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2012-05-31 04:05:33 +00:00
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
<div class="g-block">
<h1> <?= t("Fotomoto settings") ?> </h1>
<div class="g-block-content">
<th> <?= t("Fotomoto Site Key") ?></th>
<tr class="setting-row g-odd">
<a href="<?= url::site("admin/advanced_settings/edit/fotomotorw/fotomoto_site_key"); ?>" class="g-dialog-link">
<? if (module::get_var("fotomotorw", "fotomoto_site_key", "") == ""): ?>
<i> <?= t("Click to add your Fotomoto Site Key") ?> </i>
<? else: ?>
<?= module::get_var("fotomotorw", "fotomoto_site_key"); ?>
<? endif; ?>
<p>(Log in to the <a href="http://my.fotomoto.com/">Fotomoto Dashboard</a> to get your Site Key.)</p>
<th> <?= t("Fotomoto Display Options") ?></th>
<?=$display_form; ?>
<th> <?= t("Fotomoto Private Key") ?>
(<a href="<?= url::site("admin/fotomotorw/reset_private_key"); ?>"><?= t("Reset Private Key"); ?></a>)</th>
<tr class="setting-row g-odd">
<td><?= module::get_var("fotomotorw", "fotomoto_private_key"); ?>
<div class="g-block">
<h1> <?= t("Configuring Auto Pickup") ?> </h1>
if (module::get_var("fotomotorw", "fotomoto_private_key") == "") {
print t("Please click the \"Reset Private Key\" link above to continue.");
} else {
<?= t("Step 1: Log into your Fotomoto account and select Settings -> Auto Pickup, or <a href=\"http://my.fotomoto.com/cloud_storage_interfaces\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a>."); ?><br />
<?= t("Step 2: Select \"Create New Profile\"."); ?><br />
<?= t("Step 3: Enter in a Profile Name, and set \"Storage Type\" to \"HTTP\". Leave \"Username\" and \"Password\" blank."); ?><br />
<?= t("Step 4: For \"Host\", enter in \"") . substr(url::abs_site(), 0, strpos(substr(url::abs_site(), 7), "/")+7); ?>"<br />
<?= t("Step 5: For \"Path\", enter in \"") . str_replace(Kohana::config('core.url_suffix'), "", substr(url::site("fotomotorw/print_proxy/" . module::get_var("fotomotorw", "fotomoto_private_key")), 1)) . "\""; ?><br />
<?= t("Step 6: For \"Filename Lookup Pattern\", enter in \"FILENAME.EXT\"."); ?><br />
<?= t("Step 7: Press \"Save Profile\" to finish."); ?>
<? } ?>