initial fork from greydragon

This commit is contained in:
Fredrik Erlandsson 2011-04-29 07:17:57 +02:00
commit 80fb46d8b6
282 changed files with 5160 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Grey Dragon Theme - a custom theme for Gallery 3
* This theme was designed and built by Serguei Dosyukov, whose blog you will find at http://blog.dragonsoft.us
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Serguei Dosyukov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
* implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class Admin_Theme_Options_Controller extends Admin_Controller {
protected $min_gallery_ver = 46;
private function load_theme_info() {
$file = THEMEPATH . "greydragon/theme.info";
$theme_info = new ArrayObject(parse_ini_file($file), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
return $theme_info;
private function get_theme_version() {
$theme_info = $this->load_theme_info();
return ($theme_info->version);
private function get_theme_name() {
$theme_info = $this->load_theme_info();
return ($theme_info->name);
private function get_packlist($type, $filename) {
$packlist = array();
$packroot = THEMEPATH . 'greydragon/css/' . $type . '/';
foreach (scandir($packroot) as $pack_name):
if (file_exists($packroot . "$pack_name/" . $filename . ".css")):
if ($pack_name[0] == "."):
$packlist[$pack_name] = t($pack_name);
return $packlist;
private function get_colorpacks() {
return $this->get_packlist('colorpacks', 'colors');
private function get_framepacks() {
return $this->get_packlist('framepacks', 'frame');
private function prerequisite_check($group, $id, $is_ok, $caption, $caption_ok, $caption_failed, $iswarning, $msg_error) {
$confirmation_caption = ($is_ok)? $caption_ok : $caption_failed;
$checkbox = $group->checkbox($id)
->label($caption . " " . $confirmation_caption)
if ($is_ok):
elseif ($iswarning):
$checkbox->class("g-prerequisite g-warning")->error_messages("failed", $msg_error)->add_error("failed", 1);
$checkbox->class("g-error")->error_messages("failed", $msg_error)->add_error("failed", 1);
/* Convert old values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
protected function upgrade_settings() {
if (module::get_var("th_greydragon", "hide_thumbmeta")):
module::set_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_metamode", "hide");
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "hide_thumbmeta");
if (module::get_var("th_greydragon", "flex_rows", FALSE)):
module::set_var("th_greydragon", "column_count", -1);
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "flex_rows");
if (module::get_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_descmode") == "overlay_static"):
module::set_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_descmode", "overlay_top");
if (module::get_var("th_greydragon", "mainmenu_position") == "1"):
module::set_var("th_greydragon", "mainmenu_position", "top");
if (module::get_var("th_greydragon", "hide_breadcrumbs")):
module::set_var("th_greydragon", "breadcrumbs_position", "hide");
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "hide_breadcrumbs");
protected function get_edit_form_admin() {
$form = new Forge("admin/theme_options/save/", "", null, array("id" =>"g-theme-options-form"));
$rssmodulecheck = (module::is_active("rss") && module::info("rss"));
$imageblockexcheck = (module::info("imageblockex"));
/* Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$group = $form->group("requirements")->label(t("Prerequisites"));
$gallery_ver = module::get_version("gallery");
$this->prerequisite_check($group, "vercheck", $gallery_ver >= $this->min_gallery_ver,
t("Gallery 3 Core v.") . $this->min_gallery_ver . "+", t("Installed"), t("Required"), FALSE, sprintf(t("Check Failed. Minimum Required Version is %s. Found %s."), $this->min_gallery_ver, $gallery_ver));
if (!module::get_var("th_greydragon", "hide_thumbmeta")):
$this->prerequisite_check($group, "info", (module::is_active("info") and module::info("info")),
t("Info Module"), t("Found"), t("Required"), FALSE, t("Check Failed. Module is required to display Thumb metadata."));
if (module::get_var("th_greydragon", "allow_root_page")):
$this->prerequisite_check($group, "rsscheck", $rssmodulecheck,
t("RSS Module"), t("Found"), t("not Found"), TRUE, t("Install RSS module to Enable Root Page Support"));
$this->prerequisite_check($group, "imageblockexcheck", $imageblockexcheck,
t("ImageBlock Ex Module"), t("Present"), t("not Present"), TRUE, sprintf(t("Install %smodule%s for Root Page Support"), '<a href="http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:imageblockex" target="_blank">', '</a>'));
/* Suggested Modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$group = $form->group("recommended")->label(t("Suggested Modules"));
$check_fb = module::is_active("fancybox") && module::info("fancybox");
$check_sb = module::is_active("shadowbox") && module::info("shadowbox");
$sb_fb_module = "fancybox";
$sb_fb_caption = "Fancybox";
$sb_fb_link = '<a href="http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:fancybox" target="_blank">';
if ($check_fb):
if ($check_sb):
$this->prerequisite_check($group, "fancybox", FALSE,
t("Both FancyBox and ShadowBox Modules are Active"),
t("Slideshow feature would work incorrectly. Please activate just one of these modules."));
$sb_fb_check = TRUE;
if ($check_sb):
$sb_fb_module = "shadowbox";
$sb_fb_caption = "Shadowbox";
$sb_fb_link = '<a href="http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:shadowbox" target="_blank">';
$sb_fb_check = TRUE;
$sb_fb_check = FALSE;
if (isset($sb_fb_check)):
$this->prerequisite_check($group, $sb_fb_module, $sb_fb_check,
t($sb_fb_caption) . " " . t("Module"), t("Found"), t("not Found"), TRUE, sprintf(t("Install %smodule%s to Enable %s Support"), $sb_fb_link, '</a>', t($sb_fb_caption)));
$thumbnavcheck = module::is_active("thumbnav") and module::info("thumbnav");
$iptccheck = module::is_active("iptc") and module::info("iptc");
$this->prerequisite_check($group, "kbdnavcheck", ((module::is_active("kbd_nav")) and (module::info("kbd_nav"))),
t("Kbd Navigation Module"), t("Found"), t("not Found"), TRUE, sprintf(t("Install %smodule%s to Enable Keyboard Navigation Support"), '<a href="http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:kbd_nav" target="_blank">', '</a>'));
$this->prerequisite_check($group, "thumbnavcheck", $thumbnavcheck,
t("ThumbNav Module"), t("Found"), t("not Found"), TRUE, sprintf(t("Install %smodule%s to Enable Thumb Navigation Support"), '<a href="http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:thumbnav" target="_blank">', '</a>'));
if (!module::get_var("th_greydragon", "allow_root_page")):
$this->prerequisite_check($group, "rsscheck", $rssmodulecheck,
t("RSS Module"), t("Found"), t("not Found"), TRUE, t("Install RSS module to Enable Root Page Support"));
$thumb_ratio = module::get_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_ratio", "photo");
$thumb_ratio_ex = FALSE;
switch ($thumb_ratio):
case "photo_ex":
$thumb_ratio = "photo";
$thumb_ratio_ex = TRUE;
case "film_ex":
$thumb_ratio = "film";
$thumb_ratio_ex = TRUE;
case "digital_ex":
$thumb_ratio = "digital";
$thumb_ratio_ex = TRUE;
case "wide_ex":
$thumb_ratio = "wide";
$thumb_ratio_ex = TRUE;
/* General Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$sidebar_allowed = module::get_var("th_greydragon", "sidebar_allowed");
$sidebar_visible = module::get_var("th_greydragon", "sidebar_visible");
$group = $form->group("edit_theme")->label(t("General Settings"));
->label(t("Rows per Album Page"))
->error_messages("required", t("You must enter a number"))
->error_messages("valid_digit", t("You must enter a number"))
->value(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "row_count", 3));
->label(t("Columns per Album Page"))
->options(array("2" => t("2 columns"), "3" => t("3 columns"), "4" => t("4 columns"), "5" => t("5 columns"), "-1" => t("Flexible (3 x Number of Rows)")))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "column_count", 3));
->label(t("Resized Image Size (in pixels)"))
->error_messages("required", t("You must enter a number"))
->error_messages("valid_digit", t("You must enter a number"))
->value(module::get_var("gallery", "resize_size"));
->label(t("Alternate Logo Image"))
->value(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "logo_path"));
->label(t("URL (or relative path) to your favicon.ico"))
->value(module::get_var("gallery", "favicon_url"));
->label(t("URL (or relative path) to your apple-touch-icon.png"))
->value(module::get_var("gallery", "appletouchicon_url"));
->label(t("Header Text"))
->value(module::get_var("gallery", "header_text"));
->label(t("Footer Text"))
->value(module::get_var("gallery", "footer_text"));
->label(t("Copyright Message"))
->value(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "copyright"));
->label(t("Selected Color Pack"))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "color_pack", "greydragon"));
->label(t("Selected Photo Frame Pack"))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "frame_pack", "greydragon"));
/* Advanced Options - General ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$group = $form->group("edit_theme_adv_main")->label(t("Advanced Options - General"));
->label(t("Show Site Credits"))
->checked(module::get_var("gallery", "show_credits"));
->label(t("Place Login Link in the Header"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "loginmenu_position") == "header");
->label(t("Main Menu Position"))
->options(array("default" => t("Bottom-Left (Default)"), "top" => t("Top-Left"), "bar" => t("Top Bar")))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "mainmenu_position"));
->label(t("Show Main Menu for Guest Users"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "show_guest_menu"));
->label(t("Breadcrumbs Position"))
->options(array("default" => t("Bottom-Right (Default)"), "bottom-left" => t("Bottom-Left"), "top-right" => t("Top-Right"), "top-left" => t("Top-Left"), "hide" => t("Hide")))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "breadcrumbs_position"));
->label(t("Show Breadcrumbs in root album/root page"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "breadcrumbs_showinroot"));
->label(t("Item Navigator Position"))
->options(array("top" => t("Top"), "bottom" => t("Bottom"), "both" => t("Both"), "none" => t("None")))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "photonav_position"));
->label(t("Relative path to custom.css (optional)"))
->value(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "custom_css_path"));
->label(t("Blend Page Transition"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "blendpagetrans"));
->label(t("Disallow Search Engine Indexing (No Bots)"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "disable_seosupport"));
/* Advanced Options - Album page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$group = $form->group("edit_theme_adv_album")->label(t("Advanced Options - Albums"));
->label(t("Album Description Display Mode"))
->options(array("hide" => t("Hide"), "top" => t("Top"), "bottom" => t("Bottom")))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "album_descmode"));
/* Advanced Options - Album page - Thumbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$group = $form->group("edit_theme_adv_thumb")->label(t("Advanced Options - Album page - Thumbs"));
->label(t("Aspect Ratio"))
->options(array("photo" => t("Actual"), "film" => t("Film/Full Frame 3:2"), "digital" => t("Digital 4:3"), "wide" => t("Wide/HDTV 16:9")))
->label(t("Expanded Aspect Ratio (300px wide)"))
->label(t("Title Display Mode (Album)"))
->options(array("overlay" => t("Overlay Top"), "overlay_top" => t("Overlay Top (Static)"),
"overlay_bottom" => t("Overlay Bottom (Static)"), "bottom" => t("Bottom"), "hide" => t("Hide")))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_descmode_a"));
->label(t("Title Display Mode (Photo)"))
->options(array("overlay" => t("Overlay Top"), "overlay_top" => t("Overlay Top (Static)"),
"overlay_bottom" => t("Overlay Bottom (Static)"), "bottom" => t("Bottom"), "hide" => t("Hide")))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_descmode"));
->label(t("Meta Data Display Mode"))
->options(array("default" => t("Overlay (Default)"), "merged" => t("Merge with Title"), "hide" => t("Hide")))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_metamode", "default"));
->label(t("Randomize Thumb Image"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_random"));
->label(t("Top Align Thumb Image"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_topalign"));
/* Advanced Options - Photo page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$group = $form->group("edit_theme_adv_photo")->label(t("Advanced Options - Photo Page"));
->label(t($sb_fb_caption) . " " . t("Mode"))
->options(array("default" => t("Default (Slideshow/Preview)"), "preview" => t("Preview Only"), "none" => t("Disable")))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "photo_popupbox"));
->label(t("Description Display Mode"))
->options(array("overlay_top" => t("Overlay Top"), "overlay_bottom" => t("Overlay Bottom"), "bottom" => t("Bottom"), "top" => t("Top"), "hide" => t("Hide")))
->selected(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "photo_descmode"));
->label(t("Keep Thumb Nav Block on the side"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_inpage"));
if (!$thumbnavcheck):
->label(t("Hide Item Meta Data"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "hide_photometa", TRUE));
->label(t("Allow BBCode/HTML in Descriptions"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "desc_allowbbcode"));
/* Advanced Options - Root Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$group = $form->group("edit_theme_adv_root")->label(t("Advanced Options - Root Page"));
->label(t("Allow root page (Note: ImageBlock Ex Module need to be installed)"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "allow_root_page"));
->label(t("Show Gallery Description"))
->checked(!module::get_var("th_greydragon", "hide_root_desc"));
->label(t("Slideshow RSS Feed URL"))
->value(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "root_feed", "/gallery3/index.php/rss/feed/gallery/latest"));
->label(t("Slideshow Delay (Default: 15)"))
->error_messages("required", t("You must enter a number"))
->error_messages("valid_digit", t("You must enter a number"))
->value(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "root_delay", "15"));
->label(t("Hide Sidebar"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "hide_root_sidebar"));
->label(t("Alternative Description (optional)"))
->value(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "root_description"));
/* Sidebar Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$group = $form->group("edit_theme_side")->label(t("Sidebar Options"));
->label(t("Hide Block Header"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "hide_blockheader"));
->label(t("Show Sidebar for Albums Only"))
->checked(module::get_var("th_greydragon", "sidebar_albumonly"));
->label(t("Allowed Sidebar Positions"))
->options(array("any" => t("Any"), "left" => t("Left"), "right" => t("Right"), "bottom" => t("Bottom"), "top" => t("Top"), "none" => t("Default Only")))
->label(t("Default Sidebar Position"))
->options(array("right" => t("Right"), "left" => t("Left"), "bottom" => t("Bottom"), "top" => t("Top"), "none" => t("No sidebar")))
/* Maintenance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$group = $form->group("maintenance")->label(t("Maintenance"));
$group->checkbox("build_resize")->label(t("Mark all Image Resizes for Rebuild"))->checked(false);
$group->checkbox("build_thumbs")->label(t("Mark all Thumbnails for Rebuild"))->checked(false);
$group->checkbox("build_exif")->label(t("Mark Exif Info data for reload"))->checked(false);
if ($iptccheck):
$group->checkbox("build_iptc")->label(t("Mark IPTC Info data for reload"))->checked(false);
$group->checkbox("purge_cache")->label(t("Purge cache data"))->checked(false);
$group->checkbox("reset_theme")->label(t("Reset Theme to a Default State"))->checked(false);
module::event("theme_edit_form", $form);
$form->submit("g-theme-options-save")->value(t("Save Changes"));
return $form;
protected function get_edit_form_help() {
$help = '<fieldset>';
$help .= '<legend>Help</legend><ul>';
$help .= '<li><h3>Prerequisites</h3>
<p style="color: red;">Requirements need to be met for theme to function properly.
$help .= '<li><h3>General Settings</h3>
<p>Theme is designed to display thumbnails as a table.
You can choose different number of <b>Rows/Columns per Album Page</b> or can use <b>Flexible Columns</b>.
<p>Default G3 logo can be replaced with your own by providing <b>Alternate Logo Image</b>. Recommended logo size
is within 300x80px. If you need bigger space for your logo, CSS would have to be adjusted. Otherwise, Logo could be
suppressed altogether by providing <b>Header Text</b> to replace it. <b>Footer Text</b> would be simply placed next
to Site\'s credits.
<p><b>Copyright Message</b> can be placed in the right top corner of the footer.
<p>Important feature of the theme is a support for Color Packs which is managed by <b>Selected Color Pack</b> Option.
<b>Color Pack</b> is a small CSS file defining color rules for the theme. By default theme comes with GreyDragon
(default), Carbon and Wind sets, but it could be easily extended. Visit Theme\'s Download page for additional
$help .= '<li><h3>Advanced Options - General</h3>
<p>Show your appreciation for our hard work by allowing <b>Show Site Credits</b> or contributing to our Coffee Fund.
<p>If main menu has functionality intended for guest users you can use <b>Show Main Menu for Guest Users</b> to keep it
<br />If you do not like login link in the footer you can move it into top right corner by selecting <b>Place Login Link
in the Header</b>.
<br />You can go even further and move main menu to the top of the header with breadcrumbs taking it place by selecting
<b>Alternate Header Layout</b>. <br />Then if you prefer breadcrumbs not being used, simply hide it with <b>Hide
Breadcrumbs</b> option.
<br />Then you can decide if you want to <b>Show Breadcrumbs</b> in the root album/root page.
<p>If you like to add some cool effects while navigating between pages,
enable <b>Blend Page Transition</b>.
<p><b>Item Navigator Position</b> could be changed to display it above and/or below the main content.
<p>If there is a need to provide additional CSS rules on top of the theme, <b>Relative path to custom.css</b> can be
<p>Block web crawlers from indexing your Gallery with <b>Disallow Search Engine Indexing</b> Option.
$help .= '<li><h3>Advanced Options - Album page - Thumbs</h3>
<p>Options in this section adjust how Photo\'s Thumb images are displayed.
<p><b>Aspect Ratio</b> specifies layout/size of the thumb. Setting should be used with understanding that some
information may be out of visible area (crop). When switching to/from <b>Actual Size</b>, it is recommended to rebuild
thumbs so that proper settings are used for thumb resize logic (see Maintenance section below). Combined with
<b>Expanded Aspect Ratio (300px wide)</b> you can switch between 200px and 300px wide thumb images.
<p><b>Title Display Mode</b> and <b>Meta Data Display Mode</b> allows changing how Item\'s caption and Meta Data is
displayed. And selecting <b>Merge with Title</b> would place meta data with the Title.
<p>Randomize your thumbs by enabling <b>Randomize Thumb Image</b> (Please use with caution as it does introduce extra
load for database.).
$help .= '<li><h3>Advanced Options - Photo Page</h3>
<p>Options in this section adjust how individual Photo are presented to the viewer.
<p>With <b>ShadowBox Mode</b>, theme\'s logic could be adjusted in how Slideshow module is integrated.
<br />As with Title in Photo Thumbs, <b>Description Display Mode</b> changes how Photo Description is displayed.
<br />You can choose to <b>Keep Thumb Nav Block on the side</b> of the Photo when Page is displayed with bottom aligned
or hidden Sidebar.
<br />And if metadata (owner/clicks/etc.) is unnecessary, it could be removed with <b>Hide Item Meta Data</b>.
<p>Theme allows use of BBCode/HTML in item\'s descriptions, to enable it select <b>Allow BBCode/HTML in Descriptions</b>.
$help .= '<li><h3>Advanced Options - Root Page</h3>
<p>Special option which allows adding special root/landing page with slideshow utilizing specified <b>Slideshow RSS Feed
URL</b> (Default: /gallery3/index.php/rss/feed/gallery/latest).
<p>To enable it, select <b>Allow root page</b>.
<p>Add small description on the side of the slideshow with <b>Show Gallery Description</b>.
<br />Adjust rotation delay with <b>Slideshow Delay</b>.
<br />If Sidebar is not desired in the Root Page it could be hidden with <b>Hide Sidebar</b> option.
<br />By default, description content is populated from description of the root album, but by providing <b>Alternative
Description</b> you can overwrite it.
$help .= '<li><h3>Sidebar Options</h3>
<p>If Block\'s header is not desired, it could be removed using <b>Hide Block Header</b>.
<p>Sidebar visibility could be limited to individual Photo pages with
<b>Show Sidebar for Albums Only</b>.
<p>When sidebar is visible it can be placed on the left or right of the
screen or removed altogether using <b>Allowed Sidebar Positions</b>.
If more than one position is allowed, <b>Default Sidebar Position</b>
would indicate default state, but visitor would able change it later.
$help .= '<li><h3>Maintenance</h3>
<p>Without changing image size, you can <b>Mark all Resizes for Rebuild</b>.
Then you need to visit Admin\Maintenance to initiate the process.
<p>Same can be done for image thumbs with <b>Mark all Thumbnails for Rebuild</b>.
<p><b>Mark Exif/IPTC Info for reload</b> would mark all Exif or IPTC records as "Dirty" allowing it to be repopulated.
<p>And just in case you think that something is not right, you can always <b>Reset Theme to a Default State</b>.
$help .= '</ul></fieldset>';
return t($help);
private function save_item_state($statename, $state, $value) {
if ($state):
module::set_var("th_greydragon", $statename, $value);
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", $statename);
protected function legacy() {
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "photonav_top");
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "photonav_bottom");
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "hide_sidebar_photo");
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "hide_thumbdesc");
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "use_detailview");
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "horizontal_crop");
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "photo_shadowbox");
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "root_text");
module::clear_var("th_greydragon", "enable_pagecache");
protected function reset_theme() {
// Default core theme settings
module::set_var("gallery", "page_size", 9);
module::set_var("gallery", "resize_size", 640);
module::set_var("gallery", "thumb_size", 200);
module::set_var("gallery", "header_text", "");
module::set_var("gallery", "footer_text", "");
module::set_var("gallery", "show_credits", FALSE);
public function save() {
$form = self::get_edit_form_admin();
if ($form->validate()):
if ($form->maintenance->reset_theme->value):
module::event("theme_edit_form_completed", $form);
message::success(t("Theme details are reset"));
// * General Settings ****************************************************
$resize_size = $form->edit_theme->resize_size->value;
$build_resize = $form->maintenance->build_resize->value;
$build_thumbs = $form->maintenance->build_thumbs->value;
$build_exif = $form->maintenance->build_exif->value;
if (module::is_active("iptc") and module::info("iptc")):
$build_iptc = $form->maintenance->build_iptc->value;
$build_iptc = FALSE;
$purge_cache = $form->maintenance->purge_cache->value;
$color_pack = $form->edit_theme->colorpack->value;
$frame_pack = $form->edit_theme->framepack->value;
$thumb_descmode_a = $form->edit_theme_adv_thumb->thumb_descmode_a->value;
$thumb_descmode = $form->edit_theme_adv_thumb->thumb_descmode->value;
$thumb_metamode = $form->edit_theme_adv_thumb->thumb_metamode->value;
$photo_descmode = $form->edit_theme_adv_photo->photo_descmode->value;
$photo_popupbox = $form->edit_theme_adv_photo->photo_popupbox->value;
if ($build_resize):
graphics::remove_rule("gallery", "resize", "gallery_graphics::resize");
graphics::add_rule("gallery", "resize", "gallery_graphics::resize",
array("width" => $resize_size, "height" => $resize_size, "master" => Image::AUTO), 100);
if (module::get_var("gallery", "resize_size") != $resize_size):
module::set_var("gallery", "resize_size", $resize_size);
$_priorratio = module::get_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_ratio", "photo");
$thumb_ratio = $form->edit_theme_adv_thumb->thumb_ratio->value;
$thumb_ratio_ex = $form->edit_theme_adv_thumb->thumb_ratio_ex->value;
if ($thumb_ratio_ex):
$thumb_ratio .= "_ex";
if ($thumb_ratio_ex):
$thumb_size = 300;
$thumb_size = 200;
if ($thumb_ratio == "photo"):
$rule = Image::AUTO;
$rule = Image::WIDTH;
if ($build_thumbs):
graphics::remove_rule("gallery", "thumb", "gallery_graphics::resize");
graphics::add_rule("gallery", "thumb", "gallery_graphics::resize",
array("width" => $thumb_size, "height" => $thumb_size, "master" => $rule), 100);
if (module::get_var("gallery", "thumb_size") != $thumb_size):
module::set_var("gallery", "thumb_size", $thumb_size);
$row_count = $form->edit_theme->row_count->value;
$column_count = $form->edit_theme->column_count->value;
$this->save_item_state("row_count", 3, $row_count);
$this->save_item_state("column_count", 3, $column_count);
if ($column_count == -1):
$column_count = 3;
module::set_var("gallery", "page_size", $row_count * $column_count);
module::set_var("gallery", "header_text", $form->edit_theme->header_text->value);
module::set_var("gallery", "footer_text", $form->edit_theme->footer_text->value);
module::set_var("gallery", "favicon_url", $form->edit_theme->favicon->value);
module::set_var("gallery", "appletouchicon_url", $form->edit_theme->appletouchicon->value);
$this->save_item_state("copyright", $form->edit_theme->copyright->value, $form->edit_theme->copyright->value);
$this->save_item_state("logo_path", $form->edit_theme->logo_path->value, $form->edit_theme->logo_path->value);
$this->save_item_state("color_pack", (($color_pack) and ($color_pack != "greydragon")), $color_pack);
$this->save_item_state("frame_pack", (($frame_pack) and ($frame_pack != "greydragon")), $frame_pack);
// * Advanced Options - General ******************************************
module::set_var("gallery", "show_credits", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->show_credits->value);
$this->save_item_state("show_guest_menu", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->show_guest_menu->value, TRUE);
$this->save_item_state("loginmenu_position", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->loginmenu_position->value == "1", "header");
$this->save_item_state("mainmenu_position", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->mainmenu_position->value != "default", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->mainmenu_position->value);
$this->save_item_state("breadcrumbs_position", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->breadcrumbs_position->value != "default", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->breadcrumbs_position->value);
$this->save_item_state("breadcrumbs_showinroot",$form->edit_theme_adv_main->breadcrumbs_showinroot->value, TRUE);
$this->save_item_state("photonav_position", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->photonav_position->value != "top", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->photonav_position->value);
$this->save_item_state("custom_css_path", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->custom_css_path->value != "", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->custom_css_path->value);
$this->save_item_state("blendpagetrans", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->blendpagetrans->value, TRUE);
$this->save_item_state("disable_seosupport", $form->edit_theme_adv_main->disable_seosupport->value, TRUE);
// * Advanced Options - Album page ***************************************
$this->save_item_state("album_descmode", $form->edit_theme_adv_album->album_descmode->value != "hide", $form->edit_theme_adv_album->album_descmode->value);
$this->save_item_state("thumb_ratio", $thumb_ratio != "photo", $thumb_ratio);
$this->save_item_state("thumb_descmode_a", $thumb_descmode_a != "overlay", $thumb_descmode_a);
$this->save_item_state("thumb_descmode", $thumb_descmode != "overlay", $thumb_descmode);
$this->save_item_state("thumb_metamode", $thumb_metamode != "default", $thumb_metamode);
$this->save_item_state("thumb_random", $form->edit_theme_adv_thumb->thumb_random->value, TRUE);
$this->save_item_state("thumb_topalign", $form->edit_theme_adv_thumb->thumb_topalign->value, TRUE);
// * Advanced Options - Photo page ***************************************
$this->save_item_state("photo_descmode", $photo_descmode != "overlay_top", $photo_descmode);
$this->save_item_state("photo_popupbox", $photo_popupbox != "default", $photo_popupbox);
$this->save_item_state("thumb_inpage", $form->edit_theme_adv_photo->thumb_inpage->value, TRUE);
$this->save_item_state("hide_photometa", !$form->edit_theme_adv_photo->hide_photometa->value, FALSE);
$this->save_item_state("desc_allowbbcode", $form->edit_theme_adv_photo->desc_allowbbcode->value, TRUE);
// * Advanced Options - Root page ****************************************
$imageblockexcheck = module::info("imageblockex");
$rssmodulecheck = module::is_active("rss") and module::info("rss");
$root_feed = $form->edit_theme_adv_root->root_feed->value;
$this->save_item_state("allow_root_page", $form->edit_theme_adv_root->allow_root_page->value, TRUE);
$this->save_item_state("hide_root_desc", !$form->edit_theme_adv_root->show_root_desc->value, TRUE);
$this->save_item_state("root_feed", $root_feed != "gallery/latest", $root_feed);
$this->save_item_state("root_delay", $form->edit_theme_adv_root->root_delay->value != "15", $form->edit_theme_adv_root->root_delay->value);
$this->save_item_state("hide_root_sidebar", $form->edit_theme_adv_root->hide_root_sidebar->value, TRUE);
$this->save_item_state("root_description", $form->edit_theme_adv_root->root_description->value, $form->edit_theme_adv_root->root_description->value);
// * Sidebar Options *****************************************************
$sidebar_allowed = $form->edit_theme_side->sidebar_allowed->value;
$sidebar_visible = $form->edit_theme_side->sidebar_visible->value;
if ($sidebar_allowed == "right"):
$sidebar_visible = "right";
if ($sidebar_allowed == "left"):
$sidebar_visible = "left";
$this->save_item_state("hide_blockheader", $form->edit_theme_side->hide_blockheader->value, TRUE);
$this->save_item_state("sidebar_albumonly", $form->edit_theme_side->sidebar_albumonly->value, TRUE);
$this->save_item_state("sidebar_allowed", $sidebar_allowed != "any", $sidebar_allowed);
$this->save_item_state("sidebar_visible", $sidebar_visible != "right", $sidebar_visible);
module::event("theme_edit_form_completed", $form);
if ($_priorratio != $thumb_ratio):
message::warning(t("Thumb aspect ratio has been changed. Consider rebuilding thumbs if needed."));
message::success(t("Updated theme details"));
if ($build_exif):
if ($build_iptc):
if ($purge_cache):
print $this->get_admin_view();
protected function get_admin_view() {
$view = new Admin_View("admin.html");
$view->page_title = t("Grey Dragon Theme");
$view->content = new View("admin_theme_options.html");
$view->content->name = self::get_theme_name();
$view->content->version = self::get_theme_version();
$view->content->form = self::get_edit_form_admin();
$view->content->help = self::get_edit_form_help();
return $view;
public function index() {
print $this->get_admin_view();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Grey Dragon Theme - a custom theme for Gallery 3
* This theme was designed and built by Serguei Dosyukov, whose blog you will find at http://blog.dragonsoft.us
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Serguei Dosyukov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
* implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#g-header { margin-bottom: 10px; }
#gd-admin { position: relative; font-size: 0.9em; }
#gd-admin legend { width: 99.5%; padding: 0.4em 0.8em; margin-left: -11px; background: url(/themes/greydragon/images/blue-grad.png) #d5e6f2 repeat-x left top; border: #dfdfdf 1px solid;}
.g-admin-left { float: left; width: 53%; }
.g-admin-right { float: left; width: 46%; margin-left: 1%; margin-top: 1em; }
.g-admin-right h3 { border-bottom: #a2bdbf 1px solid; margin-top: 0.3em; margin-bottom: 0.3em; }
#gd-admin-head { position: relative; height: auto; clear: both; display: block; overflow: auto; font-size: 11px; padding: 0.4em 0.8em; background-color: #b7c9d6; border: #a2bdbf 1px solid; }
#gd-admin-title { float: left; color: #333v42; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.6em; text-shadow: #deeefa 0 1px 0; }
#gd-admin-hlinks ul { float: right; margin-top: 0.4em; font-size: 11px; }
#gd-admin-hlinks li { list-style-type: none; float: left; color: #618299; display: inline; }
#gd-admin-hlinks a { font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; }
#gd-admin form { border: none; }
#gd-admin fieldset { border: #ccc 1px solid; }
#gd-admin input.g-error { padding-left: 30px; border: none; }
#gd-admin input.g-success { background-color: transparent; }
#gd-admin input.g-warning { background-color: transparent; border: none; }
#gd-admin p.g-error { padding-left: 30px; border: none; margin-bottom: 0; background-image: none; }
#g-content { padding: 0 1em; width: 97%; font-size: 1em; }
#g-content form ul li input { display: inline; float: left; margin-right: 0.8em; }
#g-content form ul li select { display: inline; float: left; margin-right: 0.8em; width: 50.6%; padding: 0 0 0 .2em; }
#g-content form ul li input[type='text'] { width: 50%; }
#g-content form ul li textarea { height: 6em; }
#g-content form input[type="submit"] { border: #5b86ab 2px solid; padding: 0.3em; color: #fff; background: url(/themes/greydragon/images/button-grad-vs.png) #5580a6 repeat-x left top; }
#g-content form input[type="submit"]:hover,
input.ui-state-hover { background-image: url(/themes/greydragon/images/button-grad-active-vs.png); border-color: #2e5475; color: #eaf2fa !important; }
#g-content form #vercheck, #g-content form #shadowbox, #g-content form #organizecheck { display: none; }
$(document).ready( function() {
$('form').submit( function() {
$('input[type=submit]', this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if ($is_module):
$admin_info = new ArrayObject(parse_ini_file(MODPATH . $name . "/module.info"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
$version = number_format($admin_info->version / 10, 1, '.', '');
$admin_info = new ArrayObject(parse_ini_file(THEMEPATH . $name . "/theme.info"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
$version = $admin_info->version;
<div id="gd-admin" class="g-block">
<div id="gd-admin-head">
<div id="gd-admin-title"><?= t($admin_info->name) ?> - <?= $version ?></div>
<div id="gd-admin-hlinks">
<ul><li><a href="http://blog.dragonsoft.us/gallery-3/" target="_blank"><?= t("Home") ?></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>
<? if (isset($admin_info->support)): ?>
<li><a href="<?= $admin_info->support; ?>" target="_blank"><?= t("Support") ?></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>
<? endif; ?>
<? if (isset($admin_info->download)): ?>
<li><a href="<?= $admin_info->download; ?>" target="_blank"><?= t("Download") ?></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>
<? endif; ?>
<? if (isset($admin_info->vote)): ?>
<li><a href="<?= $admin_info->vote; ?>" target="_blank"><?= t("Vote") ?></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>
<? endif; ?>
<li><a href="http://twitter.com/greydragon_th" target="_blank" title="<?= t("Follow Us on Twitter") ?>"><?= t("Follow Us") ?></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>
<li><a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9MWBSVJMWMJEU" target="_blank" ><?= t("Coffee Fund") ?></a>&nbsp;</li>
<div class="g-block-content g-admin-left">
<?= $form ?>
<div class="g-admin-right">
<?= $help ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Grey Dragon Theme - a custom theme for Gallery 3
* This theme was designed and built by Serguei Dosyukov, whose blog you will find at http://blog.dragonsoft.us
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Serguei Dosyukov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
* implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
$view = new View("admin_include.html");
$view->is_module = FALSE;
$view->name = "greydragon";
$view->form = $form;
$view->help = $help;
print $view;

changelog.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

css/base.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
* Gallery 3 Grey Dragon Theme
* Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Serguei Dosyukov
* CSS rules - Main CSS ruleset
* Color rules for font/background/lines can be found in dedicated colorpack files
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* screen.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
body { font-family: Arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 0.9em; }
a { text-decoration: none; outline: none; -moz-outline-style: none; }
a:focus, a:active, a:hover { text-decoration: none; outline: none; }
img { border: none; }
p { text-indent: 0; }
ul { list-style: none none; padding: 0; }
h1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; padding-bottom: 1px; min-height: 1.1em; }
h2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; min-height: 1.1em; }
h3 { font-weight: bold; }
h4 { font-weight: bold; }
h5 { font-weight: bold; }
.txtright { text-align: right; }
.g-metadata { overflow: hidden; }
.g-avatar { float: right; }
.g-hide { display: none; }
.ui-icon { display: inline-block; zoom: 1; width: 16px; height: 15px; }
.ui-icon-first { background-position: -162px -178px; }
.ui-icon-first-d { background-position: -162px -162px; }
.ui-icon-prev { background-position: -178px -178px; }
.ui-icon-prev-d { background-position: -178px -162px; }
.ui-icon-parent { background-position: -226px -178px; }
.ui-icon-parent-d { background-position: -226px -162px; }
.ui-icon-next { background-position: -194px -178px; }
.ui-icon-next-d { background-position: -194px -162px; }
.ui-icon-last { background-position: -210px -178px; }
.ui-icon-last-d { background-position: -210px -162px; }
.ui-icon-signal-diag { background-position: -16px -178px; }
.ui-icon-info { background-position: -16px -144px; }
.ui-icon-plus { background-position: -14px -129px; }
.ui-icon-minus { background-position: -46px -129px; }
.ui-icon-note { background-position: -66px -98px; }
.ui-icon-closethick { background-position: -96px -128px; }
.ui-icon-left .ui-icon { float: left; margin-right: .2em; }
.ui-icon-right .ui-icon { float: right; margin-left: .2em; }
/* screen.css - Header ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-header { height: 90px; padding: 0; font-size: 0.9em; }
#g-logo { position: absolute; top: 8px; left: 16px; }
.g-breadcrumbs { position: absolute; background-color: transparent; }
.g-breadcrumbs.g-default { bottom: 4px; right: 14px; }
.g-breadcrumbs.g-bottom-left { bottom: 4px; left: 21.4em; }
.g-breadcrumbs.g-top-right { top: 4px; right: 14px; }
.g-breadcrumbs.g-top-left { top: 4px; left: 21.4em; }
.g-breadcrumbs li { display: inline; padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 0.4em; }
.g-breadcrumbs li.g-first { background-image: none; padding-left: 0; }
.rtl .g-breadcrumbs .g-first { background-image: none; padding-left: 0; }
.g-breadcrumbs li.g-active { padding-right: 0; }
#g-header .g-message-block { position: absolute; z-index: 10; min-width: 30em; padding: 0; right: 20em; top: 34px; overflow: hidden; font: bold 9pt Arial, verdana, sans-serif; text-align: center; }
#g-header #g-login-menu { position: absolute; top: 0.2em; right: 1em; background-color: transparent; display: none; }
#g-site-status li { padding: .3em .3em .3em 30px; }
/* screen.css - Main ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-main { display: block; margin: 0; }
#g-main-in { display: block; position: relative; }
#g-column-center, #g-column-centerleft { padding: 6px 6px 6px 10px; }
#g-column-centerfull { padding: 6px 12px 6px 10px; }
#g-column-centerright { padding: 6px 10px 6px 6px; }
#g-column-left { padding: 6px 4px 6px 10px; }
#g-column-right { padding: 6px 10px 6px 4px; }
/* screen.css - Footer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-footer { padding: 6px 6px 6px 14px; zoom: 1; font-size: 0.9em; }
#g-footer ul { float: left; padding: 0; text-align: left; }
#g-footer li { padding: 0 0 2px 0; }
#g-footer #g-login-menu { position: absolute; bottom: 0.5em; right: 1em; background-color: transparent; display: none; }
#g-login-menu li { display: inline; padding-left: 1.2em; }
#g-logout-link { float: none; margin-right: 0; }
#g-copyright { font-size: x-small; }
#g-footer #g-footer-rightside { float: right; padding-right: 6px; text-align: right; }
#g-credits { margin-right: 14px; }
#g-credits li.g-branding a { float: left; }
#g-credits .g-first { display: none; }
#g-gallery-logo { display: block; width: 70px; height: 18px; background: transparent url('../images/gallery.png') no-repeat; }
#g-theme-logo { display: block; width: 70px; height: 18px; }
/* screen.css - Pagination ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-paginator { display: inline-block; width: 100%; padding: 4px 0 0 0; zoom: 1; }
.g-paginator li { display: inline; float: left; margin-left: 0; zoom: 1; }
.g-paginator a { padding: 0 0 0 2px; }
.g-paginator .g-pagination { width: 80%; font-size: 0.8em; }
.g-paginator .g-navigation { text-align: right; width: 20%; }
/* screen.css - Album grid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-album-grid { padding: 6px 0 0 0; width: 100%; display: inline-block; margin: 0px auto; }
#g-album-grid .g-item { position: relative; float: left; margin: 4px 8px 4px 0; min-width: 212px; zoom: 1; }
.g-album-grid-container .g-column-2>li { width: 48%; margin-right: 0; }
.g-album-grid-container .g-column-3>li { width: 32%; margin-right: 0; }
.g-album-grid-container .g-column-4>li { width: 23%; margin-right: 0; }
.g-album-grid-container .g-column-5>li { width: 19%; margin-right: 0; }
#g-album-grid .g-item p { text-align: center; }
#g-album-grid h2 { position: absolute; top: 164px; left: 12px; width: 150px; font: 100%/100% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
#g-album-grid h2 a { display: block; margin-top: 4px; font: bold 0.8em Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Sans-Serif; letter-spacing: 0.1em; text-transform: uppercase; min-height: 2em; }
/* screen.css - Thumbs : Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-thumbslide { font-size: 0.9em; width: 208px; min-height: 139px; padding-top: 6px; padding-left: 6px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; text-align: left; }
.g-thumbtype-sqr .g-thumbslide { height: 208px; }
.g-thumbtype-flm .g-thumbslide { height: 141px; }
.g-thumbtype-dgt .g-thumbslide { height: 158px; }
.g-thumbtype-wd .g-thumbslide { height: 120px; }
.g-extended .g-thumbslide { width: 308px; }
.g-thumbtype-sqr.g-extended .g-thumbslide { height: 308px; }
.g-thumbtype-flm.g-extended .g-thumbslide { height: 207px; }
.g-thumbtype-dgt.g-extended .g-thumbslide { height: 233px; }
.g-thumbtype-wd.g-extended .g-thumbslide { height: 176px; }
.g-thumbcrop { overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 200px; min-height: 112px; }
.g-thumbtype-sqr .g-thumbcrop { height: 200px; }
.g-thumbtype-flm .g-thumbcrop { height: 133px; }
.g-thumbtype-dgt .g-thumbcrop { height: 150px; }
.g-thumbtype-wd .g-thumbcrop { height: 112px; }
.g-extended .g-thumbcrop { width: 300px; }
.g-thumbtype-sqr.g-extended .g-thumbcrop { height: 300px; }
.g-thumbtype-flm.g-extended .g-thumbcrop { height: 199px; }
.g-thumbtype-dgt.g-extended .g-thumbcrop { height: 225px; }
.g-thumbtype-wd.g-extended .g-thumbcrop { height: 168px; }
.g-album .g-description strong { padding-left: 16px; }
/* Force size of the link to fill thumbcrop */
.g-thumbcrop a.g-thumblink { display: block; position: relative; min-width: 200px; }
.g-thumbtype-sqr a.g-thumblink { min-height: 200px; }
.g-thumbtype-flm a.g-thumblink { min-height: 133px; }
.g-thumbtype-dgt a.g-thumblink { min-height: 150px; }
.g-thumbtype-wd a.g-thumblink { min-height: 112px; }
.g-extended .g-thumbcrop a.g-thumblink { min-width: 300px; }
.g-thumbtype-sqr.g-extended a.g-thumblink { min-height: 300px; }
.g-thumbtype-flm.g-extended a.g-thumblink { min-height: 200px; }
.g-thumbtype-dgt.g-extended a.g-thumblink { min-height: 225px; }
.g-thumbtype-wd.g-extended a.g-thumblink { min-height: 168px; }
/* screen.css - Thumbs : Overlay ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-thumbslide .g-description { display: none; position: absolute; left: 6px; top: 6px; min-height: 24px; width: 184px; overflow: hidden; z-index: 3; text-align: left; padding: 2px 8px; font-size: 0.85em; }
.g-extended .g-thumbslide .g-description { width: 284px; }
.g-thumbslide:hover .g-description { display: block; }
.g-thumbslide .g-description li { display: inline; padding-right: 0.8em; }
.g-thumbslide .g-description .g-title { display: block; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; letter-spacing: 0.1em; text-transform: uppercase; padding-top: 3px; }
.g-album .g-thumbslide .g-description .g-title { padding-left: 24px; }
.g-thumbslide .g-description.g-overlay-top { display: block; }
.g-thumbslide .g-description.g-overlay-bottom { display: block; top: auto; bottom: 6px; }
.g-thumbslide .g-metadata { display: none; position: absolute; left: 6px; bottom: 6px; padding: 2px 4px 2px 10px; width: 186px; }
.g-thumbslide .g-metadata li { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 0.9em; }
.g-extended .g-thumbslide .g-metadata { width: 286px; }
.g-thumbslide:hover .g-metadata { display: block; }
/* screen.css - Thumbs : Expanded View mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide { font-size: 0.9em; width: 208px; min-height: 139px; padding-top: 6px; padding-left: 6px; line-height: 1.2em; overflow: hidden; }
.g-thumbtype-sqr.g-expanded .g-thumbslide { height: 238px; }
.g-thumbtype-flm.g-expanded .g-thumbslide { height: 171px; }
.g-thumbtype-dgt.g-expanded .g-thumbslide { height: 188px; }
.g-thumbtype-wd.g-expanded .g-thumbslide { height: 150px; }
.g-extended.g-expanded .g-thumbslide { width: 308px; }
.g-thumbtype-sqr.g-extended.g-expanded .g-thumbslide { height: 346px; }
.g-thumbtype-flm.g-extended.g-expanded .g-thumbslide { height: 244px; }
.g-thumbtype-dgt.g-extended.g-expanded .g-thumbslide { height: 270px; }
.g-thumbtype-wd.g-extended.g-expanded .g-thumbslide { height: 214px; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-description { position: static; display: block; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-description li { display: inline; padding-right: 0.8em; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-description .g-title { display: block; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; letter-spacing: 0.1em; text-transform: uppercase; }
.g-album.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-description .g-title { padding-left: 24px; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-description.g-overlay-bottom { width: 192px; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-metadata { bottom: 10px; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-metadata li { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 0.9em; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide:hover .g-metadata { display: block; bottom: 40px; }
/* screen.css - Photo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-item { float: left; height: 100%; width: 100%; }
#g-photo { padding: 6px 0 6px 0; text-align: center; float: left; height: 100%; width: 100%; }
div.g-resize { position: relative; left: 50%; float: left; padding: 5px; font-size: 0.9em; }
div.g-resize>a { float: left; overflow: hidden; }
div.g-resize>a img { float: left; }
div.g-resize .g-description { display: none; position: absolute; left: 5px; text-align: left; padding: 10px; }
div.g-resize .g-description strong { display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; text-transform: uppercase; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-top { top: 0px; margin-top: 5px; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-bottom { bottom: 4px; }
div.g-resize:hover .g-description { display: block; }
div.g-resize .g-more { display: block; position: absolute; right: 16px; padding: 4px 8px; }
div.g-resize:hover .g-more { display: none; visibility: hidden; }
div.g-resize .g-more.g-align-top { top: 16px; }
div.g-resize .g-more.g-align-bottom { bottom: 20px; }
.ul-table { text-align: center; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; clear: both; }
.ul-table li { float: left; text-align: center; }
#g-info { display: inline-block; width: 100%; }
#g-info .g-description { margin-top: .4em; margin-bottom: .4em; padding: .5em 1em; }
#g-movie { padding: 6px 0 6px 6px; position: relative; }
#g-item a.g-movie { display: block; margin: 0 auto; }
.g-description .g-metadata { padding: 0.4em 0 0 0; font-size: 0.8em; }
.g-description .g-metadata li { display: inline; padding-right: 1em; }
/* screen.css - Sidebar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* screen.css - Sidebar : Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-block { margin-bottom: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; position: relative; clear: both; }
.g-block h2 { padding: 6px 4px 6px 8px; font-size: 1em; }
.g-block-content { margin: 6px 6px 0 6px; display: block; zoom: 1; }
#g-column-top .g-block, #g-column-bottom .g-block { float: left; clear: none; width: 240px; margin-left: 10px; }
#g-column-top .g-toolbar, #g-column-bottom .g-toolbar { margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
#g-column-top .g-toolbar h1, #g-column-bottom .g-toolbar h1 { font-size: 2px; }
/* screen.css - Sidebar : Buttons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-viewformat { z-index: 5; position: absolute; padding: 0; top: 6px; right: 10px; }
#g-viewformat li { float: left; margin-right: 2px; }
#g-viewformat span { display: block; width: 17px; height: 15px; line-height: 1px; text-indent: -900em; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-left { background-position: -128px -210px; }
#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-top { background-position: -148px -210px; }
#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-full { background-position: -168px -210px; }
#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-right { background-position: -188px -210px; }
#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-bottom { background-position: -208px -210px; }
#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-left:hover, #g-viewformat .g-sidebar-left.g-current { background-position: -128px -225px; }
#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-top:hover, #g-viewformat .g-sidebar-top.g-current { background-position: -148px -225px; }
#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-full:hover, #g-viewformat .g-sidebar-full.g-current { background-position: -168px -225px; }
#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-right:hover, #g-viewformat .g-sidebar-right.g-current { background-position: -188px -225px; }
#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-bottom:hover,#g-viewformat .g-sidebar-bottom.g-current{ background-position: -208px -225px; }
#g-view-menu { position: absolute; top: 6px; right: 106px; height: 16px; z-index: 5; zoom: 1; margin: 0 0 6px 0; padding: 0 0 4px 0; }
#g-view-menu.g-buttonset-shift { right: 6px; }
.g-toolbar { margin: 0 0 4px 0; }
.g-menu { margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: left; }
.g-menu li { display: inline; }
.g-menu-link { display: inline; float: left; margin-right: 4px; }
.g-buttonset .g-menu-link { text-indent: -99999px; width: 22px; height: 15px; overflow: hidden; }
#g-slideshow-link { width: 22px; height: 15px; background-position: -103px -210px; }
#g-slideshow-link:hover { background-position: -103px -225px; }
.g-fullsize-link:hover, #g-exifdata-link:hover { background-position: left bottom; }
/* screen.css - Root Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-rootpage-quote { float: left; width: 300px; padding-top: 6px; font-size: 110%; }
#g-rootpage-roll { float: right; text-align: center; z-index: 1; position: relative; width: 800px; height: 540px; }
#g-rootpage-link { z-index: 10; position: absolute; height: 540px; width: 800px; top: 0; left: 0; cursor: pointer; }
#g-rootpage-roll span { z-index: 11; display: block; position: absolute; right: 16px; padding: 4px 8px; top: 20px; cursor: pointer; font-size: 0.9em; }
#g-rootpage-roll.g-full { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; float: none; }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
* Gallery 3 Grey Dragon Theme
* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Serguei Dosyukov
* ColorPack: SlateBlue
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* styles.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
html { background-color: #101010; }
body { color: #8C8C8C; background: #101010; }
h1 { border-bottom: #424242 1px solid; }
a { color: #6392CF !important; }
.ui-icon, #g-slideshow-link { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
#g-site-status li { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; color: #333; }
#g-site-status .g-error { background: #f6cbca url('images/ico-error.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-info { background: #e8e8e8 url('images/ico-info.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-success { background: #d9efc2 url('images/ico-success.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-warning { background: #fcf9ce url('images/ico-warning.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
/* styles.css - Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-header { border: #424242 1px solid; }
#g-header .g-message-block { border: 1px #888 solid; background-color: #AAA; color: #000; }
.g-breadcrumbs li { background: transparent url(images/ico-separator.png) no-repeat 0 0.2em; }
.rtl .g-breadcrumbs li { background: transparent url('images/ico-separator-rtl.png') no-repeat 0 0.2em; }
#g-main { border-left: #424242 1px solid; border-right: #424242 1px solid; }
#g-footer { font-size: 10px; border: #424242 1px solid; }
#g-theme-logo { background: transparent url('images/colorpack.png') no-repeat; }
/* styles.css - Album Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-column-top, #g-column-bottom { border-left: #424242 1px solid; border-right: #424242 1px solid; }
#g-column-top .g-toolbar h1, #g-column-bottom .g-toolbar h1 { border: none; }
#g-info .g-description { border: #424242 1px solid; }
.g-thumbcrop { border-color: #424142; }
.g-thumbslide, .g-album .g-thumbslide { background: #212021; border-color: #424142 #000 #000 #424142; }
.g-thumbslide .g-description { color: #fff; border-top: 1px solid #424142; border-bottom: 1px solid #424142; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-album.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-description { background: transparent url(images/ico-album.png) no-repeat 8px 4px; }
.g-album .g-thumbslide .g-description { background: #1E1E1E url(images/ico-album.png) no-repeat 8px 4px; }
.g-thumbslide .g-metadata { border-top: 1px solid #424142; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-metadata { border-top: 1px solid #424142; background: #1E1E1E; }
/* styles.css - Photo Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
div.g-resize { background: #212021; border-top: 1px solid #424142; border-left: 1px solid #424142; border-right: 1px solid #000; border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }
div.g-resize .g-description { color: #fff; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-top { border-bottom: 1px solid #999; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-bottom { border-top: 1px solid #999; }
div.g-resize .g-more { border: 1px solid #999; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-movie { border: 1px solid #888; padding: 5px; background: #555; }
/* styles.css - Sidebar Blocks : Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-block h2 { border-top: 1px solid #424142; border-left: 1px solid #424142; border-right: 1px solid #000; border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }
/* styles.css - Sidebar Blocks : Buttons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-fullsize-link { background: url("images/view-fullsize.png") top left no-repeat; }
#g-exifdata-link { background: url("images/view-info.png") top left no-repeat; }
/* styles.css - Root Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-rootpage-roll span { border: 1px solid #424142; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* forms.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* styles.css - Photo Slideshow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#sb-body { background-color: #101415; }
#sb-title { border-left: #303030 1px solid; border-right: #303030 1px solid; background: #101415 url('images/section.png') repeat-x; }
#sb-counter a { color: #fff !important; font-weight: bold; font-size: 11px; }
/* forms.css - Add item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-add-photos-canvas { background-color: #101010; border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-add-photos-status { background-color: #101010; border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-add-photos-status li.g-success { background: url('images/ico-success.png') transparent no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-add-photos-status li.g-error { background: url('images/ico-error.png') transparent no-repeat .4em 50%; color: #f00; }
.uploadifyQueueItem { color: #000; }
/* forms.css - Reauthentificate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-error #g-login>ul { border: #888 1px solid; }
/* forms.css - User Profile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-user-profile .g-avatar { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* menus.css ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-site-menu ul { border: #000000 0 solid; }
#g-site-menu li a:hover { color: #000000; background-color: #303030; }
#g-site-menu li:hover,
#g-site-menu li.iemhover { border: #303030 1px solid; background-color: #303030; border-bottom: #000000 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul { border: #000000 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul li { border: #C0C0C0 0px solid; background-color: #212121; }
#g-site-menu li ul li:hover,
#g-site-menu li ul li.iemhover { border: #C0C0C0 0 solid; background-color: #303030; }
#g-site-menu.g-bar { border: #000000 1px solid; background-color: #212121; }
#g-site-menu.g-bar li:hover,
#g-site-menu.g-bar li.iemhover { border-bottom-color: transparent; }
.g-item .g-context-menu { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
.g-item .g-context-menu:hover { background: #181818 none; border: 1px #888 solid; }
.g-item .g-context-menu li li a:hover { background-color: #303030; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* modules.css - Exif ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-exif-data table { border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-exif-data .g-even { background-color: #404040; }
#g-exif-data .g-odd { background-color: #303030; }
/* modules.css - Info module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-metadata .g-description { border-top: 1px solid #424242; }
/* modules.css - Image block ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-image-block img { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
/* modules.css - Comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-comments .g-author { border-bottom: 1px solid #424242; color: #8C8C8C; }
#g-comments-link { background-image: url(images/view-comments.png); }
#g-comment-detail>ul>li { border: 1px dotted #424242; }
#g-comment-form { border: 1px dotted #424242; }
/* modules.css - Calendar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-view-menu #g-calendarview-link { background-image: url(images/view-calendar.png); }
#g-view-calendar-form ul { border: 1px #888 solid; }
table.calendar { border: #a2adbc 1px solid; color: #616b76; }
table.calendar th { border-bottom: #a2adbc 1px solid; border-right: #a2adbc 1px solid; background: #d9e2e1; color: #8C8C8C; }
table.calendar td { border-bottom: #a2adbc 1px solid; border-right: #a2adbc 1px solid; }
table.calendar td.title { background-color: #a2adbc; color: #fff; }
table.calendar td.title a { color: #fff !important; }
table.calendar td a { color: red !important; }
/* modules.css - Search ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-quick-search-form input[type="text"] { background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #424242; color: #8C8C8C; }
#g-quick-search-form input[type="submit"] { background: transparent url(images/search.png) no-repeat center top; border: none; }
/* modules.css - Basket ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#checkout legend { background: url(images/section.png) repeat-x; }
/* forms.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { background: #424242; }
.ui-widget-content { border: 1px solid #303030; background-color: #101010; color: #8C8C8C; }
.ui-progressbar .ui-progressbar-value { background: #424242; }

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
* Gallery 3 Grey Dragon Theme
* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Serguei Dosyukov
* ColorPack: Carbon
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* styles.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
html { background-color: #333; }
body { color: #999; background-color: #333; }
h1 { border-bottom: #6f6f6f 1px solid; }
a { color: #999 !important; font-weight: bold; }
.ui-icon, #g-slideshow-link { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
#g-site-status li { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; color: #333; }
#g-site-status .g-error { background: #f6cbca url('images/ico-error.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-info { background: #e8e8e8 url('images/ico-info.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-success { background: #d9efc2 url('images/ico-success.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-warning { background: #fcf9ce url('images/ico-warning.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
/* styles.css - Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-header .g-message-block { border: 1px #888 solid; background-color: #AAA; color: #000; }
.g-breadcrumbs li { background: transparent url(images/ico-separator.png) no-repeat 0 0.2em; }
.rtl .g-breadcrumbs li { background: transparent url('images/ico-separator-rtl.png') no-repeat 0 0.2em; }
#g-main { background-color: #3f3f3f; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; }
#g-theme-logo { background: transparent url('images/colorpack.png') no-repeat; }
/* styles.css - Album Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-column-top { border-top: #737373 1px solid; }
#g-column-top .g-toolbar h1, #g-column-bottom .g-toolbar h1 { border: none; }
#g-info .g-description { border: #6f6f6f 1px solid; }
.g-thumbslide { background: #555; border-color: #303E43; }
.g-album .g-thumbslide { border-color: #6f6f6f; }
.g-thumbcrop { border-color: #303E43; }
.g-thumbslide .g-description { color: #fff; border-top: 1px solid #303e43; border-bottom: 1px solid #303e43; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-album.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-description { background: transparent url(images/ico-album.png) no-repeat 8px 4px; }
.g-album .g-thumbslide .g-description { background: #3f3f3f url(images/ico-album.png) no-repeat 8px 4px; }
.g-thumbslide .g-metadata { border-top: 1px solid #303e43; background: #3f3f3f; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; color: #FFF; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-metadata { border-top: 1px solid #303e43; background: #3f3f3f; }
/* styles.css - Photo Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
div.g-resize { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
div.g-resize .g-description { color: #fff; background: #3f3f3f; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-top { border-bottom: 1px solid #999; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-bottom { border-top: 1px solid #999; }
div.g-resize .g-more { border: 1px solid #999; background: #3f3f3f; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-movie { border: 1px solid #888; padding: 5px; background: #555; }
/* styles.css - Sidebar Blocks : Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-block { border: 1px solid #6f6f6f; }
.g-block h2 { background: url(images/section.png) repeat-x; }
/* styles.css - Sidebar Blocks : Buttons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-fullsize-link { background: url("images/view-fullsize.png") top left no-repeat; }
#g-exifdata-link { background: url("images/view-info.png") top left no-repeat; }
/* styles.css - Root Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-rootpage-roll span { border: 1px solid #999; background: #3f3f3f; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* menus.css ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-site-menu ul { border: #000000 0 solid; }
#g-site-menu li a:hover { color: #000000; background-color: #333; }
#g-site-menu li:hover,
#g-site-menu li.iemhover { border: #303030 1px solid; background-color: #333; border-bottom: #000000 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul { border: #000000 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul li { border: #C0C0C0 0px solid; background-color: #333; }
#g-site-menu li ul li:hover,
#g-site-menu li ul li.iemhover { border: #C0C0C0 0 solid; background-color: #ddf2ff; }
#g-site-menu.g-bar { border: #000000 1px solid; background-color: #333; }
#g-site-menu.g-bar li:hover,
#g-site-menu.g-bar li.iemhover { border-bottom-color: transparent; }
.g-item .g-context-menu { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
.g-item .g-context-menu:hover { background: #333 none; border: 1px #888 solid; }
.g-item .g-context-menu li li a:hover { background-color: #ddf2ff; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* forms.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* styles.css - Photo Slideshow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#sb-body { background-color: #101415; }
#sb-title { border-left: #303030 1px solid; border-right: #303030 1px solid; background-color: #333; }
#sb-counter a { color: #fff !important; font-weight: bold; font-size: 11px; }
/* forms.css - Add item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-add-photos-canvas { background-color: #101010; border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-add-photos-button { border: #303030 1px solid; color: #bbb; }
#g-add-photos-status { background-color: #101010; border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-add-photos-status li.g-success { background: url('images/ico-success.png') transparent no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-add-photos-status li.g-error { background: url('images/ico-error.png') transparent no-repeat .4em 50%; color: #f00; }
.uploadifyQueueItem { color: #000; }
/* forms.css - User Profile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-user-profile .g-avatar { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* menus.css ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-site-menu ul { border: #000000 0 solid; }
#g-site-menu li a:hover { color: #000000; background-color: #303030; }
#g-site-menu li:hover,
#g-site-menu li.iemhover { border: #303030 1px solid; background-color: #303030; border-bottom: #000000 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul { border: #000000 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul li { border: #C0C0C0 0px solid; background-color: #212121; }
#g-site-menu li ul li:hover,
#g-site-menu li ul li.iemhover { border: #C0C0C0 0 solid; background-color: #303030; }
.g-item .g-context-menu { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
.g-item .g-context-menu:hover { background: #181818 none; border: 1px #888 solid; }
.g-item .g-context-menu li li a:hover { background-color: #303030; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* modules.css - Exif ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-exif-data table { border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-exif-data .g-even { background-color: #404040; }
#g-exif-data .g-odd { background-color: #303030; }
/* modules.css - Info module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-metadata .g-description { border-top: 1px solid #737373; }
/* modules.css - Image block ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-image-block img { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
/* modules.css - Comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-comments .g-author { border-bottom: 1px solid #202628; color: #999; }
#g-comments-link { background-image: url(images/view-comments.png); }
#g-comment-detail>ul>li { border: 1px dotted #737373; }
#g-comment-form { border: 1px dotted #737373; }
/* modules.css - Calendar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-view-menu #g-calendarview-link { background-image: url(images/view-calendar.png); }
#g-view-calendar-form ul { border: 1px #888 solid; }
table.calendar { border: #a2adbc 1px solid; color: #616b76; }
table.calendar th { border-bottom: #a2adbc 1px solid; border-right: #a2adbc 1px solid; background: #d9e2e1; color: #616b76; }
table.calendar td { border-bottom: #a2adbc 1px solid; border-right: #a2adbc 1px solid; }
table.calendar td.title { background-color: #a2adbc; color: #fff; }
table.calendar td.title a { color: #fff !important; }
table.calendar td a { color: red !important; }
/* modules.css - Search ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-quick-search-form input[type="text"] { background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #737373; color: #BBB; }
#g-quick-search-form input[type="submit"] { background: transparent url(images/search.png) no-repeat center top; border: none; }
/* modules.css - Basket ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#checkout legend { background: url(images/section.png) repeat-x; }
/* forms.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { background: #333 url('images/section.png') repeat-x; }
.ui-widget-content { border: 1px solid #303030; background-color: #333; color: #bbb; }
.ui-progressbar .ui-progressbar-value { background: #737373; }
/* forms.css - Reauthentificate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-error #g-login>ul { border: #737373 1px solid; }

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
* Gallery 3 Grey Dragon Theme
* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Serguei Dosyukov
* ColorPack: GreyDragon - Default color pack
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* styles.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
html { background-color: #1A2022; }
body { color: #BBB; background: #1A2022; }
h1 { border-bottom: #737373 1px solid; }
a { color: #6392CF !important; }
.ui-icon, #g-slideshow-link { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
#g-site-status li { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; color: #333; }
#g-site-status .g-error { background: #f6cbca url('images/ico-error.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-info { background: #e8e8e8 url('images/ico-info.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-success { background: #d9efc2 url('images/ico-success.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-warning { background: #fcf9ce url('images/ico-warning.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
/* styles.css - Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-header { border-left: #10151c 1px solid; border-right: #10151c 1px solid; background: url(images/background-top.gif) #1A2022 repeat-x; }
#g-header .g-message-block { border: 1px #888 solid; background-color: #AAA; color: #000; }
.g-breadcrumbs li { background: transparent url(images/ico-separator.png) no-repeat 0 0.2em; }
.rtl .g-breadcrumbs li { background: transparent url('images/ico-separator-rtl.png') no-repeat 0 0.2em; }
#g-main { border-left: #10151c 1px solid; border-right: #10151c 1px solid; background: url(images/background-bottom.gif) #1A2022 repeat-x; }
#g-footer { background: url(images/footer.png) #1A2022 repeat-x top !important; }
#g-theme-logo { background: transparent url('images/colorpack.png') no-repeat; }
/* styles.css - Album Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-column-top { background: url(images/background-bottom.gif) #1A2022 repeat-x; border: #10151C 1px solid; }
#g-column-bottom { background-color: #1a2022; border: #10151C 1px solid; }
#g-column-top .g-toolbar h1, #g-column-bottom .g-toolbar h1 { border: none; }
#g-info .g-description { border: #737373 1px solid; }
.g-thumbslide { background: #1E1E1E url('images/image-thumb.gif') repeat-x; border-color: #303E43; }
.g-album .g-thumbslide { border-color: #43565B; }
.g-thumbcrop { border-color: #303E43; }
.g-thumbslide .g-description { color: #fff; border-top: 1px solid #303e43; border-bottom: 1px solid #303e43; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-album.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-description { background: transparent url(images/ico-album.png) no-repeat 8px 4px; }
.g-album .g-thumbslide .g-description { background: #1E1E1E url(images/ico-album.png) no-repeat 8px 4px; }
.g-thumbslide .g-metadata { border-top: 1px solid #303e43; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-metadata { border-top: 1px solid #303e43; background: #1E1E1E; }
/* styles.css - Photo Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
div.g-resize { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
div.g-resize .g-description { color: #fff; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-top { border-bottom: 1px solid #999; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-bottom { border-top: 1px solid #999; }
div.g-resize .g-more { border: 1px solid #999; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-movie { border: 1px solid #888; padding: 5px; background: #555; }
/* styles.css - Sidebar Blocks : Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-block { border: 1px solid #737373; background-color: #101415; }
.g-block h2 { background: url(images/section.png) repeat-x; }
/* styles.css - Sidebar Blocks : Buttons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-fullsize-link { background: url("images/view-fullsize.png") top left no-repeat; }
#g-exifdata-link { background: url("images/view-info.png") top left no-repeat; }
/* styles.css - Root Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-rootpage-roll span { border: 1px solid #999; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* forms.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* styles.css - Photo Slideshow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#sb-body { background: #101415 url('images/ajax-loading.gif') no-repeat center center; }
#sb-title { border-left: #303030 1px solid; border-right: #303030 1px solid; background: #101415 url('images/section.png') repeat-x; }
#sb-counter a { color: #fff !important; font-weight: bold; font-size: 11px; }
/* forms.css - Add item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-add-photos-canvas { background-color: #101010; border: #303030 1px solid; }
#ag-add-photos-button { border: #303030 1px solid; color: #bbb; }
#g-add-photos-status { background-color: #101010; border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-add-photos-status li.g-success { background: url('images/ico-success.png') transparent no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-add-photos-status li.g-error { background: url('images/ico-error.png') transparent no-repeat .4em 50%; color: #f00; }
.uploadifyQueueItem { color: #000; }
/* forms.css - User Profile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-user-profile .g-avatar { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* menus.css ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-site-menu ul { border: #000000 0 solid; }
#g-site-menu li a:hover { color: #000000; background-color: #303030; }
#g-site-menu li:hover,
#g-site-menu li.iemhover { border: #303030 1px solid; background-color: #303030; border-bottom: #000000 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul { border: #000000 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul li { border: #C0C0C0 0px solid; background-color: #212121; }
#g-site-menu li ul li:hover,
#g-site-menu li ul li.iemhover { border: #C0C0C0 0 solid; background-color: #303030; }
#g-site-menu.g-bar { border: #000000 1px solid; background-color: #212121; }
#g-site-menu.g-bar li:hover,
#g-site-menu.g-bar li.iemhover { border-bottom-color: transparent; }
.g-item .g-context-menu { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
.g-item .g-context-menu:hover { background: #181818 none; border: 1px #888 solid; }
.g-item .g-context-menu li li a:hover { background-color: #303030; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* modules.css - Exif ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-exif-data table { border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-exif-data .g-even { background-color: #404040; }
#g-exif-data .g-odd { background-color: #303030; }
/* modules.css - Info module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-metadata .g-description { border-top: 1px solid #737373; }
/* modules.css - Image block ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-image-block img { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
/* modules.css - Comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-comments .g-author { border-bottom: 1px solid #202628; color: #999; }
#g-comments-link { background-image: url(images/view-comments.png); }
#g-comment-detail>ul>li { border: 1px dotted #737373; }
#g-comment-form { border: 1px dotted #737373; }
/* modules.css - Calendar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-view-menu #g-calendarview-link { background-image: url(images/view-calendar.png); }
#g-view-calendar-form ul { border: 1px #888 solid; }
table.calendar { border: #a2adbc 1px solid; color: #616b76; }
table.calendar th { border-bottom: #a2adbc 1px solid; border-right: #a2adbc 1px solid; background: #d9e2e1; color: #616b76; }
table.calendar td { border-bottom: #a2adbc 1px solid; border-right: #a2adbc 1px solid; }
table.calendar td.title { background-color: #a2adbc; color: #fff; }
table.calendar td.title a { color: #fff !important; }
table.calendar td a { color: red !important; }
/* modules.css - Search ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-quick-search-form input[type="text"] { background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #737373; color: #BBB; }
#g-quick-search-form input[type="submit"] { background: transparent url(images/search.png) no-repeat center top; border: none; }
/* modules.css - Basket ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#checkout legend { background: url(images/section.png) repeat-x; }
/* forms.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { background: #101415 url('images/section.png') repeat-x; }
.ui-widget-content { border: 1px solid #303030; background-color: #1a2022; color: #bbb; }
.ui-progressbar .ui-progressbar-value { background: #737373; }
/* forms.css - Reauthentificate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-error #g-login>ul { border: #888 1px solid; }

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
* Gallery 3 Grey Dragon Theme
* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Serguei Dosyukov
* ColorPack: SlateBlue
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* styles.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
html { background-color: #1c242e; }
body { color: #BBB; background: #1c242e; }
h1 { border-bottom: #737373 1px solid; }
a { color: #6392CF !important; }
.ui-icon, #g-slideshow-link { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
#g-site-status li { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; color: #333; }
#g-site-status .g-error { background: #f6cbca url('images/ico-error.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-info { background: #e8e8e8 url('images/ico-info.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-success { background: #d9efc2 url('images/ico-success.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-warning { background: #fcf9ce url('images/ico-warning.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
/* styles.css - Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-header { border-left: #10151c 1px solid; border-right: #10151c 1px solid; background: url(images/background.jpg) #1c242e repeat-x; }
#g-header .g-message-block { border: 1px #888 solid; background-color: #AAA; color: #000; }
.g-breadcrumbs li { background: transparent url(images/ico-separator.png) no-repeat 0 0.2em; }
.rtl .g-breadcrumbs li { background: transparent url('images/ico-separator-rtl.png') no-repeat 0 0.2em; }
#g-main { border-left: #10151c 1px solid; border-right: #10151c 1px solid; }
#g-footer { background: #000; font-size: 10px; }
#g-theme-logo { background: transparent url('images/colorpack.png') no-repeat; }
/* styles.css - Album Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-column-top, #g-column-bottom { background-color: #1a1e27; border: #10151C 1px solid; border-top: none;}
#g-column-top .g-toolbar h1, #g-column-bottom .g-toolbar h1 { border: none; }
#g-info .g-description { border: #10151c 1px solid; background-color: #1a1e27; }
.g-thumbslide { border-color: #303E43; }
.g-album .g-thumbslide { border-color: #43565B; }
.g-thumbcrop { border-color: #303E43; }
.g-default .g-thumbslide .g-description { color: #fff; background: #1E1E1E; border-top: 1px solid #303e43; border-bottom: 1px solid #303e43; opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "alpha (opacity=85)"; filter: alpha (opacity=85); }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-description { color: #fff; background: transparent; border: none; }
.g-album .g-thumbslide .g-description { background-image: url(images/ico-album.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 4px; }
.g-thumbslide .g-metadata { border-top: 1px solid #303e43; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
/* styles.css - Photo Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
div.g-resize { border: #10151c 1px solid; background: #4a4e67; }
div.g-resize .g-description { color: #fff; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-top { border-bottom: 1px solid #999; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-bottom { border-top: 1px solid #999; }
div.g-resize .g-more { border: 1px solid #999; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-movie { border: 1px solid #888; padding: 5px; background: #555; }
/* styles.css - Sidebar Blocks : Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-block { border: #10151c 1px solid; background-color: #1a1e27; }
.g-block h2 { background: #1c242e; border-bottom: #273444 1px solid; border-top: #273444 1px solid; }
/* styles.css - Sidebar Blocks : Buttons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-fullsize-link { background: url("images/view-fullsize.png") top left no-repeat; }
#g-exifdata-link { background: url("images/view-info.png") top left no-repeat; }
/* styles.css - Root Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-rootpage-roll span { border: 1px solid #999; background: #1E1E1E; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* forms.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* styles.css - Photo Slideshow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#sb-body { background-color: #101415; }
#sb-title { border-left: #303030 1px solid; border-right: #303030 1px solid; background: #101415 url('images/section.png') repeat-x; }
#sb-counter a { color: #fff !important; font-weight: bold; font-size: 11px; }
/* forms.css - Add item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-add-photos-canvas { background-color: #101010; border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-add-photos-status { background-color: #101010; border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-add-photos-status li.g-success { background: url('images/ico-success.png') transparent no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-add-photos-status li.g-error { background: url('images/ico-error.png') transparent no-repeat .4em 50%; color: #f00; }
.uploadifyQueueItem { color: #000; }
/* forms.css - Reauthentificate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-error #g-login>ul { border: #888 1px solid; }
/* forms.css - User Profile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-user-profile .g-avatar { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* menus.css ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-site-menu ul { border: #000000 0 solid; }
#g-site-menu li a:hover { color: #000000; background-color: #303030; }
#g-site-menu li:hover,
#g-site-menu li.iemhover { border: #303030 1px solid; background-color: #303030; border-bottom: #000000 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul { border: #000000 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul li { border: #C0C0C0 0px solid; background-color: #212121; }
#g-site-menu li ul li:hover,
#g-site-menu li ul li.iemhover { border: #C0C0C0 0 solid; background-color: #303030; }
#g-site-menu.g-bar { border: #000000 1px solid; background-color: #212121; }
#g-site-menu.g-bar li:hover,
#g-site-menu.g-bar li.iemhover { border-bottom-color: transparent; }
.g-item .g-context-menu { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
.g-item .g-context-menu:hover { background: #181818 none; border: 1px #888 solid; }
.g-item .g-context-menu li li a:hover { background-color: #303030; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* modules.css - Exif ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-exif-data table { border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-exif-data .g-even { background-color: #404040; }
#g-exif-data .g-odd { background-color: #303030; }
/* modules.css - Info module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-metadata .g-description { border-top: 1px solid #737373; }
/* modules.css - Image block ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-image-block img { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
/* modules.css - Comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-comments .g-author { border-bottom: 1px solid #202628; color: #999; }
#g-comments-link { background-image: url(images/view-comments.png); }
#g-comment-detail>ul>li { border: 1px dotted #737373; }
#g-comment-form { border: 1px dotted #737373; }
/* modules.css - Calendar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-view-menu #g-calendarview-link { background-image: url(images/view-calendar.png); }
#g-view-calendar-form ul { border: 1px #888 solid; }
table.calendar { border: #a2adbc 1px solid; color: #616b76; }
table.calendar th { border-bottom: #a2adbc 1px solid; border-right: #a2adbc 1px solid; background: #d9e2e1; color: #616b76; }
table.calendar td { border-bottom: #a2adbc 1px solid; border-right: #a2adbc 1px solid; }
table.calendar td.title { background-color: #a2adbc; color: #fff; }
table.calendar td.title a { color: #fff !important; }
table.calendar td a { color: red !important; }
/* modules.css - Search ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-quick-search-form input[type="text"] { background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #737373; color: #BBB; }
#g-quick-search-form input[type="submit"] { background: transparent url(images/search.png) no-repeat center top; border: none; }
/* modules.css - Basket ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#checkout legend { background: url(images/section.png) repeat-x; }
/* forms.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { background: #101415 url('images/section.png') repeat-x; }
.ui-widget-content { border: 1px solid #303030; background-color: #1a2022; color: #bbb; }
.ui-progressbar .ui-progressbar-value { background: #737373; }

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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
* Gallery 3 Grey Dragon Theme
* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Serguei Dosyukov
* ColorPack: Wind - Wind theme-like color pack
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* styles.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
html { background-color: #ccc; }
body { color: #000; background-color: #ccc; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; }
a { color: #33629f !important }
.ui-icon, #g-slideshow-link { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
#g-site-status li { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; color: #333; }
#g-site-status .g-error { background: #f6cbca url('images/ico-error.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-info { background: #e8e8e8 url('images/ico-info.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-success { background: #d9efc2 url('images/ico-success.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-site-status .g-warning { background: #fcf9ce url('images/ico-warning.png') no-repeat .4em 50%; }
/* styles.css - Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-header { background-color: #e8e8e8; border-bottom: #ccc 1px solid; }
#g-header .g-message-block { border: 1px #888 solid; background-color: #aaa; color: #000; }
.g-breadcrumbs li { background: transparent url(images/ico-separator.png) no-repeat 0 0.2em; }
.rtl .g-breadcrumbs li { background: transparent url('images/ico-separator-rtl.png') no-repeat 0 0.2em; }
#g-main { background-color: #fff; }
#g-footer { background-color: #e8e8e8; border-top: #ccc 1px solid; }
#g-theme-logo { background: transparent url('images/colorpack.png') no-repeat; }
/* styles.css - Album Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-column-top, #g-column-bottom { background-color: #e8e8e8; }
#g-column-top .g-toolbar h1, #g-column-bottom .g-toolbar h1 { border: none; }
#g-info h1, #g-album-header h1 { border-bottom: #ccc 1px solid; }
#g-info .g-description { border: #888 1px solid; }
.g-thumbslide { background: #e8e8e8; border-color: #707E83; }
.g-album .g-thumbslide { border-color: #707E83; }
.g-thumbcrop { border-color: #707E83; }
.g-default .g-thumbslide .g-description { color: #000; border-top: 1px solid #707E83; border-bottom: 1px solid #707E83; background: #e8e8e8; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-expanded .g-thumbslide .g-description { color: #fff; background: transparent; border: none; }
.g-album .g-thumbslide .g-description { background-image: url(images/ico-album.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 4px; }
.g-thumbslide .g-metadata { border-top: 1px solid #707E83; background: #e8e8e8; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
/* styles.css - Photo Layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
div.g-resize { border: 1px solid #888; background: #e8e8e8; }
div.g-resize .g-description { color: #000; background: #e8e8e8; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-top { border-bottom: 1px solid #999; }
div.g-resize .g-description.g-align-bottom { border-top: 1px solid #999; }
div.g-resize .g-more { border: 1px solid #999; background: #e8e8e8; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
.g-movie { border: 1px solid #888; padding: 5px; background: #e8e8e8; }
/* styles.css - Sidebar Blocks : Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-block { border: 1px solid #ccc; }
.g-block h2 { background-color: #e8e8e8; }
/* styles.css - Sidebar Blocks : Buttons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-fullsize-link { background: url("images/view-fullsize.png") top left no-repeat; }
#g-exifdata-link { background: url("images/view-info.png") top left no-repeat; }
/* styles.css - Root Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-rootpage-roll span { border: 1px solid #999; background: #e8e8e8; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=85)"; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* forms.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* styles.css - Photo Slideshow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#sb-body { background-color: #fff; }
#sb-title { border-left: #303030 1px solid; border-right: #303030 1px solid; background: #e8e8e8; color: #000; }
#sb-title-inner { color: #000; }
#sb-counter a { font-weight: bold; font-size: 11px; }
/* forms.css - Add item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-add-photos-canvas { background-color: #fff; border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-add-photos-button { border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-add-photos-status { background-color: #fff; border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-add-photos-status li.g-success { background: url('images/ico-success.png') transparent no-repeat .4em 50%; }
#g-add-photos-status li.g-error { background: url('images/ico-error.png') transparent no-repeat .4em 50%; color: #f00; }
.uploadifyQueueItem { color: #000; }
/* forms.css - User Profile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-user-profile h1 { border-bottom: #ccc 1px solid; }
#g-user-profile .g-avatar { border: 1px solid #888; background: #fff; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* menus.css ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-site-menu ul { border: #000000 0 solid; }
#g-site-menu li { background-color: #bdd2ff; }
#g-site-menu li a:hover { color: #000000; background-color: #cfdeff; }
#g-site-menu li:hover,
#g-site-menu li.iemhover { border: #303030 1px solid; background-color: #cfdeff; border-bottom: #cfdeff 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul { border: #cfdeff 1px solid; }
#g-site-menu li ul li { border: #C0C0C0 0px solid; background-color: #bdd2ff; }
#g-site-menu li ul li:hover,
#g-site-menu li ul li.iemhover { border: #C0C0C0 0 solid; background-color: #ddf2ff; }
#g-site-menu.g-bar { border: #cfdeff 1px solid; background-color: #bdd2ff; }
#g-site-menu.g-bar li:hover,
#g-site-menu.g-bar li.iemhover { border-bottom-color: transparent; }
.g-item .g-context-menu { background-image: url(images/ui-icons.png); }
.g-item .g-context-menu:hover { background: #bdd2ff none; border: 1px #888 solid; }
.g-item .g-context-menu li li a:hover { background-color: #ddf2ff; }
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/* modules.css - Exif ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-exif-data table { border: #303030 1px solid; }
#g-exif-data .g-even { background-color: #A0A0A0; }
#g-exif-data .g-odd { background-color: #C0C0C0; }
/* modules.css - Info module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-metadata .g-description { border-top: 1px solid #ccc; }
/* modules.css - Image block ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.g-image-block img { border: 1px solid #888; background: #555; }
/* modules.css - Comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-comments .g-author { border-bottom: 1px solid #202628; color: #999; }
#g-comments-link { background-image: url(images/view-comments.png); }
#g-comment-detail>ul>li { border: 1px dotted #ccc; }
#g-comment-form { border: 1px dotted #ccc; }
/* modules.css - Calendar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-view-menu #g-calendarview-link { background-image: url(images/view-calendar.png); }
#g-view-calendar-form ul { border: 1px #888 solid; }
table.calendar { border: #a2adbc 1px solid; color: #616b76; }
table.calendar th { border-bottom: #a2adbc 1px solid; border-right: #a2adbc 1px solid; background: #d9e2e1; color: #616b76; }
table.calendar td { border-bottom: #a2adbc 1px solid; border-right: #a2adbc 1px solid; }
table.calendar td.title { background-color: #a2adbc; color: #fff; }
table.calendar td.title a { color: #fff !important; }
table.calendar td a { color: red !important; }
/* modules.css - Search ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-quick-search-form input[type="text"] { background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #ccc; color: #666; }
#g-quick-search-form input[type="submit"] { border: #c5dbec 1px solid; text-indent: 0; width: auto; height: auto; font: 80% arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; }
#g-search-results h1 { border-bottom: #ccc 1px solid; }
/* modules.css - Basket ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#checkout legend { background-color: #e8e8e8; }
/* forms.css - Common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { background: #ccc url('images/section.png') repeat-x; }
.ui-widget-content { border: 1px solid #303030; background-color: #fff; color: #000; }
.ui-progressbar .ui-progressbar-value {margin: -1px; height:100%; background: #303030; }
/* forms.css - Reauthentificate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
#g-error #g-login>ul { border: #888 1px solid; }

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