Chris Stephens 30773a784d Setting a default update_mask for all log sinks
[According to log sink documentation](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/sinks/update)
the api will eventually throw an error if update mask isn't provided. The
default specified here is what the api is currently using when an empty mask
is passed.
2018-09-06 09:48:48 -07:00

88 lines
2.3 KiB

package google
import (
// Empty update masks will eventually cause updates to fail, currently empty masks default to this string
const defaultLogSinkUpdateMask = "destination,filter,includeChildren"
func resourceLoggingSinkSchema() map[string]*schema.Schema {
return map[string]*schema.Schema{
"name": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
"destination": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
"filter": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
DiffSuppressFunc: optionalSurroundingSpacesSuppress,
"writer_identity": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
func expandResourceLoggingSink(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType, resourceId string) (LoggingSinkId, *logging.LogSink) {
id := LoggingSinkId{
resourceType: resourceType,
resourceId: resourceId,
name: d.Get("name").(string),
sink := logging.LogSink{
Name: d.Get("name").(string),
Destination: d.Get("destination").(string),
Filter: d.Get("filter").(string),
return id, &sink
func flattenResourceLoggingSink(d *schema.ResourceData, sink *logging.LogSink) {
d.Set("name", sink.Name)
d.Set("destination", sink.Destination)
d.Set("filter", sink.Filter)
d.Set("writer_identity", sink.WriterIdentity)
func expandResourceLoggingSinkForUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData) *logging.LogSink {
// Can only update destination/filter right now. Despite the method below using 'Patch', the API requires both
// destination and filter (even if unchanged).
sink := logging.LogSink{
Destination: d.Get("destination").(string),
Filter: d.Get("filter").(string),
if d.HasChange("destination") {
sink.ForceSendFields = append(sink.ForceSendFields, "Destination")
if d.HasChange("filter") {
sink.ForceSendFields = append(sink.ForceSendFields, "Filter")
return &sink
func resourceLoggingSinkImportState(sinkType string) schema.StateFunc {
return func(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) ([]*schema.ResourceData, error) {
loggingSinkId, err := parseLoggingSinkId(d.Id())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d.Set(sinkType, loggingSinkId.resourceId)
return []*schema.ResourceData{d}, nil