--- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # *** AUTO GENERATED CODE *** AUTO GENERATED CODE *** # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This file is automatically generated by Magic Modules and manual # changes will be clobbered when the file is regenerated. # # Please read more about how to change this file in # .github/CONTRIBUTING.md. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- layout: "google" page_title: "Google: google_appengine_firewall_rule" sidebar_current: "docs-google-appengine-firewall-rule" description: |- A single firewall rule that is evaluated against incoming traffic and provides an action to take on matched requests. --- # google\_appengine\_firewall\_rule A single firewall rule that is evaluated against incoming traffic and provides an action to take on matched requests. To get more information about FirewallRule, see: * [API documentation](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/admin-api/reference/rest/v1/apps.firewall.ingressRules) * How-to Guides * [Official Documentation](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/creating-firewalls#creating_firewall_rules)
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## Example Usage - Appengine Firewall Rule Basic ```hcl resource "google_project" "my_project" { name = "tf-test-project" project_id = "test-project" org_id = "123456789" } resource "google_app_engine_application" "app" { project = "${google_project.my_project.project_id}" location_id = "us-central" } resource "google_appengine_firewall_rule" "rule" { project = "${google_app_engine_application.app.project}" priority = 1000 action = "ALLOW" source_range = "*" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `source_range` - (Required) IP address or range, defined using CIDR notation, of requests that this rule applies to. * `action` - (Required) The action to take if this rule matches. - - - * `description` - (Optional) An optional string description of this rule. * `priority` - (Optional) A positive integer that defines the order of rule evaluation. Rules with the lowest priority are evaluated first. A default rule at priority Int32.MaxValue matches all IPv4 and IPv6 traffic when no previous rule matches. Only the action of this rule can be modified by the user. * `project` - (Optional) The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used. ## Timeouts This resource provides the following [Timeouts](/docs/configuration/resources.html#timeouts) configuration options: - `create` - Default is 4 minutes. - `update` - Default is 4 minutes. - `delete` - Default is 4 minutes. ## Import FirewallRule can be imported using any of these accepted formats: ``` $ terraform import google_appengine_firewall_rule.default {{project}}/{{priority}} $ terraform import google_appengine_firewall_rule.default {{priority}} ``` -> If you're importing a resource with beta features, make sure to include `-provider=google-beta` as an argument so that Terraform uses the correct provider to import your resource.