This repository has been archived on 2021-04-26. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Fredrik Erlandsson 8a784dd79c Squashed '3.0/themes/pear4gallery3/' changes from 98195b4..5da2cba
5da2cba Version 2.5 * Support for elastic thumb-margins. * Support for videos.
20a4d37 Elastic padding around thumbs.
4b07153 Fix for carousel view via settings (and iron out some other bugs).
ab1cd0a Fix for carousel view via hash.
88b1fcd Video support.
99e46d8 Disabled console..
f148b5a Fix for 'View at smallest/largest photo size' both give 'Err on page' (Error line 53, Char: 15910, 'undefined' is null or not an object)
342e592 Escaping characters in title (for images).
3613146 version up
bb7c321 Edited views/album.html.php via GitHub
293feae Fix for overflowing height.
067b764 Support for photo view count, including redirects.
77c42a1 Limit of n:o thumbs to show when skimming. Support for exif data from detailview (no longer links to the photo page), breaks the view count.

git-subtree-dir: 3.0/themes/pear4gallery3
git-subtree-split: 5da2cba5ac
2011-11-08 11:24:21 +01:00

101 lines
4.4 KiB

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
<? /* Placeholder for infromation in mosaic view. */ ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
bodyLoad( "<?=module::get_var("th_pear4gallery3", "mainmenu_view")?>",
"<?=module::get_var("th_pear4gallery3", "background")?>");
<table id="mosaicTable" style="width: 100%; margin: -2px -2px 0px 0px; overflow: hidden">
<td class="left" style=" width: 65%; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px;">
<div id="gsImageView" class="gbBlock gcBorder1" style="padding: 0px !important; text-align: center;">
<div style="padding: 0px; width: 0px; margin-top: 0px; opacity: 0.999999; display: none;" id="mosaicDetail">
<div id="photo"> <img id="mosaicImg" src="" alt="Main image"/> </div>
<div class="gsContentDetail" style="width: 100%;">
<div class="gbBlock gcBorder1" id="imageTitle"> </div>
<td class="right" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 35%; vertical-align: top;">
<div class="gallery-album" id="mosaicGridContainer" style="display: block;">
<? if (count($children)): ?>
<? foreach ($children as $i => $child): ?>
<? $item_class = "g-photo"; ?>
<? if ($child->is_album()): ?>
<? $item_class = "g-album\" onclick=\"window.location='".$child->url()."/'+getAlbumHash(skimimg);"; ?>
<? endif ?>
<? $img_class = "g-thumbnail"; ?>
<? if ($child->is_photo()): ?>
<? $img_class = "g-thumbnail p-photo"; ?>
<? endif ?>
<? if ($child->is_movie()): ?>
<a href="<?= $child->url() ?>">
<? endif ?>
<div id="g-thumb-id-<?= $child->id ?>" class="g-item gallery-thumb <?= $item_class ?>" title="<?= $child->description?>">
<?= $theme->thumb_top($child) ?>
<? if ($child->is_album() || $child->is_movie()): ?>
<div class="gallery-thumb-round"></div>
<? endif ?>
<? if ($child->has_thumb()): ?>
<?= $child->thumb_img(array("class" => $img_class, "id" => "thumb_$child->id", "style" => "width: 200px; height 200px;")) ?>
<? if ($child->is_movie()): ?>
<span class="p-video"></span>
<? endif ?>
<? endif ?>
<?// Begin skimming
$granchildren = $child->viewable()->children();
$offset = 0;
$step = round(200/min(count($granchildren),50));
foreach ($granchildren as $i => $granchild):?>
<? if(++$i > 50) break; ?>
<? if ($granchild->has_thumb()): ?>
<?= $granchild->thumb_img(array("style" => "display: none;")) ?>
<div class="skimm_div" style="height: 200px; width: <?=$step?>px; left: <?=$offset?>px; top: 0px;" onmouseover="$('#thumb_<?=$child->id?>').attr('src', '<?=$granchild->thumb_url()?>');skimimg=<?=$i?>;" id="area_<?=$granchild->id?>"></div>
<? endif ?>
<? $offset+=$step;
// End skimming // ?>
<p class="giTitle <? if(!$child->is_album()) print 'center';?>"><?= html::purify(text::limit_chars($child->title, 20)) ?> </p>
<? if($child->is_album()): ?><div class="giInfo"><?= count($granchildren)?> photos</div><? endif ?>
<? if ($child->is_movie()): ?>
<? endif ?>
<?/* <?= $theme->thumb_bottom($child) ?>
<?= $theme->context_menu($child, "#g-item-id-{$child->id} .g-thumbnail") ?>
<h2><span class="<?= $item_class ?>"></span>
<a href="<?= $child->url() ?>"><?= html::purify($child->title) ?></a></h2>
<div class="g-metadata">
<ol><?= $theme->thumb_info($child) ?></ol>
<? endforeach ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var slideshowImages = new Array();
<? foreach ($children as $i => $child): ?>
<? if(!($child->is_album() || $child->is_movie())): ?>
slideshowImages.push(['<?= $child->resize_url() ?>', '<?= url::site("exif/show/$child->id") ?>', '<?= $child->width ?>','<?= $child->height ?>', '<?= htmlentities($child->title, ENT_QUOTES) ?>', '<?= $child->file_url() ?>', '<?= $child->url() ?>']);
<? endif ?>
<? endforeach ?>
<? else: ?>
<? if ($user->admin || access::can("add", $item)): ?>
<? $addurl = url::site("uploader/index/$item->id") ?>
<li><?= t("There aren't any photos here yet! <a %attrs>Add some</a>.",
array("attrs" => html::mark_clean("href=\"$addurl\" class=\"g-dialog-link\""))) ?></li>
<? else: ?>
<li><?= t("There aren't any photos here yet!") ?></li>
<? endif; ?>
<? endif; ?>
<?= $theme->album_bottom() ?>
<?= $theme->paginator() ?>
<div id="pearFlowPadd" class="imageflow" style="display: none;"></div>
<div id="pearImageFlow" class="imageflow" style="display: none;"> </div>