Paddy 961c878e0d Switch to using Go modules. (#2679)
Switch to using Go modules.

This migrates our vendor.json to use Go 1.11's modules system, and
replaces the vendor folder with the output of go mod vendor.

The vendored code should remain basically the same; I believe some
tree shaking of packages and support scripts/licenses/READMEs/etc.

This also fixes Travis and our Makefile to no longer use govendor.
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00

199 lines
5.0 KiB

package cty
import (
// PathSet represents a set of Path objects. This can be used, for example,
// to talk about a subset of paths within a value that meet some criteria,
// without directly modifying the values at those paths.
type PathSet struct {
set set.Set
// NewPathSet creates and returns a PathSet, with initial contents optionally
// set by the given arguments.
func NewPathSet(paths ...Path) PathSet {
ret := PathSet{
set: set.NewSet(pathSetRules{}),
for _, path := range paths {
return ret
// Add inserts a single given path into the set.
// Paths are immutable after construction by convention. It is particularly
// important not to mutate a path after it has been placed into a PathSet.
// If a Path is mutated while in a set, behavior is undefined.
func (s PathSet) Add(path Path) {
// AddAllSteps is like Add but it also adds all of the steps leading to
// the given path.
// For example, if given a path representing "foo.bar", it will add both
// "foo" and "bar".
func (s PathSet) AddAllSteps(path Path) {
for i := 1; i <= len(path); i++ {
// Has returns true if the given path is in the receiving set.
func (s PathSet) Has(path Path) bool {
return s.set.Has(path)
// List makes and returns a slice of all of the paths in the receiving set,
// in an undefined but consistent order.
func (s PathSet) List() []Path {
if s.Empty() {
return nil
ret := make([]Path, 0, s.set.Length())
for it := s.set.Iterator(); it.Next(); {
ret = append(ret, it.Value().(Path))
return ret
// Remove modifies the receving set to no longer include the given path.
// If the given path was already absent, this is a no-op.
func (s PathSet) Remove(path Path) {
// Empty returns true if the length of the receiving set is zero.
func (s PathSet) Empty() bool {
return s.set.Length() == 0
// Union returns a new set whose contents are the union of the receiver and
// the given other set.
func (s PathSet) Union(other PathSet) PathSet {
return PathSet{
set: s.set.Union(other.set),
// Intersection returns a new set whose contents are the intersection of the
// receiver and the given other set.
func (s PathSet) Intersection(other PathSet) PathSet {
return PathSet{
set: s.set.Intersection(other.set),
// Subtract returns a new set whose contents are those from the receiver with
// any elements of the other given set subtracted.
func (s PathSet) Subtract(other PathSet) PathSet {
return PathSet{
set: s.set.Subtract(other.set),
// SymmetricDifference returns a new set whose contents are the symmetric
// difference of the receiver and the given other set.
func (s PathSet) SymmetricDifference(other PathSet) PathSet {
return PathSet{
set: s.set.SymmetricDifference(other.set),
// Equal returns true if and only if both the receiver and the given other
// set contain exactly the same paths.
func (s PathSet) Equal(other PathSet) bool {
if s.set.Length() != other.set.Length() {
return false
// Now we know the lengths are the same we only need to test in one
// direction whether everything in one is in the other.
for it := s.set.Iterator(); it.Next(); {
if !other.set.Has(it.Value()) {
return false
return true
var crc64Table = crc64.MakeTable(crc64.ISO)
var indexStepPlaceholder = []byte("#")
// pathSetRules is an implementation of set.Rules from the set package,
// used internally within PathSet.
type pathSetRules struct {
func (r pathSetRules) Hash(v interface{}) int {
path := v.(Path)
hash := crc64.New(crc64Table)
for _, rawStep := range path {
switch step := rawStep.(type) {
case GetAttrStep:
// (this creates some garbage converting the string name to a
// []byte, but that's okay since cty is not designed to be
// used in tight loops under memory pressure.)
// For any other step type we just append a predefined value,
// which means that e.g. all indexes into a given collection will
// hash to the same value but we assume that collections are
// small and thus this won't hurt too much.
// We discard half of the hash on 32-bit platforms; collisions just make
// our lookups take marginally longer, so not a big deal.
return int(hash.Sum64())
func (r pathSetRules) Equivalent(a, b interface{}) bool {
aPath := a.(Path)
bPath := b.(Path)
if len(aPath) != len(bPath) {
return false
for i := range aPath {
switch aStep := aPath[i].(type) {
case GetAttrStep:
bStep, ok := bPath[i].(GetAttrStep)
if !ok {
return false
if aStep.Name != bStep.Name {
return false
case IndexStep:
bStep, ok := bPath[i].(IndexStep)
if !ok {
return false
eq := aStep.Key.Equals(bStep.Key)
if !eq.IsKnown() || eq.False() {
return false
// Should never happen, since we document PathStep as a closed type.
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported step type %T", aStep))
return true