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hukoeth 55d9bc4986 Version 4 beta 1:
- Implemented user notification (I need testers for this since for some reason my server is not sending mails with PHPs mail-function so I couldn't test)
- Users can decide if they want to receive notifications by editing their profile
- Admin can decide if notifications is switched on by default for new users and users who have not saved this setting
- Guest user is now hidden when adding an annotation
- Added admin option allowing to convert a user annotation to a tag or note annotation when deleting a user
- Added admin option to remove orphaned annotations
- Fixed borders not showing when hovering over an annotation area when having borders switched off on photo hover
- Fixed issue on user page where sometime only one photo would be shown x-times
- Fixed pagination on user profile pages
2010-09-06 20:45:54 -07:00

319 lines
14 KiB

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
* Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class photoannotation_event_Core {
static function module_change($changes) {
// See if the Tags module is installed,
// tell the user to install it if it isn't.
if (!module::is_active("tag") || in_array("tag", $changes->deactivate)) {
t("The Photo Annotation module requires the Tags module. " .
"<a href=\"%url\">Activate the Tags module now</a>",
array("url" => url::site("admin/modules"))),
} else {
if (module::is_active("tagfaces") || in_array("tagfaces", $changes->activate)) {
t("The Photo Annotation module cannot be used together with the TagFaces module. " .
"<a href=\"%url\">Dectivate the TagFaces module now</a>",
array("url" => url::site("admin/modules"))),
} else {
static function site_menu($menu, $theme) {
// Create a menu option for adding face data.
if (!$theme->item()) {
$item = $theme->item();
if ($item->is_photo()) {
if ((access::can("view", $item)) && (access::can("edit", $item))) {
->label(t("Add annotation"))
static function item_deleted($item) {
// Check for and delete existing Faces and Notes.
$existingFaces = ORM::factory("items_face")
->where("item_id", "=", $item->id)
if (count($existingFaces) > 0) {
db::build()->delete("items_faces")->where("item_id", "=", $item->id)->execute();
$existingNotes = ORM::factory("items_note")
->where("item_id", "=", $item->id)
if (count($existingNotes) > 0) {
db::build()->delete("items_notes")->where("item_id", "=", $item->id)->execute();
$existingUsers = ORM::factory("items_user")
->where("item_id", "=", $item->id)
if (count($existingUsers) > 0) {
db::build()->delete("items_users")->where("item_id", "=", $item->id)->execute();
static function user_deleted($old) {
// Check for and delete existing Annotations linked to that user.
$existingFaces = ORM::factory("items_user")
->where("user_id", "=", $old->id)
if (count($existingFaces) > 0) {
$onuserdelete = module::get_var("photoannotation", "onuserdelete", "0");
if (module::get_var("photoannotation", "fullname", false)) {
$new_tag_name = $old->display_name();
} else {
$new_tag_name = $old->name;
switch ($onuserdelete) {
case "1":
//convert to tag
$tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", "=", $new_tag_name)->find();
if (!$tag->loaded()) {
$tag->name = $new_tag_name;
$tag->count = 0;
foreach ($existingFaces as $existingFace) {
$item = ORM::factory("item")->where("id", "=", $existingFace->item_id)->find();
$new_items_tag = ORM::factory("items_face");
$new_items_tag->item_id = $existingFace->item_id;
$new_items_tag->tag_id = $tag->id;
$new_items_tag->x1 = $existingFace->x1;
$new_items_tag->y1 = $existingFace->y1;
$new_items_tag->x2 = $existingFace->x2;
$new_items_tag->y2 = $existingFace->y2;
$new_items_tag->description = $existingFace->description;
case "2":
//convert to note
foreach ($existingFaces as $existingFace) {
$item = ORM::factory("item")->where("id", "=", $existingFace->item_id)->find();
$new_items_tag = ORM::factory("items_note");
$new_items_tag->item_id = $existingFace->item_id;
$new_items_tag->title = $new_tag_name;
$new_items_tag->x1 = $existingFace->x1;
$new_items_tag->y1 = $existingFace->y1;
$new_items_tag->x2 = $existingFace->x2;
$new_items_tag->y2 = $existingFace->y2;
$new_items_tag->description = $existingFace->description;
db::build()->delete("items_users")->where("user_id", "=", $old->id)->execute();
// Delete notification settings
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification")
->where("user_id", "=", $old->id)
if ($notification_settings->loaded()) {
static function user_created($user) {
// Write notification settings
$notify = module::get_var("photoannotation", "notificationoptout", false);
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification");
$notification_settings->user_id = $user->id;
$notification_settings->newtag = $notify;
$notification_settings->comment = $notify;
static function admin_menu($menu, $theme) {
->label(t("Photo Annotation"))
static function show_user_profile($data) {
$view = new Theme_View("dynamic.html", "collection", "userprofiles");
//load thumbs
$item_users = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("user_id", "=", $data->user->id)->find_all();
$children_count = count($item_users);
foreach ($item_users as $item_user) {
$item_thumb = ORM::factory("item")
->where("type", "!=", "album")
->where("id", "=", $item_user->item_id)
$item_thumbs[] = $item_thumb;
$page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9);
$page = (int) Input::instance()->get("page", "1");
$offset = ($page-1) * $page_size;
$max_pages = max(ceil($children_count / $page_size), 1);
// Make sure that the page references a valid offset
if ($page < 1) {
} else if ($page > $max_pages) {
if ($page < $max_pages) {
$next_page_url = url::site("user_profile/show/". $data->user->id ."?page=". ($page + 1));
$view->set_global("next_page_url", $next_page_url);
$view->set_global("first_page_url", url::site("user_profile/show/". $data->user->id ."?page=". $max_pages));
if ($page > 1) {
$view->set_global("previous_page_url", url::site("user_profile/show/". $data->user->id ."?page=". ($page - 1)));
$view->set_global("first_page_url", url::site("user_profile/show/". $data->user->id ."?page=1"));
$view->set_global("page", $page);
$view->set_global("max_pages", $max_pages);
$view->set_global("page_size", $page_size);
$view->set_global("children", array_slice($item_thumbs, $offset, $page_size));;
$view->set_global("children_count", $children_count);
$view->set_global("total", $max_pages);
$view->set_global("position", t("Page") ." ". $page);
if ($children_count > 0) {
$data->content[] = (object)array("title" => t("Photos"), "view" => $view);
static function user_edit_form($user, $form) {
// Allow users to modify notification settings.
if (!module::get_var("photoannotation", "nonotifications", false)) {
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification")->where("user_id", "=", $user->id)->find();
if (!$notification_settings->loaded()) {
$notify = module::get_var("photoannotation", "notificationoptout", false);
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification");
$notification_settings->user_id = $user->id;
$notification_settings->newtag = $notify;
$notification_settings->comment = $notify;
$user_notification = $form->edit_user->group("edit_notification")->label("Tag notifications");
$user_notification->checkbox("photoannotation_newtag")->label(t("Notify me when a tag is added to a photo with me"))
$user_notification->checkbox("photoannotation_comment")->label(t("Notify me if someone comments on a photo with me on it"))
static function user_edit_form_completed($user, $form) {
// Save notification settings.
if (!module::get_var("photoannotation", "nonotifications", false)) {
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification")->where("user_id", "=", $user->id)->find();
if (!$notification_settings->loaded()) {
$notification_settings->user_id = $user->id;
$notification_settings->newtag = $form->edit_user->edit_notification->photoannotation_newtag->value;
$notification_settings->comment = $form->edit_user->edit_notification->photoannotation_comment->value;
static function comment_created($comment) {
//@todo: clean this up
$comment = ORM::factory("comment")->where("id", "=", "52")->find();
if (!module::get_var("photoannotation", "nonotifications", false)) {
$item_users = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("item_id", "=", $comment->item_id)->find_all();
if (count($item_users) > 0) {
foreach ($item_users as $item_user) {
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification")->where("user_id", "=", $item_user-user_id)->find();
if (!$notification_settings->loaded()) {
$notify = module::get_var("photoannotation", "notificationoptout", false);
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification");
$notification_settings->user_id = $item_user-user_id;
$notification_settings->newtag = $notify;
$notification_settings->comment = $notify;
if ($notification_settings->newtag) {
$user_recipient = ORM::factory("user")->where("id", "=", $item_user-user_id)->find();
if ($user_recipient->email != "") {
$recipient = $user_recipient->email;
$subject = t("Somebody has commented on a photo of you");
$item_notify = ORM::factory("item")->where("id", "=", $comment->item_id)->find();
$body = t("Please visit <a href=\"%url\">the gallery</a> to view the photo.", array("url" => $item_notify->resize_url(true)));
->header("Mime-Version", "1.0")
->header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
static function comment_updated($comment) {
//@todo: clean this up
$comment = ORM::factory("comment")->where("id", "=", "52")->find();
if (!module::get_var("photoannotation", "nonotifications", false)) {
$item_users = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("item_id", "=", $comment->item_id)->find_all();
if (count($item_users) > 0) {
foreach ($item_users as $item_user) {
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification")->where("user_id", "=", $item_user-user_id)->find();
if (!$notification_settings->loaded()) {
$notify = module::get_var("photoannotation", "notificationoptout", false);
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification");
$notification_settings->user_id = $item_user-user_id;
$notification_settings->newtag = $notify;
$notification_settings->comment = $notify;
if ($notification_settings->newtag) {
$user_recipient = ORM::factory("user")->where("id", "=", $item_user-user_id)->find();
if ($user_recipient->email != "") {
$recipient = $user_recipient->email;
$subject = t("Somebody has updated a commented on a photo of you");
$item_notify = ORM::factory("item")->where("id", "=", $comment->item_id)->find();
$body = t("Please visit <a href=\"%url\">the gallery</a> to view the photo.", array("url" => $item_notify->resize_url(true)));
->header("Mime-Version", "1.0")
->header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")