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<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
2013-01-21 06:24:24 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class albumpassword_task_Core {
static function available_tasks() {
// Check for any albums listed in albumpasswords but not idcaches.
// If found, set the severity for this task to warning, as there's
// obviously something missing from idcaches.
$bad_albums = ORM::factory("items_albumpassword")
->join("albumpassword_idcaches", "items_albumpasswords.id", "albumpassword_idcaches.password_id", "LEFT OUTER")
->and_where("albumpassword_idcaches.password_id", "IS", NULL)->count_all();
$tasks = array();
$tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()
->name(t("Rebuild Album Password ID Caches DB"))
->description(t("Logs the contents of all protected albums into the db."))
->severity($bad_albums ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS);
$tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()
->name(t("Fix Password DB Casing"))
->description(t("Fixes case sensitivity issues."))
return $tasks;
static function lowercase_passwords($task) {
// Converts all passwords to lower case.
$start = microtime(true);
$total = $task->get("total");
$existing_passwords = ORM::factory("items_albumpassword")->find_all();
if (empty($total)) {
// Set the initial values for all variables.
$task->set("total", count($existing_passwords));
$total = $task->get("total");
$task->set("last_password_id", 0);
$task->set("completed_passwords", 0);
// Retrieve the values for variables from the last time this
// function was run.
$last_password_id = $task->get("last_password_id");
$completed_passwords = $task->get("completed_passwords");
foreach (ORM::factory("items_albumpassword")
->where("id", ">", $last_password_id)
->find_all(100) as $one_password) {
$one_password->password = strtolower($one_password->password);
$last_password_id = $one_password->id;
if ($completed_passwords == count($existing_passwords) || microtime(true) - $start > 1.5) {
$task->set("last_password_id", $last_password_id);
$task->set("completed_passwords", $completed_passwords);
if ($completed_passwords == count($existing_passwords)) {
$task->done = true;
$task->state = "success";
$task->percent_complete = 100;
} else {
$task->percent_complete = round(100 * $completed_passwords / count($existing_passwords));
$task->status = t2("One password fixed", "%count / %total passwords fixed", $completed_passwords,
array("total" => count($existing_passwords)));
static function update_idcaches($task) {
// Populate the idcaches table with the contents of all protected albums.
$start = microtime(true);
$total = $task->get("total");
$existing_passwords = ORM::factory("items_albumpassword")->find_all();
// If this is the first time this function has been run,
// delete and re-create the idcaches table, and set up
// some initial variables.
if (empty($total)) {
// Delete the idcache table and make a new one.
$db = Database::instance();
$db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {albumpassword_idcaches};");
$db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {albumpassword_idcaches} (
`cache_id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`password_id` int(9) NOT NULL,
`item_id` int(9) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`cache_id`))
// Set the initial values for all variables.
$task->set("total", count($existing_passwords));
$total = $task->get("total");
$task->set("last_album_counter", 0);
$task->set("last_id", 0);
$task->set("completed_albums", 0);
$task->set("completed_items", 0);
$task->set("total_items", 0);
// Retrieve the values for variables from the last time this
// function was run.
$last_album_counter = $task->get("last_album_counter");
$completed_albums = $task->get("completed_albums");
$completed_items = $task->get("completed_items");
$total_items = $task->get("total_items");
$last_id = $task->get("last_id");
// If completed_items is 0, then we're just starting to process this
// album. Add the album to idcaches before adding it's contents.
if ($completed_items == 0) {
// Add the album to the id cache.
$cached_album = ORM::factory("albumpassword_idcache");
$cached_album->password_id = $existing_passwords[$last_album_counter]->id;
$cached_album->item_id = $existing_passwords[$last_album_counter]->album_id;
// Set total_items to the number of items in this album.
$total_items = ORM::factory("item", $existing_passwords[$last_album_counter]->album_id)
$task->set("total_items", $total_items);
// Add each item in the album to idcaches.
foreach (ORM::factory("item", $existing_passwords[$last_album_counter]->album_id)
->where("id", ">", $last_id)
->descendants(100) as $item) {
$cached_item = ORM::factory("albumpassword_idcache");
$cached_item->password_id =$existing_passwords[$last_album_counter]->id;
$cached_item->item_id = $item->id;
$last_id = $item->id;
// Set a time limit so the script doesn't time out.
if (microtime(true) - $start > 1.5) {
} // end foreach
// If completed_items equals total_items, then we've
// processed everything in the current album.
// Increase variables and set everything up for the
// next album.
if ($completed_items == $total_items) {
$completed_items = 0;
$last_id = 0;
// Store the current values of the variables for the next
// time this function is called.
$task->set("last_album_counter", $last_album_counter);
$task->set("last_id", $last_id);
$task->set("completed_albums", $completed_albums);
$task->set("completed_items", $completed_items);
// Display the number of albums that have been completed before exiting.
if ($total == $completed_albums) {
$task->done = true;
$task->state = "success";
$task->percent_complete = 100;
$task->status = t("Scanning Protected Album $completed_albums of $total");
} else {
$task->percent_complete = round(100 * $completed / $total);
$task->status = t("Scanning Protected Album $completed_albums of $total -- $completed_items / $total_items files");