Paddy 961c878e0d Switch to using Go modules. (#2679)
Switch to using Go modules.

This migrates our vendor.json to use Go 1.11's modules system, and
replaces the vendor folder with the output of go mod vendor.

The vendored code should remain basically the same; I believe some
tree shaking of packages and support scripts/licenses/READMEs/etc.

This also fixes Travis and our Makefile to no longer use govendor.
2018-12-20 17:22:22 -08:00

501 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package openpgp implements high level operations on OpenPGP messages.
package openpgp // import "github.com/keybase/go-crypto/openpgp"
import (
_ "crypto/sha256"
// SignatureType is the armor type for a PGP signature.
var SignatureType = "PGP SIGNATURE"
// readArmored reads an armored block with the given type.
func readArmored(r io.Reader, expectedType string) (body io.Reader, err error) {
block, err := armor.Decode(r)
if err != nil {
if block.Type != expectedType {
return nil, errors.InvalidArgumentError("expected '" + expectedType + "', got: " + block.Type)
return block.Body, nil
// MessageDetails contains the result of parsing an OpenPGP encrypted and/or
// signed message.
type MessageDetails struct {
IsEncrypted bool // true if the message was encrypted.
EncryptedToKeyIds []uint64 // the list of recipient key ids.
IsSymmetricallyEncrypted bool // true if a passphrase could have decrypted the message.
DecryptedWith Key // the private key used to decrypt the message, if any.
IsSigned bool // true if the message is signed.
SignedByKeyId uint64 // the key id of the signer, if any.
SignedBy *Key // the key of the signer, if available.
LiteralData *packet.LiteralData // the metadata of the contents
UnverifiedBody io.Reader // the contents of the message.
// If IsSigned is true and SignedBy is non-zero then the signature will
// be verified as UnverifiedBody is read. The signature cannot be
// checked until the whole of UnverifiedBody is read so UnverifiedBody
// must be consumed until EOF before the data can trusted. Even if a
// message isn't signed (or the signer is unknown) the data may contain
// an authentication code that is only checked once UnverifiedBody has
// been consumed. Once EOF has been seen, the following fields are
// valid. (An authentication code failure is reported as a
// SignatureError error when reading from UnverifiedBody.)
SignatureError error // nil if the signature is good.
Signature *packet.Signature // the signature packet itself, if v4 (default)
SignatureV3 *packet.SignatureV3 // the signature packet if it is a v2 or v3 signature
// Does the Message include multiple signatures? Also called "nested signatures".
MultiSig bool
decrypted io.ReadCloser
// A PromptFunction is used as a callback by functions that may need to decrypt
// a private key, or prompt for a passphrase. It is called with a list of
// acceptable, encrypted private keys and a boolean that indicates whether a
// passphrase is usable. It should either decrypt a private key or return a
// passphrase to try. If the decrypted private key or given passphrase isn't
// correct, the function will be called again, forever. Any error returned will
// be passed up.
type PromptFunction func(keys []Key, symmetric bool) ([]byte, error)
// A keyEnvelopePair is used to store a private key with the envelope that
// contains a symmetric key, encrypted with that key.
type keyEnvelopePair struct {
key Key
encryptedKey *packet.EncryptedKey
// ReadMessage parses an OpenPGP message that may be signed and/or encrypted.
// The given KeyRing should contain both public keys (for signature
// verification) and, possibly encrypted, private keys for decrypting.
// If config is nil, sensible defaults will be used.
func ReadMessage(r io.Reader, keyring KeyRing, prompt PromptFunction, config *packet.Config) (md *MessageDetails, err error) {
var p packet.Packet
var symKeys []*packet.SymmetricKeyEncrypted
var pubKeys []keyEnvelopePair
var se *packet.SymmetricallyEncrypted
packets := packet.NewReader(r)
md = new(MessageDetails)
md.IsEncrypted = true
// The message, if encrypted, starts with a number of packets
// containing an encrypted decryption key. The decryption key is either
// encrypted to a public key, or with a passphrase. This loop
// collects these packets.
for {
p, err = packets.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch p := p.(type) {
case *packet.SymmetricKeyEncrypted:
// This packet contains the decryption key encrypted with a passphrase.
md.IsSymmetricallyEncrypted = true
symKeys = append(symKeys, p)
case *packet.EncryptedKey:
// This packet contains the decryption key encrypted to a public key.
md.EncryptedToKeyIds = append(md.EncryptedToKeyIds, p.KeyId)
switch p.Algo {
case packet.PubKeyAlgoRSA, packet.PubKeyAlgoRSAEncryptOnly, packet.PubKeyAlgoElGamal, packet.PubKeyAlgoECDH:
var keys []Key
if p.KeyId == 0 {
keys = keyring.DecryptionKeys()
} else {
keys = keyring.KeysById(p.KeyId, nil)
for _, k := range keys {
pubKeys = append(pubKeys, keyEnvelopePair{k, p})
case *packet.SymmetricallyEncrypted:
se = p
break ParsePackets
case *packet.Compressed, *packet.LiteralData, *packet.OnePassSignature:
// This message isn't encrypted.
if len(symKeys) != 0 || len(pubKeys) != 0 {
return nil, errors.StructuralError("key material not followed by encrypted message")
return readSignedMessage(packets, nil, keyring)
var candidates []Key
var decrypted io.ReadCloser
// Now that we have the list of encrypted keys we need to decrypt at
// least one of them or, if we cannot, we need to call the prompt
// function so that it can decrypt a key or give us a passphrase.
for {
// See if any of the keys already have a private key available
candidates = candidates[:0]
candidateFingerprints := make(map[string]bool)
for _, pk := range pubKeys {
if pk.key.PrivateKey == nil {
if !pk.key.PrivateKey.Encrypted {
if len(pk.encryptedKey.Key) == 0 {
pk.encryptedKey.Decrypt(pk.key.PrivateKey, config)
if len(pk.encryptedKey.Key) == 0 {
decrypted, err = se.Decrypt(pk.encryptedKey.CipherFunc, pk.encryptedKey.Key)
if err != nil && err != errors.ErrKeyIncorrect {
return nil, err
if decrypted != nil {
md.DecryptedWith = pk.key
break FindKey
} else {
fpr := string(pk.key.PublicKey.Fingerprint[:])
if v := candidateFingerprints[fpr]; v {
candidates = append(candidates, pk.key)
candidateFingerprints[fpr] = true
if len(candidates) == 0 && len(symKeys) == 0 {
return nil, errors.ErrKeyIncorrect
if prompt == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrKeyIncorrect
passphrase, err := prompt(candidates, len(symKeys) != 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Try the symmetric passphrase first
if len(symKeys) != 0 && passphrase != nil {
for _, s := range symKeys {
key, cipherFunc, err := s.Decrypt(passphrase)
if err == nil {
decrypted, err = se.Decrypt(cipherFunc, key)
if err != nil && err != errors.ErrKeyIncorrect {
return nil, err
if decrypted != nil {
break FindKey
md.decrypted = decrypted
if err := packets.Push(decrypted); err != nil {
return nil, err
return readSignedMessage(packets, md, keyring)
// readSignedMessage reads a possibly signed message if mdin is non-zero then
// that structure is updated and returned. Otherwise a fresh MessageDetails is
// used.
func readSignedMessage(packets *packet.Reader, mdin *MessageDetails, keyring KeyRing) (md *MessageDetails, err error) {
if mdin == nil {
mdin = new(MessageDetails)
md = mdin
var p packet.Packet
var h hash.Hash
var wrappedHash hash.Hash
for {
p, err = packets.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch p := p.(type) {
case *packet.Compressed:
if err := packets.Push(p.Body); err != nil {
return nil, err
case *packet.OnePassSignature:
if md.IsSigned {
// If IsSigned is set, it means we have multiple
// OnePassSignature packets.
md.MultiSig = true
if md.SignedBy != nil {
// We've already found the signature we were looking
// for, made by key that we had in keyring and can
// check signature against. Continue with that instead
// of trying to find another.
continue FindLiteralData
h, wrappedHash, err = hashForSignature(p.Hash, p.SigType)
if err != nil {
md = nil
md.IsSigned = true
md.SignedByKeyId = p.KeyId
keys := keyring.KeysByIdUsage(p.KeyId, nil, packet.KeyFlagSign)
if len(keys) > 0 {
md.SignedBy = &keys[0]
case *packet.LiteralData:
md.LiteralData = p
break FindLiteralData
if md.SignedBy != nil {
md.UnverifiedBody = &signatureCheckReader{packets, h, wrappedHash, md}
} else if md.decrypted != nil {
md.UnverifiedBody = checkReader{md}
} else {
md.UnverifiedBody = md.LiteralData.Body
return md, nil
// hashForSignature returns a pair of hashes that can be used to verify a
// signature. The signature may specify that the contents of the signed message
// should be preprocessed (i.e. to normalize line endings). Thus this function
// returns two hashes. The second should be used to hash the message itself and
// performs any needed preprocessing.
func hashForSignature(hashId crypto.Hash, sigType packet.SignatureType) (hash.Hash, hash.Hash, error) {
if !hashId.Available() {
return nil, nil, errors.UnsupportedError("hash not available: " + strconv.Itoa(int(hashId)))
h := hashId.New()
switch sigType {
case packet.SigTypeBinary:
return h, h, nil
case packet.SigTypeText:
return h, NewCanonicalTextHash(h), nil
return nil, nil, errors.UnsupportedError("unsupported signature type: " + strconv.Itoa(int(sigType)))
// checkReader wraps an io.Reader from a LiteralData packet. When it sees EOF
// it closes the ReadCloser from any SymmetricallyEncrypted packet to trigger
// MDC checks.
type checkReader struct {
md *MessageDetails
func (cr checkReader) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = cr.md.LiteralData.Body.Read(buf)
if err == io.EOF {
mdcErr := cr.md.decrypted.Close()
if mdcErr != nil {
err = mdcErr
// signatureCheckReader wraps an io.Reader from a LiteralData packet and hashes
// the data as it is read. When it sees an EOF from the underlying io.Reader
// it parses and checks a trailing Signature packet and triggers any MDC checks.
type signatureCheckReader struct {
packets *packet.Reader
h, wrappedHash hash.Hash
md *MessageDetails
func (scr *signatureCheckReader) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = scr.md.LiteralData.Body.Read(buf)
if err == io.EOF {
for {
var p packet.Packet
p, scr.md.SignatureError = scr.packets.Next()
if scr.md.SignatureError != nil {
if scr.md.MultiSig {
// If we are in MultiSig, we might have found other
// signature that cannot be verified using our key.
// Clear Signature field so it's clear for consumers
// that this message failed to verify.
scr.md.Signature = nil
var ok bool
if scr.md.Signature, ok = p.(*packet.Signature); ok {
var err error
if keyID := scr.md.Signature.IssuerKeyId; keyID != nil {
if *keyID != scr.md.SignedBy.PublicKey.KeyId {
if scr.md.MultiSig {
continue // try again to find a sig we can verify
err = errors.StructuralError("bad key id")
if fingerprint := scr.md.Signature.IssuerFingerprint; fingerprint != nil {
if !hmac.Equal(fingerprint, scr.md.SignedBy.PublicKey.Fingerprint[:]) {
if scr.md.MultiSig {
continue // try again to find a sig we can verify
err = errors.StructuralError("bad key fingerprint")
if err == nil {
err = scr.md.SignedBy.PublicKey.VerifySignature(scr.h, scr.md.Signature)
scr.md.SignatureError = err
} else if scr.md.SignatureV3, ok = p.(*packet.SignatureV3); ok {
scr.md.SignatureError = scr.md.SignedBy.PublicKey.VerifySignatureV3(scr.h, scr.md.SignatureV3)
} else {
scr.md.SignatureError = errors.StructuralError("LiteralData not followed by Signature")
// Parse only one packet by default, unless message is MultiSig. Then
// we ask for more packets after discovering non-matching signature,
// until we find one that we can verify.
// The SymmetricallyEncrypted packet, if any, might have an
// unsigned hash of its own. In order to check this we need to
// close that Reader.
if scr.md.decrypted != nil {
mdcErr := scr.md.decrypted.Close()
if mdcErr != nil {
err = mdcErr
// CheckDetachedSignature takes a signed file and a detached signature and
// returns the signer if the signature is valid. If the signer isn't known,
// ErrUnknownIssuer is returned.
func CheckDetachedSignature(keyring KeyRing, signed, signature io.Reader) (signer *Entity, err error) {
signer, _, err = checkDetachedSignature(keyring, signed, signature)
return signer, err
func checkDetachedSignature(keyring KeyRing, signed, signature io.Reader) (signer *Entity, issuer *uint64, err error) {
var issuerKeyId uint64
var issuerFingerprint []byte
var hashFunc crypto.Hash
var sigType packet.SignatureType
var keys []Key
var p packet.Packet
packets := packet.NewReader(signature)
for {
p, err = packets.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
return nil, nil, errors.ErrUnknownIssuer
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
switch sig := p.(type) {
case *packet.Signature:
if sig.IssuerKeyId == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.StructuralError("signature doesn't have an issuer")
issuerKeyId = *sig.IssuerKeyId
hashFunc = sig.Hash
sigType = sig.SigType
issuerFingerprint = sig.IssuerFingerprint
case *packet.SignatureV3:
issuerKeyId = sig.IssuerKeyId
hashFunc = sig.Hash
sigType = sig.SigType
return nil, nil, errors.StructuralError("non signature packet found")
keys = keyring.KeysByIdUsage(issuerKeyId, issuerFingerprint, packet.KeyFlagSign)
if len(keys) > 0 {
if len(keys) == 0 {
h, wrappedHash, err := hashForSignature(hashFunc, sigType)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if _, err := io.Copy(wrappedHash, signed); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return nil, nil, err
for _, key := range keys {
switch sig := p.(type) {
case *packet.Signature:
err = key.PublicKey.VerifySignature(h, sig)
case *packet.SignatureV3:
err = key.PublicKey.VerifySignatureV3(h, sig)
if err == nil {
return key.Entity, &issuerKeyId, nil
return nil, nil, err
// CheckArmoredDetachedSignature performs the same actions as
// CheckDetachedSignature but expects the signature to be armored.
func CheckArmoredDetachedSignature(keyring KeyRing, signed, signature io.Reader) (signer *Entity, err error) {
signer, _, err = checkArmoredDetachedSignature(keyring, signed, signature)
return signer, err
func checkArmoredDetachedSignature(keyring KeyRing, signed, signature io.Reader) (signer *Entity, issuer *uint64, err error) {
body, err := readArmored(signature, SignatureType)
if err != nil {
return checkDetachedSignature(keyring, signed, body)