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<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed. This file is automatically ran by index.php.'); ?>
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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Kohana Installation</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
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<h1>Environment Tests</h1>
The following tests have been run to determine if Kohana will work in your environment. If any of the tests have failed, consult the <a href="http://docs.kohanaphp.com/installation">documentation</a>
for more information on how to correct the problem.
<div id="tests">
<?php $failed = FALSE?>
<table cellspacing="0">
<th>PHP Version</th>
<?php if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2', '>=')): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php echo PHP_VERSION?>
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
Kohana requires PHP 5.2 or newer, this version is <?php echo PHP_VERSION?>.
<?php endif?>
<th>System Directory</th>
<?php if (is_dir(SYSPATH)): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php echo SYSPATH?>
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
The configured
directory does not exist or does not contain required files.
<?php endif?>
<th>Application Directory</th>
<?php if (is_dir(APPPATH) AND is_file(APPPATH.'config/config'.EXT) AND is_file(APPPATH.'Bootstrap'.EXT)): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php echo APPPATH?>
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
The configured
directory does not exist or does not contain required files.
<?php endif?>
<th>Modules Directory</th>
<?php if (is_dir(MODPATH)): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php echo MODPATH?>
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
The configured
directory does not exist or does not contain required files.
<?php endif?>
<th>Logs Directory</th>
<?php if (is_dir(APPPATH.'logs') AND is_writable(APPPATH.'logs')): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
The default
directory does not exist or is not writable. Depending on your log driver and config settings, this may not be a problem.
<?php endif?>
<th>Cache Directory</th>
<?php if (is_dir(APPPATH.'cache') AND is_writable(APPPATH.'cache')): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
The default
directory does not exist or is not writable. Depending on your cache driver and config settings, this may not be a problem.
<?php endif?>
<th>PCRE UTF-8</th>
<?php if ( ! function_exists('preg_match')): $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
<a href="http://php.net/pcre">PCRE</a>
support is missing.
<?php elseif ( ! @preg_match('/^.$/u', 'ñ')): $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
<a href="http://php.net/pcre">PCRE</a>
has not been compiled with UTF-8 support.
<?php elseif ( ! @preg_match('/^\pL$/u', 'ñ')): $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
<a href="http://php.net/pcre">PCRE</a>
has not been compiled with Unicode property support.
<?php else : ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php endif?>
<th>Reflection Enabled</th>
<?php if (class_exists('ReflectionClass')): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
PHP <a href="http://www.php.net/reflection">reflection</a>
is either not loaded or not compiled in.
<?php endif?>
<th>Filters Enabled</th>
<?php if (function_exists('filter_list')): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
The <a href="http://www.php.net/filter">filter</a>
extension is either not loaded or not compiled in.
<?php endif?>
<th>Iconv Extension Loaded</th>
<?php if (extension_loaded('iconv')): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
The <a href="http://php.net/iconv">iconv</a>
extension is not loaded.
<?php endif?>
<th>SPL Enabled</th>
<?php if (function_exists('spl_autoload_register')): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
<a href="http://php.net/spl">SPL</a>
is not enabled.
<?php endif?>
<th>Multibyte String Enabled</th>
<?php if (extension_loaded('mbstring')): ?>
<td class="pass">Pass</td>
<?php else: $failed = TRUE; ?>
<td class="fail">The <a href="http://php.net/mbstring">mbstring</a>
extension is not loaded.</td>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (extension_loaded('mbstring')): ?>
<th>Mbstring Not Overloaded</th>
<?php if (ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & MB_OVERLOAD_STRING): $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
The <a href="http://php.net/mbstring">mbstring</a>
extension is overloading PHP's native string functions.
<?php else : ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php endif?>
<?php endif?>
<th>XML support</th>
<?php if ( ! function_exists('utf8_encode')): $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
PHP is compiled without <a href="http://php.net/xml">XML</a>
support, thus lacking support for
<?php else : ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php endif?>
<?php try { new DateTimeZone(ini_get('date.timezone')); ?>
<td class="pass">Pass</td>
<?php } catch (Exception $e) { $failed = TRUE ?>
<td class="fail">
The current timezone, <code>'<?php echo ini_get('date.timezone') ?>'</code>, is not valid.
You must configure it in <code>php.ini</code> or <code>config/locale.php</code>.
<?php } ?>
<th>URI Determination</th>
<?php if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) AND (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) OR isset($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']) OR isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))): ?>
<td class="pass">
<?php else : $failed = TRUE?>
<td class="fail">
At least one of <code>$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']</code>, <code>$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']</code>, or <code>$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']</code> must be available.
<?php endif?>
<div id="results">
<?php if ($failed === TRUE): ?>
<p class="fail">
Kohana may not work correctly with your environment.
<?php else : ?>
<p class="pass">
Your environment passed all requirements. Remove or rename the
install<?php echo EXT?>
file now.
<?php endif?>