Paddy 961c878e0d Switch to using Go modules. (#2679)
Switch to using Go modules.

This migrates our vendor.json to use Go 1.11's modules system, and
replaces the vendor folder with the output of go mod vendor.

The vendored code should remain basically the same; I believe some
tree shaking of packages and support scripts/licenses/READMEs/etc.

This also fixes Travis and our Makefile to no longer use govendor.
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00

1116 lines
32 KiB

package cty
import (
func (val Value) GoString() string {
if val == NilVal {
return "cty.NilVal"
if val.IsNull() {
return fmt.Sprintf("cty.NullVal(%#v)", val.ty)
if val == DynamicVal { // is unknown, so must be before the IsKnown check below
return "cty.DynamicVal"
if !val.IsKnown() {
return fmt.Sprintf("cty.UnknownVal(%#v)", val.ty)
// By the time we reach here we've dealt with all of the exceptions around
// unknowns and nulls, so we're guaranteed that the values are the
// canonical internal representation of the given type.
switch val.ty {
case Bool:
if val.v.(bool) {
return "cty.True"
} else {
return "cty.False"
case Number:
fv := val.v.(*big.Float)
// We'll try to use NumberIntVal or NumberFloatVal if we can, since
// the fully-general initializer call is pretty ugly-looking.
if fv.IsInt() {
return fmt.Sprintf("cty.NumberIntVal(%#v)", fv)
if rfv, accuracy := fv.Float64(); accuracy == big.Exact {
return fmt.Sprintf("cty.NumberFloatVal(%#v)", rfv)
return fmt.Sprintf("cty.NumberVal(new(big.Float).Parse(\"%#v\", 10))", fv)
case String:
return fmt.Sprintf("cty.StringVal(%#v)", val.v)
switch {
case val.ty.IsSetType():
vals := val.v.(set.Set).Values()
if vals == nil || len(vals) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("cty.SetValEmpty()")
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("cty.SetVal(%#v)", vals)
case val.ty.IsCapsuleType():
return fmt.Sprintf("cty.CapsuleVal(%#v, %#v)", val.ty, val.v)
// Default exposes implementation details, so should actually cover
// all of the cases above for good caller UX.
return fmt.Sprintf("cty.Value{ty: %#v, v: %#v}", val.ty, val.v)
// Equals returns True if the receiver and the given other value have the
// same type and are exactly equal in value.
// As a special case, two null values are always equal regardless of type.
// The usual short-circuit rules apply, so the result will be unknown if
// either of the given values are.
// Use RawEquals to compare if two values are equal *ignoring* the
// short-circuit rules and the exception for null values.
func (val Value) Equals(other Value) Value {
// Start by handling Unknown values before considering types.
// This needs to be done since Null values are always equal regardless of
// type.
switch {
case !val.IsKnown() && !other.IsKnown():
// both unknown
return UnknownVal(Bool)
case val.IsKnown() && !other.IsKnown():
switch {
case val.IsNull(), other.ty.HasDynamicTypes():
// If known is Null, we need to wait for the unkown value since
// nulls of any type are equal.
// An unkown with a dynamic type compares as unknown, which we need
// to check before the type comparison below.
return UnknownVal(Bool)
case !val.ty.Equals(other.ty):
// There is no null comparison or dynamic types, so unequal types
// will never be equal.
return False
return UnknownVal(Bool)
case other.IsKnown() && !val.IsKnown():
switch {
case other.IsNull(), val.ty.HasDynamicTypes():
// If known is Null, we need to wait for the unkown value since
// nulls of any type are equal.
// An unkown with a dynamic type compares as unknown, which we need
// to check before the type comparison below.
return UnknownVal(Bool)
case !other.ty.Equals(val.ty):
// There's no null comparison or dynamic types, so unequal types
// will never be equal.
return False
return UnknownVal(Bool)
switch {
case val.IsNull() && other.IsNull():
// Nulls are always equal, regardless of type
return BoolVal(true)
case val.IsNull() || other.IsNull():
// If only one is null then the result must be false
return BoolVal(false)
if val.ty.HasDynamicTypes() || other.ty.HasDynamicTypes() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if !val.ty.Equals(other.ty) {
return BoolVal(false)
ty := val.ty
result := false
switch {
case ty == Number:
result = val.v.(*big.Float).Cmp(other.v.(*big.Float)) == 0
case ty == Bool:
result = val.v.(bool) == other.v.(bool)
case ty == String:
// Simple equality is safe because we NFC-normalize strings as they
// enter our world from StringVal, and so we can assume strings are
// always in normal form.
result = val.v.(string) == other.v.(string)
case ty.IsObjectType():
oty := ty.typeImpl.(typeObject)
result = true
for attr, aty := range oty.AttrTypes {
lhs := Value{
ty: aty,
v: val.v.(map[string]interface{})[attr],
rhs := Value{
ty: aty,
v: other.v.(map[string]interface{})[attr],
eq := lhs.Equals(rhs)
if !eq.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if eq.False() {
result = false
case ty.IsTupleType():
tty := ty.typeImpl.(typeTuple)
result = true
for i, ety := range tty.ElemTypes {
lhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: val.v.([]interface{})[i],
rhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: other.v.([]interface{})[i],
eq := lhs.Equals(rhs)
if !eq.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if eq.False() {
result = false
case ty.IsListType():
ety := ty.typeImpl.(typeList).ElementTypeT
if len(val.v.([]interface{})) == len(other.v.([]interface{})) {
result = true
for i := range val.v.([]interface{}) {
lhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: val.v.([]interface{})[i],
rhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: other.v.([]interface{})[i],
eq := lhs.Equals(rhs)
if !eq.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if eq.False() {
result = false
case ty.IsSetType():
s1 := val.v.(set.Set)
s2 := other.v.(set.Set)
equal := true
// Note that by our definition of sets it's never possible for two
// sets that contain unknown values (directly or indicrectly) to
// ever be equal, even if they are otherwise identical.
// FIXME: iterating both lists and checking each item is not the
// ideal implementation here, but it works with the primitives we
// have in the set implementation. Perhaps the set implementation
// can provide its own equality test later.
s1.EachValue(func(v interface{}) {
if !s2.Has(v) {
equal = false
s2.EachValue(func(v interface{}) {
if !s1.Has(v) {
equal = false
result = equal
case ty.IsMapType():
ety := ty.typeImpl.(typeMap).ElementTypeT
if len(val.v.(map[string]interface{})) == len(other.v.(map[string]interface{})) {
result = true
for k := range val.v.(map[string]interface{}) {
if _, ok := other.v.(map[string]interface{})[k]; !ok {
result = false
lhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: val.v.(map[string]interface{})[k],
rhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: other.v.(map[string]interface{})[k],
eq := lhs.Equals(rhs)
if !eq.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if eq.False() {
result = false
case ty.IsCapsuleType():
// A capsule type's encapsulated value is a pointer to a value of its
// native type, so we can just compare these to get the identity test
// we need.
return BoolVal(val.v == other.v)
// should never happen
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported value type %#v in Equals", ty))
return BoolVal(result)
// NotEqual is a shorthand for Equals followed by Not.
func (val Value) NotEqual(other Value) Value {
return val.Equals(other).Not()
// True returns true if the receiver is True, false if False, and panics if
// the receiver is not of type Bool.
// This is a helper function to help write application logic that works with
// values, rather than a first-class operation. It does not work with unknown
// or null values. For more robust handling with unknown value
// short-circuiting, use val.Equals(cty.True).
func (val Value) True() bool {
if val.ty != Bool {
panic("not bool")
return val.Equals(True).v.(bool)
// False is the opposite of True.
func (val Value) False() bool {
return !val.True()
// RawEquals returns true if and only if the two given values have the same
// type and equal value, ignoring the usual short-circuit rules about
// unknowns and dynamic types.
// This method is more appropriate for testing than for real use, since it
// skips over usual semantics around unknowns but as a consequence allows
// testing the result of another operation that is expected to return unknown.
// It returns a primitive Go bool rather than a Value to remind us that it
// is not a first-class value operation.
func (val Value) RawEquals(other Value) bool {
if !val.ty.Equals(other.ty) {
return false
if (!val.IsKnown()) && (!other.IsKnown()) {
return true
if (val.IsKnown() && !other.IsKnown()) || (other.IsKnown() && !val.IsKnown()) {
return false
if val.IsNull() && other.IsNull() {
return true
if (val.IsNull() && !other.IsNull()) || (other.IsNull() && !val.IsNull()) {
return false
if val.ty == DynamicPseudoType && other.ty == DynamicPseudoType {
return true
ty := val.ty
switch {
case ty == Number || ty == Bool || ty == String || ty == DynamicPseudoType:
return val.Equals(other).True()
case ty.IsObjectType():
oty := ty.typeImpl.(typeObject)
for attr, aty := range oty.AttrTypes {
lhs := Value{
ty: aty,
v: val.v.(map[string]interface{})[attr],
rhs := Value{
ty: aty,
v: other.v.(map[string]interface{})[attr],
eq := lhs.RawEquals(rhs)
if !eq {
return false
return true
case ty.IsTupleType():
tty := ty.typeImpl.(typeTuple)
for i, ety := range tty.ElemTypes {
lhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: val.v.([]interface{})[i],
rhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: other.v.([]interface{})[i],
eq := lhs.RawEquals(rhs)
if !eq {
return false
return true
case ty.IsListType():
ety := ty.typeImpl.(typeList).ElementTypeT
if len(val.v.([]interface{})) == len(other.v.([]interface{})) {
for i := range val.v.([]interface{}) {
lhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: val.v.([]interface{})[i],
rhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: other.v.([]interface{})[i],
eq := lhs.RawEquals(rhs)
if !eq {
return false
return true
return false
case ty.IsSetType():
s1 := val.v.(set.Set)
s2 := other.v.(set.Set)
// Since we're intentionally ignoring our rule that two unknowns
// are never equal, we can cheat here.
// (This isn't 100% right since e.g. it will fail if the set contains
// numbers that are infinite, which DeepEqual can't compare properly.
// We're accepting that limitation for simplicity here, since this
// function is here primarily for testing.)
return reflect.DeepEqual(s1, s2)
case ty.IsMapType():
ety := ty.typeImpl.(typeMap).ElementTypeT
if len(val.v.(map[string]interface{})) == len(other.v.(map[string]interface{})) {
for k := range val.v.(map[string]interface{}) {
if _, ok := other.v.(map[string]interface{})[k]; !ok {
return false
lhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: val.v.(map[string]interface{})[k],
rhs := Value{
ty: ety,
v: other.v.(map[string]interface{})[k],
eq := lhs.RawEquals(rhs)
if !eq {
return false
return true
return false
case ty.IsCapsuleType():
// A capsule type's encapsulated value is a pointer to a value of its
// native type, so we can just compare these to get the identity test
// we need.
return val.v == other.v
// should never happen
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported value type %#v in RawEquals", ty))
// Add returns the sum of the receiver and the given other value. Both values
// must be numbers; this method will panic if not.
func (val Value) Add(other Value) Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Number, Number, val, other); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Number)
return *shortCircuit
ret := new(big.Float)
ret.Add(val.v.(*big.Float), other.v.(*big.Float))
return NumberVal(ret)
// Subtract returns receiver minus the given other value. Both values must be
// numbers; this method will panic if not.
func (val Value) Subtract(other Value) Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Number, Number, val, other); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Number)
return *shortCircuit
return val.Add(other.Negate())
// Negate returns the numeric negative of the receiver, which must be a number.
// This method will panic when given a value of any other type.
func (val Value) Negate() Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Number, Number, val); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Number)
return *shortCircuit
ret := new(big.Float).Neg(val.v.(*big.Float))
return NumberVal(ret)
// Multiply returns the product of the receiver and the given other value.
// Both values must be numbers; this method will panic if not.
func (val Value) Multiply(other Value) Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Number, Number, val, other); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Number)
return *shortCircuit
ret := new(big.Float)
ret.Mul(val.v.(*big.Float), other.v.(*big.Float))
return NumberVal(ret)
// Divide returns the quotient of the receiver and the given other value.
// Both values must be numbers; this method will panic if not.
// If the "other" value is exactly zero, this operation will return either
// PositiveInfinity or NegativeInfinity, depending on the sign of the
// receiver value. For some use-cases the presence of infinities may be
// undesirable, in which case the caller should check whether the
// other value equals zero before calling and raise an error instead.
// If both values are zero or infinity, this function will panic with
// an instance of big.ErrNaN.
func (val Value) Divide(other Value) Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Number, Number, val, other); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Number)
return *shortCircuit
ret := new(big.Float)
ret.Quo(val.v.(*big.Float), other.v.(*big.Float))
return NumberVal(ret)
// Modulo returns the remainder of an integer division of the receiver and
// the given other value. Both values must be numbers; this method will panic
// if not.
// If the "other" value is exactly zero, this operation will return either
// PositiveInfinity or NegativeInfinity, depending on the sign of the
// receiver value. For some use-cases the presence of infinities may be
// undesirable, in which case the caller should check whether the
// other value equals zero before calling and raise an error instead.
// This operation is primarily here for use with nonzero natural numbers.
// Modulo with "other" as a non-natural number gets somewhat philosophical,
// and this function takes a position on what that should mean, but callers
// may wish to disallow such things outright or implement their own modulo
// if they disagree with the interpretation used here.
func (val Value) Modulo(other Value) Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Number, Number, val, other); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Number)
return *shortCircuit
// We cheat a bit here with infinities, just abusing the Multiply operation
// to get an infinite result of the correct sign.
if val == PositiveInfinity || val == NegativeInfinity || other == PositiveInfinity || other == NegativeInfinity {
return val.Multiply(other)
if other.RawEquals(Zero) {
return val
// FIXME: This is a bit clumsy. Should come back later and see if there's a
// more straightforward way to do this.
rat := val.Divide(other)
ratFloorInt := &big.Int{}
work := (&big.Float{}).SetInt(ratFloorInt)
work.Mul(other.v.(*big.Float), work)
work.Sub(val.v.(*big.Float), work)
return NumberVal(work)
// Absolute returns the absolute (signless) value of the receiver, which must
// be a number or this method will panic.
func (val Value) Absolute() Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Number, Number, val); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Number)
return *shortCircuit
ret := (&big.Float{}).Abs(val.v.(*big.Float))
return NumberVal(ret)
// GetAttr returns the value of the given attribute of the receiver, which
// must be of an object type that has an attribute of the given name.
// This method will panic if the receiver type is not compatible.
// The method will also panic if the given attribute name is not defined
// for the value's type. Use the attribute-related methods on Type to
// check for the validity of an attribute before trying to use it.
// This method may be called on a value whose type is DynamicPseudoType,
// in which case the result will also be DynamicVal.
func (val Value) GetAttr(name string) Value {
if val.ty == DynamicPseudoType {
return DynamicVal
if !val.ty.IsObjectType() {
panic("value is not an object")
name = NormalizeString(name)
if !val.ty.HasAttribute(name) {
panic("value has no attribute of that name")
attrType := val.ty.AttributeType(name)
if !val.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(attrType)
return Value{
ty: attrType,
v: val.v.(map[string]interface{})[name],
// Index returns the value of an element of the receiver, which must have
// either a list, map or tuple type. This method will panic if the receiver
// type is not compatible.
// The key value must be the correct type for the receving collection: a
// number if the collection is a list or tuple, or a string if it is a map.
// In the case of a list or tuple, the given number must be convertable to int
// or this method will panic. The key may alternatively be of
// DynamicPseudoType, in which case the result itself is an unknown of the
// collection's element type.
// The result is of the receiver collection's element type, or in the case
// of a tuple the type of the specific element index requested.
// This method may be called on a value whose type is DynamicPseudoType,
// in which case the result will also be the DynamicValue.
func (val Value) Index(key Value) Value {
if val.ty == DynamicPseudoType {
return DynamicVal
switch {
case val.Type().IsListType():
elty := val.Type().ElementType()
if key.Type() == DynamicPseudoType {
return UnknownVal(elty)
if key.Type() != Number {
panic("element key for list must be number")
if !key.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(elty)
if !val.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(elty)
index, accuracy := key.v.(*big.Float).Int64()
if accuracy != big.Exact || index < 0 {
panic("element key for list must be non-negative integer")
return Value{
ty: elty,
v: val.v.([]interface{})[index],
case val.Type().IsMapType():
elty := val.Type().ElementType()
if key.Type() == DynamicPseudoType {
return UnknownVal(elty)
if key.Type() != String {
panic("element key for map must be string")
if !key.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(elty)
if !val.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(elty)
keyStr := key.v.(string)
return Value{
ty: elty,
v: val.v.(map[string]interface{})[keyStr],
case val.Type().IsTupleType():
if key.Type() == DynamicPseudoType {
return DynamicVal
if key.Type() != Number {
panic("element key for tuple must be number")
if !key.IsKnown() {
return DynamicVal
index, accuracy := key.v.(*big.Float).Int64()
if accuracy != big.Exact || index < 0 {
panic("element key for list must be non-negative integer")
eltys := val.Type().TupleElementTypes()
if !val.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(eltys[index])
return Value{
ty: eltys[index],
v: val.v.([]interface{})[index],
panic("not a list, map, or tuple type")
// HasIndex returns True if the receiver (which must be supported for Index)
// has an element with the given index key, or False if it does not.
// The result will be UnknownVal(Bool) if either the collection or the
// key value are unknown.
// This method will panic if the receiver is not indexable, but does not
// impose any panic-causing type constraints on the key.
func (val Value) HasIndex(key Value) Value {
if val.ty == DynamicPseudoType {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
switch {
case val.Type().IsListType():
if key.Type() == DynamicPseudoType {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if key.Type() != Number {
return False
if !key.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if !val.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
index, accuracy := key.v.(*big.Float).Int64()
if accuracy != big.Exact || index < 0 {
return False
return BoolVal(int(index) < len(val.v.([]interface{})) && index >= 0)
case val.Type().IsMapType():
if key.Type() == DynamicPseudoType {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if key.Type() != String {
return False
if !key.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if !val.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
keyStr := key.v.(string)
_, exists := val.v.(map[string]interface{})[keyStr]
return BoolVal(exists)
case val.Type().IsTupleType():
if key.Type() == DynamicPseudoType {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if key.Type() != Number {
return False
if !key.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
index, accuracy := key.v.(*big.Float).Int64()
if accuracy != big.Exact || index < 0 {
return False
length := val.Type().Length()
return BoolVal(int(index) < length && index >= 0)
panic("not a list, map, or tuple type")
// HasElement returns True if the receiver (which must be of a set type)
// has the given value as an element, or False if it does not.
// The result will be UnknownVal(Bool) if either the set or the
// given value are unknown.
// This method will panic if the receiver is not a set, or if it is a null set.
func (val Value) HasElement(elem Value) Value {
ty := val.Type()
if !ty.IsSetType() {
panic("not a set type")
if !val.IsKnown() || !elem.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Bool)
if val.IsNull() {
panic("can't call HasElement on a nil value")
if !ty.ElementType().Equals(elem.Type()) {
return False
s := val.v.(set.Set)
return BoolVal(s.Has(elem.v))
// Length returns the length of the receiver, which must be a collection type
// or tuple type, as a number value. If the receiver is not a compatible type
// then this method will panic.
// If the receiver is unknown then the result is also unknown.
// If the receiver is null then this function will panic.
// Note that Length is not supported for strings. To determine the length
// of a string, call AsString and take the length of the native Go string
// that is returned.
func (val Value) Length() Value {
if val.Type().IsTupleType() {
// For tuples, we can return the length even if the value is not known.
return NumberIntVal(int64(val.Type().Length()))
if !val.IsKnown() {
return UnknownVal(Number)
return NumberIntVal(int64(val.LengthInt()))
// LengthInt is like Length except it returns an int. It has the same behavior
// as Length except that it will panic if the receiver is unknown.
// This is an integration method provided for the convenience of code bridging
// into Go's type system.
func (val Value) LengthInt() int {
if val.Type().IsTupleType() {
// For tuples, we can return the length even if the value is not known.
return val.Type().Length()
if val.Type().IsObjectType() {
// For objects, the length is the number of attributes associated with the type.
return len(val.Type().AttributeTypes())
if !val.IsKnown() {
panic("value is not known")
if val.IsNull() {
panic("value is null")
switch {
case val.ty.IsListType():
return len(val.v.([]interface{}))
case val.ty.IsSetType():
return val.v.(set.Set).Length()
case val.ty.IsMapType():
return len(val.v.(map[string]interface{}))
panic("value is not a collection")
// ElementIterator returns an ElementIterator for iterating the elements
// of the receiver, which must be a collection type, a tuple type, or an object
// type. If called on a method of any other type, this method will panic.
// The value must be Known and non-Null, or this method will panic.
// If the receiver is of a list type, the returned keys will be of type Number
// and the values will be of the list's element type.
// If the receiver is of a map type, the returned keys will be of type String
// and the value will be of the map's element type. Elements are passed in
// ascending lexicographical order by key.
// If the receiver is of a set type, each element is returned as both the
// key and the value, since set members are their own identity.
// If the receiver is of a tuple type, the returned keys will be of type Number
// and the value will be of the corresponding element's type.
// If the receiver is of an object type, the returned keys will be of type
// String and the value will be of the corresponding attributes's type.
// ElementIterator is an integration method, so it cannot handle Unknown
// values. This method will panic if the receiver is Unknown.
func (val Value) ElementIterator() ElementIterator {
if !val.IsKnown() {
panic("can't use ElementIterator on unknown value")
if val.IsNull() {
panic("can't use ElementIterator on null value")
return elementIterator(val)
// CanIterateElements returns true if the receiver can support the
// ElementIterator method (and by extension, ForEachElement) without panic.
func (val Value) CanIterateElements() bool {
return canElementIterator(val)
// ForEachElement executes a given callback function for each element of
// the receiver, which must be a collection type or tuple type, or this method
// will panic.
// ForEachElement uses ElementIterator internally, and so the values passed
// to the callback are as described for ElementIterator.
// Returns true if the iteration exited early due to the callback function
// returning true, or false if the loop ran to completion.
// ForEachElement is an integration method, so it cannot handle Unknown
// values. This method will panic if the receiver is Unknown.
func (val Value) ForEachElement(cb ElementCallback) bool {
it := val.ElementIterator()
for it.Next() {
key, val := it.Element()
stop := cb(key, val)
if stop {
return true
return false
// Not returns the logical inverse of the receiver, which must be of type
// Bool or this method will panic.
func (val Value) Not() Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Bool, Bool, val); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Bool)
return *shortCircuit
return BoolVal(!val.v.(bool))
// And returns the result of logical AND with the receiver and the other given
// value, which must both be of type Bool or this method will panic.
func (val Value) And(other Value) Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Bool, Bool, val, other); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Bool)
return *shortCircuit
return BoolVal(val.v.(bool) && other.v.(bool))
// Or returns the result of logical OR with the receiver and the other given
// value, which must both be of type Bool or this method will panic.
func (val Value) Or(other Value) Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Bool, Bool, val, other); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Bool)
return *shortCircuit
return BoolVal(val.v.(bool) || other.v.(bool))
// LessThan returns True if the receiver is less than the other given value,
// which must both be numbers or this method will panic.
func (val Value) LessThan(other Value) Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Number, Bool, val, other); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Bool)
return *shortCircuit
return BoolVal(val.v.(*big.Float).Cmp(other.v.(*big.Float)) < 0)
// GreaterThan returns True if the receiver is greater than the other given
// value, which must both be numbers or this method will panic.
func (val Value) GreaterThan(other Value) Value {
if shortCircuit := mustTypeCheck(Number, Bool, val, other); shortCircuit != nil {
shortCircuit = forceShortCircuitType(shortCircuit, Bool)
return *shortCircuit
return BoolVal(val.v.(*big.Float).Cmp(other.v.(*big.Float)) > 0)
// LessThanOrEqualTo is equivalent to LessThan and Equal combined with Or.
func (val Value) LessThanOrEqualTo(other Value) Value {
return val.LessThan(other).Or(val.Equals(other))
// GreaterThanOrEqualTo is equivalent to GreaterThan and Equal combined with Or.
func (val Value) GreaterThanOrEqualTo(other Value) Value {
return val.GreaterThan(other).Or(val.Equals(other))
// AsString returns the native string from a non-null, non-unknown cty.String
// value, or panics if called on any other value.
func (val Value) AsString() string {
if val.ty != String {
panic("not a string")
if val.IsNull() {
panic("value is null")
if !val.IsKnown() {
panic("value is unknown")
return val.v.(string)
// AsBigFloat returns a big.Float representation of a non-null, non-unknown
// cty.Number value, or panics if called on any other value.
// For more convenient conversions to other native numeric types, use the
// "gocty" package.
func (val Value) AsBigFloat() *big.Float {
if val.ty != Number {
panic("not a number")
if val.IsNull() {
panic("value is null")
if !val.IsKnown() {
panic("value is unknown")
// Copy the float so that callers can't mutate our internal state
ret := *(val.v.(*big.Float))
return &ret
// AsValueSlice returns a []cty.Value representation of a non-null, non-unknown
// value of any type that CanIterateElements, or panics if called on
// any other value.
// For more convenient conversions to slices of more specific types, use
// the "gocty" package.
func (val Value) AsValueSlice() []Value {
l := val.LengthInt()
if l == 0 {
return nil
ret := make([]Value, 0, l)
for it := val.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
_, v := it.Element()
ret = append(ret, v)
return ret
// AsValueMap returns a map[string]cty.Value representation of a non-null,
// non-unknown value of any type that CanIterateElements, or panics if called
// on any other value.
// For more convenient conversions to maps of more specific types, use
// the "gocty" package.
func (val Value) AsValueMap() map[string]Value {
l := val.LengthInt()
if l == 0 {
return nil
ret := make(map[string]Value, l)
for it := val.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
k, v := it.Element()
ret[k.AsString()] = v
return ret
// AsValueSet returns a ValueSet representation of a non-null,
// non-unknown value of any collection type, or panics if called
// on any other value.
// Unlike AsValueSlice and AsValueMap, this method requires specifically a
// collection type (list, set or map) and does not allow structural types
// (tuple or object), because the ValueSet type requires homogenous
// element types.
// The returned ValueSet can store only values of the receiver's element type.
func (val Value) AsValueSet() ValueSet {
if !val.Type().IsCollectionType() {
panic("not a collection type")
// We don't give the caller our own set.Set (assuming we're a cty.Set value)
// because then the caller could mutate our internals, which is forbidden.
// Instead, we will construct a new set and append our elements into it.
ret := NewValueSet(val.Type().ElementType())
for it := val.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
_, v := it.Element()
return ret
// EncapsulatedValue returns the native value encapsulated in a non-null,
// non-unknown capsule-typed value, or panics if called on any other value.
// The result is the same pointer that was passed to CapsuleVal to create
// the value. Since cty considers values to be immutable, it is strongly
// recommended to treat the encapsulated value itself as immutable too.
func (val Value) EncapsulatedValue() interface{} {
if !val.Type().IsCapsuleType() {
panic("not a capsule-typed value")
return val.v