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2010-12-07 22:22:48 +00:00
* This object represents a CalDAV calendar.
* A calendar can contain multiple TODO and or Events. These are represented
* as Sabre_CalDAV_CalendarObject objects.
* @package Sabre
* @subpackage CalDAV
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Rooftop Solutions. All rights reserved.
* @author Evert Pot (http://www.rooftopsolutions.nl/)
* @license http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/License Modified BSD License
class Sabre_CalDAV_Calendar implements Sabre_DAV_ICollection, Sabre_DAV_IProperties {
* This is an array with calendar information
* @var array
private $calendarInfo;
* CalDAV backend
* @var Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Abstract
private $caldavBackend;
* Authentication backend
* @var Sabre_DAV_Auth_Backend_Abstract
private $authBackend;
* Constructor
* @param Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Abstract $caldavBackend
* @param array $calendarInfo
* @return void
public function __construct(Sabre_DAV_Auth_Backend_Abstract $authBackend, Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Abstract $caldavBackend,$calendarInfo) {
$this->caldavBackend = $caldavBackend;
$this->authBackend = $authBackend;
$this->calendarInfo = $calendarInfo;
* Returns the name of the calendar
* @return string
public function getName() {
return $this->calendarInfo['uri'];
* Updates properties such as the display name and description
* @param array $mutations
* @return array
public function updateProperties($mutations) {
if (!$this->hasPrivilege()) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Forbidden('Permission denied to access this calendar');
return $this->caldavBackend->updateCalendar($this->calendarInfo['id'],$mutations);
* Returns the list of properties
* @param array $properties
* @return array
public function getProperties($requestedProperties) {
$response = array();
if (!$this->hasPrivilege()) return array();
foreach($requestedProperties as $prop) switch($prop) {
case '{DAV:}resourcetype' :
$response[$prop] = new Sabre_DAV_Property_ResourceType(array('{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar','{DAV:}collection'));
case '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}supported-calendar-data' :
$response[$prop] = new Sabre_CalDAV_Property_SupportedCalendarData();
case '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}supported-collation-set' :
$response[$prop] = new Sabre_CalDAV_Property_SupportedCollationSet();
case '{DAV:}owner' :
$response[$prop] = new Sabre_DAV_Property_Principal(Sabre_DAV_Property_Principal::HREF,$this->calendarInfo['principaluri']);
default :
if (isset($this->calendarInfo[$prop])) $response[$prop] = $this->calendarInfo[$prop];
return $response;
* Returns a calendar object
* The contained calendar objects are for example Events or Todo's.
* @param string $name
* @return Sabre_DAV_ICalendarObject
public function getChild($name) {
if (!$this->hasPrivilege()) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Forbidden('Permission denied to access this calendar');
$obj = $this->caldavBackend->getCalendarObject($this->calendarInfo['id'],$name);
if (!$obj) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_FileNotFound('Calendar object not found');
return new Sabre_CalDAV_CalendarObject($this->caldavBackend,$this->calendarInfo,$obj);
* Returns the full list of calendar objects
* @return array
public function getChildren() {
if (!$this->hasPrivilege()) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Forbidden('Permission denied to access this calendar');
$objs = $this->caldavBackend->getCalendarObjects($this->calendarInfo['id']);
$children = array();
foreach($objs as $obj) {
$children[] = new Sabre_CalDAV_CalendarObject($this->caldavBackend,$this->calendarInfo,$obj);
return $children;
* Checks if a child-node exists.
* @param string $name
* @return bool
public function childExists($name) {
if (!$this->hasPrivilege()) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Forbidden('Permission denied to access this calendar');
$obj = $this->caldavBackend->getCalendarObject($this->calendarInfo['id'],$name);
if (!$obj)
return false;
return true;
* Creates a new directory
* We actually block this, as subdirectories are not allowed in calendars.
* @param string $name
* @return void
public function createDirectory($name) {
if (!$this->hasPrivilege()) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Forbidden('Permission denied to access this calendar');
throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_MethodNotAllowed('Creating collections in calendar objects is not allowed');
* Creates a new file
* The contents of the new file must be a valid ICalendar string.
* @param string $name
* @param resource $calendarData
* @return void
public function createFile($name,$calendarData = null) {
if (!$this->hasPrivilege()) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Forbidden('Permission denied to access this calendar');
$calendarData = stream_get_contents($calendarData);
$supportedComponents = $this->calendarInfo['{' . Sabre_CalDAV_Plugin::NS_CALDAV . '}supported-calendar-component-set']->getValue();
Sabre_CalDAV_ICalendarUtil::validateICalendarObject($calendarData, $supportedComponents);
* Deletes the calendar.
* @return void
public function delete() {
if (!$this->hasPrivilege()) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Forbidden('Permission denied to access this calendar');
* Renames the calendar. Note that most calendars use the
* {DAV:}displayname to display a name to display a name.
* @param string $newName
* @return void
public function setName($newName) {
if (!$this->hasPrivilege()) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Forbidden('Permission denied to access this calendar');
throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_MethodNotAllowed('Renaming calendars is not yet supported');
* Returns the last modification date as a unix timestamp.
* @return void
public function getLastModified() {
return null;
* Check if user has access.
* This method does a check if the currently logged in user
* has permission to access this calendar. There is only read-write
* access, so you're in or you're out.
* @return bool
protected function hasPrivilege() {
if (!$user = $this->authBackend->getCurrentUser()) return false;
if ($user['uri']!==$this->calendarInfo['principaluri']) return false;
return true;