Paddy 961c878e0d Switch to using Go modules. (#2679)
Switch to using Go modules.

This migrates our vendor.json to use Go 1.11's modules system, and
replaces the vendor folder with the output of go mod vendor.

The vendored code should remain basically the same; I believe some
tree shaking of packages and support scripts/licenses/READMEs/etc.

This also fixes Travis and our Makefile to no longer use govendor.
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00

430 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package googleapi contains the common code shared by all Google API
// libraries.
package googleapi // import "google.golang.org/api/googleapi"
import (
// ContentTyper is an interface for Readers which know (or would like
// to override) their Content-Type. If a media body doesn't implement
// ContentTyper, the type is sniffed from the content using
// http.DetectContentType.
type ContentTyper interface {
ContentType() string
// A SizeReaderAt is a ReaderAt with a Size method.
// An io.SectionReader implements SizeReaderAt.
type SizeReaderAt interface {
Size() int64
// ServerResponse is embedded in each Do response and
// provides the HTTP status code and header sent by the server.
type ServerResponse struct {
// HTTPStatusCode is the server's response status code. When using a
// resource method's Do call, this will always be in the 2xx range.
HTTPStatusCode int
// Header contains the response header fields from the server.
Header http.Header
const (
// Version defines the gax version being used. This is typically sent
// in an HTTP header to services.
Version = "0.5"
// UserAgent is the header string used to identify this package.
UserAgent = "google-api-go-client/" + Version
// DefaultUploadChunkSize is the default chunk size to use for resumable
// uploads if not specified by the user.
DefaultUploadChunkSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024
// MinUploadChunkSize is the minimum chunk size that can be used for
// resumable uploads. All user-specified chunk sizes must be multiple of
// this value.
MinUploadChunkSize = 256 * 1024
// Error contains an error response from the server.
type Error struct {
// Code is the HTTP response status code and will always be populated.
Code int `json:"code"`
// Message is the server response message and is only populated when
// explicitly referenced by the JSON server response.
Message string `json:"message"`
// Body is the raw response returned by the server.
// It is often but not always JSON, depending on how the request fails.
Body string
// Header contains the response header fields from the server.
Header http.Header
Errors []ErrorItem
// ErrorItem is a detailed error code & message from the Google API frontend.
type ErrorItem struct {
// Reason is the typed error code. For example: "some_example".
Reason string `json:"reason"`
// Message is the human-readable description of the error.
Message string `json:"message"`
func (e *Error) Error() string {
if len(e.Errors) == 0 && e.Message == "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("googleapi: got HTTP response code %d with body: %v", e.Code, e.Body)
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "googleapi: Error %d: ", e.Code)
if e.Message != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s", e.Message)
if len(e.Errors) == 0 {
return strings.TrimSpace(buf.String())
if len(e.Errors) == 1 && e.Errors[0].Message == e.Message {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ", %s", e.Errors[0].Reason)
return buf.String()
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "\nMore details:")
for _, v := range e.Errors {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Reason: %s, Message: %s\n", v.Reason, v.Message)
return buf.String()
type errorReply struct {
Error *Error `json:"error"`
// CheckResponse returns an error (of type *Error) if the response
// status code is not 2xx.
func CheckResponse(res *http.Response) error {
if res.StatusCode >= 200 && res.StatusCode <= 299 {
return nil
slurp, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err == nil {
jerr := new(errorReply)
err = json.Unmarshal(slurp, jerr)
if err == nil && jerr.Error != nil {
if jerr.Error.Code == 0 {
jerr.Error.Code = res.StatusCode
jerr.Error.Body = string(slurp)
return jerr.Error
return &Error{
Code: res.StatusCode,
Body: string(slurp),
Header: res.Header,
// IsNotModified reports whether err is the result of the
// server replying with http.StatusNotModified.
// Such error values are sometimes returned by "Do" methods
// on calls when If-None-Match is used.
func IsNotModified(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
ae, ok := err.(*Error)
return ok && ae.Code == http.StatusNotModified
// CheckMediaResponse returns an error (of type *Error) if the response
// status code is not 2xx. Unlike CheckResponse it does not assume the
// body is a JSON error document.
// It is the caller's responsibility to close res.Body.
func CheckMediaResponse(res *http.Response) error {
if res.StatusCode >= 200 && res.StatusCode <= 299 {
return nil
slurp, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(res.Body, 1<<20))
return &Error{
Code: res.StatusCode,
Body: string(slurp),
// MarshalStyle defines whether to marshal JSON with a {"data": ...} wrapper.
type MarshalStyle bool
// WithDataWrapper marshals JSON with a {"data": ...} wrapper.
var WithDataWrapper = MarshalStyle(true)
// WithoutDataWrapper marshals JSON without a {"data": ...} wrapper.
var WithoutDataWrapper = MarshalStyle(false)
func (wrap MarshalStyle) JSONReader(v interface{}) (io.Reader, error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if wrap {
buf.Write([]byte(`{"data": `))
err := json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if wrap {
return buf, nil
// endingWithErrorReader from r until it returns an error. If the
// final error from r is io.EOF and e is non-nil, e is used instead.
type endingWithErrorReader struct {
r io.Reader
e error
func (er endingWithErrorReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = er.r.Read(p)
if err == io.EOF && er.e != nil {
err = er.e
// countingWriter counts the number of bytes it receives to write, but
// discards them.
type countingWriter struct {
n *int64
func (w countingWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
*w.n += int64(len(p))
return len(p), nil
// ProgressUpdater is a function that is called upon every progress update of a resumable upload.
// This is the only part of a resumable upload (from googleapi) that is usable by the developer.
// The remaining usable pieces of resumable uploads is exposed in each auto-generated API.
type ProgressUpdater func(current, total int64)
// MediaOption defines the interface for setting media options.
type MediaOption interface {
setOptions(o *MediaOptions)
type contentTypeOption string
func (ct contentTypeOption) setOptions(o *MediaOptions) {
o.ContentType = string(ct)
if o.ContentType == "" {
o.ForceEmptyContentType = true
// ContentType returns a MediaOption which sets the Content-Type header for media uploads.
// If ctype is empty, the Content-Type header will be omitted.
func ContentType(ctype string) MediaOption {
return contentTypeOption(ctype)
type chunkSizeOption int
func (cs chunkSizeOption) setOptions(o *MediaOptions) {
size := int(cs)
if size%MinUploadChunkSize != 0 {
size += MinUploadChunkSize - (size % MinUploadChunkSize)
o.ChunkSize = size
// ChunkSize returns a MediaOption which sets the chunk size for media uploads.
// size will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of 256K.
// Media which contains fewer than size bytes will be uploaded in a single request.
// Media which contains size bytes or more will be uploaded in separate chunks.
// If size is zero, media will be uploaded in a single request.
func ChunkSize(size int) MediaOption {
return chunkSizeOption(size)
// MediaOptions stores options for customizing media upload. It is not used by developers directly.
type MediaOptions struct {
ContentType string
ForceEmptyContentType bool
ChunkSize int
// ProcessMediaOptions stores options from opts in a MediaOptions.
// It is not used by developers directly.
func ProcessMediaOptions(opts []MediaOption) *MediaOptions {
mo := &MediaOptions{ChunkSize: DefaultUploadChunkSize}
for _, o := range opts {
return mo
// ResolveRelative resolves relatives such as "http://www.golang.org/" and
// "topics/myproject/mytopic" into a single string, such as
// "http://www.golang.org/topics/myproject/mytopic". It strips all parent
// references (e.g. ../..) as well as anything after the host
// (e.g. /bar/gaz gets stripped out of foo.com/bar/gaz).
func ResolveRelative(basestr, relstr string) string {
u, _ := url.Parse(basestr)
afterColonPath := ""
if i := strings.IndexRune(relstr, ':'); i > 0 {
afterColonPath = relstr[i+1:]
relstr = relstr[:i]
rel, _ := url.Parse(relstr)
u = u.ResolveReference(rel)
us := u.String()
if afterColonPath != "" {
us = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", us, afterColonPath)
us = strings.Replace(us, "%7B", "{", -1)
us = strings.Replace(us, "%7D", "}", -1)
us = strings.Replace(us, "%2A", "*", -1)
return us
// Expand subsitutes any {encoded} strings in the URL passed in using
// the map supplied.
// This calls SetOpaque to avoid encoding of the parameters in the URL path.
func Expand(u *url.URL, expansions map[string]string) {
escaped, unescaped, err := uritemplates.Expand(u.Path, expansions)
if err == nil {
u.Path = unescaped
u.RawPath = escaped
// CloseBody is used to close res.Body.
// Prior to calling Close, it also tries to Read a small amount to see an EOF.
// Not seeing an EOF can prevent HTTP Transports from reusing connections.
func CloseBody(res *http.Response) {
if res == nil || res.Body == nil {
// Justification for 3 byte reads: two for up to "\r\n" after
// a JSON/XML document, and then 1 to see EOF if we haven't yet.
// TODO(bradfitz): detect Go 1.3+ and skip these reads.
// See https://codereview.appspot.com/58240043
// and https://codereview.appspot.com/49570044
buf := make([]byte, 1)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
_, err := res.Body.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
// VariantType returns the type name of the given variant.
// If the map doesn't contain the named key or the value is not a []interface{}, "" is returned.
// This is used to support "variant" APIs that can return one of a number of different types.
func VariantType(t map[string]interface{}) string {
s, _ := t["type"].(string)
return s
// ConvertVariant uses the JSON encoder/decoder to fill in the struct 'dst' with the fields found in variant 'v'.
// This is used to support "variant" APIs that can return one of a number of different types.
// It reports whether the conversion was successful.
func ConvertVariant(v map[string]interface{}, dst interface{}) bool {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(v)
if err != nil {
return false
return json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), dst) == nil
// A Field names a field to be retrieved with a partial response.
// See https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
// Partial responses can dramatically reduce the amount of data that must be sent to your application.
// In order to request partial responses, you can specify the full list of fields
// that your application needs by adding the Fields option to your request.
// Field strings use camelCase with leading lower-case characters to identify fields within the response.
// For example, if your response has a "NextPageToken" and a slice of "Items" with "Id" fields,
// you could request just those fields like this:
// svc.Events.List().Fields("nextPageToken", "items/id").Do()
// or if you were also interested in each Item's "Updated" field, you can combine them like this:
// svc.Events.List().Fields("nextPageToken", "items(id,updated)").Do()
// More information about field formatting can be found here:
// https://developers.google.com/+/api/#fields-syntax
// Another way to find field names is through the Google API explorer:
// https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#p/
type Field string
// CombineFields combines fields into a single string.
func CombineFields(s []Field) string {
r := make([]string, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
r[i] = string(v)
return strings.Join(r, ",")
// A CallOption is an optional argument to an API call.
// It should be treated as an opaque value by users of Google APIs.
// A CallOption is something that configures an API call in a way that is
// not specific to that API; for instance, controlling the quota user for
// an API call is common across many APIs, and is thus a CallOption.
type CallOption interface {
Get() (key, value string)
// QuotaUser returns a CallOption that will set the quota user for a call.
// The quota user can be used by server-side applications to control accounting.
// It can be an arbitrary string up to 40 characters, and will override UserIP
// if both are provided.
func QuotaUser(u string) CallOption { return quotaUser(u) }
type quotaUser string
func (q quotaUser) Get() (string, string) { return "quotaUser", string(q) }
// UserIP returns a CallOption that will set the "userIp" parameter of a call.
// This should be the IP address of the originating request.
func UserIP(ip string) CallOption { return userIP(ip) }
type userIP string
func (i userIP) Get() (string, string) { return "userIp", string(i) }
// Trace returns a CallOption that enables diagnostic tracing for a call.
// traceToken is an ID supplied by Google support.
func Trace(traceToken string) CallOption { return traceTok(traceToken) }
type traceTok string
func (t traceTok) Get() (string, string) { return "trace", "token:" + string(t) }
// TODO: Fields too