Paddy 961c878e0d Switch to using Go modules. (#2679)
Switch to using Go modules.

This migrates our vendor.json to use Go 1.11's modules system, and
replaces the vendor folder with the output of go mod vendor.

The vendored code should remain basically the same; I believe some
tree shaking of packages and support scripts/licenses/READMEs/etc.

This also fixes Travis and our Makefile to no longer use govendor.
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00

364 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2017, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
// Package diff implements an algorithm for producing edit-scripts.
// The edit-script is a sequence of operations needed to transform one list
// of symbols into another (or vice-versa). The edits allowed are insertions,
// deletions, and modifications. The summation of all edits is called the
// Levenshtein distance as this problem is well-known in computer science.
// This package prioritizes performance over accuracy. That is, the run time
// is more important than obtaining a minimal Levenshtein distance.
package diff
// EditType represents a single operation within an edit-script.
type EditType uint8
const (
// Identity indicates that a symbol pair is identical in both list X and Y.
Identity EditType = iota
// UniqueX indicates that a symbol only exists in X and not Y.
// UniqueY indicates that a symbol only exists in Y and not X.
// Modified indicates that a symbol pair is a modification of each other.
// EditScript represents the series of differences between two lists.
type EditScript []EditType
// String returns a human-readable string representing the edit-script where
// Identity, UniqueX, UniqueY, and Modified are represented by the
// '.', 'X', 'Y', and 'M' characters, respectively.
func (es EditScript) String() string {
b := make([]byte, len(es))
for i, e := range es {
switch e {
case Identity:
b[i] = '.'
case UniqueX:
b[i] = 'X'
case UniqueY:
b[i] = 'Y'
case Modified:
b[i] = 'M'
panic("invalid edit-type")
return string(b)
// stats returns a histogram of the number of each type of edit operation.
func (es EditScript) stats() (s struct{ NI, NX, NY, NM int }) {
for _, e := range es {
switch e {
case Identity:
case UniqueX:
case UniqueY:
case Modified:
panic("invalid edit-type")
// Dist is the Levenshtein distance and is guaranteed to be 0 if and only if
// lists X and Y are equal.
func (es EditScript) Dist() int { return len(es) - es.stats().NI }
// LenX is the length of the X list.
func (es EditScript) LenX() int { return len(es) - es.stats().NY }
// LenY is the length of the Y list.
func (es EditScript) LenY() int { return len(es) - es.stats().NX }
// EqualFunc reports whether the symbols at indexes ix and iy are equal.
// When called by Difference, the index is guaranteed to be within nx and ny.
type EqualFunc func(ix int, iy int) Result
// Result is the result of comparison.
// NSame is the number of sub-elements that are equal.
// NDiff is the number of sub-elements that are not equal.
type Result struct{ NSame, NDiff int }
// Equal indicates whether the symbols are equal. Two symbols are equal
// if and only if NDiff == 0. If Equal, then they are also Similar.
func (r Result) Equal() bool { return r.NDiff == 0 }
// Similar indicates whether two symbols are similar and may be represented
// by using the Modified type. As a special case, we consider binary comparisons
// (i.e., those that return Result{1, 0} or Result{0, 1}) to be similar.
// The exact ratio of NSame to NDiff to determine similarity may change.
func (r Result) Similar() bool {
// Use NSame+1 to offset NSame so that binary comparisons are similar.
return r.NSame+1 >= r.NDiff
// Difference reports whether two lists of lengths nx and ny are equal
// given the definition of equality provided as f.
// This function returns an edit-script, which is a sequence of operations
// needed to convert one list into the other. The following invariants for
// the edit-script are maintained:
// • eq == (es.Dist()==0)
// • nx == es.LenX()
// • ny == es.LenY()
// This algorithm is not guaranteed to be an optimal solution (i.e., one that
// produces an edit-script with a minimal Levenshtein distance). This algorithm
// favors performance over optimality. The exact output is not guaranteed to
// be stable and may change over time.
func Difference(nx, ny int, f EqualFunc) (es EditScript) {
// This algorithm is based on traversing what is known as an "edit-graph".
// See Figure 1 from "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations"
// by Eugene W. Myers. Since D can be as large as N itself, this is
// effectively O(N^2). Unlike the algorithm from that paper, we are not
// interested in the optimal path, but at least some "decent" path.
// For example, let X and Y be lists of symbols:
// X = [A B C A B B A]
// Y = [C B A B A C]
// The edit-graph can be drawn as the following:
// A B C A B B A
// ┌─────────────┐
// C │_|_|\|_|_|_|_│ 0
// B │_|\|_|_|\|\|_│ 1
// A │\|_|_|\|_|_|\│ 2
// B │_|\|_|_|\|\|_│ 3
// A │\|_|_|\|_|_|\│ 4
// C │ | |\| | | | │ 5
// └─────────────┘ 6
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// List X is written along the horizontal axis, while list Y is written
// along the vertical axis. At any point on this grid, if the symbol in
// list X matches the corresponding symbol in list Y, then a '\' is drawn.
// The goal of any minimal edit-script algorithm is to find a path from the
// top-left corner to the bottom-right corner, while traveling through the
// fewest horizontal or vertical edges.
// A horizontal edge is equivalent to inserting a symbol from list X.
// A vertical edge is equivalent to inserting a symbol from list Y.
// A diagonal edge is equivalent to a matching symbol between both X and Y.
// Invariants:
// • 0 ≤ fwdPath.X ≤ (fwdFrontier.X, revFrontier.X) ≤ revPath.X ≤ nx
// • 0 ≤ fwdPath.Y ≤ (fwdFrontier.Y, revFrontier.Y) ≤ revPath.Y ≤ ny
// In general:
// • fwdFrontier.X < revFrontier.X
// • fwdFrontier.Y < revFrontier.Y
// Unless, it is time for the algorithm to terminate.
fwdPath := path{+1, point{0, 0}, make(EditScript, 0, (nx+ny)/2)}
revPath := path{-1, point{nx, ny}, make(EditScript, 0)}
fwdFrontier := fwdPath.point // Forward search frontier
revFrontier := revPath.point // Reverse search frontier
// Search budget bounds the cost of searching for better paths.
// The longest sequence of non-matching symbols that can be tolerated is
// approximately the square-root of the search budget.
searchBudget := 4 * (nx + ny) // O(n)
// The algorithm below is a greedy, meet-in-the-middle algorithm for
// computing sub-optimal edit-scripts between two lists.
// The algorithm is approximately as follows:
// • Searching for differences switches back-and-forth between
// a search that starts at the beginning (the top-left corner), and
// a search that starts at the end (the bottom-right corner). The goal of
// the search is connect with the search from the opposite corner.
// • As we search, we build a path in a greedy manner, where the first
// match seen is added to the path (this is sub-optimal, but provides a
// decent result in practice). When matches are found, we try the next pair
// of symbols in the lists and follow all matches as far as possible.
// • When searching for matches, we search along a diagonal going through
// through the "frontier" point. If no matches are found, we advance the
// frontier towards the opposite corner.
// • This algorithm terminates when either the X coordinates or the
// Y coordinates of the forward and reverse frontier points ever intersect.
// This algorithm is correct even if searching only in the forward direction
// or in the reverse direction. We do both because it is commonly observed
// that two lists commonly differ because elements were added to the front
// or end of the other list.
// Running the tests with the "debug" build tag prints a visualization of
// the algorithm running in real-time. This is educational for understanding
// how the algorithm works. See debug_enable.go.
f = debug.Begin(nx, ny, f, &fwdPath.es, &revPath.es)
for {
// Forward search from the beginning.
if fwdFrontier.X >= revFrontier.X || fwdFrontier.Y >= revFrontier.Y || searchBudget == 0 {
for stop1, stop2, i := false, false, 0; !(stop1 && stop2) && searchBudget > 0; i++ {
// Search in a diagonal pattern for a match.
z := zigzag(i)
p := point{fwdFrontier.X + z, fwdFrontier.Y - z}
switch {
case p.X >= revPath.X || p.Y < fwdPath.Y:
stop1 = true // Hit top-right corner
case p.Y >= revPath.Y || p.X < fwdPath.X:
stop2 = true // Hit bottom-left corner
case f(p.X, p.Y).Equal():
// Match found, so connect the path to this point.
fwdPath.connect(p, f)
// Follow sequence of matches as far as possible.
for fwdPath.X < revPath.X && fwdPath.Y < revPath.Y {
if !f(fwdPath.X, fwdPath.Y).Equal() {
fwdFrontier = fwdPath.point
stop1, stop2 = true, true
searchBudget-- // Match not found
// Advance the frontier towards reverse point.
if revPath.X-fwdFrontier.X >= revPath.Y-fwdFrontier.Y {
} else {
// Reverse search from the end.
if fwdFrontier.X >= revFrontier.X || fwdFrontier.Y >= revFrontier.Y || searchBudget == 0 {
for stop1, stop2, i := false, false, 0; !(stop1 && stop2) && searchBudget > 0; i++ {
// Search in a diagonal pattern for a match.
z := zigzag(i)
p := point{revFrontier.X - z, revFrontier.Y + z}
switch {
case fwdPath.X >= p.X || revPath.Y < p.Y:
stop1 = true // Hit bottom-left corner
case fwdPath.Y >= p.Y || revPath.X < p.X:
stop2 = true // Hit top-right corner
case f(p.X-1, p.Y-1).Equal():
// Match found, so connect the path to this point.
revPath.connect(p, f)
// Follow sequence of matches as far as possible.
for fwdPath.X < revPath.X && fwdPath.Y < revPath.Y {
if !f(revPath.X-1, revPath.Y-1).Equal() {
revFrontier = revPath.point
stop1, stop2 = true, true
searchBudget-- // Match not found
// Advance the frontier towards forward point.
if revFrontier.X-fwdPath.X >= revFrontier.Y-fwdPath.Y {
} else {
// Join the forward and reverse paths and then append the reverse path.
fwdPath.connect(revPath.point, f)
for i := len(revPath.es) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
t := revPath.es[i]
revPath.es = revPath.es[:i]
return fwdPath.es
type path struct {
dir int // +1 if forward, -1 if reverse
point // Leading point of the EditScript path
es EditScript
// connect appends any necessary Identity, Modified, UniqueX, or UniqueY types
// to the edit-script to connect p.point to dst.
func (p *path) connect(dst point, f EqualFunc) {
if p.dir > 0 {
// Connect in forward direction.
for dst.X > p.X && dst.Y > p.Y {
switch r := f(p.X, p.Y); {
case r.Equal():
case r.Similar():
case dst.X-p.X >= dst.Y-p.Y:
for dst.X > p.X {
for dst.Y > p.Y {
} else {
// Connect in reverse direction.
for p.X > dst.X && p.Y > dst.Y {
switch r := f(p.X-1, p.Y-1); {
case r.Equal():
case r.Similar():
case p.Y-dst.Y >= p.X-dst.X:
for p.X > dst.X {
for p.Y > dst.Y {
func (p *path) append(t EditType) {
p.es = append(p.es, t)
switch t {
case Identity, Modified:
p.add(p.dir, p.dir)
case UniqueX:
p.add(p.dir, 0)
case UniqueY:
p.add(0, p.dir)
type point struct{ X, Y int }
func (p *point) add(dx, dy int) { p.X += dx; p.Y += dy }
// zigzag maps a consecutive sequence of integers to a zig-zag sequence.
// [0 1 2 3 4 5 ...] => [0 -1 +1 -2 +2 ...]
func zigzag(x int) int {
if x&1 != 0 {
x = ^x
return x >> 1