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hukoeth 55d9bc4986 Version 4 beta 1:
- Implemented user notification (I need testers for this since for some reason my server is not sending mails with PHPs mail-function so I couldn't test)
- Users can decide if they want to receive notifications by editing their profile
- Admin can decide if notifications is switched on by default for new users and users who have not saved this setting
- Guest user is now hidden when adding an annotation
- Added admin option allowing to convert a user annotation to a tag or note annotation when deleting a user
- Added admin option to remove orphaned annotations
- Fixed borders not showing when hovering over an annotation area when having borders switched off on photo hover
- Fixed issue on user page where sometime only one photo would be shown x-times
- Fixed pagination on user profile pages
2010-09-06 20:45:54 -07:00

284 lines
13 KiB

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
* Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class Admin_Photoannotation_Controller extends Admin_Controller {
public function index() {
print $this->_get_view();
public function converter() {
print $this->_get_converter_view();
public function tagsmaintanance($delete) {
print $this->_get_tagsmaintanance_view($delete);
public function converthandler() {
$form = $this->_get_converter_form();
if ($form->validate()) {
//Load the source tag
$sourcetag = ORM::factory("tag", $form->sourcetag->value);
if (!$sourcetag->loaded()) {
message::error(t("The specified tag could not be found"));
//Load the target user
$targetuser = ORM::factory("user", $form->targetuser->value);
if (!$targetuser->loaded()) {
message::error(t("The specified user could not be found"));
//Load all existing tag annotations
$tag_annotations = ORM::factory("items_face")->where("tag_id", "=", $sourcetag->id)->find_all();
foreach ($tag_annotations as $tag_annotation) {
//Check if there are already user annotations of the target user on photo
$user_annotations = ORM::factory("items_user")
->where("item_id", "=", $tag_annotation->item_id)
->where("user_id", "=", $targetuser->id)
if (count($user_annotations) > 1) {
//If there are more than one existing annotations, delete all and create a new one
foreach ($user_annotations as $user_annotation) {
$target_annotation = ORM::factory("items_user");
} elseif (count($user_annotations) == 1) {
//If there is only one existing annotation, load it and update it
$target_annotation = ORM::factory("items_user", $user_annotations[0]->id);
} else {
//If there are no existing annotations create one
$target_annotation = ORM::factory("items_user");
//Save values from tag annotation to user annotation and save it
$target_annotation->user_id = $targetuser->id;
$target_annotation->item_id = $tag_annotation->item_id;
$target_annotation->x1 = $tag_annotation->x1;
$target_annotation->y1 = $tag_annotation->y1;
$target_annotation->x2 = $tag_annotation->x2;
$target_annotation->y2 = $tag_annotation->y2;
$target_annotation->description = $tag_annotation->description;
//Delete the old annotation
message::success(t("%count tag annotations (%tagname) have been converted to user annotations (%username)", array("count" => count($tag_annotations), "tagname" => $sourcetag->name, "username" => $targetuser->display_name())));
print $this->_get_converter_view($form);
public function handler() {
$form = $this->_get_form();
if ($form->validate()) {
"photoannotation", "noborder", $form->hoverphoto->noborder->value, true);
"photoannotation", "bordercolor", $form->hoverphoto->bordercolor->value);
"photoannotation", "noclickablehover", $form->hoverclickable->noclickablehover->value, true);
"photoannotation", "clickablehovercolor", $form->hoverclickable->clickablehovercolor->value);
"photoannotation", "nohover", $form->hovernoclickable->nohover->value, true);
"photoannotation", "hovercolor", $form->hovernoclickable->hovercolor->value);
"photoannotation", "showusers", $form->legendsettings->showusers->value, true);
"photoannotation", "showfaces", $form->legendsettings->showfaces->value, true);
"photoannotation", "shownotes", $form->legendsettings->shownotes->value, true);
"photoannotation", "fullname", $form->legendsettings->fullname->value, true);
"photoannotation", "nonotifications", $form->notifications->nonotifications->value, true);
"photoannotation", "notificationoptout", $form->notifications->notificationoptout->value, true);
"photoannotation", "onuserdelete", $form->onuserdelete->onuserdelete->value);
message::success(t("Your settings have been saved."));
print $this->_get_view($form);
private function _get_view($form=null) {
$v = new Admin_View("admin.html");
$v->page_title = t("Photo annotation");
$v->content = new View("admin_photoannotation.html");
$v->content->form = empty($form) ? $this->_get_form() : $form;
return $v;
private function _get_converter_view($form=null) {
$v = new Admin_View("admin.html");
$v->page_title = t("Photo annotation converter");
$v->content = new View("admin_photoannotation_converter.html");
$v->content->form = empty($form) ? $this->_get_converter_form() : $form;
return $v;
private function _get_tagsmaintanance_view($delete = false) {
$tag_orpanes_count = 0;
$user_orphanes_count = 0;
$item_orphanes_count = 0;
$tag_orpanes_deleted = 0;
$user_orphanes_deleted = 0;
$item_orphanes_deleted = 0;
//check all tag annotations
$tag_annotations = ORM::factory("items_face")->find_all();
foreach ($tag_annotations as $tag_annotation) {
$check_tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("id", "=", $tag_annotation->tag_id)->find();
if (!$check_tag->loaded()) {
if ($delete) {
} else {
} else {
$check_item = ORM::factory("item")->where("id", "=", $tag_annotation->item_id)->find();
if (!$check_item->loaded()) {
if ($delete) {
} else {
//check all user annotations
$user_annotations = ORM::factory("items_user")->find_all();
foreach ($user_annotations as $user_annotation) {
$check_user = ORM::factory("user")->where("id", "=", $user_annotation->user_id)->find();
if (!$check_user->loaded()) {
if ($delete) {
} else {
} else {
$check_item = ORM::factory("item")->where("id", "=", $user_annotation->item_id)->find();
if (!$check_item->loaded()) {
if ($delete) {
} else {
//check all user annotations
$note_annotations = ORM::factory("items_note")->find_all();
foreach ($note_annotations as $note_annotation) {
$check_item = ORM::factory("item")->where("id", "=", $note_annotation->item_id)->find();
if (!$check_item->loaded()) {
if ($delete) {
} else {
$v = new Admin_View("admin.html");
$v->page_title = t("Photo annotation tags maintanance");
$v->content = new View("admin_photoannotation_tagsmaintanance.html");
$v->content->tag_orpanes_count = $tag_orpanes_count;
$v->content->user_orphanes_count = $user_orphanes_count;
$v->content->item_orphanes_count = $item_orphanes_count;
$v->content->tag_orpanes_deleted = $tag_orpanes_deleted;
$v->content->user_orphanes_deleted = $user_orphanes_deleted;
$v->content->item_orphanes_deleted = $item_orphanes_deleted;
$v->content->dodeletion = $delete;
return $v;
private function _get_converter_form() {
//get all tags
$tags = ORM::factory("tag")->order_by("name", "ASC")->find_all();
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tag_array[$tag->id] = $tag->name;
//get all users
$users = ORM::factory("user")->order_by("name", "ASC")->find_all();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$user_array[$user->id] = $user->display_name();
$form = new Forge("admin/photoannotation/converthandler", "", "post", array("id" => "g-admin-form"));
$form->dropdown("sourcetag")->label(t("Select tag"))
$form->dropdown("targetuser")->label(t("Select user"))
return $form;
private function _get_form() {
$form = new Forge("admin/photoannotation/handler", "", "post", array("id" => "g-admin-form"));
$group = $form->group("hoverphoto")->label(t("Hovering over the photo"));
$group->checkbox("noborder")->label(t("Don't show borders."))
->checked(module::get_var("photoannotation", "noborder", false));
$group->input("bordercolor")->label(t('Border color'))
->value(module::get_var("photoannotation", "bordercolor", "000000"))
$group = $form->group("hoverclickable")->label(t("Hovering over a clickable annotation"));
$group->checkbox("noclickablehover")->label(t("Don't show borders."))
->checked(module::get_var("photoannotation", "noclickablehover", false));
$group->input("clickablehovercolor")->label(t('Border color'))
->value(module::get_var("photoannotation", "clickablehovercolor", "00AD00"))
$group = $form->group("hovernoclickable")->label(t("Hovering over a non-clickable annotation"));
$group->checkbox("nohover")->label(t("Don't show borders."))
->checked(module::get_var("photoannotation", "nohover", false));
$group->input("hovercolor")->label(t('Border color'))
->value(module::get_var("photoannotation", "hovercolor", "990000"))
$group = $form->group("legendsettings")->label(t("Legend settings"));
$group->checkbox("showusers")->label(t("Show face annotation below photo."))
->checked(module::get_var("photoannotation", "showusers", false));
$group->checkbox("showfaces")->label(t("Show face annotation below photo."))
->checked(module::get_var("photoannotation", "showfaces", false));
$group->checkbox("shownotes")->label(t("Show note annotations below photo."))
->checked(module::get_var("photoannotation", "shownotes", false));
$group->checkbox("fullname")->label(t("Show full name of a user instead of the username on annotations (username will be dispayed for users without a full name)."))
->checked(module::get_var("photoannotation", "fullname", false));
$group = $form->group("notifications")->label(t("Notification settings"));
$group->checkbox("nonotifications")->label(t("Disable user notifications."))
->checked(module::get_var("photoannotation", "nonotifications", false));
$group->checkbox("notificationoptout")->label(t("Notify users by default (only applies to new users and user who have not saved their profile after installing this module)."))
->checked(module::get_var("photoannotation", "notificationoptout", false));
$group = $form->group("onuserdelete")->label(t("Auto conversion settings"));
$group->dropdown("onuserdelete")->label(t("When deleting a user do the following with all annotations associated with this user"))
->options(array("0" => t("Delete annotation"), "1" => t("Convert to tag annotation"), "2" => t("Convert to note annotation")))
->selected(module::get_var("photoannotation", "onuserdelete", "0"));
return $form;