package google import ( "testing" "reflect" "strings" "" ) func TestComputeInstanceTemplateMigrateState(t *testing.T) { cases := map[string]struct { StateVersion int BeforeAttributes map[string]string AfterAttributes map[string]string ErrorStringExpected string Meta interface{} }{ "invalid state version": { StateVersion: -1, ErrorStringExpected: "Unexpected schema version: -1", }, "simple automatic_restart case removal": { StateVersion: 0, BeforeAttributes: map[string]string{ "automatic_restart": "true", "scheduling.#": "1", "scheduling.0.automatic_restart": "true", }, AfterAttributes: map[string]string{ "scheduling.#": "1", "scheduling.0.automatic_restart": "true", }, }, "simple on_host_maintenance removal": { StateVersion: 0, BeforeAttributes: map[string]string{ "on_host_maintenance": "MIGRATE", "automatic_restart": "true", "scheduling.#": "1", "scheduling.0.automatic_restart": "true", }, AfterAttributes: map[string]string{ "scheduling.#": "1", "scheduling.0.automatic_restart": "true", }, }, "missing scheduling block": { StateVersion: 0, BeforeAttributes: map[string]string{ "automatic_restart": "true", }, AfterAttributes: map[string]string{ "scheduling.#": "1", "scheduling.0.automatic_restart": "true", }, }, "empty scheduling block": { StateVersion: 0, BeforeAttributes: map[string]string{ "automatic_restart": "true", "scheduling.#": "0", }, AfterAttributes: map[string]string{ "scheduling.#": "1", "scheduling.0.automatic_restart": "true", }, }, "error upon multiple scheduling block": { StateVersion: 0, BeforeAttributes: map[string]string{ "automatic_restart": "true", "scheduling.#": "2", "scheduling.0.automatic_restart": "true", "scheduling.1.automatic_restart": "true", }, ErrorStringExpected: "Found multiple scheduling blocks when there should only be one", }, "error upon differing automatic_restart values": { StateVersion: 0, BeforeAttributes: map[string]string{ "automatic_restart": "true", "scheduling.#": "1", "scheduling.0.automatic_restart": "false", }, ErrorStringExpected: "Found differing values for automatic_restart in state, unsure how to proceed.", }, } for tn, tc := range cases { is := &terraform.InstanceState{ ID: "i-abc123", Attributes: tc.BeforeAttributes, } is, err := resourceComputeInstanceTemplateMigrateState( tc.StateVersion, is, tc.Meta) if err != nil { if tc.ErrorStringExpected == "" { t.Fatalf("bad: %s, err: %#v", tn, err) } else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tc.ErrorStringExpected) { t.Fatalf("Expected error containing string %s, instead found %#v", tc.ErrorStringExpected, err) } else { continue } } // Compare both maps for identity if !reflect.DeepEqual(is.Attributes, tc.AfterAttributes) { t.Fatalf("Expected attributes %#v, got attributes %#v", tc.AfterAttributes, is.Attributes) } } } func TestComputeInstanceTemplateMigrateState_empty(t *testing.T) { var is *terraform.InstanceState var meta interface{} // should handle nil is, err := resourceComputeInstanceTemplateMigrateState(0, is, meta) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("err: %#v", err) } if is != nil { t.Fatalf("expected nil instancestate, got: %#v", is) } // should handle non-nil but empty is = &terraform.InstanceState{} _, err = resourceComputeInstanceTemplateMigrateState(0, is, meta) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("err: %#v", err) } }