Paddy 961c878e0d Switch to using Go modules. (#2679)
Switch to using Go modules.

This migrates our vendor.json to use Go 1.11's modules system, and
replaces the vendor folder with the output of go mod vendor.

The vendored code should remain basically the same; I believe some
tree shaking of packages and support scripts/licenses/READMEs/etc.

This also fixes Travis and our Makefile to no longer use govendor.
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00

669 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package channelz defines APIs for enabling channelz service, entry
// registration/deletion, and accessing channelz data. It also defines channelz
// metric struct formats.
// All APIs in this package are experimental.
package channelz
import (
const (
defaultMaxTraceEntry int32 = 30
var (
db dbWrapper
idGen idGenerator
// EntryPerPage defines the number of channelz entries to be shown on a web page.
EntryPerPage = 50
curState int32
maxTraceEntry = defaultMaxTraceEntry
// TurnOn turns on channelz data collection.
func TurnOn() {
if !IsOn() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&curState, 1)
// IsOn returns whether channelz data collection is on.
func IsOn() bool {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&curState, 1, 1)
// SetMaxTraceEntry sets maximum number of trace entry per entity (i.e. channel/subchannel).
// Setting it to 0 will disable channel tracing.
func SetMaxTraceEntry(i int32) {
atomic.StoreInt32(&maxTraceEntry, i)
// ResetMaxTraceEntryToDefault resets the maximum number of trace entry per entity to default.
func ResetMaxTraceEntryToDefault() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&maxTraceEntry, defaultMaxTraceEntry)
func getMaxTraceEntry() int {
i := atomic.LoadInt32(&maxTraceEntry)
return int(i)
// dbWarpper wraps around a reference to internal channelz data storage, and
// provide synchronized functionality to set and get the reference.
type dbWrapper struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
DB *channelMap
func (d *dbWrapper) set(db *channelMap) {
d.DB = db
func (d *dbWrapper) get() *channelMap {
defer d.mu.RUnlock()
return d.DB
// NewChannelzStorage initializes channelz data storage and id generator.
// Note: This function is exported for testing purpose only. User should not call
// it in most cases.
func NewChannelzStorage() {
topLevelChannels: make(map[int64]struct{}),
channels: make(map[int64]*channel),
listenSockets: make(map[int64]*listenSocket),
normalSockets: make(map[int64]*normalSocket),
servers: make(map[int64]*server),
subChannels: make(map[int64]*subChannel),
// GetTopChannels returns a slice of top channel's ChannelMetric, along with a
// boolean indicating whether there's more top channels to be queried for.
// The arg id specifies that only top channel with id at or above it will be included
// in the result. The returned slice is up to a length of EntryPerPage, and is
// sorted in ascending id order.
func GetTopChannels(id int64) ([]*ChannelMetric, bool) {
return db.get().GetTopChannels(id)
// GetServers returns a slice of server's ServerMetric, along with a
// boolean indicating whether there's more servers to be queried for.
// The arg id specifies that only server with id at or above it will be included
// in the result. The returned slice is up to a length of EntryPerPage, and is
// sorted in ascending id order.
func GetServers(id int64) ([]*ServerMetric, bool) {
return db.get().GetServers(id)
// GetServerSockets returns a slice of server's (identified by id) normal socket's
// SocketMetric, along with a boolean indicating whether there's more sockets to
// be queried for.
// The arg startID specifies that only sockets with id at or above it will be
// included in the result. The returned slice is up to a length of EntryPerPage,
// and is sorted in ascending id order.
func GetServerSockets(id int64, startID int64) ([]*SocketMetric, bool) {
return db.get().GetServerSockets(id, startID)
// GetChannel returns the ChannelMetric for the channel (identified by id).
func GetChannel(id int64) *ChannelMetric {
return db.get().GetChannel(id)
// GetSubChannel returns the SubChannelMetric for the subchannel (identified by id).
func GetSubChannel(id int64) *SubChannelMetric {
return db.get().GetSubChannel(id)
// GetSocket returns the SocketInternalMetric for the socket (identified by id).
func GetSocket(id int64) *SocketMetric {
return db.get().GetSocket(id)
// RegisterChannel registers the given channel c in channelz database with ref
// as its reference name, and add it to the child list of its parent (identified
// by pid). pid = 0 means no parent. It returns the unique channelz tracking id
// assigned to this channel.
func RegisterChannel(c Channel, pid int64, ref string) int64 {
id := idGen.genID()
cn := &channel{
refName: ref,
c: c,
subChans: make(map[int64]string),
nestedChans: make(map[int64]string),
id: id,
pid: pid,
trace: &channelTrace{createdTime: time.Now(), events: make([]*TraceEvent, 0, getMaxTraceEntry())},
if pid == 0 {
db.get().addChannel(id, cn, true, pid, ref)
} else {
db.get().addChannel(id, cn, false, pid, ref)
return id
// RegisterSubChannel registers the given channel c in channelz database with ref
// as its reference name, and add it to the child list of its parent (identified
// by pid). It returns the unique channelz tracking id assigned to this subchannel.
func RegisterSubChannel(c Channel, pid int64, ref string) int64 {
if pid == 0 {
grpclog.Error("a SubChannel's parent id cannot be 0")
return 0
id := idGen.genID()
sc := &subChannel{
refName: ref,
c: c,
sockets: make(map[int64]string),
id: id,
pid: pid,
trace: &channelTrace{createdTime: time.Now(), events: make([]*TraceEvent, 0, getMaxTraceEntry())},
db.get().addSubChannel(id, sc, pid, ref)
return id
// RegisterServer registers the given server s in channelz database. It returns
// the unique channelz tracking id assigned to this server.
func RegisterServer(s Server, ref string) int64 {
id := idGen.genID()
svr := &server{
refName: ref,
s: s,
sockets: make(map[int64]string),
listenSockets: make(map[int64]string),
id: id,
db.get().addServer(id, svr)
return id
// RegisterListenSocket registers the given listen socket s in channelz database
// with ref as its reference name, and add it to the child list of its parent
// (identified by pid). It returns the unique channelz tracking id assigned to
// this listen socket.
func RegisterListenSocket(s Socket, pid int64, ref string) int64 {
if pid == 0 {
grpclog.Error("a ListenSocket's parent id cannot be 0")
return 0
id := idGen.genID()
ls := &listenSocket{refName: ref, s: s, id: id, pid: pid}
db.get().addListenSocket(id, ls, pid, ref)
return id
// RegisterNormalSocket registers the given normal socket s in channelz database
// with ref as its reference name, and add it to the child list of its parent
// (identified by pid). It returns the unique channelz tracking id assigned to
// this normal socket.
func RegisterNormalSocket(s Socket, pid int64, ref string) int64 {
if pid == 0 {
grpclog.Error("a NormalSocket's parent id cannot be 0")
return 0
id := idGen.genID()
ns := &normalSocket{refName: ref, s: s, id: id, pid: pid}
db.get().addNormalSocket(id, ns, pid, ref)
return id
// RemoveEntry removes an entry with unique channelz trakcing id to be id from
// channelz database.
func RemoveEntry(id int64) {
// TraceEventDesc is what the caller of AddTraceEvent should provide to describe the event to be added
// to the channel trace.
// The Parent field is optional. It is used for event that will be recorded in the entity's parent
// trace also.
type TraceEventDesc struct {
Desc string
Severity Severity
Parent *TraceEventDesc
// AddTraceEvent adds trace related to the entity with specified id, using the provided TraceEventDesc.
func AddTraceEvent(id int64, desc *TraceEventDesc) {
if getMaxTraceEntry() == 0 {
db.get().traceEvent(id, desc)
// channelMap is the storage data structure for channelz.
// Methods of channelMap can be divided in two two categories with respect to locking.
// 1. Methods acquire the global lock.
// 2. Methods that can only be called when global lock is held.
// A second type of method need always to be called inside a first type of method.
type channelMap struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
topLevelChannels map[int64]struct{}
servers map[int64]*server
channels map[int64]*channel
subChannels map[int64]*subChannel
listenSockets map[int64]*listenSocket
normalSockets map[int64]*normalSocket
func (c *channelMap) addServer(id int64, s *server) {
s.cm = c
c.servers[id] = s
func (c *channelMap) addChannel(id int64, cn *channel, isTopChannel bool, pid int64, ref string) {
cn.cm = c
cn.trace.cm = c
c.channels[id] = cn
if isTopChannel {
c.topLevelChannels[id] = struct{}{}
} else {
c.findEntry(pid).addChild(id, cn)
func (c *channelMap) addSubChannel(id int64, sc *subChannel, pid int64, ref string) {
sc.cm = c
sc.trace.cm = c
c.subChannels[id] = sc
c.findEntry(pid).addChild(id, sc)
func (c *channelMap) addListenSocket(id int64, ls *listenSocket, pid int64, ref string) {
ls.cm = c
c.listenSockets[id] = ls
c.findEntry(pid).addChild(id, ls)
func (c *channelMap) addNormalSocket(id int64, ns *normalSocket, pid int64, ref string) {
ns.cm = c
c.normalSockets[id] = ns
c.findEntry(pid).addChild(id, ns)
// removeEntry triggers the removal of an entry, which may not indeed delete the entry, if it has to
// wait on the deletion of its children and until no other entity's channel trace references it.
// It may lead to a chain of entry deletion. For example, deleting the last socket of a gracefully
// shutting down server will lead to the server being also deleted.
func (c *channelMap) removeEntry(id int64) {
// c.mu must be held by the caller
func (c *channelMap) decrTraceRefCount(id int64) {
e := c.findEntry(id)
if v, ok := e.(tracedChannel); ok {
// c.mu must be held by the caller.
func (c *channelMap) findEntry(id int64) entry {
var v entry
var ok bool
if v, ok = c.channels[id]; ok {
return v
if v, ok = c.subChannels[id]; ok {
return v
if v, ok = c.servers[id]; ok {
return v
if v, ok = c.listenSockets[id]; ok {
return v
if v, ok = c.normalSockets[id]; ok {
return v
return &dummyEntry{idNotFound: id}
// c.mu must be held by the caller
// deleteEntry simply deletes an entry from the channelMap. Before calling this
// method, caller must check this entry is ready to be deleted, i.e removeEntry()
// has been called on it, and no children still exist.
// Conditionals are ordered by the expected frequency of deletion of each entity
// type, in order to optimize performance.
func (c *channelMap) deleteEntry(id int64) {
var ok bool
if _, ok = c.normalSockets[id]; ok {
delete(c.normalSockets, id)
if _, ok = c.subChannels[id]; ok {
delete(c.subChannels, id)
if _, ok = c.channels[id]; ok {
delete(c.channels, id)
delete(c.topLevelChannels, id)
if _, ok = c.listenSockets[id]; ok {
delete(c.listenSockets, id)
if _, ok = c.servers[id]; ok {
delete(c.servers, id)
func (c *channelMap) traceEvent(id int64, desc *TraceEventDesc) {
child := c.findEntry(id)
childTC, ok := child.(tracedChannel)
if !ok {
childTC.getChannelTrace().append(&TraceEvent{Desc: desc.Desc, Severity: desc.Severity, Timestamp: time.Now()})
if desc.Parent != nil {
parent := c.findEntry(child.getParentID())
var chanType RefChannelType
switch child.(type) {
case *channel:
chanType = RefChannel
case *subChannel:
chanType = RefSubChannel
if parentTC, ok := parent.(tracedChannel); ok {
Desc: desc.Parent.Desc,
Severity: desc.Parent.Severity,
Timestamp: time.Now(),
RefID: id,
RefName: childTC.getRefName(),
RefType: chanType,
type int64Slice []int64
func (s int64Slice) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s int64Slice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s int64Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i] < s[j] }
func copyMap(m map[int64]string) map[int64]string {
n := make(map[int64]string)
for k, v := range m {
n[k] = v
return n
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func (c *channelMap) GetTopChannels(id int64) ([]*ChannelMetric, bool) {
l := len(c.topLevelChannels)
ids := make([]int64, 0, l)
cns := make([]*channel, 0, min(l, EntryPerPage))
for k := range c.topLevelChannels {
ids = append(ids, k)
idx := sort.Search(len(ids), func(i int) bool { return ids[i] >= id })
count := 0
var end bool
var t []*ChannelMetric
for i, v := range ids[idx:] {
if count == EntryPerPage {
if cn, ok := c.channels[v]; ok {
cns = append(cns, cn)
t = append(t, &ChannelMetric{
NestedChans: copyMap(cn.nestedChans),
SubChans: copyMap(cn.subChans),
if i == len(ids[idx:])-1 {
end = true
if count == 0 {
end = true
for i, cn := range cns {
t[i].ChannelData = cn.c.ChannelzMetric()
t[i].ID = cn.id
t[i].RefName = cn.refName
t[i].Trace = cn.trace.dumpData()
return t, end
func (c *channelMap) GetServers(id int64) ([]*ServerMetric, bool) {
l := len(c.servers)
ids := make([]int64, 0, l)
ss := make([]*server, 0, min(l, EntryPerPage))
for k := range c.servers {
ids = append(ids, k)
idx := sort.Search(len(ids), func(i int) bool { return ids[i] >= id })
count := 0
var end bool
var s []*ServerMetric
for i, v := range ids[idx:] {
if count == EntryPerPage {
if svr, ok := c.servers[v]; ok {
ss = append(ss, svr)
s = append(s, &ServerMetric{
ListenSockets: copyMap(svr.listenSockets),
if i == len(ids[idx:])-1 {
end = true
if count == 0 {
end = true
for i, svr := range ss {
s[i].ServerData = svr.s.ChannelzMetric()
s[i].ID = svr.id
s[i].RefName = svr.refName
return s, end
func (c *channelMap) GetServerSockets(id int64, startID int64) ([]*SocketMetric, bool) {
var svr *server
var ok bool
if svr, ok = c.servers[id]; !ok {
// server with id doesn't exist.
return nil, true
svrskts := svr.sockets
l := len(svrskts)
ids := make([]int64, 0, l)
sks := make([]*normalSocket, 0, min(l, EntryPerPage))
for k := range svrskts {
ids = append(ids, k)
idx := sort.Search(len(ids), func(i int) bool { return ids[i] >= startID })
count := 0
var end bool
for i, v := range ids[idx:] {
if count == EntryPerPage {
if ns, ok := c.normalSockets[v]; ok {
sks = append(sks, ns)
if i == len(ids[idx:])-1 {
end = true
if count == 0 {
end = true
var s []*SocketMetric
for _, ns := range sks {
sm := &SocketMetric{}
sm.SocketData = ns.s.ChannelzMetric()
sm.ID = ns.id
sm.RefName = ns.refName
s = append(s, sm)
return s, end
func (c *channelMap) GetChannel(id int64) *ChannelMetric {
cm := &ChannelMetric{}
var cn *channel
var ok bool
if cn, ok = c.channels[id]; !ok {
// channel with id doesn't exist.
return nil
cm.NestedChans = copyMap(cn.nestedChans)
cm.SubChans = copyMap(cn.subChans)
// cn.c can be set to &dummyChannel{} when deleteSelfFromMap is called. Save a copy of cn.c when
// holding the lock to prevent potential data race.
chanCopy := cn.c
cm.ChannelData = chanCopy.ChannelzMetric()
cm.ID = cn.id
cm.RefName = cn.refName
cm.Trace = cn.trace.dumpData()
return cm
func (c *channelMap) GetSubChannel(id int64) *SubChannelMetric {
cm := &SubChannelMetric{}
var sc *subChannel
var ok bool
if sc, ok = c.subChannels[id]; !ok {
// subchannel with id doesn't exist.
return nil
cm.Sockets = copyMap(sc.sockets)
// sc.c can be set to &dummyChannel{} when deleteSelfFromMap is called. Save a copy of sc.c when
// holding the lock to prevent potential data race.
chanCopy := sc.c
cm.ChannelData = chanCopy.ChannelzMetric()
cm.ID = sc.id
cm.RefName = sc.refName
cm.Trace = sc.trace.dumpData()
return cm
func (c *channelMap) GetSocket(id int64) *SocketMetric {
sm := &SocketMetric{}
if ls, ok := c.listenSockets[id]; ok {
sm.SocketData = ls.s.ChannelzMetric()
sm.ID = ls.id
sm.RefName = ls.refName
return sm
if ns, ok := c.normalSockets[id]; ok {
sm.SocketData = ns.s.ChannelzMetric()
sm.ID = ns.id
sm.RefName = ns.refName
return sm
return nil
type idGenerator struct {
id int64
func (i *idGenerator) reset() {
atomic.StoreInt64(&i.id, 0)
func (i *idGenerator) genID() int64 {
return atomic.AddInt64(&i.id, 1)