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2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
class Admin_Aws_S3_Controller extends Admin_Controller {
public function index() {
$form = $this->_get_s3_form();
if (request::method() == "post") {
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
if (($valid_form = $form->validate()) &&
($s3_axs_correct = aws_s3::validate_access_details($_POST['access_key'], $_POST['secret_key'], $_POST['bucket_name']))) {
// get variable values before changes so we can act on certain changes later
$vars = array();
foreach (ORM::factory("var")->where("module_name", "=", "aws_s3")->find_all() as $var) {
$vars[$var->name] = $var->value;
// set variables from $_POST into module::set_var() to save
module::set_var("aws_s3", "enabled", (isset($_POST['enabled']) ? true : false));
module::set_var("aws_s3", "access_key", $_POST['access_key']);
module::set_var("aws_s3", "secret_key", $_POST['secret_key']);
module::set_var("aws_s3", "bucket_name", $_POST['bucket_name']);
module::set_var("aws_s3", "g3id", $_POST['g3id']);
module::set_var("aws_s3", "url_str", $_POST['url_str']);
module::set_var("aws_s3", "sig_exp", $_POST['sig_exp']);
module::set_var("aws_s3", "use_ssl", (isset($_POST['use_ssl']) ? true : false));
module::set_var("aws_s3", "upload_thumbs", (isset($_POST['upload_thumbs']) ? true : false));
module::set_var("aws_s3", "upload_resizes", (isset($_POST['upload_resizes']) ? true : false));
module::set_var("aws_s3", "upload_fullsizes", (isset($_POST['upload_fullsizes']) ? true : false));
module::set_var("aws_s3", "s3_storage_only", (isset($_POST['s3_storage_only']) ? true : false));
// post option processing
// if (module::get_var("aws_s3", "s3_storage_only") && !module::get_var("aws_s3", "enabled")) {
// module::set_var("aws_s3", "enabled", true);
// module::set_var("aws_s3", "upload_thumbs", true);
// module::set_var("aws_s3", "upload_resizes", true);
// module::set_var("aws_s3", "upload_fullsizes", true);
// }
// if (module::get_var("aws_s3", "s3_storage_only") && !$vars['s3_storage_only']) {
// // content needs remove from local storage as it wasn't switched on before this point.
// if (!module::get_var("aws_s3", "synced")) {
// // force a sync between local storage and S3, as we're about to remove content from local storage.
// }
// }
// else if (!module::get_var("aws_s3", "s3_storage_only") && $vars['s3_storage_only']) {
// // content needs to be downloaded from s3 as it was just switched off. at this point,
// // we shouldn't actually have a copy of the gallery content locally.
// }
if (module::get_var("aws_s3", "enabled") && !module::get_var("aws_s3", "synced", false)) {
if (aws_s3::can_schedule()) {
// i can schedule this task
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
"Your site has been scheduled for full Amazon S3 re-synchronisation. This message will clear when this has been completed.",
else {
// i CAN'T schedule it..
t('Your site has not been synchronised to Amazon S3. Until it has, your server will continue to serve image content to your visitors. Click <a href="%url" class="g-dialog-link">here</a> to start the synchronisation task.',
array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/maintenance/start/aws_s3_task::manual_sync?csrf=__CSRF__")))
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
message::success(t("Settings have been saved"));
else {
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
if (!$valid_form)
message::error(t("There was a problem with the submitted form. Please check your values and try again."));
if (!$s3_axs_correct) {
message::error(t("The Amazon S3 access details provided appear to be incorrect. Please check your values and try again."));
$form->aws_s3->access_key->add_error("invalid", true);
$form->aws_s3->secret_key->add_error("invalid", true);
$form->aws_s3->bucket_name->add_error("invalid", true);
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
$v = new Admin_View("admin.html");
$v->page_title = t("Amazon S3 Configuration");
$v->content = new View("admin_aws_s3.html");
$v->content->form = $form;
$v->content->end = "";
echo $v;
private function _get_s3_form() {
$form = new Forge("admin/aws_s3", "", "post", array("id" => "g-admin-s3-form"));
$group = $form->group("aws_s3")->label(t("Amazon S3 Settings"));
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
$chkbox =
$group ->checkbox("enabled")
->checked(module::get_var("aws_s3", "enabled", true))
->label("S3 enabled");
if (module::get_var("aws_s3", "s3_storage_only"))
->message("<strong>Warning</strong>:You may not turn this option off as <strong>S3 Storage Only</strong> is enabled. In order to disable using S3, you must first disable <strong>S3 Storage Only</strong> to re-download your content from Amazon S3, since it does not yet exist on the local server.");
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
$group ->input("access_key")
->label("Access Key ID")
->value(module::get_var("aws_s3", "access_key"))
->error_messages("required", "This field is required")
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
->error_messages("invalid", "Access Key is invalid")
->message('<a target="_blank" href="https://aws-portal.amazon.com/gp/aws/developer/account/index.html?ie=UTF8&action=access-key">Click here</a> to sign up to Amazon Web Services.');
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
$group ->input("secret_key")
->label("Secret Access Key")
->value(module::get_var("aws_s3", "secret_key"))
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
->error_messages("required", "This field is required")
->error_messages("invalid", "Secret Key is invalid");
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
$group ->input("bucket_name")
->label("Bucket Name")
->value(module::get_var("aws_s3", "bucket_name"))
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
->error_messages("required", "This field is required")
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
->error_messages("invalid", "Bucket name is invalid")
->message('Note: This module will not create a bucket if it does not already exist. Please ensure you have already created the bucket using the <a href="https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/home" target="_blank">AWS Console</a> before continuing.<br />
<a href="http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/index.html?UsingBucket.html" tar=get="_blank">Click here</a> for information on Amazon S3 bucket naming conventions/restrictions.');
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
$group ->input("g3id")
->label("G3 ID")
->value(module::get_var("aws_s3", "g3id", md5(time())))
->error_messages("required", "This field is required")
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
->message("Utilising this field allows for multiple G3 file repositories stored inside the same S3 bucket.");
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
$group ->checkbox("use_ssl")
->checked(module::get_var("aws_s3", "use_ssl"))
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
->label("Use SSL for S3 transfers")
->message("<span style='font-style: italic'>You may have problems when uploading content to S3 if this option is enabled. If so, turn off this option.</span>");
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
$group = $form->group("cdn_settings")->label(t("CDN Settings"));
$group ->input("url_str")
->label("URL String")
->value(module::get_var("aws_s3", "url_str", "http://{bucket}.s3.amazonaws.com/g3/{guid}/{resource}"))
->message("Configure the URL to access uploaded resources on the CDN. Use the following variables to define and build up the URL:<br />
&bull; {bucket} - Bucket Name<br />
&bull; {guid} - Unique identifier for this gallery installation<br />
&bull; {resource} - The end path to the resource/object");
$group ->input("sig_exp")
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
->label("Private Content Signature Duration")
->value(module::get_var("aws_s3", "sig_exp", 60))
->error_messages("not_numeric", "The value provided is not numeric. Please enter a number in this field.")
2011-01-20 20:34:46 +00:00
->message("Set the time in seconds until the generated signature expires access to permission-restricted S3 objects (private content on G3 is where the user group 'Everybody' does not have access).<br /><br />
<strong>Note</strong>: this module does not yet support the creation of signatures to access private objects on S3 via CloudFront CDN.");
$group = $form->group("general_settings")->label(t("General Settings"));
$chkbox =
$group ->checkbox("upload_thumbs")
->label("Upload Thumbnails")
->checked(module::get_var("aws_s3", "upload_thumbs", true));
if (module::get_var("aws_s3", "s3_storage_only"))
$chkbox =
$group ->checkbox("upload_resizes")
->label("Upload Resized Images")
->checked(module::get_var("aws_s3", "upload_resizes", true));
if (module::get_var("aws_s3", "s3_storage_only"))
$chkbox =
$group ->checkbox("upload_fullsizes")
->label("Upload Fullsize Images")
->checked(module::get_var("aws_s3", "upload_fullsizes", true));
if (module::get_var("aws_s3", "s3_storage_only"))
$chkbox =
$group ->checkbox("s3_storage_only")
->label("Use S3 for primary storage of Gallery content (Not yet available)")
->checked(module::get_var("aws_s3", "s3_storage_only", false))
->message("Use this option if your webhost has limited space available on your account. This module will remove content from the local server after it has been uploaded to S3.<br /><br />
<strong>Note</strong>: You must have enough storage on your webhost account to store the images temporarily until they have been uploaded to S3.<br />")
if (!module::get_var("aws_s3", "enabled"))
// done creating form.
2010-11-26 22:44:32 +00:00
$form ->submit("save")
->value("Save Settings");
return $form;