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dmolavi a90fdc51f8 Autorotate module now updates Exif information after rotation. This
prevents external applications from re-rotating when viewing the image.
2010-09-01 09:09:11 +08:00

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/* PEL: PHP Exif Library. A library with support for reading and
* writing all Exif headers in JPEG and TIFF images using PHP.
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Martin Geisler.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program in the file COPYING; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* $Id: PelEntryRational.php 419 2006-02-20 16:22:36Z mgeisler $ */
* Classes used to manipulate rational numbers.
* @author Martin Geisler <mgeisler@users.sourceforge.net>
* @version $Revision: 419 $
* @date $Date: 2006-02-20 17:22:36 +0100 (Mon, 20 Feb 2006) $
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU General Public
* License (GPL)
* @package PEL
/**#@+ Required class definitions. */
* Class for holding unsigned rational numbers.
* This class can hold rational numbers, consisting of a numerator and
* denominator both of which are of type unsigned long. Each rational
* is represented by an array with just two entries: the numerator and
* the denominator, in that order.
* The class can hold either just a single rational or an array of
* rationals. The class will be used to manipulate any of the Exif
* tags which can have format {@link PelFormat::RATIONAL} like in this
* example:
* <code>
* $resolution = $ifd->getEntry(PelTag::X_RESOLUTION);
* $resolution->setValue(array(1, 300));
* </code>
* Here the x-resolution is adjusted to 1/300, which will be 300 DPI,
* unless the {@link PelTag::RESOLUTION_UNIT resolution unit} is set
* to something different than 2 which means inches.
* @author Martin Geisler <mgeisler@users.sourceforge.net>
* @package PEL
class PelEntryRational extends PelEntryLong {
* Make a new entry that can hold an unsigned rational.
* @param PelTag the tag which this entry represents. This should
* be one of the constants defined in {@link PelTag}, e.g., {@link
* PelTag::X_RESOLUTION}, or any other tag which can have format
* {@link PelFormat::RATIONAL}.
* @param array $value... the rational(s) that this entry will
* represent. The arguments passed must obey the same rules as the
* argument to {@link setValue}, namely that each argument should be
* an array with two entries, both of which must be within range of
* an unsigned long (32 bit), that is between 0 and 4294967295
* (inclusive). If not, then a {@link PelOverflowException} will be
* thrown.
function __construct($tag /* $value... */) {
$this->tag = $tag;
$this->format = PelFormat::RATIONAL;
$this->dimension = 2;
$this->min = 0;
$this->max = 4294967295;
$value = func_get_args();
* Format a rational number.
* The rational will be returned as a string with a slash '/'
* between the numerator and denominator.
* @param array the rational which will be formatted.
* @param boolean not used.
* @return string the rational formatted as a string suitable for
* display.
function formatNumber($number, $brief = false) {
return $number[0] . '/' . $number[1];
* Get the value of an entry as text.
* The value will be returned in a format suitable for presentation,
* e.g., rationals will be returned as 'x/y', ASCII strings will be
* returned as themselves etc.
* @param boolean some values can be returned in a long or more
* brief form, and this parameter controls that.
* @return string the value as text.
function getText($brief = false) {
if (isset($this->value[0]))
$v = $this->value[0];
switch ($this->tag) {
case PelTag::FNUMBER:
//CC (e->components, 1, v);
return Pel::fmt('f/%.01f', $v[0]/$v[1]);
//CC (e->components, 1, v);
//if (!v_rat.denominator) return (NULL);
return Pel::fmt('f/%.01f', pow(2, $v[0]/$v[1]/2));
case PelTag::FOCAL_LENGTH:
//CC (e->components, 1, v);
//if (!v_rat.denominator) return (NULL);
return Pel::fmt('%.1f mm', $v[0]/$v[1]);
//CC (e->components, 1, v);
//if (!v_rat.denominator) return (NULL);
return Pel::fmt('%.1f m', $v[0]/$v[1]);
//CC (e->components, 1, v);
//if (!v_rat.denominator) return (NULL);
if ($v[0]/$v[1] < 1)
return Pel::fmt('1/%d sec.', $v[1]/$v[0]);
return Pel::fmt('%d sec.', $v[0]/$v[1]);
case PelTag::GPS_LATITUDE:
$degrees = $this->value[0][0]/$this->value[0][1];
$minutes = $this->value[1][0]/$this->value[1][1];
$seconds = $this->value[2][0]/$this->value[2][1];
return sprintf('%s<> %s\' %s" (%.2f<EFBFBD>)',
$degrees, $minutes, $seconds,
$degrees + $minutes/60 + $seconds/3600);
return parent::getText($brief);
* Class for holding signed rational numbers.
* This class can hold rational numbers, consisting of a numerator and
* denominator both of which are of type unsigned long. Each rational
* is represented by an array with just two entries: the numerator and
* the denominator, in that order.
* The class can hold either just a single rational or an array of
* rationals. The class will be used to manipulate any of the Exif
* tags which can have format {@link PelFormat::SRATIONAL}.
* @author Martin Geisler <mgeisler@users.sourceforge.net>
* @package PEL
class PelEntrySRational extends PelEntrySLong {
* Make a new entry that can hold a signed rational.
* @param PelTag the tag which this entry represents. This should
* be one of the constants defined in {@link PelTag}, e.g., {@link
* PelTag::SHUTTER_SPEED_VALUE}, or any other tag which can have
* format {@link PelFormat::SRATIONAL}.
* @param array $value... the rational(s) that this entry will
* represent. The arguments passed must obey the same rules as the
* argument to {@link setValue}, namely that each argument should be
* an array with two entries, both of which must be within range of
* a signed long (32 bit), that is between -2147483648 and
* 2147483647 (inclusive). If not, then a {@link
* PelOverflowException} will be thrown.
function __construct($tag /* $value... */) {
$this->tag = $tag;
$this->format = PelFormat::SRATIONAL;
$this->dimension = 2;
$this->min = -2147483648;
$this->max = 2147483647;
$value = func_get_args();
* Format a rational number.
* The rational will be returned as a string with a slash '/'
* between the numerator and denominator. Care is taken to display
* '-1/2' instead of the ugly but mathematically equivalent '1/-2'.
* @param array the rational which will be formatted.
* @param boolean not used.
* @return string the rational formatted as a string suitable for
* display.
function formatNumber($number, $brief = false) {
if ($number[1] < 0)
/* Turn output like 1/-2 into -1/2. */
return (-$number[0]) . '/' . (-$number[1]);
return $number[0] . '/' . $number[1];
* Get the value of an entry as text.
* The value will be returned in a format suitable for presentation,
* e.g., rationals will be returned as 'x/y', ASCII strings will be
* returned as themselves etc.
* @param boolean some values can be returned in a long or more
* brief form, and this parameter controls that.
* @return string the value as text.
function getText($brief = false) {
if (isset($this->value[0]))
$v = $this->value[0];
switch ($this->tag) {
//CC (e->components, 1, v);
//if (!v_srat.denominator) return (NULL);
return Pel::fmt('%.0f/%.0f sec. (APEX: %d)',
$v[0], $v[1], pow(sqrt(2), $v[0]/$v[1]));
//CC (e->components, 1, v);
// TODO: figure out the APEX thing, or remove this so that it is
// handled by the default clause at the bottom.
return sprintf('%d/%d', $v[0], $v[1]);
//FIXME: How do I calculate the APEX value?
//CC (e->components, 1, v);
//if (!v_srat.denominator) return (NULL);
return sprintf('%s%.01f', $v[0]*$v[1] > 0 ? '+' : '', $v[0]/$v[1]);
return parent::getText($brief);