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2013-01-21 01:30:22 -05:00

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<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
* Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class g1_import_Core {
public static $init = false;
public static $map = array();
public static $gallery_dir = null;
public static $album_dir = null;
public static $gallery_url = null;
public static $album_url = null;
public static $resize_size = null;
public static $thumb_size = null;
public static $tree = array();
public static $version = null;
public static $warn_utf8 = array();
public static $queued_items = array();
public static $queued_comments = array();
public static $queued_highlights = array();
public static $albums_flat = array();
public static $albums_hidden = array();
private static $current_g1_item = null;
static function is_configured() {
return module::get_var('g1_import', 'albums_path');
static function is_initialized() {
return g1_import::$init == 'ok';
static function init() {
if (g1_import::$init) {
$albums_path = module::get_var('g1_import', 'albums_path');
if (empty($albums_path)) {
throw new Exception('@todo G1_IMPORT_NOT_CONFIGURED');
g1_import::$init = g1_import::check_config($albums_path);
static function is_valid_albums_path($albums_path) {
return g1_import::check_config($albums_path);
* Initialize the embedded Gallery 1 instance. Call this before any other Gallery 1 calls.
* Return values:
* "ok" - the Gallery 1 install is fine
* "missing" - the albums path does not exist
* "invalid" - the albums path is not a valid Gallery 1 code base
* "broken" - the albums path is correct, but the Gallery 1 install is broken
static function check_config($albums_path) {
self::$album_dir = '';
if (!is_file($albums_path)) {
return 'missing';
$config_path = dirname($albums_path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config.php';
if (!is_file($config_path)) {
return 'invalid';
$albumDir = '';
$albumUrl = '';
$galleryUrl = '';
$thumbSize = '';
$resizeSize = '';
foreach(file($config_path) as $line) {
//look for a line like: $gallery->app->albumDir = "/home/t-horner.com/www/albums";
if(preg_match('/\$gallery *-> *app *-> *albumDir *= *["\']([^"\']*)["\']/i',$line,$result)==1 && count($result)==2 && $result[1]!='')
$albumDir = $result[1];
if(preg_match('/\$gallery *-> *app *-> *albumDirURL *= *["\']([^"\']*)["\']/i',$line,$result)==1 && count($result)==2 && $result[1]!='')
$albumUrl = $result[1];
if(preg_match('/\$gallery *-> *app *-> *photoAlbumURL *= *["\']([^"\']*)["\']/i',$line,$result)==1 && count($result)==2 && $result[1]!='')
$galleryUrl = $result[1];
if(preg_match('/\$gallery *-> *app *-> *default\[ *["\']thumb_size["\'] *\] *= *["\']([^"\']*)["\']/i',$line,$result)==1 && count($result)==2 && $result[1]!='')
$thumbSize = $result[1];
if(preg_match('/\$gallery *-> *app *-> *default\[ *["\']resize_size["\'] *\] *= *["\']([^"\']*)["\']/i',$line,$result)==1 && count($result)==2 && $result[1]!='')
$resizeSize = $result[1];
if ($albumDir=='' || !is_dir($albumDir) || $albumUrl=='' || $galleryUrl=='') {
return 'broken';
self::$album_dir = $albumDir;
self::$album_url = $albumUrl;
self::$gallery_url = $galleryUrl;
self::$thumb_size = $thumbSize;
self::$resize_size = $resizeSize;
self::$gallery_dir = dirname($albums_path);
$version = '';
$version_path = dirname($albums_path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Version.php';
if (!is_file($version_path)) {
$version_path = dirname($albums_path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'version.php';
if (is_file($version_path)) {
foreach(file($version_path) as $line) {
//look for a line like: $gallery->version = '1.5.10';
if(preg_match('/\$gallery *-> *version *= *["\']([^"\']*)["\']/i',$line,$result)==1 && count($result)==2 && $result[1]!='')
$version = $result[1];
else {
$version = '1.x';
self::$version = $version;
return 'ok';
* Return the version of Gallery 1 (eg "1.5.10")
static function version() {
return '1';
return self::$version;
static function recursiveCountGallery($albumDir, &$array, $level) {
$countAlbum = 0;
foreach($array as $key => &$valdummy) {
$converted = utf8_encode($key);
if( $converted != $key )
self::$warn_utf8[] = $converted;
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
if($key!='') {
self::$albums_flat[] = $level.':'.$key;
list($result, $items) = Gallery1DataParser::getPhotos($albumDir.$key.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
foreach($items as $object) {
if(isset($object->image) && is_a($object->image, 'G1Img')) {
$item = $key.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$object->image->name;
self::$queued_items[] = $item;
if(isset($object->comments) && is_array($object->comments) && count($object->comments)) {
$comments = array();
foreach ($object->comments as $comment) {
if (is_a($comment, 'Comment')) {
$comments[] = array( 'commentText' => $comment->commentText
,'name' => $comment->name
,'UID' => $comment->UID
,'datePosted' => $comment->datePosted
,'IPNumber' => $comment->IPNumber
self::$queued_comments[] = array( $item => $comments );
if(isset($object->highlight) && $object->highlight==1 && isset($object->highlightImage) && is_a($object->highlightImage, 'G1Img')) {
self::$queued_highlights[] = $level.':'.$key.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$object->highlightImage->name;
else if(isset($object->isAlbumName) && $object->isAlbumName!='') {
if(isset($object->highlight) && $object->highlight==1 && isset($object->highlightImage) && is_a($object->highlightImage, 'G1Img')) {
self::$queued_highlights[] = $level.':'.$key.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$object->highlightImage->name;
if(isset($object->hidden) && $object->hidden==1) {
self::$albums_hidden[$object->isAlbumName] = 1;
else {
g1_import::log('Invalid object found: '.print_r($object, true));
if(is_array($value) && count($value)>0) {
$countAlbum += g1_import::recursiveCountGallery($albumDir, $value, $level+1);
return $countAlbum;
* Return a set of statistics about the number of users, groups, albums, photos, movies and
* comments available for import from the Gallery 1 instance.
static function g1_stats() {
$stats['users'] = 0;
$stats['groups'] = 0;
$stats['albums'] = 0;
$stats['photos'] = 0;
$stats['movies'] = 0;
$stats['comments'] = 0;
$stats['tags'] = 0;
$albumDir = self::$album_dir;
if(substr($albumDir,-1)!=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) $albumDir.=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if(Gallery1DataParser::isValidAlbumsPath($albumDir)) {
if(count(self::$tree)==0) {
list($result, $tree) = Gallery1DataParser::getAlbumHierarchy($albumDir);
if($result==null) self::$tree = $tree;
list($result, $uids) = Gallery1DataParser::getUserUids($albumDir);
if($result==null) $stats['users'] = count($uids);
self::$queued_items = array();
self::$queued_comments = array();
self::$queued_highlights = array();
self::$albums_flat = array();
self::$albums_hidden = array();
self::$warn_utf8 = array();
if(count(self::$tree)) $stats['albums'] = 1 /* <= THE ROOT ALBUM!!!*/ + g1_import::recursiveCountGallery($albumDir, self::$tree, 0);
$stats['photos'] = count(self::$queued_items);
foreach(self::$queued_comments as $element) {
foreach($element as $item => $comments) {
$stats['comments'] += count($comments);
$stats['highlights'] = count(self::$queued_highlights);
foreach(self::$albums_flat as $key => $value) {
$pos = strpos($value, ':');
if($pos!==false) self::$albums_flat[$key] = substr($value, $pos+1);
return $stats;
* Return a set of statistics about the number of users, groups, albums, photos, movies and
* comments already imported into the Gallery 3 instance.
static function g3_stats() {
$g3_stats = array(
'album' => 0, 'comment' => 0, 'item' => 0, 'user' => 0, 'group' => 0, 'tag' => 0);
foreach (db::build()
->select(array('C' => 'COUNT("*")'))
->where('resource_type', 'IN', array('album', 'comment', 'item', 'user', 'group'))
->execute() as $row) {
$g3_stats[$row->resource_type] = $row->C;
return $g3_stats;
* Import a single album.
static function import_album(&$queue) {
$messages = array();
// The queue is a set of nested associative arrays where the key is the album id and the
// value is an array of similar arrays. We'll do a breadth first tree traversal using the
// queue to keep our state. Doing it breadth first means that the parent will be created by
// the time we get to the child.
// Dequeue the current album and enqueue its children
list($album, $tree) = each($queue);
g1_import::debug( t('Dequeued album %album.', array('album' => $album)) );
foreach($tree as $key => $value) {
$queue[$album.'/'.$key] = $value;
g1_import::debug( t('Enqueued album %album.', array('album' => $album.'/'.$key)) );
// Special handling for the root album
if ($album == '') {
if (!self::map('', '', 'album')) {
$album = item::root();
self::set_map($album->id, '', '', 'album');
return $messages;
// Album names come in as /Folder1/Folder2/FolderX
$pos = strrpos($album, '/');
if($pos===false) {
return $messages;
// Get FolderX into g1_album
$parent = substr($album,0,$pos);
$g1_album = substr($album,$pos+1);
// Reduce parent to Folder2
$pos = strrpos($parent, '/');
if($pos!==false) {
$parent = substr($parent,$pos+1);
// Skip already-existing albums
if (self::map($g1_album, '', 'album')) {
$messages[] = t('Skipping already existing album %album.', array('album' => $parent.'/'.$g1_album));
return $messages;
$album_id = self::map($parent, '', 'album');
if (!$album_id) {
$messages[] = t('Album %name not found', array('name' => $parent));
return $messages;
g1_import::debug( t('Now importing album %album.', array('album' => $parent.'/'.$g1_album)) );
$albumDir = self::$album_dir;
if(substr($albumDir,-1)!=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) $albumDir.=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$importDir = $albumDir.$g1_album.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$parent = ORM::factory('item', $album_id);
$album = ORM::factory('item');
$album->type = 'album';
$album->parent_id = $album_id;
g1_import::set_album_values($album, $g1_album);
try {
} catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
throw new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to validate Gallery 1 album with name %name.',
array('name' => $g1_album)),
try {
self::set_map($album->id, $g1_album, '', 'album');
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to import Gallery 1 album with name %name.',
array('name' => $g1_album)),
try {
list($result, $items) = Gallery1DataParser::getPhotos($importDir);
foreach($items as $object) {
if(isset($object->highlight) && $object->highlight==1 && isset($object->highlightImage) && is_a($object->highlightImage, 'G1Img')) {
$g1_path = $importDir.$object->highlightImage->name.'.'.$object->highlightImage->type;
if (is_file($g1_path) && @copy($g1_path, $album->thumb_path())) {
$album->thumb_height = $object->highlightImage->height;
$album->thumb_width = $object->highlightImage->width;
$album->thumb_dirty = false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to copy thumb for album %name.',
array('name' => $g1_album)),
try {
if(isset(self::$albums_hidden[$g1_album])) {
access::deny(identity::everybody(), 'view', $album);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to set access permission for hidden album %name.',
array('name' => $g1_album)),
return $messages;
* Transfer over all the values from a G1 album to a G3 album.
static function set_album_values($album, $g1_album) {
$albumDir = self::$album_dir;
if(substr($albumDir,-1)!=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) $albumDir.=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$albumDir .= $g1_album;
if(substr($albumDir,-1)!=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) $albumDir.=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
list($result, $fields) = Gallery1DataParser::loadAlbumFields($albumDir);
$album->name = $fields['name'];
$album->slug = item::convert_filename_to_slug($fields['name']); // <= verification fails if this property has not been set!!!
$album->title = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($fields['title'])));
$album->title or $album->title = $album->name;
$album->description = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($fields['description'])));
//$album->owner_id = self::map($g1_album->getOwnerId());
if(strlen($album->title)>255) {
if(strlen($album->description)==0) {
$album->description = $album->title;
$album->title = substr($album->title, 0, 252).'...';
try {
$album->view_count = (int) $fields['clicks'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
// @todo log
$album->view_count = 0;
$album->created = $fields['clicks_date'];
$album->sort_column = 'weight'; //G1 was always sorted manually
$album->sort_order = 'ASC';
* Set the highlight properly for a single album
static function set_album_highlight(&$queue) {
$messages = array();
if(count($queue)==0) {
$messages[] = t('Empty highlights queue');
return $messages;
$item = array_shift($queue);
if (substr($item, -10) == '.highlight') {
$item = substr($item, 0, strlen($item)-10);
g1_import::debug( t('Now importing highlight %item', array('item' => $item)) );
// Item names come in as Level:FolderX/ItemX
$pos = strpos($item, ':');
if($pos===false) {
$messages[] = t('Invalid item %item', array('item' => $item));
return $messages;
$item = substr($item, $pos+1);
// Item names come in as FolderX/ItemX
$pos = strrpos($item, '/');
if($pos===false) {
$messages[] = t('Invalid item %item', array('item' => $item));
return $messages;
// Get ItemX into g1_item
$g1_item = substr($item,$pos+1);
// Get FolderX into g1_item
$g1_album = substr($item,0,$pos);
if (self::map($g1_album, '', 'highlight')) {
return $messages;
$album_id = self::map($g1_album, '', 'album');
if (!$album_id) {
$messages[] = t('Album %name not found', array('name' => $g1_album));
return $messages;
$item_id = self::map($g1_album, $g1_item, 'item');
if (!$item_id) {
$item_id = self::map($g1_item, '', 'album');
if (!$item_id) {
$messages[] = t('Item/Album %name not found', array('name' => $item));
return $messages;
$album = ORM::factory('item', $album_id);
$album->album_cover_item_id = $item_id;
$album->thumb_dirty = 1;
try {
g1_import::debug( t('Added highlight %item to %album', array('item' => $item, 'album' => $album->name)) );
} catch (Exception $e) {
$messages[] = (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t("Failed to generate an album highlight for album '%name'.",
array('name' => $album->name)),
return $messages;
$album_id = self::map($g1_album, '', 'album');
self::set_map($album_id, $g1_album, '', 'highlight');
g1_import::debug( t('Added highlight %item to %album', array('item' => $item, 'album' => $album->name)) );
return $messages;
static function hotfix_all() {
$messages = array();
$messages[] = t('Running Hotfix');
$albumDir = self::$album_dir;
if(substr($albumDir,-1)!=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) $albumDir.=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
foreach(self::$albums_flat as $g1_album) {
$album_id = self::map($g1_album, '', 'album');
if (!$album_id) {
$messages[] = t('Album %name not found', array('name' => $g1_album));
$album = ORM::factory('item', $album_id);
$importDir = $albumDir.$g1_album.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
try {
list($result, $items) = Gallery1DataParser::getPhotos($importDir);
foreach($items as $object) {
if(isset($object->highlight) && $object->highlight==1 && isset($object->highlightImage) && is_a($object->highlightImage, 'G1Img')) {
$g1_path = $importDir.$object->highlightImage->name.'.'.$object->highlightImage->type;
if (is_file($g1_path) && @copy($g1_path, $album->thumb_path())) {
$album->thumb_height = $object->highlightImage->height;
$album->thumb_width = $object->highlightImage->width;
$album->thumb_dirty = false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$messages[] = (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to copy thumb for album %name.',
array('name' => $g1_album)),
foreach(self::$albums_hidden as $g1_album => $dummy) {
try {
$album_id = self::map($g1_album, '', 'album');
$album = ORM::factory('item', $album_id);
access::deny(identity::everybody(), 'view', $album);
$messages[] = t('Denying access to %album', array('album' => $g1_album));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$messages[] = (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to set access permission for hidden album %name.',
array('name' => $g1_album)),
return $messages;
* Import a single photo or movie.
static function import_item(&$queue) {
$messages = array();
if(count($queue)==0) {
$messages[] = t('Empty item queue');
return $messages;
$item_id = array_shift($queue);
g1_import::debug( t('Now importing item %item', array('item' => $item_id)) );
// Item names come in as FolderX/ItemX
$pos = strrpos($item_id, '/');
if($pos===false) {
return $messages;
// Get ItemX into g1_item
$g1_item = substr($item_id,$pos+1);
// Get FolderX into g1_item
$g1_album = substr($item_id,0,$pos);
if (self::map($g1_album, $g1_item, 'item')) {
return $messages;
$album_id = self::map($g1_album, '', 'album');
if (!$album_id) {
$messages[] = t('Album %name not found', array('name' => $g1_album));
return $messages;
$album_item = null;
$albumDir = self::$album_dir;
if(substr($albumDir,-1)!=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) $albumDir.=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
list($result, $items) = Gallery1DataParser::getPhotos($albumDir.$g1_album.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
foreach($items as $object) {
if(isset($object->image) && is_a($object->image, 'G1Img') && isset($object->image->name) && ($object->image->name==$g1_item)) {
$album_item = $object;
if ($album_item==null) {
$messages[] = t('Failed to import Gallery 1 item: %item', array('item' => $item_id));
return $messages;
$corrupt = 0;
self::$current_g1_item = array( $item_id => $album_item );
$g1_path = $albumDir.$g1_album.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$album_item->image->name.'.'.$album_item->image->type;
$parent = ORM::factory('item', $album_id);
switch($album_item->image->type) {
case 'jpg':
case 'jpeg':
case 'gif':
case 'png':
$g1_type = 'GalleryPhotoItem'; break;
case 'wmv':
case '3gp':
case 'avi':
case 'mp4':
case 'mov':
case 'flv':
$g1_type = 'GalleryMovieItem'; break;
$g1_type = 'GalleryPhotoItem'; break;
if (!file_exists($g1_path)) {
// If the Gallery 1 source image isn't available, this operation is going to fail. That can
// happen in cases where there's corruption in the source Gallery 1. In that case, fall
// back on using a broken image. It's important that we import *something* otherwise
// anything that refers to this item in Gallery 1 will have a dangling pointer in Gallery 3
// Note that this will change movies to be photos, if there's a broken movie. Hopefully
// this case is rare enough that we don't need to take any heroic action here.
t('%path missing in import; replacing it with a placeholder', array('path' => $g1_path)));
$g1_path = MODPATH . 'g1_import/data/broken-image.gif';
$g1_type = 'GalleryPhotoItem';
$corrupt = 1;
$item = null;
switch ($g1_type) {
case 'GalleryPhotoItem':
$type = mime_content_type($g1_path);
$type = self::get_mime_type($g1_path);
if ($type!='' && !in_array($type, array('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png'))) {
Kohana_Log::add('alert', "$g1_path is an unsupported image type $type; using a placeholder gif");
$messages[] = t("'%path' is an unsupported image type '%type', using a placeholder",
array('path' => $g1_path, 'type' => $type));
$g1_path = MODPATH . 'g1_import/data/broken-image.gif';
$corrupt = 1;
try {
$item = ORM::factory('item');
$item->type = 'photo';
$item->parent_id = $album_id;
$item->name = $g1_item.'.'.$album_item->image->type;
$item->slug = item::convert_filename_to_slug($g1_item);
$item->mime_type = $type;
$item->title = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($album_item->caption)));
$item->title or $item->title = ' '; //don't use $item->name as this clutters up the UI
if(isset($album_item->description) && $album_item->description!='')
$item->description = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($album_item->description)));
//$item->owner_id = self::map($g1_item->getOwnerId());
try {
$item->view_count = (int) $album_item->clicks;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$item->view_count = 1;
if(strlen($item->title)>255) {
if(strlen($item->description)==0) {
$item->description = $item->title;
$item->title = substr($item->title, 0, 252).'...';
} catch (Exception $e) {
$exception_info = (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t("Corrupt image '%path'", array('path' => $g1_path)),
$e, $messages);
Kohana_Log::add('alert', "Corrupt image $g1_path\n" . $exception_info);
$messages[] = $exception_info;
$corrupt = 1;
$item = null;
return $messages;
try {
} catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
$exception_info = (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to validate Gallery 1 item %item.',
array('item' => $item_id)),
$e, $messages);
Kohana_Log::add('alert', "Failed to validate Gallery 1 item $item_id.\n" . $exception_info);
$messages[] = $exception_info;
$corrupt = 1;
$item = null;
return $messages;
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$exception_info = (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to import Gallery 1 item %item.',
array('item' => $item_id)),
$e, $messages);
Kohana_Log::add('alert', "Failed to import Gallery 1 item $item_id.\n" . $exception_info);
$messages[] = $exception_info;
$corrupt = 1;
$item = null;
case 'GalleryMovieItem':
// @todo we should transcode other types into FLV
$type = mime_content_type($g1_path);
$type = self::get_mime_type($g1_path);
if ($type=='' || in_array($type, array('video/mp4', 'video/x-flv'))) {
try {
$item = ORM::factory('item');
$item->type = 'movie';
$item->parent_id = $album_id;
$item->name = $g1_item.'.'.$album_item->image->type;
$item->slug = item::convert_filename_to_slug($g1_item);
$item->mime_type = $type;
$item->title = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($album_item->caption)));
$item->title or $item->title = ' '; //$item->name;
if(isset($album_item->description) && $album_item->description!='')
$item->description = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($album_item->description)));
//$item->owner_id = self::map($g1_item->getOwnerId());
try {
$item->view_count = (int) $album_item->clicks;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$item->view_count = 1;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$exception_info = (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t("Corrupt movie '%path'", array("path" => $g1_path)),
$e, $messages);
Kohana_Log::add('alert', "Corrupt movie $g1_path\n" . $exception_info);
$messages[] = $exception_info;
$corrupt = 1;
$item = null;
return $messages;
try {
} catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
$exception_info = (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to validate Gallery 1 item %item.',
array('item' => $item_id)),
$e, $messages);
Kohana_Log::add('alert', "Failed to validate Gallery 1 item $item_id.\n" . $exception_info);
$messages[] = $exception_info;
$corrupt = 1;
$item = null;
return $messages;
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$exception_info = (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to import Gallery 1 item %item.',
array('item' => $item_id)),
$e, $messages);
Kohana_Log::add('alert', "Failed to import Gallery 1 item $item_id.\n" . $exception_info);
$messages[] = $exception_info;
$corrupt = 1;
$item = null;
} else {
Kohana_Log::add('alert', "$g1_path is an unsupported movie type $type");
$messages[] = t("'%path' is an unsupported movie type '%type'", array('path' => $g1_path, 'type' => $type));
$corrupt = 1;
// Ignore
if (isset($item)) {
self::set_map($item->id, $g1_album, $g1_item, 'item');
if(isset($album_item->keywords) && $album_item->keywords!='') {
$keywords = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($album_item->keywords)));
if($keywords!='') {
self::import_keywords_as_tags($keywords, $item);
if ($corrupt) {
$title = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($album_item->caption)));
$title or $title = $g1_item;
if (!empty($item)) {
$messages[] =
t('<a href="%g1_url">%title</a> from Gallery 1 could not be processed; (imported as <a href="%g3_url">%title</a>)',
array('g1_url' => $gallery_url.'/'.$item_id,
'g3_url' => $item->url(),
'title' => $title));
} else {
$messages[] =
t('<a href="%g1_url">%title</a> from Gallery 1 could not be processed',
array('g1_url' => $gallery_url.'/'.$item_id, 'title' => $title));
self::$current_g1_item = null;
return $messages;
function get_mime_type($filename, $mimePath = '/etc') {
$fileext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1);
if (empty($fileext)) return (false);
$regex = "/^([\w\+\-\.\/]+)\s+(\w+\s)*($fileext\s)/i";
$lines = file("$mimePath/mime.types");
foreach($lines as $line) {
if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '#') continue; // skip comments
$line = rtrim($line) . ' ';
if (!preg_match($regex, $line, $matches)) continue; // no match to the extension
return ($matches[1]);
return (false); // no match at all
* Import a single comment.
static function import_comment(&$queue) {
$messages = array();
if(count($queue)==0) {
//this case happens if more than one comment is found on one or more items
$messages[] = t('Empty comments queue');
return $messages;
$element = array_shift($queue);
list($item, $comments) = each($element);
g1_import::debug( t('Now importing %$comments comment(s) for item %$item', array('album' => $item, 'comments' => count($comments))) );
// Item names come in as FolderX/ItemX
$pos = strrpos($item, '/');
if($pos===false) {
$messages[] = t('Invalid item %item', array('item' => $item));
return $messages;
// Get ItemX into g1_item
$g1_item = substr($item,$pos+1);
// Get FolderX into g1_item
$g1_album = substr($item,0,$pos);
if (self::map($g1_album, $g1_item, 'comment')) {
return $messages;
$item_id = self::map($g1_album, $g1_item, 'item');
if (empty($item_id)) {
$messages[] = t('Could not find item %item', array('item' => $item));
foreach ($comments as $g1comment) {
// Just import the fields we know about. Do this outside of the comment API for now so that
// we don't trigger spam filtering events
$comment = ORM::factory('comment');
$comment->author_id = identity::guest()->id;
$comment->guest_name = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($g1comment['name'])));
$comment->guest_name or $comment->guest_name = (string) t('Anonymous coward');
$comment->guest_email = 'unknown@nobody.com';
$comment->item_id = $item_id;
$comment->text = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($g1comment['commentText'])));
$comment->state = 'published';
$comment->server_http_host = utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($g1comment['IPNumber'])));
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$messages[] = (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t('Failed to import comment for item: %item.',
array('item' => $item)),
return $messages;
// Backdate the creation date. We can't do this at creation time because
// Comment_Model::save() will override it.
->set('created', utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($g1comment['datePosted']))))
->set('updated', utf8_encode(self::_decode_html_special_chars(trim($g1comment['datePosted']))))
->where('id', '=', $comment->id)
self::set_map($item_id, $g1_album, $g1_item, 'comment');
return $messages;
* g1 encoded'&', '"', '<' and '>' as '&amp;', '&quot;', '&lt;' and '&gt;' respectively.
* This function undoes that encoding.
private static function _decode_html_special_chars($value) {
return str_replace(array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '&auml;', '&ouml;', '&uuml;', '&Auml;', '&Ouml;', '&Uuml;', '&szlig;'),
array('&', '"', '<', '>', '<27>', '<27>', '<27>', '<27>', '<27>', '<27>', '<27>'), $value);
static function import_keywords_as_tags($keywords, $item) {
// FIXME check if this is true for G1 (copied from G2 import module):
// Keywords in G1 are free form. So we don't know what our user used as a separator. Try to
// be smart about it. If we see a comma or a semicolon, expect the keywords to be separated
// by that delimeter. Otherwise, use space as the delimiter.
if (strpos($keywords, ';')) {
$delim = ';';
} else if (strpos($keywords, ',')) {
$delim = ',';
} else {
$delim = ' ';
foreach (preg_split("/$delim/", $keywords) as $keyword) {
$keyword = trim($keyword);
if ($keyword) {
tag::add($item, $keyword);
* If the thumbnails and resizes created for the Gallery 1 photo match the dimensions of the
* ones we expect to create for Gallery 3, then copy the files over instead of recreating them.
static function copy_matching_thumbnails_and_resizes($item) {
// We only operate on items that are being imported
if (empty(self::$current_g1_item)) {
// Precaution: if the Gallery 1 item was watermarked, or we have the Gallery 3 watermark module
// active then we'd have to do something a lot more sophisticated here. For now, just skip
// this step in those cases.
// @todo we should probably use an API here, eventually.
if (module::is_active('watermark') && module::get_var('watermark', 'name')) {
// For now just do the copy for photos and movies. Albums are tricky because we're may not
// yet be setting their album cover properly.
// @todo implement this for albums also
if (!$item->is_movie() && !$item->is_photo()) {
list( $item_id, $album_item ) = each(self::$current_g1_item);
// Item names come in as FolderX/ItemX
$pos = strrpos($item_id, '/');
if($pos===false) {
// Get ItemX into g1_item
$g1_item = substr($item_id,$pos+1);
// Get FolderX into g1_item
$g1_album = substr($item_id,0,$pos);
$target_thumb_size = module::get_var('gallery', 'thumb_size');
$target_resize_size = module::get_var('gallery', 'resize_size');
if ( isset($album_item->thumbnail) && is_a($album_item->thumbnail, 'G1Img') ) {
if($item->thumb_dirty &&
($album_item->thumbnail->width == $target_thumb_size ||
$album_item->thumbnail->height == $target_thumb_size)) {
$g1_path = $albumDir.$g1_album.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$album_item->thumbnail->name.'.'.$album_item->thumbnail->type;
if (@copy($g1_path, $item->thumb_path())) {
$item->thumb_height = $album_item->thumbnail->height;
$item->thumb_width = $album_item->thumbnail->width;
$item->thumb_dirty = false;
* No use to try to take over the highlight images here as they will be overwritten anyway.
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
return (string) new G1_Import_Exception(
t("Failed to copy thumbnails and resizes for item '%name' (Gallery 1 id: %id)",
array('name' => $item->name, 'id' => $item_id)),
* Figure out the most common resize and thumb sizes in Gallery 1 so that we can tell the admin
* what theme settings to set to make the import go faster. If we match up the sizes then we
* can just copy over derivatives instead of running graphics toolkit operations.
static function common_sizes() {
return array( 'resize' => array( 'size' => self::$resize_size, 'count' => 1 )
,'thumb' => array( 'size' => self::$thumb_size, 'count' => 1 )
,'total' => 1
* Look in our map to find the corresponding Gallery 3 id for the given Gallery 1 id.
static function map($album, $item, $resource_type) {
if (!array_key_exists($resource_type.':'.$album.'/'.$item, self::$map)) {
$mapping = ORM::factory('g1_map')->where('album', '=', $album)->where('item', '=', $item)->where('resource_type', '=', $resource_type)->find();
self::$map[$resource_type.':'.$album.'/'.$item] = $mapping->loaded() ? $mapping->id : null;
return self::$map[$resource_type.':'.$album.'/'.$item];
* Associate a Gallery 1 id with a Gallery 3 item id.
static function set_map($id, $album, $item, $resource_type) {
$mapping = ORM::factory('g1_map');
$mapping->id = $id;
$mapping->album = $album;
$mapping->item = $item;
$mapping->resource_type = $resource_type;
self::$map[$resource_type.':'.$album.'/'.$item] = $id;
static function log($msg) {
Kohana_Log::add('alert', $msg);
static function debug($msg) {
Kohana_Log::add('debug', $msg);