs passed tests above; save them
module::set_var("tag_cloud_html5", "show_wholecloud_link", ($options_general->show_wholecloud_link->value == 1));
module::set_var("tag_cloud_html5", "show_add_tag_form", ($options_general->show_add_tag_form->value == 1));
module::set_var("tag_cloud_html5", "height_sidebar", $options_general->height_sidebar->value);
module::set_var("tag_cloud_html5", "show_wholecloud_list", ($options_general->show_wholecloud_list->value == 1));
foreach ($cfg['groups'] as $groupname => $grouptext) {
module::set_var("tag_cloud_html5", "maxtags".$groupname, $options_general->{"maxtags".$groupname}->value);
$optionsarray = array();
$optionsarray['maxSpeed'] = ${"options".$groupname}->{"maxSpeed".$groupname}->value;
$optionsarray['deadZone'] = ${"options".$groupname}->{"deadZone".$groupname}->value;
$optionsarray['initial'] = array(${"options".$groupname}->{"initialX".$groupname}->value, ${"options".$groupname}->{"initialY".$groupname}->value);
$optionsarray['initialDecel'] = (${"options".$groupname}->{"initialDecel".$groupname}->value == 1);
$optionsarray['zoom'] = ${"options".$groupname}->{"zoom".$groupname}->value;
$optionsarray['depth'] = ${"options".$groupname}->{"depth".$groupname}->value;
$optionsarray['outlineMethod'] = ${"options".$groupname}->{"outlineMethod".$groupname}->value;
$optionsarray['outlineOffset'] = ${"options".$groupname}->{"outlineOffset".$groupname}->value;
$optionsarray['outlineColour'] = ${"options".$groupname}->{"outlineColour".$groupname}->value;
$optionsarray['textColour'] = ${"options".$groupname}->{"textColour".$groupname}->value;
$optionsarray['textFont'] = ${"options".$groupname}->{"textFont".$groupname}->value;
$optionsarray['textHeight'] = ${"options".$groupname}->{"textHeight".$groupname}->value;
$optionsarray['frontSelect'] = (${"options".$groupname}->{"frontSelect".$groupname}->value == 1);
$optionsarray['wheelZoom'] = false; // note that this is locked - otherwise scrolling through the page screws everything up
module::set_var("tag_cloud_html5", "options".$groupname, json_encode($optionsarray));
// all done; redirect with message
message::success(t("Tag cloud options updated successfully"));
// print screen from existing form - you wind up here if something wasn't validated
private function _get_config() {
// these define the two variable name groups, along with their labels which are always shown with t() for i18n.
$cfg['groups'] = array("_sidebar"=>"Sidebar", "_wholecloud"=>"Whole cloud");
// this defines the separator that's used between the group name and the attribute, and is *not* put through t().
$cfg['sep'] = ": ";
return $cfg;
private function _print_screen($form) {
$view = new Admin_View("admin.html");
$view->content = new View("admin_tag_cloud_html5.html");
$view->content->form = $form;
print $view;
private function _get_admin_form() {
$cfg = $this->_get_config();
$sep = $cfg['sep'];
// Make the form. This form has three groups: group_general, group_sidebar, and group_wholecloud.
$form = new Forge("admin/tag_cloud_html5/edit", "", "post", array("id" => "g-tag-cloud-html5-admin-form"));
// group_general
$group_general = $form->group("options_general")->label(t("Tag cloud options").$sep.t("General"));
->label(t("Reset all to default values"))
->label(t("Show 'View whole cloud' link in sidebar"))
->checked(module::get_var("tag_cloud_html5", "show_wholecloud_link", null));
->label(t("Show 'Add tag to album' form in sidebar (when permitted and applicable)"))
->checked(module::get_var("tag_cloud_html5", "show_add_tag_form", null));
->label(t("Height of sidebar (as fraction of width)"))
->value(round(module::get_var("tag_cloud_html5", "height_sidebar", null),3)) // round or else it gets 6 decimal places...
->error_message("not_valid", t("Height of sidebar must be a 1-5 digit number"))
->label(t("Show tag list under cloud on 'View whole cloud' page"))
->checked(module::get_var("tag_cloud_html5", "show_wholecloud_list", null));
foreach ($cfg['groups'] as $groupname => $grouptext) {
// maxtags - note that this is displayed under group_general!
$maxtags = module::get_var("tag_cloud_html5", "maxtags".$groupname, null);
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("max tags shown"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Max tags must be a 1-4 digit number"))
// group_sidebar and group_wholecloud
$options = json_decode(module::get_var("tag_cloud_html5", "options".$groupname, null),true);
${"group".$groupname} = $form->group("options".$groupname)->label(t("Tag cloud options").$sep.t($grouptext));
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("max speed (typically 0.01-0.20)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Max speed must be a 1-5 digit number"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("initial horizontal speed (between +/-1.0, as fraction of max speed)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Initial horizontal speed must be a 1-4 digit number"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("initial vertical speed (between +/-1.0, as fraction of max speed)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Initial vertical speed must be a 1-4 digit number"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("initial deceleration (if false, the initial speed is held until a mouseover event)"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("dead zone (0.0-1.0, where 0.0 is no dead zone and 1.0 is no active zone)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Dead zone must be a 1-4 digit number"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("zoom (<1.0 is zoom out, >1.0 is zoom in)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Zoom must be a 1-4 digit number"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("depth (0.0-1.0)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Depth must be a 1-4 digit number"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("outline method (mouseover event)"))
->options(array("colour"=>t("change text color"),"outline"=>t("add outline around text"),"block"=>t("add block behind text")))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("outline offset (mouseover region size around text, in pixels)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Outline offset must be a 1-2 digit number"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("outline color (mouseover color, as #hhhhhh)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Outline color must be specified as #hhhhhh"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("text color (as #hhhhhh, or empty to use theme color)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Text color must be specified as empty or #hhhhhh"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("text font family (empty to use theme font)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Text font must be empty or a 0-40 character string"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("text height (in pixels)"))
->error_message("not_valid", t("Text height must be a 1-2 digit number"))
->label(t($grouptext).$sep.t("only allow tags in front to be selected"))
return $form;