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2009-09-23 08:43:11 +02:00

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Executable File

* ExtInfoWindow Class, v1.0
* Copyright (c) 2007, Joe Monahan (http://www.seejoecode.com)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This class lets you add an info window to the map which mimics GInfoWindow
* and allows for users to skin it via CSS. Additionally it has options to
* pull in HTML content from an ajax request, triggered when a user clicks on
* the associated marker.
* Creates a new ExtInfoWindow that will initialize by reading styles from css
* @constructor
* @param {GMarker} marker The marker associated with the info window
* @param {String} windowId The DOM Id we will use to reference the info window
* @param {String} html The HTML contents
* @param {Object} opt_opts A contianer for optional arguments:
* {String} ajaxUrl The Url to hit on the server to request some contents
* {Number} paddingX The padding size in pixels that the info window will leave on
* the left and right sides of the map when panning is involved.
* {Number} paddingY The padding size in pixels that the info window will leave on
* the top and bottom sides of the map when panning is involved.
* {Number} beakOffset The repositioning offset for when aligning the beak element.
* This is used to make sure the beak lines up correcting if the
* info window styling containers a border.
function ExtInfoWindow(marker, windowId, html, opt_opts) {
this.html_ = html;
this.marker_ = marker;
this.infoWindowId_ = windowId;
this.options_ = opt_opts == null ? {} : opt_opts;
this.ajaxUrl_ = this.options_.ajaxUrl == null ? null : this.options_.ajaxUrl;
this.callback_ = this.options_.ajaxCallback == null ? null : this.options_.ajaxCallback;
this.borderSize_ = this.options_.beakOffset == null ? 0 : this.options_.beakOffset;
this.paddingX_ = this.options_.paddingX == null ? 0 + this.borderSize_ : this.options_.paddingX + this.borderSize_;
this.paddingY_ = this.options_.paddingY == null ? 0 + this.borderSize_ : this.options_.paddingY + this.borderSize_;
this.map_ = null;
this.container_ = document.createElement('div');
this.container_.style.position = 'relative';
this.container_.style.display = 'none';
this.contentDiv_ = document.createElement('div');
this.contentDiv_.id = this.infoWindowId_ + '_contents';
this.contentDiv_.innerHTML = this.html_;
this.contentDiv_.style.display = 'block';
this.contentDiv_.style.visibility = 'hidden';
this.wrapperDiv_ = document.createElement('div');
//use the GOverlay class
ExtInfoWindow.prototype = new GOverlay();
* Called by GMap2's addOverlay method. Creates the wrapping div for our info window and adds
* it to the relevant map pane. Also binds mousedown event to a private function so that they
* are not passed to the underlying map. Finally, performs ajax request if set up to use ajax
* in the constructor.
* @param {GMap2} map The map that has had this extInfoWindow is added to it.
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.initialize = function(map) {
this.map_ = map;
this.defaultStyles = {
containerWidth: this.map_.getSize().width / 2,
borderSize: 1
this.wrapperParts = {
tl:{t:0, l:0, w:0, h:0, domElement: null},
t:{t:0, l:0, w:0, h:0, domElement: null},
tr:{t:0, l:0, w:0, h:0, domElement: null},
l:{t:0, l:0, w:0, h:0, domElement: null},
r:{t:0, l:0, w:0, h:0, domElement: null},
bl:{t:0, l:0, w:0, h:0, domElement: null},
b:{t:0, l:0, w:0, h:0, domElement: null},
br:{t:0, l:0, w:0, h:0, domElement: null},
beak:{t:0, l:0, w:0, h:0, domElement: null},
close:{t:0, l:0, w:0, h:0, domElement: null}
for (var i in this.wrapperParts ) {
var tempElement = document.createElement('div');
tempElement.id = this.infoWindowId_ + '_' + i;
tempElement.style.visibility = 'hidden';
tempElement = document.getElementById(this.infoWindowId_ + '_' + i);
var tempWrapperPart = eval('this.wrapperParts.' + i);
tempWrapperPart.w = parseInt(this.getStyle_(tempElement, 'width'));
tempWrapperPart.h = parseInt(this.getStyle_(tempElement, 'height'));
for (var i in this.wrapperParts) {
if (i == 'close' ) {
//first append the content so the close button is layered above it
var wrapperPartsDiv = null;
if (this.wrapperParts[i].domElement == null) {
wrapperPartsDiv = document.createElement('div');
} else {
wrapperPartsDiv = this.wrapperParts[i].domElement;
wrapperPartsDiv.id = this.infoWindowId_ + '_' + i;
wrapperPartsDiv.style.position = 'absolute';
wrapperPartsDiv.style.width = this.wrapperParts[i].w + 'px';
wrapperPartsDiv.style.height = this.wrapperParts[i].h + 'px';
wrapperPartsDiv.style.top = this.wrapperParts[i].t + 'px';
wrapperPartsDiv.style.left = this.wrapperParts[i].l + 'px';
this.wrapperParts[i].domElement = wrapperPartsDiv;
this.container_.id = this.infoWindowId_;
var containerWidth = this.getStyle_(document.getElementById(this.infoWindowId_), 'width');
this.container_.style.width = (containerWidth == null ? this.defaultStyles.containerWidth : containerWidth);
this.contentWidth = this.getDimensions_(this.container_).width;
this.contentDiv_.style.width = this.contentWidth + 'px';
this.contentDiv_.style.position = 'absolute';
GEvent.bindDom(this.container_, 'mousedown', this,this.onClick_);
GEvent.bindDom(this.container_, 'dblclick', this,this.onClick_);
GEvent.bindDom(this.container_, 'DOMMouseScroll', this, this.onClick_);
GEvent.trigger(this.map_, 'extinfowindowopen');
if (this.ajaxUrl_ != null ) {
* Private function to steal mouse click events to prevent it from returning to the map.
* Without this links in the ExtInfoWindow would not work, and you could click to zoom or drag
* the map behind it.
* @private
* @param {MouseEvent} e The mouse event caught by this function
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.onClick_ = function(e) {
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') != -1 && document.all) {
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
window.event.returnValue = false;
} else {
* Remove the extInfoWindow container from the map pane.
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.remove = function() {
if (this.map_.getExtInfoWindow() != null) {
GEvent.trigger(this.map_, 'extinfowindowbeforeclose');
if (this.container_.outerHTML) {
this.container_.outerHTML = ''; //prevent pseudo-leak in IE
if (this.container_.parentNode) {
this.container_ = null;
GEvent.trigger(this.map_, 'extinfowindowclose');
* Return a copy of this overlay, for the parent Map to duplicate itself in full. This
* is part of the Overlay interface and is used, for example, to copy everything in the
* main view into the mini-map.
* @return {GOverlay}
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.copy = function() {
return new ExtInfoWindow(this.marker_, this.infoWindowId_, this.html_, this.options_);
* Draw extInfoWindow and wrapping decorators onto the map. Resize and reposition
* the map as necessary.
* @param {Boolean} force Will be true when pixel coordinates need to be recomputed.
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.redraw = function(force) {
if (!force || this.container_ == null) return;
//set the content section's height, needed so browser font resizing does not affect the window's dimensions
var contentHeight = this.contentDiv_.offsetHeight;
this.contentDiv_.style.height = contentHeight + 'px';
//reposition contents depending on wrapper parts.
//this is necessary for content that is pulled in via ajax
this.contentDiv_.style.left = this.wrapperParts.l.w + 'px';
this.contentDiv_.style.top = this.wrapperParts.tl.h + 'px';
this.contentDiv_.style.visibility = 'visible';
//Finish configuring wrapper parts that were not set in initialization
this.wrapperParts.tl.t = 0;
this.wrapperParts.tl.l = 0;
this.wrapperParts.t.l = this.wrapperParts.tl.w;
this.wrapperParts.t.w = (this.wrapperParts.l.w + this.contentWidth + this.wrapperParts.r.w) - this.wrapperParts.tl.w - this.wrapperParts.tr.w;
this.wrapperParts.t.h = this.wrapperParts.tl.h;
this.wrapperParts.tr.l = this.wrapperParts.t.w + this.wrapperParts.tl.w;
this.wrapperParts.l.t = this.wrapperParts.tl.h;
this.wrapperParts.l.h = contentHeight;
this.wrapperParts.r.l = this.contentWidth + this.wrapperParts.l.w;
this.wrapperParts.r.t = this.wrapperParts.tr.h;
this.wrapperParts.r.h = contentHeight;
this.wrapperParts.bl.t = contentHeight + this.wrapperParts.tl.h;
this.wrapperParts.b.l = this.wrapperParts.bl.w;
this.wrapperParts.b.t = contentHeight + this.wrapperParts.tl.h;
this.wrapperParts.b.w = (this.wrapperParts.l.w + this.contentWidth + this.wrapperParts.r.w) - this.wrapperParts.bl.w - this.wrapperParts.br.w;
this.wrapperParts.b.h = this.wrapperParts.bl.h;
this.wrapperParts.br.l = this.wrapperParts.b.w + this.wrapperParts.bl.w;
this.wrapperParts.br.t = contentHeight + this.wrapperParts.tr.h;
this.wrapperParts.close.l = this.wrapperParts.tr.l +this.wrapperParts.tr.w - this.wrapperParts.close.w - this.borderSize_;
this.wrapperParts.close.t = this.borderSize_;
this.wrapperParts.beak.l = this.borderSize_ + (this.contentWidth / 2) - (this.wrapperParts.beak.w / 2);
this.wrapperParts.beak.t = this.wrapperParts.bl.t + this.wrapperParts.bl.h - this.borderSize_;
//create the decoration wrapper DOM objects
//append the styled info window to the container
for (var i in this.wrapperParts) {
if (i == 'close' ) {
//first append the content so the close button is layered above it
this.wrapperDiv_.insertBefore(this.contentDiv_, this.wrapperParts[i].domElement);
var wrapperPartsDiv = null;
if (this.wrapperParts[i].domElement == null) {
wrapperPartsDiv = document.createElement('div');
} else {
wrapperPartsDiv = this.wrapperParts[i].domElement;
wrapperPartsDiv.id = this.infoWindowId_ + '_' + i;
wrapperPartsDiv.style.width = this.wrapperParts[i].w + 'px';
wrapperPartsDiv.style.height = this.wrapperParts[i].h + 'px';
wrapperPartsDiv.style.top = this.wrapperParts[i].t + 'px';
wrapperPartsDiv.style.left = this.wrapperParts[i].l + 'px';
this.wrapperParts[i].domElement = wrapperPartsDiv;
//add event handler for the close box
var currentMarker = this.marker_;
var thisMap = this.map_;
GEvent.addDomListener(this.wrapperParts.close.domElement, 'click',
function() {
//position the container on the map, over the marker
var pixelLocation = this.map_.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.marker_.getPoint());
this.container_.style.position = 'absolute';
var markerIcon = this.marker_.getIcon();
this.container_.style.left = (pixelLocation.x
- (this.contentWidth / 2)
- markerIcon.iconAnchor.x
+ markerIcon.infoWindowAnchor.x
) + 'px';
this.container_.style.top = (pixelLocation.y
- this.wrapperParts.bl.h
- contentHeight
- this.wrapperParts.tl.h
- this.wrapperParts.beak.h
- markerIcon.iconAnchor.y
+ markerIcon.infoWindowAnchor.y
+ this.borderSize_
) + 'px';
this.container_.style.display = 'block';
if(this.map_.getExtInfoWindow() != null) {
* Determine the dimensions of the contents to recalculate and reposition the
* wrapping decorator elements accordingly.
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.resize = function(){
//Create temporary DOM node for new contents to get new height
//This is done because if you manipulate this.contentDiv_ directly it causes visual errors in IE6
var tempElement = this.contentDiv_.cloneNode(true);
tempElement.id = this.infoWindowId_ + '_tempContents';
tempElement.style.visibility = 'hidden';
tempElement.style.height = 'auto';
tempElement = document.getElementById(this.infoWindowId_ + '_tempContents');
var contentHeight = tempElement.offsetHeight;
//Set the new height to eliminate visual defects that can be caused by font resizing in browser
this.contentDiv_.style.height = contentHeight + 'px';
var contentWidth = this.contentDiv_.offsetWidth;
var pixelLocation = this.map_.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.marker_.getPoint());
var oldWindowHeight = this.wrapperParts.t.domElement.offsetHeight + this.wrapperParts.l.domElement.offsetHeight + this.wrapperParts.b.domElement.offsetHeight;
var oldWindowPosTop = this.wrapperParts.t.domElement.offsetTop;
//resize info window to look correct for new height
this.wrapperParts.l.domElement.style.height = contentHeight + 'px';
this.wrapperParts.r.domElement.style.height = contentHeight + 'px';
var newPosTop = this.wrapperParts.b.domElement.offsetTop - contentHeight;
this.wrapperParts.l.domElement.style.top = newPosTop + 'px';
this.wrapperParts.r.domElement.style.top = newPosTop + 'px';
this.contentDiv_.style.top = newPosTop + 'px';
windowTHeight = parseInt(this.wrapperParts.t.domElement.style.height);
newPosTop -= windowTHeight;
this.wrapperParts.close.domElement.style.top = newPosTop + this.borderSize_ + 'px';
this.wrapperParts.tl.domElement.style.top = newPosTop + 'px';
this.wrapperParts.t.domElement.style.top = newPosTop + 'px';
this.wrapperParts.tr.domElement.style.top = newPosTop + 'px';
* Check to see if the displayed extInfoWindow is positioned off the viewable
* map region and by how much. Use that information to pan the map so that
* the extInfoWindow is completely displayed.
* @private
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.repositionMap_ = function(){
//pan if necessary so it shows on the screen
var mapNE = this.map_.fromLatLngToDivPixel(
var mapSW = this.map_.fromLatLngToDivPixel(
var markerPosition = this.map_.fromLatLngToDivPixel(
var panX = 0;
var panY = 0;
var paddingX = this.paddingX_;
var paddingY = this.paddingY_;
var infoWindowAnchor = this.marker_.getIcon().infoWindowAnchor;
var iconAnchor = this.marker_.getIcon().iconAnchor;
//test top of screen
var windowT = this.wrapperParts.t.domElement;
var windowL = this.wrapperParts.l.domElement;
var windowB = this.wrapperParts.b.domElement;
var windowR = this.wrapperParts.r.domElement;
var windowBeak = this.wrapperParts.beak.domElement;
var offsetTop = markerPosition.y - ( -infoWindowAnchor.y + iconAnchor.y + this.getDimensions_(windowBeak).height + this.getDimensions_(windowB).height + this.getDimensions_(windowL).height + this.getDimensions_(windowT).height + this.paddingY_);
if (offsetTop < mapNE.y) {
panY = mapNE.y - offsetTop;
} else {
//test bottom of screen
var offsetBottom = markerPosition.y + this.paddingY_;
if (offsetBottom >= mapSW.y) {
panY = -(offsetBottom - mapSW.y);
//test right of screen
var offsetRight = Math.round(markerPosition.x + this.getDimensions_(this.container_).width/2 + this.getDimensions_(windowR).width + this.paddingX_ + infoWindowAnchor.x - iconAnchor.x);
if (offsetRight > mapNE.x) {
panX = -( offsetRight - mapNE.x);
} else {
//test left of screen
var offsetLeft = - (Math.round( (this.getDimensions_(this.container_).width/2 - this.marker_.getIcon().iconSize.width/2) + this.getDimensions_(windowL).width + this.borderSize_ + this.paddingX_) - markerPosition.x - infoWindowAnchor.x + iconAnchor.x);
if( offsetLeft < mapSW.x) {
panX = mapSW.x - offsetLeft;
if (panX != 0 || panY != 0 && this.map_.getExtInfoWindow() != null ) {
this.map_.panBy(new GSize(panX,panY));
* Private function that handles performing an ajax request to the server. The response
* information is assumed to be HTML and is placed inside this extInfoWindow's contents region.
* Last, check to see if the height has changed, and resize the extInfoWindow accordingly.
* @private
* @param {String} url The Url of where to make the ajax request on the server
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.ajaxRequest_ = function(url){
var thisMap = this.map_;
var thisCallback = this.callback_;
GDownloadUrl(url, function(response, status){
var infoWindow = document.getElementById(thisMap.getExtInfoWindow().infoWindowId_ + '_contents');
if (response == null || status == -1 ) {
infoWindow.innerHTML = '<span class="error">ERROR: The Ajax request failed to get HTML content from "' + url + '"</span>';
} else {
infoWindow.innerHTML = response;
if (thisCallback != null ) {
GEvent.trigger(thisMap, 'extinfowindowupdate');
* Private function derived from Prototype.js to get a given element's
* height and width
* @private
* @param {Object} element The DOM element that will have height and
* width will be calculated for it.
* @return {Object} Object with keys: width, height
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.getDimensions_ = function(element) {
var display = this.getStyle_(element, 'display');
if (display != 'none' && display != null) { // Safari bug
return {width: element.offsetWidth, height: element.offsetHeight};
// All *Width and *Height properties give 0 on elements with display none,
// so enable the element temporarily
var els = element.style;
var originalVisibility = els.visibility;
var originalPosition = els.position;
var originalDisplay = els.display;
els.visibility = 'hidden';
els.position = 'absolute';
els.display = 'block';
var originalWidth = element.clientWidth;
var originalHeight = element.clientHeight;
els.display = originalDisplay;
els.position = originalPosition;
els.visibility = originalVisibility;
return {width: originalWidth, height: originalHeight};
* Private function derived from Prototype.js to get a given element's
* value that is associated with the passed style
* @private
* @param {Object} element The DOM element that will be checked.
* @param {String} style The style name that will be have it's value returned.
* @return {Object}
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.getStyle_ = function(element, style) {
var found = false;
style = this.camelize_(style);
var value = element.style[style];
if (!value) {
if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
value = css ? css[style] : null;
} else if (element.currentStyle) {
value = element.currentStyle[style];
if((value == 'auto') && (style == 'width' || style == 'height') && (this.getStyle_(element, 'display') != 'none')) {
if( style == 'width' ) {
value = element.offsetWidth;
}else {
value = element.offsetHeight;
return (value == 'auto') ? null : value;
* Private function pulled from Prototype.js that will change a hyphened
* style name into camel case.
* @private
* @param {String} element The string that will be parsed and made into camel case
* @return {String}
ExtInfoWindow.prototype.camelize_ = function(element) {
var parts = element.split('-'), len = parts.length;
if (len == 1) return parts[0];
var camelized = element.charAt(0) == '-'
? parts[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parts[0].substring(1)
: parts[0];
for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
camelized += parts[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parts[i].substring(1);
return camelized;
GMap.prototype.ExtInfoWindowInstance_ = null;
GMap.prototype.ClickListener_ = null;
GMap.prototype.InfoWindowListener_ = null;
* Creates a new instance of ExtInfoWindow for the GMarker. Register the newly created
* instance with the map, ensuring only one window is open at a time. If this is the first
* ExtInfoWindow ever opened, add event listeners to the map to close the ExtInfoWindow on
* zoom and click, to mimic the default GInfoWindow behavior.
* @param {GMap} map The GMap2 object where the ExtInfoWindow will open
* @param {String} cssId The id we will use to reference the info window
* @param {String} html The HTML contents
* @param {Object} opt_opts A contianer for optional arguments:
* {String} ajaxUrl The Url to hit on the server to request some contents
* {Number} paddingX The padding size in pixels that the info window will leave on
* the left and right sides of the map when panning is involved.
* {Number} paddingX The padding size in pixels that the info window will leave on
* the top and bottom sides of the map when panning is involved.
* {Number} beakOffset The repositioning offset for when aligning the beak element.
* This is used to make sure the beak lines up correcting if the
* info window styling containers a border.
GMarker.prototype.openExtInfoWindow = function(map, cssId, html, opt_opts) {
if (map == null) {
throw 'Error in GMarker.openExtInfoWindow: map cannot be null';
return false;
if (cssId == null || cssId == '') {
throw 'Error in GMarker.openExtInfoWindow: must specify a cssId';
return false;
if (map.getExtInfoWindow() != null) {
if (map.getExtInfoWindow() == null) {
map.setExtInfoWindow_( new ExtInfoWindow(
) );
if (map.ClickListener_ == null) {
//listen for map click, close ExtInfoWindow if open
map.ClickListener_ = GEvent.addListener(map, 'click',
function(event) {
if( !event && map.getExtInfoWindow() != null ){
if (map.InfoWindowListener_ == null) {
//listen for default info window open, close ExtInfoWindow if open
map.InfoWindowListener_ = GEvent.addListener(map, 'infowindowopen',
function(event) {
if (map.getExtInfoWindow() != null) {
* Remove the ExtInfoWindow instance
* @param {GMap2} map The map where the GMarker and ExtInfoWindow exist
GMarker.prototype.closeExtInfoWindow = function(map) {
if( map.getExtInfWindow() != null ){
* Get the ExtInfoWindow instance from the map
GMap2.prototype.getExtInfoWindow = function(){
return this.ExtInfoWindowInstance_;
* Set the ExtInfoWindow instance for the map
* @private
GMap2.prototype.setExtInfoWindow_ = function( extInfoWindow ){
this.ExtInfoWindowInstance_ = extInfoWindow;
* Remove the ExtInfoWindow from the map
GMap2.prototype.closeExtInfoWindow = function(){
if( this.getExtInfoWindow() != null ){