Michael Parker f2fc78d082 Adds support for creating KMS KeyRing resources (#518)
* Instantiate the cloudkms client

* Implement Create and Read for the kms key ring resource

* Expose the kms key ring resource

* Create acceptance test for creating a KeyRing, fix read to use KeyRing ID

* Add cloudkms library to vendor

* Address style comments

* Use fully-qualified keyring name in read operation

* Remove call to SetId during read operation

* Set ID as entire resource string

* Spin up a new project for acceptance test

* Use Getenv for billing and org environment variables

* And test and logs around removal from state

* Add comments

* Fixes formatting

* Log warning instead of info

* Use a single line for cloudkms client actions

* Add resource import test

* Add ability to import resource, update helper functions to use keyRingId struct

* Use shorter terraform ID for easier import

* Update import test to use the same config as the basic test

* Update KeyRing name regex to be consistent with API docs

* Add documentation page for resource

* Add KeyRing documentation to sidebar

* Adds unit tests around parsing the KeyRing import id

* Allow for project in id to be autopopulated from config

* Throw error in import if project provider is not provided for location/name format

* Consistent variable names

* Use tabs in resource config instead of spaces

* Remove "-x" suffix for docs

* Set project attribute on import if different from the project config
2017-10-27 09:40:01 -07:00

43 lines
972 B

package google
import (
func TestAccGoogleKmsKeyRing_importBasic(t *testing.T) {
resourceName := "google_kms_key_ring.key_ring"
projectId := "terraform-" + acctest.RandString(10)
projectOrg := os.Getenv("GOOGLE_ORG")
projectBillingAccount := os.Getenv("GOOGLE_BILLING_ACCOUNT")
keyRingName := fmt.Sprintf("tf-test-%s", acctest.RandString(10))
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testGoogleKmsKeyRing_basic(projectId, projectOrg, projectBillingAccount, keyRingName),
ResourceName: resourceName,
ImportState: true,
ImportStateVerify: true,