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shadlaws ab0265b1c4 -proofsheet: updated to v7 (previously v4 on github)
-tag_cloud_html5: updated to v7 (previously v5 on github)
-short_search_fix: updated to v2 (previously v1 on github)
-register: updated to v2 (previously v1 on github)
-image_optimizer: v1
2012-12-12 22:51:42 +01:00

447 lines
19 KiB
Raw Blame History

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
* Copyright (C) 2000-2012 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Generate a PDF proof sheet on-the-fly of the current album or tag.
* By Shad Laws. Version 7, 2012/10/05
* 2012/10/04, version 7
* Fixed bug related to the URL for proofsheets of tags (as opposed to albums)
* 2012/06/15, version 6
* Fixed bug that could cause a crash when trying to use GD or GIF files (a typo from version 5)
* 2012/04/05, version 5
* Added ability to include GIF thumbnails if GD is installed (FPDF uses GD)
* Changed behavior of unhandled file types - now provides missing image icon instead of throwing an exception
* 2012/03/30, version 4
* Major rewrite. Output is similar, but everything "under the hood" is much cleaner and (I hope) more easily understood and tweakable by other users.
* Header link is now an icon.
* Fixed encoding problems with diacritic marks and special characters.
* Now includes FPDF as a library instead of requiring a separate installtion.
* 2012/03/28, version 3
* Made sizing configuration more flexible
* Prettified code so it's easier to understand and tweak as desired
* Added header link
* First version properly documented and linked to Gallery wiki
* 2012/03/27, version 2
* Determines jpg/png type by file header, not extension, which makes it robust against misnamed extensions
* (N.B.: there's a bug in some movie modules that copy missing_movie.png as a jpg thumbnail!)
* Made caption size limits to prevent overrun
* 2012/03/27, version 1
* Initial release
* Include php library FPDF v1.7 by Olivier Plathey.
* This gives us the tools to make PDFs without GhostScript.
* The license for FPDF has no usage restrictions and thus
* can be included in this code.
* More information can be found in the tutorials/docs
* included in the library directory, and at:
* http://www.fpdf.org
require_once(MODPATH . 'proofsheet/lib/fpdf/fpdf.php');
class proofsheet_Controller extends Controller {
public function makepdf($page_type, $container_type, $id) {
* This part is largely copied from downloadalbum,
* but does have some additions (headertext/headerlink)
switch($container_type) {
case "album":
$container = ORM::factory("item", $id);
if (!$container->is_album()) {
throw new Kohana_Exception('container is not an album: '.$container->relative_path());
$pdfname = (empty($container->name))
? 'Gallery.pdf' // @todo purified_version_of($container->title).'.pdf'
: $container->name.'.pdf';
$headerText = $container->title;
$headerLink = $container->abs_url();
case "tag":
// @todo: if the module is not installed, it crash
$container = ORM::factory("tag", $id);
if (is_null($container->name)) {
throw new Kohana_Exception('container is not a tag: '.$id);
$pdfname = $container->name.'.pdf';
$headerText = $container->name;
//$headerLink = $container->abs_url();
$headerLink = url::abs_site("tag/{$container->id}/" . urlencode($container->name));
throw new Kohana_Exception('unhandled container type: '.$container_type);
$files = $this->getFilesList($container);
* Configure PDF file. These are all of the parameters that are used to
* format the proof sheet. If you'd like to tweak the formatting, here's
* where to do it.
switch($page_type) {
case "ltr":
// Setup for LTR 8.5" x 11" paper (215.9mm x 279.4mm)
$cfg = array(
'pageW' => 215.9, // mm
'pageH' => 279.4, // mm
'imageNumW' => 5, // integer number
'imageNumH' => 5, // integer number
'imageSizeW' => 36, // mm
'imageSizeH' => 36, // mm
'marginL' => 10, // mm
'marginR' => 10, // mm
'marginT' => 21, // mm (header goes in here)
'marginB' => 20, // mm (footer goes in here)
'headerSpace' => 2, // mm (header to top row of images and to link icon)
'footerSpace' => 2, // mm (bottom row of captions to footer)
'captionSpace' => 1, // mm (bottom of image to caption)
'headerFont' => array(
'name' => 'Arial', // included are Arial/Helvetica, Courier, Times, Symbol, ZapfDingbats
'size' => 14, // pt
'style' => 'B', // combo of B, I, U
'posn' => 'L', // combo of L, C, R
'r' => 0, // Red 0-255
'g' => 0, // Green 0-255
'b' => 0),// Blue 0-255
'footerFont' => array(
'name' => 'Arial', // included are Arial/Helvetica, Courier, Times, Symbol, ZapfDingbats
'size' => 12, // pt
'style' => 'B', // combo of B, I, U
'posn' => 'R', // combo of L, C, R
'r' => 0, // Red 0-255
'g' => 0, // Green 0-255
'b' => 0),// Blue 0-255
'captionFont' => array(
'name' => 'Arial', // included are Arial/Helvetica, Courier, Times, Symbol, ZapfDingbats
'size' => 8, // pt
'style' => 'U', // combo of B, I, U
'posn' => 'C', // combo of L, C, R
'r' => 0, // Red 0-255
'g' => 0, // Green 0-255
'b' => 255),// Blue 0-255
case "a4":
// Setup for A4 210mm x 297mm paper (8.27" x 11.69")
$cfg = array(
'pageW' => 210, // mm
'pageH' => 297, // mm
'imageNumW' => 5, // integer number
'imageNumH' => 6, // integer number
'imageSizeW' => 36, // mm
'imageSizeH' => 36, // mm
'marginL' => 8, // mm
'marginR' => 8, // mm
'marginT' => 19, // mm (header goes in here)
'marginB' => 18, // mm (footer goes in here)
'headerSpace' => 2, // mm (header to top row of images and to link icon)
'footerSpace' => 2, // mm (bottom row of captions to footer)
'captionSpace' => 1, // mm (bottom of image to caption)
'headerFont' => array(
'name' => 'Arial', // included are Arial/Helvetica, Courier, Times, Symbol, ZapfDingbats
'size' => 14, // pt
'style' => 'B', // combo of B, I, U
'posn' => 'L', // combo of L, C, R
'r' => 0, // Red 0-255
'g' => 0, // Green 0-255
'b' => 0),// Blue 0-255
'footerFont' => array(
'name' => 'Arial', // included are Arial/Helvetica, Courier, Times, Symbol, ZapfDingbats
'size' => 12, // pt
'style' => 'B', // combo of B, I, U
'posn' => 'R', // combo of L, C, R
'r' => 0, // Red 0-255
'g' => 0, // Green 0-255
'b' => 0),// Blue 0-255
'captionFont' => array(
'name' => 'Arial', // included are Arial/Helvetica, Courier, Times, Symbol, ZapfDingbats
'size' => 8, // pt
'style' => 'U', // combo of B, I, U
'posn' => 'C', // combo of L, C, R
'r' => 0, // Red 0-255
'g' => 0, // Green 0-255
'b' => 255),// Blue 0-255
throw new Kohana_Exception('unhandled page type: '.$page_type);
// Here are some other parameters that need defining
$cfg['footerTextPage'] = 'Page '; // Note that this text isn't autofixed by translate module
$cfg['footerTextSlash'] = ' / ';
$cfg['headerLinkIconPath'] = MODPATH . 'proofsheet/images/ico-link.png';
$cfgImageMissing['iconPath'] = MODPATH . 'proofsheet/images/image_missing.png';
$cfgImageMissing['iconType'] = 'PNG'; // PNG or JPG is most robust, GIF okay only if GD is installed
$pt2mm = 25.4/72; // 25.4mm=1in=72pt
// Derive a bunch more parameters. These are all dependent on the above stuff.
$cfg['headerH'] = $pt2mm * $cfg['headerFont']['size'];
$cfg['footerH'] = $pt2mm * $cfg['footerFont']['size'];
$cfg['captionH'] = $pt2mm * $cfg['captionFont']['size'];
$cfg['imageSpaceW'] = ($cfg['pageW']-$cfg['marginL']-$cfg['marginR']-$cfg['imageNumW']*$cfg['imageSizeW']) / ($cfg['imageNumW']-1);
$cfg['imageSpaceH'] = ($cfg['pageH']-$cfg['marginT']-$cfg['marginB']-$cfg['imageNumH']*$cfg['imageSizeH']-$cfg['captionH']-$cfg['captionSpace']) / ($cfg['imageNumH']-1);
$linkInfo = getimagesize($cfg['headerLinkIconPath']);
$cfg['headerLinkH'] = $cfg['headerH']; // I'm defining this to be the same as the text, but you can change it here.
$cfg['headerLinkW'] = $linkInfo[0] / $linkInfo[1] * $cfg['headerLinkH'];
$cfg['headerW'] = $cfg['pageW']-$cfg['marginL']-$cfg['marginR']-$cfg['headerLinkW']-$cfg['headerSpace'];
$cfg['footerW'] = $cfg['pageW']-$cfg['marginL']-$cfg['marginR'];
$cfg['captionW'] = $cfg['imageSizeW']; // I'm defining this to be the same as the image, but you can change it here.
$cfg['headerX'] = $cfg['marginL'];
$cfg['headerLinkX'] = $cfg['marginL']+$cfg['headerW'];
$cfg['footerX'] = $cfg['marginL'];
$cfg['headerY'] = $cfg['marginT']-$cfg['headerH']-$cfg['headerSpace'];
$cfg['headerLinkY'] = $cfg['marginT']-$cfg['headerLinkH']-$cfg['headerSpace'];
$cfg['footerY'] = $cfg['pageH']-$cfg['marginB']+$cfg['footerSpace'];
$cfg['imageNum'] = $cfg['imageNumW']*$cfg['imageNumH'];
$cfgImageMissing['iconInfo'] = getimagesize($cfgImageMissing['iconPath']);
$cfgImageMissing['GDflag'] = graphics::detect_toolkits()->gd->installed; // FPDF uses GD to convert GIFs
* Initialize and build PDF... the main routine. Note that almost all of the
* useful configuration parameters are already defined above.
// Initialize PDF, disable automatic margins and page breaks
$pdf = new proofsheet_PDF('P', 'mm', array($cfg['pageW'],$cfg['pageH']) );
// Build the PDF
$numpages = floor(count($files)/$cfg['imageNum'])+1;
$i = 0;
foreach($files as $f_path => $f_info) {
// Initialize new pages, add header and footer
if (($i % $cfg['imageNum'])==0) {
$pdf->printText($headerText, $cfg['headerFont'], $cfg['headerX'], $cfg['headerY'], $cfg['headerW'], $cfg['headerH']);
$pdf->printImage($cfg['headerLinkIconPath'], $cfg['headerLinkX'], $cfg['headerLinkY'], $cfg['headerLinkW'], $cfg['headerLinkH'], $headerLink, $cfgImageMissing);
$footerText = $cfg['footerTextPage'] . strval(floor($i/$cfg['imageNum'])+1) . $cfg['footerTextSlash'] . strval($numpages);
$pdf->printText($footerText, $cfg['footerFont'], $cfg['footerX'], $cfg['footerY'], $cfg['footerW'], $cfg['footerH']);
// Add thumbnail and caption
$x = $cfg['marginL'] + ($cfg['imageSizeW']+$cfg['imageSpaceW']) * ( $i % $cfg['imageNumW']);
$y = $cfg['marginT'] + ($cfg['imageSizeH']+$cfg['imageSpaceH']) * (floor($i/$cfg['imageNumW']) % $cfg['imageNumH']);
$pdf->printImage($f_path, $x, $y, $cfg['imageSizeW'], $cfg['imageSizeH'], null, $cfgImageMissing);
$pdf->printText($f_info['name'], $cfg['captionFont'], $x, $y+$cfg['imageSizeH']+$cfg['captionSpace'], $cfg['captionW'], $cfg['captionH'], $f_info['url']);
// Increment index and loop
* Output the PDF file. I wrote it in two versions (one should always be commented out).
// Using a method similar to downloadalbum
$pdfstring = $pdf->Output('','S');
$this->sendHeaders($pdfname, strlen($pdfstring));
echo $pdfstring;
// Using FPDF directly
* Return the files that must be included in the archive.
* This is largely borrowed from downloadalbum, but does have
* significant modifications.
private function getFilesList($container) {
$files = array();
if( $container instanceof Item_Model && $container->is_album() ) {
$items = $container->viewable()
->descendants(null, null, array(array("type", "<>", "album")));
foreach($items as $i) {
if (!access::can('view_full', $i)) {
$thumb_realpath = realpath($i->thumb_path());
if (!is_readable($thumb_realpath)) {
$files[$thumb_realpath] = array('url' => $i->abs_url(), 'name' => $i->title);
} else if( $container instanceof Tag_Model ) {
$items = $container->items();
foreach($items as $i) {
if (!access::can('view_full', $i)) {
if( $i->is_album() ) {
foreach($this->getFilesList($i) as $f_name => $f_info) {
$files[$f_name] = $f_info;
} else {
$thumb_realpath = realpath($i->thumb_path());
if (!is_readable($thumb_realpath)) {
$files[$thumb_realpath] = array('url' => $i->abs_url(), 'name' => $i->title);
if (count($files) === 0) {
throw new Kohana_Exception('no thumb files in ['.$container->name.']');
return $files;
* See system/helpers/download.php
* This is borrowed from downloadalbum without changes.
private function prepareOutput() {
// Close output buffers
// Clear any output
Event::add('system.display', create_function('', 'Kohana::$output = "";'));
* See system/helpers/download.php
* This is borrowed from downloadalbum without changes.
private function sendHeaders($filename, $filesize = null) {
if (!is_null($filesize)) {
header('Content-Length: '.$filesize);
// Retrieve MIME type by extension
$mime = Kohana::config('mimes.'.strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1)));
$mime = empty($mime) ? 'application/octet-stream' : $mime[0];
header("Content-Type: $mime");
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
// Send headers necessary to invoke a "Save As" dialog
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');
// Prevent caching
header('Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT');
$pragma = 'no-cache';
$cachecontrol = 'no-cache, max-age=0';
// request::user_agent('browser') seems bugged
if (request::user_agent('browser') === 'Internet Explorer'
|| stripos(request::user_agent(), 'msie') !== false
|| stripos(request::user_agent(), 'internet explorer') !== false)
if (request::protocol() === 'https') {
// See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/323308/en-us
$pragma = 'cache';
$cachecontrol = 'private';
} else if (request::user_agent('version') <= '6.0') {
$pragma = '';
$cachecontrol = 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0';
header('Pragma: '.$pragma);
header('Cache-Control: '.$cachecontrol);
class proofsheet_PDF extends FPDF {
* Print text (header, footer, or caption) with link, formatted as in cfg.
* It converts UTF-8 back to CP1252, which is used by FPDF.
* This will trim formatted text to fit and add ellipsis if needed.
function printText($text, $font, $x, $y, $w, $h, $link = null) {
$ellipsis = '<27>'; // ASCII character 133
// Convert from UTF-8 back to CP1252
$text = iconv('utf-8','cp1252',$text);
// Set color, font, and position
$this->SetXY($x, $y);
// Trim text if needed
if (($this->GetStringWidth($text)) > $w) {
// Keep trimming until the size, with ellipsis, is small enough
while (($this->GetStringWidth($text.$ellipsis)) > $w) {
$text = substr($text,0,strlen($text)-1);
// Add the ellipsis to the shortened text
$text = $text.$ellipsis;
// Create text cell
* Print image. This is basically a wrapper around the FPDF image function,
* except that it determines the file type independent of the file extension
* and automatically resizes to main aspect ratio within the defined space.
* Note that this provides robustness for images with incorrect filenames, such
* as missing_movie.png being called a jpg when copied as a thumbnail in v3.0.2.
function printImage($imagePath, $x, $y, $w, $h, $link = null, $cfgImageMissing) {
$imageInfo = getimagesize($imagePath); // [0]=w, [1]=h, [2]=type (1=GIF, 2=JPG, 3=PNG)
// Figure out the filetype
switch($imageInfo[2]) {
case 3:
$imageType = 'PNG';
case 2:
$imageType = 'JPG';
case 1:
if ($cfgImageMissing['GDflag']) {
$imageType = 'GIF';
// use the missing image icon instead
$imagePath = $cfgImageMissing['iconPath'];
$imageType = $cfgImageMissing['iconType'];
$imageInfo = $cfgImageMissing['iconInfo'];
// Determine image orientation and create image
$ratioWH = ($imageInfo[0]/$w) / ($imageInfo[1]/$h);
if ($ratioWH>1) {
$this->image($imagePath, $x, $y+(1-1/$ratioWH)*$h/2, $w, 0, $imageType, $link);
} else {
$this->image($imagePath, $x+(1-$ratioWH)*$w/2, $y, 0, $h, $imageType, $link);