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2010-11-03 09:43:26 +00:00
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
* Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class photoannotation_Core {
static function search_user($q, $page_size, $offset) {
$db = Database::instance();
$q = trim($q, "*");
$q = $db->escape($q) ."*";
if ($q == "*") {
$users = ORM::factory("user");
$count = $users->count_all();
$data = $users->order_by("name", "ASC")->find_all($page_size, $offset);
return array($count, $data);
} else {
$query =
" MATCH({users}.`name`) AGAINST ('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS `score` " .
"FROM {users} " .
"WHERE MATCH({users}.`name`, {users}.`full_name`) AGAINST ('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE) " .
"ORDER BY `score` DESC " .
"LIMIT $page_size OFFSET $offset";
$data = $db->query($query);
$count = $db->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as c")->current()->c;
return array($count, new ORM_Iterator(ORM::factory("user"), $data));
static function get_user_search_form($form_id) {
$form = new Forge("photoannotation/showuser", "", "post", array("id" => $form_id, "class" => "g-short-form"));
$label = t("Search for a person");
$group = $form->group("showuser")->label("Search for a person");
return $form;
public static function getuser($user_string) {
$user_parts = explode("(", $user_string);
$user_part = rtrim(ltrim(end($user_parts)), ")");
$user = ORM::factory("user")->where("name", "=", $user_part)->find();
$user_firstpart = trim(implode(array_slice($user_parts, 0, count($user_parts)-1)));
if (!$user->loaded() || strcasecmp($user_firstpart, $user->display_name()) <> 0) {
$result->found = false;
$result->isguest = false;
$result->user = "";
return $result;
if (identity::guest()->id == $user->id) {
$result->found = true;
$result->isguest = true;
$result->user = "";
return $result;
$result->found = true;
$result->isguest = false;
$result->user = $user;
return $result;
public static function saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description) {
//Since we are associating a user we will remove any old annotation of this user on this photo
$item_old_users = ORM::factory("items_user")
->where("user_id", "=", $user_id)
->where("item_id", "=", $item_id)
if (count($item_old_users) > 1) {
foreach ($item_old_users as $item_old_user) {
$item_user = ORM::factory("items_user");
} elseif (count($item_old_users) == 1) {
$item_user = ORM::factory("items_user", $item_old_users[0]->id);
} else {
$item_user = ORM::factory("items_user");
photoannotation::send_notifications($user_id, $item_id, "newtag");
$item_user->user_id = $user_id;
$item_user->item_id = $item_id;
$item_user->x1 = $str_x1;
$item_user->y1 = $str_y1;
$item_user->x2 = $str_x2;
$item_user->y2 = $str_y2;
$item_user->description = $description;
return $item_user->id;
public static function saveface($tag_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description, $annotate_id = "") {
if ($annotate_id == "") {
$item_face = ORM::factory("items_face");
} else {
$item_face = ORM::factory("items_face")
->where("id", "=", $annotate_id)
$item_face->tag_id = $tag_id;
$item_face->item_id = $item_id;
$item_face->x1 = $str_x1;
$item_face->y1 = $str_y1;
$item_face->x2 = $str_x2;
$item_face->y2 = $str_y2;
$item_face->description = $description;
return $item_face->id;
public static function savenote($item_title, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description, $annotate_id = "") {
if ($annotate_id == "") {
$item_note = ORM::factory("items_note");
} else {
$item_note = ORM::factory("items_note")
->where("id", "=", $annotate_id)
$item_note->item_id = $item_id;
$item_note->x1 = $str_x1;
$item_note->y1 = $str_y1;
$item_note->x2 = $str_x2;
$item_note->y2 = $str_y2;
$item_note->title = $item_title;
$item_note->description = $description;
return $item_note->id;
public static function send_notifications($recipient_id, $item_id, $mailtype) {
//Load the item
$item = ORM::factory("item")->where("id", "=", $item_id)->find();
if (!$item->loaded()) {
return false;
//Load the user
$recipient = ORM::factory("user")->where("id", "=", $recipient_id)->find();
if (!$recipient->loaded()) {
return false;
//Only send mail if the notifications are switched on globally
if (!module::get_var("photoannotation", "nonotifications", false)) {
//Check if the use has a valid e-mail
if (!valid::email($recipient->email)) {
return false;
//Get the users settings
$notification_settings = self::get_user_notification_settings($recipient);
//Check which type of mail to send
switch ($mailtype) {
case "newtag":
//Only send if user has this option enabled
if ($notification_settings->newtag) {
//Get subject and body and send the mail
$subject = module::get_var("photoannotation", "newtagsubject", "Someone tagged a photo of you");
$body = module::get_var("photoannotation", "newtagbody", "Hello %name, please visit %url to view the photo.");
$body = str_ireplace(array("%url", "%name"), array($item->abs_url(), $recipient->display_name()), $body);
return self::_send_mail($recipient->email, $subject, $body);
case "newcomment":
//Only send if user has this option enabled
if ($notification_settings->comment) {
//Don't send if the notification module is active and the user is watching this item
if (module::is_active("notification")) {
if (notification::is_watching($item, $recipient)) {
return false;
//Get subject and body and send the mail
$subject = module::get_var("photoannotation", "newcommentsubject", "Someone added a comment to photo of you");
$body = module::get_var("photoannotation", "newcommentbody", "Hello %name, please visit %url to read the comment.");
$body = str_ireplace(array("%url", "%name"), array($item->abs_url(), $recipient->display_name()), $body);
return self::_send_mail($recipient->email, $subject, $body);
case "updatecomment":
//Only send if user has this option enabled
if ($notification_settings->comment) {
//Don't send if the notification module is active and the user is watching this item
if (module::is_active("notification")) {
if (notification::is_watching($item, $recipient)) {
return false;
//Get subject and body and send the mail
$subject = module::get_var("photoannotation", "updatedcommentsubject", "Someone updated a comment to photo of you");
$body = module::get_var("photoannotation", "updatedcommentbody", "Hello %name, please visit %url to read the comment.");
$body = str_ireplace(array("%url", "%name"), array($item->abs_url(), $recipient->display_name()), $body);
return self::_send_mail($recipient->email, $subject, $body);
return false;
private static function _send_mail($mailto, $subject, $message) {
//Send the notification mail
$message = nl2br($message);
return Sendmail::factory()
->header("Mime-Version", "1.0")
->header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
public static function get_user_notification_settings($user) {
//Try loading the notification settings of user
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification")->where("user_id", "=", $user->id)->find();
if (!$notification_settings->loaded()) {
//If the user did not save his settings use the website default
$notify = module::get_var("photoannotation", "notificationoptout", false);
$notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification");
$notification_settings->user_id = $user->id;
$notification_settings->newtag = $notify;
$notification_settings->comment = $notify;
return $notification_settings;
static function cloud($count) {
$users = ORM::factory("user")->order_by("name", "ASC")->find_all();
if ($users) {
$cloud = new View("photoannotation_cloud.html");
$fullname = module::get_var("photoannotation", "fullname", false);
foreach ($users as $user) {
$annotations = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("user_id", "=", $user->id)->count_all();
if ($annotations > 0) {
if ($annotations > $maxcount) {
$maxcount = $annotations;
if ($fullname) {
$user_array[$user->name]->name = $user->display_name();
} else {
$user_array[$user->name]->name = $user->name;
$user_array[$user->name]->size = $annotations;
$user_array[$user->name]->url = user_profile::url($user->id);
if (isset($user_array)) {
$cloud->users = array_slice($user_array, 0, $count);
$cloud->max_count = $maxcount;
return $cloud;
} else {
return "";
static function comment_count($user_id) {
if (module::is_active("comment")) {
return ORM::factory("comment")->where("author_id", "=", $user_id)->count_all();
} else {
return false;
static function annotation_count($user_id) {
return ORM::factory("items_user")->where("user_id", "=", $user_id)->count_all();