This repository has been archived on 2021-04-26. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
// The g-info block was taken from album.html.php and $theme->album_top() was changed to $theme->dynamic_top().
// $item->title and $item->description have been changed to $title and $description.
// The g-album-grid block was also taken from album.html.php. The section for uploading new photos to an empty album
// has been removed. Also, $theme->context_menu has been removed as well (it was crashing the page).
<div id="g-info">
<?= $theme->dynamic_top() ?>
<h1><?= html::purify($title) ?></h1>
<div class="g-description"><?= nl2br(html::purify($description)) ?></div>
<? if (isset($filter_text) && (module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter"))): ?>
<div id="g-tags-filter">
<br/ >
<center><?= $filter_text; ?></center>
<? endif ?>
<ul id="g-album-grid" class="ui-helper-clearfix">
<? if (count($children)): ?>
<? foreach ($children as $i => $child): ?>
<? $item_class = "g-photo"; ?>
<? if ($child->is_album()): ?>
<? $item_class = "g-album"; ?>
<? endif ?>
<li id="g-item-id-<?= $child->id ?>" class="g-item <?= $item_class ?>">
<?= $theme->thumb_top($child) ?>
<a href="<?= $child->url() ?>">
<? if ($child->has_thumb()): ?>
<?= $child->thumb_img(array("class" => "g-thumbnail")) ?>
<? endif ?>
<?= $theme->thumb_bottom($child) ?>
<h2><span class="<?= $item_class ?>"></span>
<a href="<?= $child->url() ?>"><?= html::purify($child->title) ?></a></h2>
<ul class="g-metadata">
<?= $theme->thumb_info($child) ?>
<? endforeach ?>
<? else: ?>
<li><?= t("There aren't any photos here yet!") ?></li>
<? endif; ?>
<?= $theme->dynamic_bottom() ?>
<?= $theme->paginator() ?>