This repository has been archived on 2021-04-26. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
hukoeth 90ad68fcc6 Renamed modded tagfaces module to photoannotation to avoid confusion
Started working on feature to delete annotations directly
Added warning when tagfaces and photoannotation are activated at the same time
2010-08-28 21:10:52 -07:00

365 lines
14 KiB

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
* Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class photoannotation_Controller extends Controller {
public function save($item_data) {
// Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery
//Get form data
$id = $_POST["id"]; //Not yet needed since we are only creating new tagfaces will be needed when editing of existing ones is implemented
$str_y1 = $_POST["top"];
$str_x1 = $_POST["left"];
$str_y2 = $_POST["height"] + $str_y1; //Annotation uses area size, tagfaces uses positions
$str_x2 = $_POST["width"] + $str_x1; //Annotation uses area size, tagfaces uses positions
$str_face_title = $_POST["text"];
$tag_data = $_POST["tagsList"];
$str_face_description = $_POST["desc"];
$redir_uri = $_POST["currenturl"];
// Decide if we are saving a face or a note.
if ($tag_data == -1) {
if ($str_face_title == "") {
message::error(t("Please select a Tag or specify a Title."));
//Save note
$newnote = ORM::factory("items_note");
$newnote->item_id = $item_data;
$newnote->x1 = $str_x1;
$newnote->y1 = $str_y1;
$newnote->x2 = $str_x2;
$newnote->y2 = $str_y2;
$newnote->title = $str_face_title;
$newnote->description = $str_face_description;
} else {
// Check to see if the tag already has a face associated with it.
$existingFace = ORM::factory("items_face")
->where("tag_id", "=", $tag_data)
->where("item_id", "=", $item_data)
if (count($existingFace) == 0) {
// Save the new face to the database.
$newface = ORM::factory("items_face");
$newface->tag_id = $tag_data;
$newface->item_id = $item_data;
$newface->x1 = $str_x1;
$newface->y1 = $str_y1;
$newface->x2 = $str_x2;
$newface->y2 = $str_y2;
$newface->description = $str_face_description;
} else {
// Update the coordinates of an existing face.
$updatedFace = ORM::factory("items_face", $existingFace[0]->id);
$updatedFace->x1 = $str_x1;
$updatedFace->y1 = $str_y1;
$updatedFace->x2 = $str_x2;
$updatedFace->y2 = $str_y2;
$updatedFace->description = $str_face_description;
message::success(t("Face saved."));
public function drawfaces($id) {
// Generate the page that allows the user to draw boxes over a photo.
// Make sure user has access to view and edit the photo.
$item = ORM::factory("item", $id);
access::required("view", $item);
access::required("edit", $item);
// Create the page.
$template = new Theme_View("page.html", "other", "photoannotation");
$template->set_global("item_id", $id);
$template->set_global("page_title", t("Draw Faces"));
$template->set_global("page_type", "other");
$template->set_global("page_subtype", "photoface");
$template->content = new View("photoannotation.html");
$template->content->title = t("Tag Faces");
$template->content->form = $this->_get_faces_form($id);
$template->content->delete_form = $this->_get_delfaces_form($id);
// Display the page.
print $template;
public function delface() {
// Delete the specified face data from the photo.
// Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery
// Convert submitted data to local variables.
// Figure out which tagged faces and notes to delete.
$tag_data = Input::instance()->post("facesList");
$note_data = Input::instance()->post("notesList");
// Figure out the item id, in order to reload the correct face tagging page.
$item_data = Input::instance()->post("item_id");
// If the user didn't select a tag or note, display and error and abort.
if ((count($tag_data) == 0) && (count($note_data) == 0)) {
message::error(t("Please select a tag or note to delete."));
// Delete the face(s) from the database.
foreach ($tag_data as $one_tag) {
db::build()->delete("items_faces")->where("id", "=", $one_tag)->execute();
// Delete the notes(s) from the database.
foreach ($note_data as $one_note) {
db::build()->delete("items_notes")->where("id", "=", $one_note)->execute();
// Display a success message for deleted faces.
if (count($tag_data) == 1) {
message::success(t("One face deleted."));
} elseif (count($tag_data) > 1) {
message::success(count($tag_data) . t(" faces deleted."));
// Display a success message for deleted notes.
if (count($note_data) == 1) {
message::success(t("One note deleted."));
} elseif (count($note_data) > 1) {
message::success(count($note_data) . t(" notes deleted."));
// Re-load the face tagging page.
public function saveface() {
// Save the face coordinates to the specified tag.
// Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery
// Convert submitted data to local variables.
$tag_data = Input::instance()->post("tagsList");
$str_face_title = str_replace("'", "\'", Input::instance()->post("face_title"));
$str_face_description = str_replace("'", "\'", Input::instance()->post("face_description"));
$item_data = Input::instance()->post("item_id");
$str_x1 = Input::instance()->post("x1");
$str_y1 = Input::instance()->post("y1");
$str_x2 = Input::instance()->post("x2");
$str_y2 = Input::instance()->post("y2");
// If the user didn't select a face, display an error and abort.
if (($str_x1 == "") || ($str_x2 == "") || ($str_y1 == "") || ($str_y2 == "")) {
message::error(t("Please select a face."));
// Decide if we are saving a face or a note.
if ($tag_data == -1) {
// Make sure there's a title.
if ($str_face_title == "") {
message::error(t("Please select a Tag or specify a Title."));
// Save a new Note to the database.
$newnote = ORM::factory("items_note");
$newnote->item_id = $item_data;
$newnote->x1 = $str_x1;
$newnote->y1 = $str_y1;
$newnote->x2 = $str_x2;
$newnote->y2 = $str_y2;
$newnote->title = $str_face_title;
$newnote->description = $str_face_description;
} else {
// Check to see if the tag already has a face associated with it.
$existingFace = ORM::factory("items_face")
->where("tag_id", "=", $tag_data)
->where("item_id", "=", $item_data)
if (count($existingFace) == 0) {
// Save the new face to the database.
$newface = ORM::factory("items_face");
$newface->tag_id = $tag_data;
$newface->item_id = $item_data;
$newface->x1 = $str_x1;
$newface->y1 = $str_y1;
$newface->x2 = $str_x2;
$newface->y2 = $str_y2;
$newface->description = $str_face_description;
} else {
// Update the coordinates of an existing face.
$updatedFace = ORM::factory("items_face", $existingFace[0]->id);
$updatedFace->x1 = $str_x1;
$updatedFace->y1 = $str_y1;
$updatedFace->x2 = $str_x2;
$updatedFace->y2 = $str_y2;
$updatedFace->description = $str_face_description;
// Redirect back to the main screen and display a "success" message.
message::success(t("Annotation saved."));
private function _get_faces_form($id) {
// Generate the form that allows the user to select a tag to
// save the face too. Also displays the coordinates of the face
// and the "Save face" button.
// Make a new Form.
$form = new Forge("photoannotation/saveface", "", "post",
array("id" => "g-tag-faces-form"));
// Create an array of all the tags for the current item.
$all_tags = ORM::factory("tag")
->join("items_tags", "tags.id", "items_tags.tag_id")
->where("items_tags.item_id", "=", $id)
// Generate an array of tags to use as checkboxes.
$array_tags = "";
$array_tags[-1] = t("No Tag");
foreach ($all_tags as $oneTag) {
$array_tags[$oneTag->id] = $oneTag->name;
// Make a checklist of tags on the form.
$tags_group = $form->group("FaceTag")
->label(t("Select a tag or enter in a title:"));
->label(t("Note Title:"));
$tags_description = $form->group("TagsDescription")
->label(t("Description (optional):"));
// Generate input boxes to hold the coordinates of the face.
$coordinates_group = $form->group("FaceCoordinates")
// Add the id# of the photo and a save button to the form.
$form->submit("SaveFace")->value(t("Save face"));
// Return the newly generated form.
return $form;
private function _get_delfaces_form($id) {
// Generate a form to allow the user to remove face data
// from a photo.
// Make a new Form.
$form = new Forge("photoannotation/delface", "", "post",
array("id" => "g-tag-del-faces-form"));
// Create an array of all the tags that already have faces.
$existing_faces = ORM::factory("items_face")
->where("item_id", "=", $id)
// turn the $existing_faces array into an array that can be used
// for a checklist.
$array_faces = "";
foreach ($existing_faces as $oneFace) {
$array_faces[$oneFace->id] = array(ORM::factory("tag",
$oneFace->tag_id)->name, false);
if ($array_faces) {
// Add a checklist to the form.
$tags_group = $form->group("ExistingFaces")
->label(t("Tags with faces:"));
// Add the id# of the photo and a delete button to the form.
->label(t("Select the tag(s) that correspond(s) to the face(s) you wish to delete:"));
// Create an array of all the notes associated with this photo.
$existing_notes = ORM::factory("items_note")
->where("item_id", "=", $id)
// turn the $existing_notes array into an array that can be used
// for a checklist.
$array_notes = "";
foreach ($existing_notes as $oneNote) {
$array_notes[$oneNote->id] = array($oneNote->title, false);
if ($array_notes) {
// Add a checklist to the form.
$notes_group = $form->group("ExistingNotes")
// Add the id# of the photo and a delete button to the form.
->label(t("Select the notes you wish to delete:"));
// Hide the delete button when there's nothing to delete.
if (($array_notes) || ($array_faces)) {
$form->submit("DeleteFace")->value(t("Delete face(s) / note(s)"));
} else {
$form->group("NoFacesNotes")->label(t("There is nothing to delete for this photo."));
// Return the newly generated form.
return $form;