Paddy 961c878e0d Switch to using Go modules. (#2679)
Switch to using Go modules.

This migrates our vendor.json to use Go 1.11's modules system, and
replaces the vendor folder with the output of go mod vendor.

The vendored code should remain basically the same; I believe some
tree shaking of packages and support scripts/licenses/READMEs/etc.

This also fixes Travis and our Makefile to no longer use govendor.
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00

121 lines
3.5 KiB

package cty
// Type represents value types within the type system.
// This is a closed interface type, meaning that only the concrete
// implementations provided within this package are considered valid.
type Type struct {
type typeImpl interface {
// isTypeImpl is a do-nothing method that exists only to express
// that a type is an implementation of typeImpl.
isTypeImpl() typeImplSigil
// Equals returns true if the other given Type exactly equals the
// receiver Type.
Equals(other Type) bool
// FriendlyName returns a human-friendly *English* name for the given
// type.
FriendlyName(mode friendlyTypeNameMode) string
// GoString implements the GoStringer interface from package fmt.
GoString() string
// Base implementation of Type to embed into concrete implementations
// to signal that they are implementations of Type.
type typeImplSigil struct{}
func (t typeImplSigil) isTypeImpl() typeImplSigil {
return typeImplSigil{}
// Equals returns true if the other given Type exactly equals the receiver
// type.
func (t Type) Equals(other Type) bool {
return t.typeImpl.Equals(other)
// FriendlyName returns a human-friendly *English* name for the given type.
func (t Type) FriendlyName() string {
return t.typeImpl.FriendlyName(friendlyTypeName)
// FriendlyNameForConstraint is similar to FriendlyName except that the
// result is specialized for describing type _constraints_ rather than types
// themselves. This is more appropriate when reporting that a particular value
// does not conform to an expected type constraint.
// In particular, this function uses the term "any type" to refer to
// cty.DynamicPseudoType, rather than "dynamic" as returned by FriendlyName.
func (t Type) FriendlyNameForConstraint() string {
return t.typeImpl.FriendlyName(friendlyTypeConstraintName)
// friendlyNameMode is an internal combination of the various FriendlyName*
// variants that just directly takes a mode, for easy passthrough for
// recursive name construction.
func (t Type) friendlyNameMode(mode friendlyTypeNameMode) string {
return t.typeImpl.FriendlyName(mode)
// GoString returns a string approximating how the receiver type would be
// expressed in Go source code.
func (t Type) GoString() string {
if t.typeImpl == nil {
return "cty.NilType"
return t.typeImpl.GoString()
// NilType is an invalid type used when a function is returning an error
// and has no useful type to return. It should not be used and any methods
// called on it will panic.
var NilType = Type{}
// HasDynamicTypes returns true either if the receiver is itself
// DynamicPseudoType or if it is a compound type whose descendent elements
// are DynamicPseudoType.
func (t Type) HasDynamicTypes() bool {
switch {
case t == DynamicPseudoType:
return true
case t.IsPrimitiveType():
return false
case t.IsCollectionType():
return false
case t.IsObjectType():
attrTypes := t.AttributeTypes()
for _, at := range attrTypes {
if at.HasDynamicTypes() {
return true
return false
case t.IsTupleType():
elemTypes := t.TupleElementTypes()
for _, et := range elemTypes {
if et.HasDynamicTypes() {
return true
return false
case t.IsCapsuleType():
return false
// Should never happen, since above should be exhaustive
panic("HasDynamicTypes does not support the given type")
type friendlyTypeNameMode rune
const (
friendlyTypeName friendlyTypeNameMode = 'N'
friendlyTypeConstraintName friendlyTypeNameMode = 'C'