--- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # *** AUTO GENERATED CODE *** AUTO GENERATED CODE *** # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This file is automatically generated by Magic Modules and manual # changes will be clobbered when the file is regenerated. # # Please read more about how to change this file in # .github/CONTRIBUTING.md. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- layout: "google" page_title: "Google: google_compute_forwarding_rule" sidebar_current: "docs-google-compute-forwarding-rule" description: |- A ForwardingRule resource. --- # google\_compute\_forwarding\_rule A ForwardingRule resource. A ForwardingRule resource specifies which pool of target virtual machines to forward a packet to if it matches the given [IPAddress, IPProtocol, portRange] tuple. To get more information about ForwardingRule, see: * [API documentation](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/v1/forwardingRule) * How-to Guides * [Official Documentation](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/load-balancing/network/forwarding-rules)
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## Example Usage - Forwarding Rule Basic ```hcl resource "google_compute_forwarding_rule" "default" { name = "website-forwarding-rule" target = "${google_compute_target_pool.default.self_link}" port_range = "80" } resource "google_compute_target_pool" "default" { name = "website-target-pool" } ```
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## Example Usage - Forwarding Rule Internallb ```hcl // Forwarding rule for Internal Load Balancing resource "google_compute_forwarding_rule" "default" { name = "website-forwarding-rule" region = "us-central1" load_balancing_scheme = "INTERNAL" backend_service = "${google_compute_region_backend_service.backend.self_link}" all_ports = true network = "${google_compute_network.default.name}" subnetwork = "${google_compute_subnetwork.default.name}" } resource "google_compute_region_backend_service" "backend" { name = "website-backend" region = "us-central1" health_checks = ["${google_compute_health_check.hc.self_link}"] } resource "google_compute_health_check" "hc" { name = "check-website-backend" check_interval_sec = 1 timeout_sec = 1 tcp_health_check { port = "80" } } resource "google_compute_network" "default" { name = "website-net" auto_create_subnetworks = false } resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "default" { name = "website-net" ip_cidr_range = "" region = "us-central1" network = "${google_compute_network.default.self_link}" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash. - - - * `description` - (Optional) An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource. * `ip_address` - (Optional) The IP address that this forwarding rule is serving on behalf of. Addresses are restricted based on the forwarding rule's load balancing scheme (EXTERNAL or INTERNAL) and scope (global or regional). When the load balancing scheme is EXTERNAL, for global forwarding rules, the address must be a global IP, and for regional forwarding rules, the address must live in the same region as the forwarding rule. If this field is empty, an ephemeral IPv4 address from the same scope (global or regional) will be assigned. A regional forwarding rule supports IPv4 only. A global forwarding rule supports either IPv4 or IPv6. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this can only be an RFC 1918 IP address belonging to the network/subnet configured for the forwarding rule. By default, if this field is empty, an ephemeral internal IP address will be automatically allocated from the IP range of the subnet or network configured for this forwarding rule. An address can be specified either by a literal IP address or a URL reference to an existing Address resource. The following examples are all valid: * * https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/regions/ region/addresses/address * projects/project/regions/region/addresses/address * regions/region/addresses/address * global/addresses/address * address * `ip_protocol` - (Optional) The IP protocol to which this rule applies. Valid options are TCP, UDP, ESP, AH, SCTP or ICMP. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, only TCP and UDP are valid. * `backend_service` - (Optional) A BackendService to receive the matched traffic. This is used only for INTERNAL load balancing. * `ip_version` - (Optional, Deprecated) ipVersion is not a valid field for regional forwarding rules. * `load_balancing_scheme` - (Optional) This signifies what the ForwardingRule will be used for and can only take the following values: INTERNAL, EXTERNAL The value of INTERNAL means that this will be used for Internal Network Load Balancing (TCP, UDP). The value of EXTERNAL means that this will be used for External Load Balancing (HTTP(S) LB, External TCP/UDP LB, SSL Proxy) * `network` - (Optional) For internal load balancing, this field identifies the network that the load balanced IP should belong to for this Forwarding Rule. If this field is not specified, the default network will be used. This field is only used for INTERNAL load balancing. * `port_range` - (Optional) This field is used along with the target field for TargetHttpProxy, TargetHttpsProxy, TargetSslProxy, TargetTcpProxy, TargetVpnGateway, TargetPool, TargetInstance. Applicable only when IPProtocol is TCP, UDP, or SCTP, only packets addressed to ports in the specified range will be forwarded to target. Forwarding rules with the same [IPAddress, IPProtocol] pair must have disjoint port ranges. Some types of forwarding target have constraints on the acceptable ports: * TargetHttpProxy: 80, 8080 * TargetHttpsProxy: 443 * TargetTcpProxy: 25, 43, 110, 143, 195, 443, 465, 587, 700, 993, 995, 1883, 5222 * TargetSslProxy: 25, 43, 110, 143, 195, 443, 465, 587, 700, 993, 995, 1883, 5222 * TargetVpnGateway: 500, 4500 * `ports` - (Optional) This field is used along with the backend_service field for internal load balancing. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, a single port or a comma separated list of ports can be configured. Only packets addressed to these ports will be forwarded to the backends configured with this forwarding rule. You may specify a maximum of up to 5 ports. * `subnetwork` - (Optional) The subnetwork that the load balanced IP should belong to for this Forwarding Rule. This field is only used for INTERNAL load balancing. If the network specified is in auto subnet mode, this field is optional. However, if the network is in custom subnet mode, a subnetwork must be specified. * `target` - (Optional) This field is only used for EXTERNAL load balancing. A reference to a TargetPool resource to receive the matched traffic. This target must live in the same region as the forwarding rule. The forwarded traffic must be of a type appropriate to the target object. * `all_ports` - (Optional) For internal TCP/UDP load balancing (i.e. load balancing scheme is INTERNAL and protocol is TCP/UDP), set this to true to allow packets addressed to any ports to be forwarded to the backends configured with this forwarding rule. Used with backend service. Cannot be set if port or portRange are set. * `network_tier` - (Optional) The networking tier used for configuring this address. This field can take the following values: PREMIUM or STANDARD. If this field is not specified, it is assumed to be PREMIUM. * `service_label` - (Optional) An optional prefix to the service name for this Forwarding Rule. If specified, will be the first label of the fully qualified service name. The label must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the label must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash. This field is only used for INTERNAL load balancing. * `region` - (Optional) A reference to the region where the regional forwarding rule resides. This field is not applicable to global forwarding rules. * `project` - (Optional) The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used. ## Attributes Reference In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported: * `creation_timestamp` - Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format. * `service_name` - The internal fully qualified service name for this Forwarding Rule. This field is only used for INTERNAL load balancing. * `self_link` - The URI of the created resource. ## Timeouts This resource provides the following [Timeouts](/docs/configuration/resources.html#timeouts) configuration options: - `create` - Default is 4 minutes. - `update` - Default is 4 minutes. - `delete` - Default is 4 minutes. ## Import ForwardingRule can be imported using any of these accepted formats: ``` $ terraform import google_compute_forwarding_rule.default projects/{{project}}/regions/{{region}}/forwardingRules/{{name}} $ terraform import google_compute_forwarding_rule.default {{project}}/{{region}}/{{name}} $ terraform import google_compute_forwarding_rule.default {{name}} ``` -> If you're importing a resource with beta features, make sure to include `-provider=google-beta` as an argument so that Terraform uses the correct provider to import your resource.