Paddy 961c878e0d Switch to using Go modules. (#2679)
Switch to using Go modules.

This migrates our vendor.json to use Go 1.11's modules system, and
replaces the vendor folder with the output of go mod vendor.

The vendored code should remain basically the same; I believe some
tree shaking of packages and support scripts/licenses/READMEs/etc.

This also fixes Travis and our Makefile to no longer use govendor.
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00

162 lines
4.7 KiB

package hclog
import (
var (
DefaultOutput = os.Stderr
DefaultLevel = Info
type Level int32
const (
// This is a special level used to indicate that no level has been
// set and allow for a default to be used.
NoLevel Level = 0
// The most verbose level. Intended to be used for the tracing of actions
// in code, such as function enters/exits, etc.
Trace Level = 1
// For programmer lowlevel analysis.
Debug Level = 2
// For information about steady state operations.
Info Level = 3
// For information about rare but handled events.
Warn Level = 4
// For information about unrecoverable events.
Error Level = 5
// When processing a value of this type, the logger automatically treats the first
// argument as a Printf formatting string and passes the rest as the values to be
// formatted. For example: L.Info(Fmt{"%d beans/day", beans}). This is a simple
// convience type for when formatting is required.
type Format []interface{}
// Fmt returns a Format type. This is a convience function for creating a Format
// type.
func Fmt(str string, args ...interface{}) Format {
return append(Format{str}, args...)
// LevelFromString returns a Level type for the named log level, or "NoLevel" if
// the level string is invalid. This facilitates setting the log level via
// config or environment variable by name in a predictable way.
func LevelFromString(levelStr string) Level {
// We don't care about case. Accept "INFO" or "info"
levelStr = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(levelStr))
switch levelStr {
case "trace":
return Trace
case "debug":
return Debug
case "info":
return Info
case "warn":
return Warn
case "error":
return Error
return NoLevel
// The main Logger interface. All code should code against this interface only.
type Logger interface {
// Args are alternating key, val pairs
// keys must be strings
// vals can be any type, but display is implementation specific
// Emit a message and key/value pairs at the TRACE level
Trace(msg string, args ...interface{})
// Emit a message and key/value pairs at the DEBUG level
Debug(msg string, args ...interface{})
// Emit a message and key/value pairs at the INFO level
Info(msg string, args ...interface{})
// Emit a message and key/value pairs at the WARN level
Warn(msg string, args ...interface{})
// Emit a message and key/value pairs at the ERROR level
Error(msg string, args ...interface{})
// Indicate if TRACE logs would be emitted. This and the other Is* guards
// are used to elide expensive logging code based on the current level.
IsTrace() bool
// Indicate if DEBUG logs would be emitted. This and the other Is* guards
IsDebug() bool
// Indicate if INFO logs would be emitted. This and the other Is* guards
IsInfo() bool
// Indicate if WARN logs would be emitted. This and the other Is* guards
IsWarn() bool
// Indicate if ERROR logs would be emitted. This and the other Is* guards
IsError() bool
// Creates a sublogger that will always have the given key/value pairs
With(args ...interface{}) Logger
// Create a logger that will prepend the name string on the front of all messages.
// If the logger already has a name, the new value will be appended to the current
// name. That way, a major subsystem can use this to decorate all it's own logs
// without losing context.
Named(name string) Logger
// Create a logger that will prepend the name string on the front of all messages.
// This sets the name of the logger to the value directly, unlike Named which honor
// the current name as well.
ResetNamed(name string) Logger
// Updates the level. This should affect all sub-loggers as well. If an
// implementation cannot update the level on the fly, it should no-op.
SetLevel(level Level)
// Return a value that conforms to the stdlib log.Logger interface
StandardLogger(opts *StandardLoggerOptions) *log.Logger
type StandardLoggerOptions struct {
// Indicate that some minimal parsing should be done on strings to try
// and detect their level and re-emit them.
// This supports the strings like [ERROR], [ERR] [TRACE], [WARN], [INFO],
// [DEBUG] and strip it off before reapplying it.
InferLevels bool
type LoggerOptions struct {
// Name of the subsystem to prefix logs with
Name string
// The threshold for the logger. Anything less severe is supressed
Level Level
// Where to write the logs to. Defaults to os.Stderr if nil
Output io.Writer
// An optional mutex pointer in case Output is shared
Mutex *sync.Mutex
// Control if the output should be in JSON.
JSONFormat bool
// Include file and line information in each log line
IncludeLocation bool
// The time format to use instead of the default
TimeFormat string