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brentil 4f2750a0e2 Version 2.0 - 2010.08.27
Fixed: comply with translated/t("string") standards
Added: New caching system. ModuleUpdates now caches the last results so that it does not check every time the page is run. The cache expires every 30 days, when the user selects the option to Check Modules for Updates, or the cache is empty.
Added: Color coding for more cases when versions are out of sync (Orange = Your file version is newer than the installed version & Pink = Your installed version is newer than file version).
Added: Each module now links to it's location in the Gallery Codex so if your version is out of date you can go get the official version. This also allows for manual verification of DNE modules that are not in the GitHub.
Added: GitHub status check along with status check to access the internet outbound from your Gallery installation.
2010-08-29 12:10:00 +08:00

253 lines
10 KiB

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");/**
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
* Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class Admin_Moduleupdates_Controller extends Admin_Controller {
* Builds the backend information for the Module Updates page.
* Builds an array of data containing the needed information about an installed copy of Gallery3
* to determine if versions stored in the GitHub are newer.
* List ID: The name of the folder the module resides in (obtained from module::available)
* name: The given name of the module (obtained from module::available)
* locked: If the module is considered locked by Gallery (obtained from module::available)
* code_version: The version of the module in the modules directory (obtained from module::available)
* active: If the module is installed and enabled (obtained from module::available)
* version: The version installed and running (obtained from module::available)
* description: The description of the module (obtained from module::available)
* remote_version: The version of the code on GitHub (obtained from get_remote_module_version)
* remote_server: The server the remote version is on (obtained from get_remote_module_version)
* font_color: The color to display the update in depending on its status
* @author brentil <forums@inner-ninja.com>
public function index() {
$view = new Admin_View("admin.html");
$view->page_title = t("Gallery 3 :: Manage Module Updates");
$view->content = new View("admin_moduleupdates.html");
$devDebug = false;
$refreshCache = false;
$cache = unserialize(Cache::instance()->get("moduleupdates_cache"));
$cache_updates = unserialize(Cache::instance()->get("moduleupdates_cache_updates"));
//echo 'Message 01: ' .$cache_updates . '<br>';
//if someone pressed the button to refresh now
if (request::method() == "post") {
$cache = new ArrayObject(array(), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
$cache_updates = array("date" => "", "updates" => 0);
$refreshCache = true;
}else if(count($cache) < 1 or $cache_updates['date'] == ""){
//if there are no items in the cache array or the update date is "" refresh the data
$cache = new ArrayObject(array(), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
$cache_updates = array("date" => "", "updates" => 0);
$refreshCache = true;
//Check the ability to access the Gallery3 GitHub
$GitHub = null;
try {
$GitHub = fopen ("http://github.com", "r");
if ($GitHub != null) {
$GitHub = '<font color=green>Online</font>';
$GitHub = '<font color=red>Offline</font>';
catch (Exception $e) {
//echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage() . '<br>';
//Check the ability to access the Google
$Google = null;
try {
$Google = fopen ("http://google.com", "r");
if ($Google != null) {
$Google = '<font color=green>Online</font>';
$Google = '<font color=red>Offline</font>';
catch (Exception $e) {
//echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage() . '<br>';
if($refreshCache == true){
foreach (module::available() as $this_module_name => $module_info) {
//example code for setting cache values
//Cache::instance()->set($key, "$log{$msg}", array("task", "log", "import"), 2592000);
//example delete cache
//example for reading cache
//$log = Cache::instance()->get($key);
$remote_version = '';
$remote_server = '';
$update_count = 0;
list ($remote_version, $remote_server) = $this->get_remote_module_version($this_module_name, $devDebug);
$font_color = "black";
//BLUE - DNE: Does Not Exist, this module was not found
if ($remote_version == "DNE") {
$font_color = "blue";
//PINK - Your installed version is newer than file version
} else if ($module_info->version != '' and $module_info->code_version < $module_info->version) {
$font_color = "pink";
//ORANGE - Your file version is newer than the installed version
} else if ($module_info->version != '' and $module_info->code_version > $module_info->version) {
$font_color = "orange";
//GREEN - Your version is newer than the GitHub
} else if ($remote_version < $module_info->code_version or ($module_info->version != ''
and $remote_version < $module_info->version)) {
$font_color = "green";
//RED - Your version is older than the GitHub
} else if ($remote_version > $module_info->code_version or ($module_info->version != ''
and $remote_version > $module_info->version)) {
$font_color = "red";
if($remote_server == "(G3)"){
$module_info->name = "<a href=\"http://github.com/gallery/gallery3/tree/master/modules/".$this_module_name."\" target=\"_new\">".$module_info->name."</a>";
}else if($remote_server == "(G3CC)"){
$module_info->name = "<a href=\"http://github.com/gallery/gallery3-contrib/tree/master/modules/".$this_module_name."\" target=\"_new\">".$module_info->name."</a>";
}else if($remote_server == "(brentil)"){
$module_info->name = "<a href=\"http://github.com/brentil/gallery3-contrib/tree/master/modules/".$this_module_name."\" target=\"_new\">".$module_info->name."</a>";
$module_info->name = "<a href=\"http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:".$this_module_name."\" target=\"_new\">".$module_info->name."</a>";
//populate the list fo modules and their data
$cache->$this_module_name = array ("name" => $module_info->name, "locked" => $module_info->locked,
"code_version" => $module_info->code_version, "active" => $module_info->active,
"version" => $module_info->version,"description" => $module_info->description,
"remote_version" => $remote_version, "remote_server" => $remote_server, "font_color" => $font_color);
//Define right now as YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM with the # of updates that are out of date
$cache_updates = array("date" => date("Y.m.d - H:i"), "updates" => $update_count);
//echo 'Message 02: ' .$cache_updates . '<br>';
//Write out the new data to cache with a 30 day expiration & 0 for update data so it's always present
Cache::instance()->set("moduleupdates_cache", serialize($cache), array("ModuleUpdates"), 30*86400);
Cache::instance()->set("moduleupdates_cache_updates", serialize($cache_updates), array("ModuleUpdates"), null);
log::success("moduleupdates", t("Completed checking remote GitHub for modules updates."));
$view->content->vars = $cache;
$view->content->update_time = $cache_updates['date'];
$view->content->csrf = access::csrf_token();
$view->content->Google = $Google;
$view->content->GitHub = $GitHub;
print $view;
* Parses the known GitHub repositories for new versions of modules.
* Searches the remote GitHub repositories for a module with a like filename to that of the ones
* installed in the running Gallery isntall. Reads the remote modules module.info file to
* gather the version information. Uses the following locations;
* http://github.com/gallery/gallery3
* http://github.com/gallery/gallery3-contrib
* @author brentil <forums@inner-ninja.com>
* @param String The folder name of the module to search for on the remote GitHub server
* @return Array An array with the remote module version and the server it was found on.
private function get_remote_module_version ($module_name, $devDebug) {
$version = 'DNE';
$server = '';
$file = null;
//For development debug only
if ($devDebug == true){
if ($file == null) {
try {
$file = fopen ("http://github.com/brentil/gallery3-contrib/raw/master/modules/".$module_name."/module.info", "r");
if ($file != null) {
$server = '(brentil)';
catch (Exception $e) {
//echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage() . '<br>';
//Check the main Gallery3 GitHub
if ($file == null) {
try {
$file = fopen ("http://github.com/gallery/gallery3/raw/master/modules/".$module_name."/module.info", "r");
if ($file != null) {
$server = '(G3)';
catch (Exception $e) {
//echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage() . '<br>';
//Check the Gallery3 Community Contributions GitHub
if ($file == null) {
try {
$file = fopen ("http://github.com/gallery/gallery3-contrib/raw/master/modules/".$module_name."/module.info", "r");
if ($file != null) {
$server = '(G3CC)';
catch (Exception $e) {
//echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage() . '<br>';
if ($file != null) {
while (!feof ($file)) {
$line = fgets ($file, 1024);
//Regular expression to find & gather the version number in the remote module.info file
if (preg_match ("@version = (.*)@i", $line, $out)) {
$version = $out[1];
fclose ($file);
return array ($version, $server);