package proxmox import ( "crypto/tls" "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" "sync" pxapi "" "" ) type providerConfiguration struct { Client *pxapi.Client MaxParallel int CurrentParallel int MaxVMID int Mutex *sync.Mutex Cond *sync.Cond } // Provider - Terrafrom properties for proxmox func Provider() *schema.Provider { return &schema.Provider{ Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "pm_user": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, DefaultFunc: schema.EnvDefaultFunc("PM_USER", nil), Description: "username, maywith with @pam", }, "pm_password": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, DefaultFunc: schema.EnvDefaultFunc("PM_PASS", nil), Description: "secret", Sensitive: true, }, "pm_api_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, DefaultFunc: schema.EnvDefaultFunc("PM_API_URL", nil), Description: "https://host.fqdn:8006/api2/json", }, "pm_parallel": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 4, }, "pm_tls_insecure": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, }, }, ResourcesMap: map[string]*schema.Resource{ "proxmox_vm_qemu": resourceVmQemu(), // TODO - storage_iso // TODO - bridge // TODO - vm_qemu_template }, ConfigureFunc: providerConfigure, } } func providerConfigure(d *schema.ResourceData) (interface{}, error) { client, err := getClient(d.Get("pm_api_url").(string), d.Get("pm_user").(string), d.Get("pm_password").(string), d.Get("pm_tls_insecure").(bool)) if err != nil { return nil, err } var mut sync.Mutex return &providerConfiguration{ Client: client, MaxParallel: d.Get("pm_parallel").(int), CurrentParallel: 0, MaxVMID: -1, Mutex: &mut, Cond: sync.NewCond(&mut), }, nil } func getClient(pm_api_url string, pm_user string, pm_password string, pm_tls_insecure bool) (*pxapi.Client, error) { tlsconf := &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true} if !pm_tls_insecure { tlsconf = nil } client, _ := pxapi.NewClient(pm_api_url, nil, tlsconf) err := client.Login(pm_user, pm_password) if err != nil { return nil, err } return client, nil } func nextVmId(pconf *providerConfiguration) (nextId int, err error) { pconf.Mutex.Lock() pconf.MaxVMID, err = pconf.Client.GetNextID(pconf.MaxVMID + 1) if err != nil { return 0, err } nextId = pconf.MaxVMID pconf.Mutex.Unlock() return nextId, nil } func pmParallelBegin(pconf *providerConfiguration) { pconf.Mutex.Lock() for pconf.CurrentParallel >= pconf.MaxParallel { pconf.Cond.Wait() } pconf.CurrentParallel++ pconf.Mutex.Unlock() } func pmParallelEnd(pconf *providerConfiguration) { pconf.Mutex.Lock() pconf.CurrentParallel-- pconf.Cond.Signal() pconf.Mutex.Unlock() } func resourceId(targetNode string, resType string, vmId int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%d", targetNode, resType, vmId) } var rxRsId = regexp.MustCompile("([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(\\d+)") func parseResourceId(resId string) (targetNode string, resType string, vmId int, err error) { if !rxRsId.MatchString(resId) { return "", "", -1, fmt.Errorf("Invalid resource format: %s. Must be node/type/vmId", resId) } idMatch := rxRsId.FindStringSubmatch(resId) targetNode = idMatch[1] resType = idMatch[2] vmId, err = strconv.Atoi(idMatch[3]) return }