Fix for displaying filter tag list by first letter problem.

This commit is contained in:
rWatcher 2012-06-27 19:20:34 -04:00
parent c1e9413b2a
commit 8dea65a83a
5 changed files with 362 additions and 339 deletions

View File

@ -65,9 +65,13 @@ class Admin_Tag_Albums_Controller extends Admin_Controller {
$tag_index_filter_options["tag_index_filter"] = Array(t("Display filter links on \"All Tags\" album pages?"), module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter"));
$tag_index_filter_top_options["tag_index_filter_top"] = Array(t("Display filter links on the top of \"All Tags\" album pages?"), module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter_top"));
$tag_index_filter_bottom_options["tag_index_filter_bottom"] = Array(t("Display filter links on the bottom of \"All Tags\" album pages?"), module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter_bottom"));
$tag_albums_tagitemsort_group = $form->group("Tag_Albums_Tag_Item_Sort")->label(t("\"All Tags\" Sub-Album Preferences"));
@ -104,7 +108,8 @@ class Admin_Tag_Albums_Controller extends Admin_Controller {
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_page_title", $form->Tag_Albums_Tag_Sort->tag_page_title->value);
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index", $form->Tag_Albums_Tag_Sort->tag_index->value);
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_scope", count($form->Tag_Albums_Tag_Sort->tag_index_scope->value));
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter", count($form->Tag_Albums_Tag_Sort->tag_index_filter->value));
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter_top", count($form->Tag_Albums_Tag_Sort->tag_index_filter_top->value));
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter_bottom", count($form->Tag_Albums_Tag_Sort->tag_index_filter_bottom->value));
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_sort_by", $form->Tag_Albums_Tag_Sort->tag_sort_by->value);
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_sort_direction", $form->Tag_Albums_Tag_Sort->tag_sort_direction->value);
module::set_var("tag_albums", "subalbum_sort_by", $form->Tag_Albums_Tag_Item_Sort->subalbum_sort_by->value);

View File

@ -18,284 +18,6 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class tag_albums_Controller extends Controller {
public function make_tag_album_cover($id, $tag_id, $album_id) {
if (!identity::active_user()->admin) {
message::error(t("You do not have sufficient privileges to do this"));
url::redirect("tag_albums/show/" . $id . "/" . $tag_id . "/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($item->name));
$item = ORM::factory("item", $id);
if (($album_id > 0) && ($tag_id == 0)) {
// If we are dealing with a dynamic album, set it's thumbnail to this pics.
// Based on modules/gallery/helpers/item.php
$album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id")
->where("id", "=", $album_id)
if (count($album_tags) > 0) {
$parent = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
$parent->album_cover_item_id = $item->id;
$parent->thumb_dirty = 1;
$grand_parent = $parent->parent();
if ($grand_parent && access::can("edit", $grand_parent) &&
$grand_parent->album_cover_item_id == null) {
message::success(t("Made " . $item->title . " this album's cover"));
url::redirect("tag_albums/show/" . $id . "/" . $tag_id . "/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($item->name));
} else {
// If setting a thumbnail for an auto-generated all tags->tag album.
$record = ORM::factory("tags_album_tag_cover")->where("tag_id", "=", $tag_id)->find();
if (!$record->loaded()) {
$record->tag_id = $tag_id;
$record->photo_id = $id;
message::success(t("Made " . $item->title . " this album's cover"));
url::redirect("tag_albums/show/" . $id . "/" . $tag_id . "/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($item->name));
public function album($id) {
// Displays a dynamic page containing items that have been
// tagged with one or more tags.
// Load the specified ID to make sure it exists.
$album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id")
->where("id", "=", $id)
// If it doesn't exist, redirect to the modules root page.
if (count($album_tags) == 0) {
// If it does exist, and is set to *, load a list of all tags.
if ($album_tags[0]->tags == "*") {
$this->index($id, "");
} else {
// Otherwise, populate this page with the specified items.
// Inherit permissions, title and description from the album that linked to this page.
$album = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
access::required("view", $album);
$page_title = $album->title;
$page_description = $album->description;
// URL to this page
$str_page_url = "tag_albums/album/" . $id . "/" . urlencode($album->name);
// Determine page sort order.
$sort_page_field = $album->sort_column;
$sort_page_direction = $album->sort_order;
// Determine search type (AND/OR) and generate an array of the tag ids.
$tag_ids = Array();
foreach (explode(",", $album_tags[0]->tags) as $tag_name) {
$tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", "=", trim($tag_name))->find();
if ($tag->loaded()) {
$tag_ids[] = $tag->id;
$album_tags_search_type = $album_tags[0]->search_type;
// Figure out how many items to display on each page.
$page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9);
// If this page was reached from a breadcrumb, figure out what page to load from the show id.
$show = Input::instance()->get("show");
if ($show) {
$child = ORM::factory("item", $show);
$index = $this->_get_position($child->$sort_page_field, $child->id, $tag_ids, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, true);
if ($index) {
$page = ceil($index / $page_size);
if ($page == 1) {
} else {
url::redirect($str_page_url . "?page=$page");
// Figure out how many items are in this "virtual album"
$count = $this->_count_records($tag_ids, $album_tags_search_type, true);
// Figure out which page # the visitor is on and
// don't allow the visitor to go below page 1.
$page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1);
if ($page < 1) {
// First item to display.
$offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size;
// Figure out what the highest page number is.
$max_pages = ceil($count / $page_size);
// Don't let the visitor go past the last page.
if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) {
url::redirect($str_page_url . "/?page=$max_pages");
// Figure out which items to display on this page and store their details in $children.
$tag_children = $this->_get_records($tag_ids, $page_size, $offset, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, true);
// Set up the previous and next page buttons.
if ($page > 1) {
$previous_page = $page - 1;
$view->previous_page_link = url::site($str_page_url . "/?page={$previous_page}");
if ($page < $max_pages) {
$next_page = $page + 1;
$view->next_page_link = url::site($str_page_url . "/?page={$next_page}");
// Set up breadcrumbs.
$tag_album_breadcrumbs = array();
$counter = 0;
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($album->title, $album->url())->set_last();
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $album->parent_id);
while ($parent_item->id != 1) {
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url());
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id);
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url())->set_first();
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url .= "?show=" . $album->id;
$tag_album_breadcrumbs = array_reverse($tag_album_breadcrumbs, true);
// Set up and display the actual page.
$parent_album = ORM::factory("item", $album->parent_id);
//$template = new Theme_View("calpage.html", "collection", "Tag Albums");
$template = new Theme_View("page.html", "collection", "Tag Albums");
array("page" => $page,
"max_pages" => $max_pages,
"page_size" => $page_size,
"children" => $tag_children,
"breadcrumbs" => $tag_album_breadcrumbs,
"children_count" => $count));
$template->page_title = $page_title;
$template->content = new View("dynamic.html");
$template->content->title = $page_title;
$template->content->description = $page_description;
$template->set_global("all_siblings", $this->_get_records($tag_ids, $count, 0, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false));
$template->set_global("parent_url", $parent_album->url()); // Used by Grey Dragon.
print $template;
// Set breadcrumbs on the photo pages to point back to the calendar day view.
item::set_display_context_callback("tag_albums_Controller::get_display_context", 0, $id);
static function get_display_context($item, $tag_id, $album_id) {
// Make sure #album_id is valid, clear it out if it isn't.
$album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id")
->where("id", "=", $album_id)
if (count($album_tags) == 0) {
$album_id = 0;
// Load the tag and item, make sure the user has access to the item.
$display_tag = ORM::factory("tag", $tag_id);
// Figure out sort order from module preferences.
$sort_page_field = "";
$sort_page_direction = "";
if (($tag_id > 0) || (count($album_tags) == 0)) {
$sort_page_field = module::get_var("tag_albums", "subalbum_sort_by", "title");
$sort_page_direction = module::get_var("tag_albums", "subalbum_sort_direction", "ASC");
} else {
$parent_album = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
$sort_page_field = $parent_album->sort_column;
$sort_page_direction = $parent_album->sort_order;
// Load the number of items in the parent album, and determine previous and next items.
$sibling_count = "";
$tag_children = "";
$previous_item = "";
$next_item = "";
$position = 0;
if ($tag_id > 0) {
$sibling_count = tag_albums_Controller::_count_records(Array($tag_id), "OR", false);
$position = tag_albums_Controller::_get_position($item->$sort_page_field, $item->id, Array($tag_id), "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if ($position > 1) {
$previous_item_object = tag_albums_Controller::_get_records(Array($tag_id), 1, $position-2, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if (count($previous_item_object) > 0) {
$previous_item = $previous_item_object[0];
$next_item_object = tag_albums_Controller::_get_records(Array($tag_id), 1, $position, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if (count($next_item_object) > 0) {
$next_item = $next_item_object[0];
} else {
$tag_ids = Array();
foreach (explode(",", $album_tags[0]->tags) as $tag_name) {
$tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", "=", trim($tag_name))->find();
if ($tag->loaded()) {
$tag_ids[] = $tag->id;
$album_tags_search_type = $album_tags[0]->search_type;
$sibling_count = tag_albums_Controller::_count_records($tag_ids, $album_tags_search_type, false);
$position = tag_albums_Controller::_get_position($item->$sort_page_field, $item->id, $tag_ids, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if ($position > 1) {
$previous_item_object = tag_albums_Controller::_get_records($tag_ids, 1, $position-2, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if (count($previous_item_object) > 0) {
$previous_item = $previous_item_object[0];
$next_item_object = tag_albums_Controller::_get_records($tag_ids, 1, $position, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if (count($next_item_object) > 0) {
$next_item = $next_item_object[0];
// Set up breadcrumbs
$tag_album_breadcrumbs = Array();
if ($album_id > 0) {
$counter = 0;
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($item->title, $item->url())->set_last();
if ($album_tags[0]->tags == "*") {
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($display_tag->name, url::site("tag_albums/tag/" . $display_tag->id . "/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($display_tag->name)));
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, url::site("tag_albums/album/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($parent_item->name)));
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id);
while ($parent_item->id != 1) {
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url());
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id);
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url())->set_first();
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url .= "?show=" . $item->id;
$tag_album_breadcrumbs = array_reverse($tag_album_breadcrumbs, true);
} else {
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance(item::root()->title, item::root()->url())->set_first();
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance(module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_page_title", "All Tags"), url::site("tag_albums/"));
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($display_tag->name, url::site("tag_albums/tag/" . $display_tag->id . "/" . urlencode($display_tag->name)) . "?show=" . $item->id);
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($item->title, $item->url())->set_last();
return array("position" => $position,
"previous_item" => $previous_item,
"next_item" => $next_item,
"tag_id" => $tag_id,
"album_id" => $album_id,
"is_tagalbum_page" => true,
"sibling_count" => $sibling_count,
"breadcrumbs" => $tag_album_breadcrumbs);
public function filter($id, $filter) {
// Display the index page, but only show albums for
// tags whose name begins with $filter.
@ -625,7 +347,6 @@ class tag_albums_Controller extends Controller {
$parent_url = "";
if ($album_id > 0) {
$counter = 0;
//$tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($display_tag->name, "");
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($display_tag->name, $str_page_url)->set_last();
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
if ($album_tags[0]->tags != "*") {
@ -633,35 +354,21 @@ class tag_albums_Controller extends Controller {
$parent_url = $parent_item->url(); // Used by Grey Dragon.
while ($parent_item->id != 1) {
//$tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url());
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url());
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id);
//$tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url());
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url())->set_first();
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
if ((module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_scope", "false")) && (module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index", "default") != "default")) {
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url = url::site("tag_albums/album/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($parent_item->name));
} else {
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url = url::site("tag_albums/album/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($parent_item->name)) . "?show=" . $id;
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url .= "?show=" . $id;
$tag_album_breadcrumbs = array_reverse($tag_album_breadcrumbs, true);
} else {
$parent_url = url::site("tag_albums/");
//$tag_album_breadcrumbs[0] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb(item::root()->title, item::root()->url());
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance(item::root()->title, item::root()->url())->set_first();
if (module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index", "default") == "default") {
//$tag_album_breadcrumbs[1] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb(module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_page_title", "All Tags"), url::site("tag_albums/") . "?show=" . $id);
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance(module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_page_title", "All Tags"), url::site("tag_albums/") . "?show=" . $id);
} else {
//$tag_album_breadcrumbs[1] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb(module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_page_title", "All Tags"), url::site("tag_albums/"));
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance(module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_page_title", "All Tags"), url::site("tag_albums/"));
//$tag_album_breadcrumbs[2] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($display_tag->name, "");
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($display_tag->name, $str_page_url)->set_last();
@ -677,7 +384,7 @@ class tag_albums_Controller extends Controller {
$template->page_title = $display_tag->name;
$template->content = new View("dynamic.html");
$template->content->title = $display_tag->name;
//$template->content->description = $page_description;
$template->content->description = $page_description;
$template->set_global("all_siblings", $this->_get_records(Array($id), $count, 0, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, "OR", false));
$template->set_global("parent_url", $parent_url); // Used by Grey Dragon.
@ -687,12 +394,292 @@ class tag_albums_Controller extends Controller {
item::set_display_context_callback("tag_albums_Controller::get_display_context", $id, $album_id);
public function album($id) {
// Displays a dynamic page containing items that have been
// tagged with one or more tags.
// Load the specified ID to make sure it exists.
$album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id")
->where("id", "=", $id)
// If it doesn't exist, redirect to the modules root page.
if (count($album_tags) == 0) {
// If it does exist, and is set to *, load a list of all tags.
if ($album_tags[0]->tags == "*") {
$this->index($id, "");
} else {
// Otherwise, populate this page with the specified items.
// Inherit permissions, title and description from the album that linked to this page.
$album = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
access::required("view", $album);
$page_title = $album->title;
$page_description = $album->description;
// URL to this page
$str_page_url = "tag_albums/album/" . $id . "/" . urlencode($album->name);
// Determine page sort order.
$sort_page_field = $album->sort_column;
$sort_page_direction = $album->sort_order;
// Determine search type (AND/OR) and generate an array of the tag ids.
$tag_ids = Array();
foreach (explode(",", $album_tags[0]->tags) as $tag_name) {
$tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", "=", trim($tag_name))->find();
if ($tag->loaded()) {
$tag_ids[] = $tag->id;
$album_tags_search_type = $album_tags[0]->search_type;
// Figure out how many items to display on each page.
$page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9);
// If this page was reached from a breadcrumb, figure out what page to load from the show id.
$show = Input::instance()->get("show");
if ($show) {
$child = ORM::factory("item", $show);
$index = $this->_get_position($child->$sort_page_field, $child->id, $tag_ids, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, true);
if ($index) {
$page = ceil($index / $page_size);
if ($page == 1) {
} else {
url::redirect($str_page_url . "?page=$page");
// Figure out how many items are in this "virtual album"
$count = $this->_count_records($tag_ids, $album_tags_search_type, true);
// Figure out which page # the visitor is on and
// don't allow the visitor to go below page 1.
$page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1);
if ($page < 1) {
// First item to display.
$offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size;
// Figure out what the highest page number is.
$max_pages = ceil($count / $page_size);
// Don't let the visitor go past the last page.
if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) {
url::redirect($str_page_url . "/?page=$max_pages");
// Figure out which items to display on this page and store their details in $children.
$tag_children = $this->_get_records($tag_ids, $page_size, $offset, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, true);
// Set up the previous and next page buttons.
if ($page > 1) {
$previous_page = $page - 1;
$view->previous_page_link = url::site($str_page_url . "/?page={$previous_page}");
if ($page < $max_pages) {
$next_page = $page + 1;
$view->next_page_link = url::site($str_page_url . "/?page={$next_page}");
// Set up breadcrumbs.
$tag_album_breadcrumbs = array();
$counter = 0;
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($album->title, $album->url())->set_last();
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $album->parent_id);
while ($parent_item->id != 1) {
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url());
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id);
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url())->set_first();
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url .= "?show=" . $album->id;
$tag_album_breadcrumbs = array_reverse($tag_album_breadcrumbs, true);
// Set up and display the actual page.
$template = new Theme_View("page.html", "collection", "Tag Albums");
array("page" => $page,
"max_pages" => $max_pages,
"page_size" => $page_size,
"children" => $tag_children,
"breadcrumbs" => $tag_album_breadcrumbs,
"children_count" => $count));
$template->page_title = $page_title;
$template->content = new View("dynamic.html");
$template->content->title = $page_title;
$template->content->description = $page_description;
$template->set_global("all_siblings", $this->_get_records($tag_ids, $count, 0, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false));
$parent_album = ORM::factory("item", $album->parent_id);
$template->set_global("parent_url", $parent_album->url()); // Used by Grey Dragon.
print $template;
// Set breadcrumbs on the photo pages to point back to the calendar day view.
item::set_display_context_callback("tag_albums_Controller::get_display_context", 0, $id);
public function show($item_id, $tag_id, $album_id) {
// This function used to be responsible for displaying photos.
// As of Gallery 3.0.3, it is no longer needed, now it just
// redirects to the photo's primary URL to avoid breaking older links.
item::set_display_context_callback("tag_albums_Controller::get_display_context", $tag_id, $album_id);
$item = ORM::factory("item", $item_id);
public function make_tag_album_cover($id, $tag_id, $album_id) {
if (!identity::active_user()->admin) {
message::error(t("You do not have sufficient privileges to do this"));
url::redirect("tag_albums/show/" . $id . "/" . $tag_id . "/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($item->name));
$item = ORM::factory("item", $id);
if (($album_id > 0) && ($tag_id == 0)) {
// If we are dealing with a dynamic album, set it's thumbnail to this pics.
// Based on modules/gallery/helpers/item.php
$album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id")
->where("id", "=", $album_id)
if (count($album_tags) > 0) {
$parent = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
$parent->album_cover_item_id = $item->id;
$parent->thumb_dirty = 1;
$grand_parent = $parent->parent();
if ($grand_parent && access::can("edit", $grand_parent) &&
$grand_parent->album_cover_item_id == null) {
message::success(t("Made " . $item->title . " this album's cover"));
url::redirect("tag_albums/show/" . $id . "/" . $tag_id . "/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($item->name));
} else {
// If setting a thumbnail for an auto-generated all tags->tag album.
$record = ORM::factory("tags_album_tag_cover")->where("tag_id", "=", $tag_id)->find();
if (!$record->loaded()) {
$record->tag_id = $tag_id;
$record->photo_id = $id;
message::success(t("Made " . $item->title . " this album's cover"));
url::redirect("tag_albums/show/" . $id . "/" . $tag_id . "/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($item->name));
static function get_display_context($item, $tag_id, $album_id) {
// Make sure #album_id is valid, clear it out if it isn't.
$album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id")
->where("id", "=", $album_id)
if (count($album_tags) == 0) {
$album_id = 0;
// Load the tag and item, make sure the user has access to the item.
$display_tag = ORM::factory("tag", $tag_id);
// Figure out sort order from module preferences.
$sort_page_field = "";
$sort_page_direction = "";
if (($tag_id > 0) || (count($album_tags) == 0)) {
$sort_page_field = module::get_var("tag_albums", "subalbum_sort_by", "title");
$sort_page_direction = module::get_var("tag_albums", "subalbum_sort_direction", "ASC");
} else {
$parent_album = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
$sort_page_field = $parent_album->sort_column;
$sort_page_direction = $parent_album->sort_order;
// Load the number of items in the parent album, and determine previous and next items.
$sibling_count = "";
$tag_children = "";
$previous_item = "";
$next_item = "";
$position = 0;
if ($tag_id > 0) {
$sibling_count = tag_albums_Controller::_count_records(Array($tag_id), "OR", false);
$position = tag_albums_Controller::_get_position($item->$sort_page_field, $item->id, Array($tag_id), "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if ($position > 1) {
$previous_item_object = tag_albums_Controller::_get_records(Array($tag_id), 1, $position-2, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if (count($previous_item_object) > 0) {
$previous_item = $previous_item_object[0];
$next_item_object = tag_albums_Controller::_get_records(Array($tag_id), 1, $position, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if (count($next_item_object) > 0) {
$next_item = $next_item_object[0];
} else {
$tag_ids = Array();
foreach (explode(",", $album_tags[0]->tags) as $tag_name) {
$tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", "=", trim($tag_name))->find();
if ($tag->loaded()) {
$tag_ids[] = $tag->id;
$album_tags_search_type = $album_tags[0]->search_type;
$sibling_count = tag_albums_Controller::_count_records($tag_ids, $album_tags_search_type, false);
$position = tag_albums_Controller::_get_position($item->$sort_page_field, $item->id, $tag_ids, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if ($position > 1) {
$previous_item_object = tag_albums_Controller::_get_records($tag_ids, 1, $position-2, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if (count($previous_item_object) > 0) {
$previous_item = $previous_item_object[0];
$next_item_object = tag_albums_Controller::_get_records($tag_ids, 1, $position, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false);
if (count($next_item_object) > 0) {
$next_item = $next_item_object[0];
// Set up breadcrumbs
$tag_album_breadcrumbs = Array();
if ($album_id > 0) {
$counter = 0;
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($item->title, $item->url())->set_last();
if ($album_tags[0]->tags == "*") {
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($display_tag->name, url::site("tag_albums/tag/" . $display_tag->id . "/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($display_tag->name)));
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, url::site("tag_albums/album/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($parent_item->name)));
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id);
while ($parent_item->id != 1) {
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url());
$parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id);
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url())->set_first();
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url .= "?show=" . $item->id;
$tag_album_breadcrumbs = array_reverse($tag_album_breadcrumbs, true);
} else {
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance(item::root()->title, item::root()->url())->set_first();
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance(module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_page_title", "All Tags"), url::site("tag_albums/"));
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($display_tag->name, url::site("tag_albums/tag/" . $display_tag->id . "/" . urlencode($display_tag->name)) . "?show=" . $item->id);
$tag_album_breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($item->title, $item->url())->set_last();
return array("position" => $position,
"previous_item" => $previous_item,
"next_item" => $next_item,
"tag_id" => $tag_id,
"album_id" => $album_id,
"is_tagalbum_page" => true,
"sibling_count" => $sibling_count,
"breadcrumbs" => $tag_album_breadcrumbs);
private function _get_position($item_title, $item_id, $tag_ids, $sort_field, $sort_direction, $search_type, $include_albums) {
// Determine an item's position within a virtual album.
@ -790,6 +777,7 @@ class tag_albums_Controller extends Controller {
$items_model->select('COUNT("*") AS result_count');
@ -813,45 +801,6 @@ class tag_albums_Controller extends Controller {
return $items_model->find_all($page_size, $offset);
private function _get_filter_html($album_id, $str_filter) {
// Generate HTML to display filter links on the index page.
// Make sure $album_id is set.
if ($album_id == "") {
$album_id = 0;
// Generate the links.
$str_html = "Filter: ";
if ($str_filter != "") {
if ($album_id > 0) {
$album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id")
->where("id", "=", $album_id)
$album = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
$str_html .= "<a href=\"" . url::site("tag_albums/album/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($album->name)) . "\">(All)</a> ";
} else {
$str_html .= "<a href=\"" . url::site("tag_albums/") . "\">(All)</a> ";
if ($str_filter == "NUM") {
$str_html .= "# ";
} else {
$str_html .= "<a href=\"" . url::site("tag_albums/filter/" . $album_id . "/NUM") . "\">#</a> ";
foreach(range('A','Z') as $letter) {
if ($letter == $str_filter) {
$str_html .= $letter . " ";
} else {
$str_html .= "<a href=\"" . url::site("tag_albums/filter/" . $album_id . "/" . $letter) . "\">";
$str_html .= $letter . "</a> ";
// Return the HTML.
return $str_html;
private function _count_records($tag_ids, $search_type, $include_albums) {
// Count the number of viewable items for the designated tag(s)
// and return that number.
@ -899,4 +848,43 @@ class tag_albums_Controller extends Controller {
return count($items_model->find_all());
private function _get_filter_html($album_id, $str_filter) {
// Generate HTML to display filter links on the index page.
// Make sure $album_id is set.
if ($album_id == "") {
$album_id = 0;
// Generate the links.
$str_html = "Filter: ";
if ($str_filter != "") {
if ($album_id > 0) {
$album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id")
->where("id", "=", $album_id)
$album = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id);
$str_html .= "<a href=\"" . url::site("tag_albums/album/" . $album_id . "/" . urlencode($album->name)) . "\">(All)</a> ";
} else {
$str_html .= "<a href=\"" . url::site("tag_albums/") . "\">(All)</a> ";
if ($str_filter == "NUM") {
$str_html .= "# ";
} else {
$str_html .= "<a href=\"" . url::site("tag_albums/filter/" . $album_id . "/NUM") . "\">#</a> ";
foreach(range('A','Z') as $letter) {
if ($letter == $str_filter) {
$str_html .= $letter . " ";
} else {
$str_html .= "<a href=\"" . url::site("tag_albums/filter/" . $album_id . "/" . $letter) . "\">";
$str_html .= $letter . "</a> ";
// Return the HTML.
return $str_html;

View File

@ -44,10 +44,11 @@ class tag_albums_installer {
module::set_var("tag_albums", "subalbum_sort_direction", "ASC");
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index", "default");
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_scope", "0");
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter", "0");
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter_top", "0");
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter_bottom", "0");
// Set the module's version number.
module::set_version("tag_albums", 2);
module::set_version("tag_albums", 4);
static function upgrade($version) {
@ -69,6 +70,13 @@ class tag_albums_installer {
module::set_version("tag_albums", 3);
if ($version == 3) {
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter_top", module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter", "0"));
module::set_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter_bottom", module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter", "0"));
module::clear_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter");
module::set_version("tag_albums", 4);
static function deactivate() {

View File

@ -31,4 +31,22 @@ class tag_albums_theme_Core {
static function dynamic_top($theme) {
// If this page is the "all tags" dynamic page, display filter link text.
if (isset($theme->content->filter_text) && module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter_top", "0")) {
$view = new View("tag_albums_filter.html");
$view->filter_text = $theme->content->filter_text;
return $view;
static function dynamic_bottom($theme) {
// If this page is the "all tags" dynamic page, display filter link text.
if (isset($theme->content->filter_text) && module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_filter_bottom", "0")) {
$view = new View("tag_albums_filter.html");
$view->filter_text = $theme->content->filter_text;
return $view;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
<div id="g-tags-filter">
<center><?= $filter_text; ?></center>