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2010-11-03 11:43:56 +02:00

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=== Grey Dragon Theme ===
Grey Dragon Theme - a custom theme for Gallery 3
This theme was designed and built by Serguei Dosyukov, whose blog you will find at http://blog.dragonsoft.us/
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Serguei Dosyukov
Tested up to: G3 3.0 RC2 (Santa Fe) Experimental
Minimum requirement: G3 3.0 RC2 (Santa Fe) Experimental
Donate link: http://blog.dragonsoft.us/gallery-3/
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
=== Open issues ===
- Issue with Delete functionality
- Support for new organize module
- Support for Register module
- Issue with Comments module
=== Changelog ===
version 2.3.1
- Hide Rotate operations for pictures since they are not supported by the theme
- Added use of common gallery.ajax.js. Fix issue with some Ajax based links.
- Layout fixes for Translation form overlay
- Changed CSS styling for buttons to provide unified coverage for buttons and links exposed as buttons.
- ADMIN: Fixed options group styles in Theme's Admin panel
- ADMIN: Advanced Settings for Thumbs and Individual Photo are moved into separate sections.
- ADMIN: New option - display meta data in Photo description section
- ADMIN: New option/fix - SEO indexing is now allowed by default. In order to prevent your site from being indexed, you can now use "Disallow Search Engine Indexing" option
version 2.3.0
- Adopted for Gallery 3.0RC2 changes (minor template adjustments, css class name changes, etc.)
version 2.2.1
- Redesigned Ready event handler for the theme to ensure proper ShadowBox initialization
- Added support for gallery_dialog() function call used by some 3rd party modules - some sync issues are solved by imposed delay of 1 second
- GPS module - better action list alignment in the sidebar
version 2.2.0
- Added support for slideshow mode in Photo Preview
- Fixed issue with Info side block - missing markup
- Fixed issue with Upload dialog layout with some resolutions/fonts
- ADMIN: Added option to hide breadcrumbs
- ADMIN: Added prerequisite check for Info module - required for Thumb meta data display
version 2.1.7
- Added support for missing images in the thumbs to allow proper operations with empty albums or albums with broken thumbs
- Some color optimizations
- Color improvements for "Add Image" dialog
- Better support for Basket module
version 2.1.6
- Wind colorpack adjusted to closer match default Wind theme
version 2.1.5
- Minor changes in ADMIN infrastructure
- ADMIN: added check for Kbd Navigation module
- ADMIN: New color pack - carbon
version 2.1.4
- Minor refactoring in paginator
- Added support for keyboard navigation module (http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:kbd_nav)
version 2.1.3
- Sidebar restricted to item related pages (album, photo, movie, etc)
- Fixed issue with bottom border not applied to all instances of H1 tag
- Min footer size set to 4em
- ADMIN: "Photo: Description Display Mode" option added
- ADMIN: Added new maintenance operation - "Reset Exif Info"
version 2.1.2
- Fixed issue with Album thumbs - empty space under
- Thumb Item's Title Display Mode expanded to be applied to Item's description in Photo page
- More documentations in CSS files, some movements
- Some cleanup for Wind color pack
- Fixed font name typo in screen.css
- Fixed "Waiting" roller for Wind theme to match background
- Added "up" button in navigation
version 2.1.1
- Increased size of Add photo dialog for better display on some lower resolutions.
- ADMIN: New option: "Thumb: Item's Title Display Mode" - specifies how to display item's title in thumbs : Overlay Bottom Hide
version 2.1.0
- Custom Info Block to include item's description
- Image is centered when "Actual Size" aspect is used for thumbs
- Added support for color packs - included: greydragon, wind
- ADMIN: Improved error handling
- ADMIN: Disable submit button on click to prevent Dbl-click
- ADMIN: New option: Enable page cache - adds header marker for page to be cached for 60 seconds
version 2.0.1
- Enable BBCode/HTML support in individual photo descriptions
- Fixed main menu overlay issue when in top position
- Theme's credits moved into dedicated method
- CSS clean up
- Comments module layout enhancements
version 2.0.0
- Major redesign of the gallery flow.
- Added caption and metadata (Admin/optional) overlay for thumbs.
- Added description overlay in individual Photo view (look for "Learn More" marker).
- Based on Admin setting, thumbs are adjusted to fit Digital/Film/Actual size.
- Attempt to fix issue with JS load latency to prevent unhandled AJAX calls
- Added code protection for theme initialization procedure
- ADMIN: Thumb Aspect Ratio option. See help section for more info.
version 1.8.2
- Increased based font size
- Layout adjusted to match new settings
- ADMIN: New option - Place Login Link in the Header
version 1.8.1
- ADMIN: small adjustments in layout and help info
- 3rd party module's related CSS moved into contrib.css
- Adjust user profile screen to match new layout
- initial design for calendar module
version 1.8.0
- ADMIN: Major redesign of the layout. Help section added.
- ADMIN: New option - Show main menu for guest user
- Minimum required Gallery version set to 30
- When configured not to use sidebar, theme is switched into 4 columns layout
version 1.7.6
- Organize module: CSS improvements
- Fixed issue with Chrome browser
version 1.7.5
- ADMIN: Added option to reset theme to default state
- CSS: some size adjustments for dialogs. Added minimum height for overlay to keep dialogs from shrinking.
version 1.7.4
- ADMIN: Theme Gallery 3 core requirement changed to v.26
- ADMIN: Most of theme's settings are documented using element's title attribute - hover over to see a description
- Edit Permissions form redesigned and enlarged to fit more information
version 1.7.3
- ADMIN: Default states for the theme options are no longer being stored. Please save theme settings at least once to take advantage of a new functionality.
- Photo Navigator default position is set to Top Only
version 1.7.2
- Fix in Uploader dialog to keep items inside respected boxes
- Organize module support has been abandoned. Please use GWT Organize module instead. Added item in Prerequisites Checklist.
version 1.7.1
- CSS: Fixed visibility of the "Select Photo" button in "Add photo" dialog
- CSS: Fixed "ghost" line for navigation buttons when zoomed-in in IE
- Admin: fixed issue with prerequisite check not detecting deleted modules
- <theme>/views/support folder deprecated. Logic moved into Theme_View extension class for Theme_View_Core
- Theme Options Page management, generic Page code and BBCode processor moved into Theme_View class
- HACK: Info block is not displayed if there is no description for the item
version 1.6.4
- Admin: Added "Show Sidebar for Albums only" option
- Admin: added error visibility to the requirements validation list
- Small CSS adjustments: Fixed footer min size issue when no site credit info is displayed; added space between Credits in the footer and Footer text area.
- Few missing parts from last git sync
version 1.6.3
- Kohana 2.4 support
- Support for Movie files view
- Admin: Allow hide Sidebar Block header
version 1.6.2
- Admin: Page navigator option changed to use combobox
- Admin: Added option to hide item description in albums
version 1.6.2
- Small CSS adjustments.
- All operation dialogs should be visible now
- Context menu: "Rotate 90..." items are removed due to an issue with image quality affected by the operation
- Context menu: "Choose as the album cover" is now properly handled
version 1.6.1
- Admin: When allowed sidebar position is "Default Only", don't disregard selected Default position
- Adjust item's toolbar buttons to align properly when side bar position is fixed
- BBCode parser improved to support stripping of BBCode for Page title and breadcrumbs
- Fixed issue with main menu missing class declaration not allowing open dialogs
- Adjust context dialogs to properly show caption info
- Caption added to Full size Preview
- "New Comment" form styled
- Admin: Option to align main menu to the top and Breadcrumbs to the left
version 1.6.0
- Admin: Fixed issue with "Rebuild thumbs" option in theme admin
- Admin: Fixed issue with Item's toolbar not properly aligned in Quirks Mode
- Exif data dialog Layout changes
- Item context menu improvements:
- Fixed issue with submit logic
- Layout fixes for context menu dialogs
version 1.5.8
- Admin: First release of the Theme admin option. After theme installation, visit Appearance/Theme
Options to configure the theme. If you had older version of the theme, initial setup is also required.
The following settings are available:
- Rows per album page - theme uses 3 columns layout for pictures, therefore default page_size is computed in x3 increments
- Thumb size is restricted to 200 and therefore not available for administration
- Mark to build resizes/thumbs - allows force rebuilding of images
- Show/Hide top/bottom photo navigators
- Specify allowed and default sidebar position
- Administrator can now specify Copyright message to display in the footer
- Site logo is now default to Gallery 3 logo, but admin can provide a path to custom logo.
- Admin module validates Theme's requirements (Shadowbox module need to be installed/active)
- Sidebar session cookie is set to expire in 365 days
version 1.5.7
- Status message has been moved into header as popup to prevent obstruction of the main view.
jQuery is used to fade it out in 10 sec.
- Improved logic for dialogs on submit
- Theme related JS has been moved out of the page.html.php
version 1.5.6
- Fixed issue with tollbar buttons not properly aligned/shown when page is resized.
- Copyright info moved into DB. To change default settings add [th_greydragon/copyright] into VARS table.
version 1.5.5
- CSS fixes.
- Theme adjusted to be compatible with latest Git.
- Login links are moved into footer.
- Pagination module redesigned to support new structure of paging data.
version 1.5.4
- CSS fixes.
- Added support for Comments block.
- Improved support for Modal dialogs.
version 1.5.3
- Updated to match latest git.
- Exif menu customization is now part of the theme.
- Sidebar management button is disabled for current mode.
version 1.5.2
- Code, layout, css cleanup.
- New thumbs for buttons.
- First set of Ajax dialogs is ready and now operational: Login, user info, edit album, exit info.
- Fixed some browser related issues.