Nathan McKinley f7bdcde1c4
Add an example of use of shared VPC networking. (#810)
Brings up four projects:
  - one to host the VPC
  - two to use the VPC
  - one which is outside the VPC

This is based on the diagram in https://cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/shared-vpc and uses the names there where possible for clarity.

On one of the machines, a page is generated demonstrating that the networking is working the way you'd expect.  That machine's public IP is output by `terraform apply`.
2017-12-06 14:52:48 -08:00

47 lines
1014 B

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
sudo a2ensite default-ssl
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo service apache2 restart
sudo cat > /var/www/html/index.html << EOF
<!doctype html><html><body>
<h1>Network Status for Shared VPC Terraform/Google Cloud Example</h1>
<h2>VM 1</h2>
<h3>Internal IP: $VM1_INT_IP</h3>
$ ping -c 4 -W 1 $VM1_INT_IP
$(ping -c 4 -W 1 $VM1_INT_IP)
$ curl $VM1_INT_IP
$(curl $VM1_INT_IP)
<h3>External IP: $VM1_EXT_IP</h3>
$ ping -c 4 -W 1 $VM1_EXT_IP
$(ping -c 4 -W 1 $VM1_EXT_IP)
$ curl $VM1_EXT_IP
$(curl $VM1_EXT_IP)
<h2>Standalone VM</h2>
<h3>Internal IP: $ST_VM_INT_IP</h3>
$(if [ $ST_VM_INT_IP = $VM1_INT_IP ]; then echo "<h4>Same internal IP as VM1</h4>"; fi)
$ ping -c 4 -W 1 $ST_VM_INT_IP
$(ping -c 4 -W 1 $ST_VM_INT_IP)
$ curl $ST_VM_INT_IP
$(curl $ST_VM_INT_IP)
<h3>External IP: $ST_VM_EXT_IP</h3>
$ ping -c 4 -W 1 $ST_VM_EXT_IP
$(ping -c 4 -W 1 $ST_VM_EXT_IP)
$ curl $ST_VM_EXT_IP
$(curl $ST_VM_EXT_IP)