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dmolavi a90fdc51f8 Autorotate module now updates Exif information after rotation. This
prevents external applications from re-rotating when viewing the image.
2010-09-01 09:09:11 +08:00

397 lines
12 KiB

/* PEL: PHP Exif Library. A library with support for reading and
* writing all Exif headers in JPEG and TIFF images using PHP.
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Martin Geisler.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program in the file COPYING; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* $Id: PelConvert.php 387 2005-10-05 11:02:52Z mgeisler $ */
* Routines for converting back and forth between bytes and integers.
* @author Martin Geisler <mgeisler@users.sourceforge.net>
* @version $Revision: 387 $
* @date $Date: 2005-10-05 13:02:52 +0200 (Wed, 05 Oct 2005) $
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU General Public
* License (GPL)
* @package PEL
* Conversion functions to and from bytes and integers.
* The functions found in this class are used to convert bytes into
* integers of several sizes ({@link bytesToShort}, {@link
* bytesToLong}, and {@link bytesToRational}) and convert integers of
* several sizes into bytes ({@link shortToBytes} and {@link
* longToBytes}).
* All the methods are static and they all rely on an argument that
* specifies the byte order to be used, this must be one of the class
* constants {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} or {@link BIG_ENDIAN}. These
* constants will be referred to as the pseudo type PelByteOrder
* throughout the documentation.
* @author Martin Geisler <mgeisler@users.sourceforge.net>
* @package PEL
class PelConvert {
* Little-endian (Intel) byte order.
* Data stored in little-endian byte order store the least
* significant byte first, so the number 0x12345678 becomes 0x78
* 0x56 0x34 0x12 when stored with little-endian byte order.
const LITTLE_ENDIAN = true;
* Big-endian (Motorola) byte order.
* Data stored in big-endian byte order store the most significant
* byte first, so the number 0x12345678 becomes 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78
* when stored with big-endian byte order.
const BIG_ENDIAN = false;
* Convert an unsigned short into two bytes.
* @param int the unsigned short that will be converted. The lower
* two bytes will be extracted regardless of the actual size passed.
* @param PelByteOrder one of {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} and {@link
* @return string the bytes representing the unsigned short.
static function shortToBytes($value, $endian) {
if ($endian == self::LITTLE_ENDIAN)
return chr($value) . chr($value >> 8);
return chr($value >> 8) . chr($value);
* Convert a signed short into two bytes.
* @param int the signed short that will be converted. The lower
* two bytes will be extracted regardless of the actual size passed.
* @param PelByteOrder one of {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} and {@link
* @return string the bytes representing the signed short.
static function sShortToBytes($value, $endian) {
/* We can just use shortToBytes, since signed shorts fits well
* within the 32 bit signed integers used in PHP. */
return self::shortToBytes($value, $endian);
* Convert an unsigned long into four bytes.
* Because PHP limits the size of integers to 32 bit signed, one
* cannot really have an unsigned integer in PHP. But integers
* larger than 2^31-1 will be promoted to 64 bit signed floating
* point numbers, and so such large numbers can be handled too.
* @param int the unsigned long that will be converted. The
* argument will be treated as an unsigned 32 bit integer and the
* lower four bytes will be extracted. Treating the argument as an
* unsigned integer means that the absolute value will be used. Use
* {@link sLongToBytes} to convert signed integers.
* @param PelByteOrder one of {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} and {@link
* @return string the bytes representing the unsigned long.
static function longToBytes($value, $endian) {
/* We cannot convert the number to bytes in the normal way (using
* shifts and modulo calculations) because the PHP operator >> and
* function chr() clip their arguments to 2^31-1, which is the
* largest signed integer known to PHP. But luckily base_convert
* handles such big numbers. */
$hex = str_pad(base_convert($value, 10, 16), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if ($endian == self::LITTLE_ENDIAN)
return (chr(hexdec($hex{6} . $hex{7})) .
chr(hexdec($hex{4} . $hex{5})) .
chr(hexdec($hex{2} . $hex{3})) .
chr(hexdec($hex{0} . $hex{1})));
return (chr(hexdec($hex{0} . $hex{1})) .
chr(hexdec($hex{2} . $hex{3})) .
chr(hexdec($hex{4} . $hex{5})) .
chr(hexdec($hex{6} . $hex{7})));
* Convert a signed long into four bytes.
* @param int the signed long that will be converted. The argument
* will be treated as a signed 32 bit integer, from which the lower
* four bytes will be extracted.
* @param PelByteOrder one of {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} and {@link
* @return string the bytes representing the signed long.
static function sLongToBytes($value, $endian) {
/* We can convert the number into bytes in the normal way using
* shifts and modulo calculations here (in contrast with
* longToBytes) because PHP automatically handles 32 bit signed
* integers for us. */
if ($endian == self::LITTLE_ENDIAN)
return (chr($value) .
chr($value >> 8) .
chr($value >> 16) .
chr($value >> 24));
return (chr($value >> 24) .
chr($value >> 16) .
chr($value >> 8) .
* Extract an unsigned byte from a string of bytes.
* @param string the bytes.
* @param int the offset. The byte found at the offset will be
* returned as an integer. The must be at least one byte available
* at offset.
* @return int the unsigned byte found at offset, e.g., an integer
* in the range 0 to 255.
static function bytesToByte($bytes, $offset) {
return ord($bytes{$offset});
* Extract a signed byte from bytes.
* @param string the bytes.
* @param int the offset. The byte found at the offset will be
* returned as an integer. The must be at least one byte available
* at offset.
* @return int the signed byte found at offset, e.g., an integer in
* the range -128 to 127.
static function bytesToSByte($bytes, $offset) {
$n = self::bytesToByte($bytes, $offset);
if ($n > 127)
return $n - 256;
return $n;
* Extract an unsigned short from bytes.
* @param string the bytes.
* @param int the offset. The short found at the offset will be
* returned as an integer. There must be at least two bytes
* available beginning at the offset given.
* @return int the unsigned short found at offset, e.g., an integer
* in the range 0 to 65535.
* @param PelByteOrder one of {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} and {@link
static function bytesToShort($bytes, $offset, $endian) {
if ($endian == self::LITTLE_ENDIAN)
return (ord($bytes{$offset+1}) * 256 +
return (ord($bytes{$offset}) * 256 +
* Extract a signed short from bytes.
* @param string the bytes.
* @param int the offset. The short found at offset will be returned
* as an integer. There must be at least two bytes available
* beginning at the offset given.
* @return int the signed byte found at offset, e.g., an integer in
* the range -32768 to 32767.
* @param PelByteOrder one of {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} and {@link
static function bytesToSShort($bytes, $offset, $endian) {
$n = self::bytesToShort($bytes, $offset, $endian);
if ($n > 32767)
return $n - 65536;
return $n;
* Extract an unsigned long from bytes.
* @param string the bytes.
* @param int the offset. The long found at offset will be returned
* as an integer. There must be at least four bytes available
* beginning at the offset given.
* @return int the unsigned long found at offset, e.g., an integer
* in the range 0 to 4294967295.
* @param PelByteOrder one of {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} and {@link
static function bytesToLong($bytes, $offset, $endian) {
if ($endian == self::LITTLE_ENDIAN)
return (ord($bytes{$offset+3}) * 16777216 +
ord($bytes{$offset+2}) * 65536 +
ord($bytes{$offset+1}) * 256 +
return (ord($bytes{$offset}) * 16777216 +
ord($bytes{$offset+1}) * 65536 +
ord($bytes{$offset+2}) * 256 +
* Extract a signed long from bytes.
* @param string the bytes.
* @param int the offset. The long found at offset will be returned
* as an integer. There must be at least four bytes available
* beginning at the offset given.
* @return int the signed long found at offset, e.g., an integer in
* the range -2147483648 to 2147483647.
* @param PelByteOrder one of {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} and {@link
static function bytesToSLong($bytes, $offset, $endian) {
$n = self::bytesToLong($bytes, $offset, $endian);
if ($n > 2147483647)
return $n - 4294967296;
return $n;
* Extract an unsigned rational from bytes.
* @param string the bytes.
* @param int the offset. The rational found at offset will be
* returned as an array. There must be at least eight bytes
* available beginning at the offset given.
* @return array the unsigned rational found at offset, e.g., an
* array with two integers in the range 0 to 4294967295.
* @param PelByteOrder one of {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} and {@link
static function bytesToRational($bytes, $offset, $endian) {
return array(self::bytesToLong($bytes, $offset, $endian),
self::bytesToLong($bytes, $offset+4, $endian));
* Extract a signed rational from bytes.
* @param string the bytes.
* @param int the offset. The rational found at offset will be
* returned as an array. There must be at least eight bytes
* available beginning at the offset given.
* @return array the signed rational found at offset, e.g., an array
* with two integers in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647.
* @param PelByteOrder one of {@link LITTLE_ENDIAN} and {@link
static function bytesToSRational($bytes, $offset, $endian) {
return array(self::bytesToSLong($bytes, $offset, $endian),
self::bytesToSLong($bytes, $offset+4, $endian));
* Format bytes for dumping.
* This method is for debug output, it will format a string as a
* hexadecimal dump suitable for display on a terminal. The output
* is printed directly to standard out.
* @param string the bytes that will be dumped.
* @param int the maximum number of bytes to dump. If this is left
* out (or left to the default of 0), then the entire string will be
* dumped.
static function bytesToDump($bytes, $max = 0) {
$s = strlen($bytes);
if ($max > 0)
$s = min($max, $s);
$line = 24;
for ($i = 0; $i < $s; $i++) {
printf('%02X ', ord($bytes{$i}));
if (($i+1) % $line == 0)