The Magician 7d66019993 Generate BackendService in Terraform (#3345)
<!-- This change is generated by MagicModules. -->
/cc @rileykarson
2019-04-02 14:32:09 -07:00

223 lines
6.1 KiB

package google
import (
func resourceComputeBackendServiceMigrateState(
v int, is *terraform.InstanceState, meta interface{}) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
if is.Empty() {
log.Println("[DEBUG] Empty InstanceState; nothing to migrate.")
return is, nil
switch v {
case 0:
log.Println("[INFO] Found Compute Backend Service State v0; migrating to v1")
is, err := migrateBackendServiceStateV0toV1(is)
if err != nil {
return is, err
return is, nil
return is, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected schema version: %d", v)
func migrateBackendServiceStateV0toV1(is *terraform.InstanceState) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Attributes before migration: %#v", is.Attributes)
oldHashToValue := map[string]map[string]interface{}{}
for k, v := range is.Attributes {
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, "backend.") || k == "backend.#" {
// Key is now of the form backend.%d.%s
kParts := strings.Split(k, ".")
// Sanity check: two parts should be there and <N> should be a number
badFormat := false
if len(kParts) != 3 {
badFormat = true
} else if _, err := strconv.Atoi(kParts[1]); err != nil {
badFormat = true
if badFormat {
return is, fmt.Errorf("migration error: found backend key in unexpected format: %s", k)
if oldHashToValue[kParts[1]] == nil {
oldHashToValue[kParts[1]] = map[string]interface{}{}
oldHashToValue[kParts[1]][kParts[2]] = v
oldHashToNewHash := map[string]int{}
for k, v := range oldHashToValue {
oldHashToNewHash[k] = resourceGoogleComputeBackendServiceBackendHash(v)
values := map[string]string{}
for k, v := range is.Attributes {
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, "backend.") {
if k == "backend.#" {
// Key is now of the form backend.%d.%s
kParts := strings.Split(k, ".")
newKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.%s", kParts[0], oldHashToNewHash[kParts[1]], kParts[2])
values[newKey] = v
delete(is.Attributes, k)
for k, v := range values {
is.Attributes[k] = v
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Attributes after migration: %#v", is.Attributes)
return is, nil
func resourceGoogleComputeBackendServiceBackendHash(v interface{}) int {
if v == nil {
return 0
var buf bytes.Buffer
m := v.(map[string]interface{})
log.Printf("[DEBUG] hashing %v", m)
if group, err := getRelativePath(m["group"].(string)); err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] Error on retrieving relative path of instance group: %s", err)
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s-", m["group"].(string)))
} else {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s-", group))
if v, ok := m["balancing_mode"]; ok {
if v == nil {
v = ""
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s-", v.(string)))
if v, ok := m["capacity_scaler"]; ok {
if v == nil {
v = 0.0
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%f-", v.(float64)))
if v, ok := m["description"]; ok {
if v == nil {
v = ""
log.Printf("[DEBUG] writing description %s", v)
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s-", v.(string)))
if v, ok := m["max_rate"]; ok {
if v == nil {
v = 0
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d-", int64(v.(int))))
if v, ok := m["max_rate_per_instance"]; ok {
if v == nil {
v = 0.0
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%f-", v.(float64)))
if v, ok := m["max_connections"]; ok {
if v == nil {
v = 0
switch v := v.(type) {
case float64:
// The Golang JSON library can't tell int values apart from floats,
// because MM doesn't give fields strong types. Since another value
// in this block was a real float, it assumed this was a float too.
// It's not.
// Note that math.Round in Go is from float64 -> float64, so it will
// be a noop. int(floatVal) truncates extra parts, so if the float64
// representation of an int falls below the real value we'll have
// the wrong value. eg if 3 was represented as 2.999999, that would
// convert to 2. So we add 0.5, ensuring that we'll truncate to the
// correct value. This wouldn't remain true if we were far enough
// from 0 that we were off by > 0.5, but no float conversion *could*
// work correctly in that case. 53-bit floating types as the only
// numeric type was not a good idea, thanks Javascript.
var vInt int
if v < 0 {
vInt = int(v - 0.5)
} else {
vInt = int(v + 0.5)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] writing float value %f as integer value %v", v, vInt)
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d-", vInt))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d-", int64(v.(int))))
if v, ok := m["max_connections_per_instance"]; ok {
if v == nil {
v = 0
switch v := v.(type) {
case float64:
// The Golang JSON library can't tell int values apart from floats,
// because MM doesn't give fields strong types. Since another value
// in this block was a real float, it assumed this was a float too.
// It's not.
// Note that math.Round in Go is from float64 -> float64, so it will
// be a noop. int(floatVal) truncates extra parts, so if the float64
// representation of an int falls below the real value we'll have
// the wrong value. eg if 3 was represented as 2.999999, that would
// convert to 2. So we add 0.5, ensuring that we'll truncate to the
// correct value. This wouldn't remain true if we were far enough
// from 0 that we were off by > 0.5, but no float conversion *could*
// work correctly in that case. 53-bit floating types as the only
// numeric type was not a good idea, thanks Javascript.
var vInt int
if v < 0 {
vInt = int(v - 0.5)
} else {
vInt = int(v + 0.5)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] writing float value %f as integer value %v", v, vInt)
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d-", vInt))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d-", int64(v.(int))))
if v, ok := m["max_rate_per_instance"]; ok {
if v == nil {
v = 0.0
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%f-", v.(float64)))
log.Printf("[DEBUG] computed hash value of %v from %v", hashcode.String(buf.String()), buf.String())
return hashcode.String(buf.String())