package google import ( "fmt" "regexp" ) const ( globalLinkTemplate = "projects/%s/global/%s/%s" globalLinkBasePattern = "projects/(.+)/global/%s/(.+)" zonalLinkTemplate = "projects/%s/zones/%s/%s/%s" zonalLinkBasePattern = "projects/(.+)/zones/(.+)/%s/(.+)" zonalPartialLinkBasePattern = "zones/(.+)/%s/(.+)" ) // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Field helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------ func ParseNetworkFieldValue(network string, d TerraformResourceData, config *Config) (*GlobalFieldValue, error) { return parseGlobalFieldValue("networks", network, "project", d, config, true) } func ParseSslCertificateFieldValue(sslCertificate string, d TerraformResourceData, config *Config) (*GlobalFieldValue, error) { return parseGlobalFieldValue("sslCertificates", sslCertificate, "project", d, config, false) } func ParseDiskFieldValue(disk string, d TerraformResourceData, config *Config) (*ZonalFieldValue, error) { return parseZonalFieldValue("disks", disk, "project", "zone", d, config, false) } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Base helpers used to create helpers for specific fields. // ------------------------------------------------------------ type GlobalFieldValue struct { Project string Name string resourceType string } func (f GlobalFieldValue) RelativeLink() string { if len(f.Name) == 0 { return "" } return fmt.Sprintf(globalLinkTemplate, f.Project, f.resourceType, f.Name) } // Parses a global field supporting 5 different formats: // -{my_project}/global/{resource_type}/{resource_name} // - projects/{my_project}/global/{resource_type}/{resource_name} // - global/{resource_type}/{resource_name} // - resource_name // - "" (empty string). RelativeLink() returns empty if isEmptyValid is true. // // If the project is not specified, it first tries to get the project from the `projectSchemaField` and then fallback on the default project. func parseGlobalFieldValue(resourceType, fieldValue, projectSchemaField string, d TerraformResourceData, config *Config, isEmptyValid bool) (*GlobalFieldValue, error) { if len(fieldValue) == 0 { if isEmptyValid { return &GlobalFieldValue{resourceType: resourceType}, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("The global field for resource %s cannot be empty", resourceType) } r := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(globalLinkBasePattern, resourceType)) if parts := r.FindStringSubmatch(fieldValue); parts != nil { return &GlobalFieldValue{ Project: parts[1], Name: parts[2], resourceType: resourceType, }, nil } project, err := getProjectFromSchema(projectSchemaField, d, config) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &GlobalFieldValue{ Project: project, Name: GetResourceNameFromSelfLink(fieldValue), resourceType: resourceType, }, nil } type ZonalFieldValue struct { Project string Zone string Name string resourceType string } func (f ZonalFieldValue) RelativeLink() string { if len(f.Name) == 0 { return "" } return fmt.Sprintf(zonalLinkTemplate, f.Project, f.Zone, f.resourceType, f.Name) } // Parses a zonal field supporting 5 different formats: // -{my_project}/zones/{zone}/{resource_type}/{resource_name} // - projects/{my_project}/zones/{zone}/{resource_type}/{resource_name} // - zones/{zone}/{resource_type}/{resource_name} // - resource_name // - "" (empty string). RelativeLink() returns empty if isEmptyValid is true. // // If the project is not specified, it first tries to get the project from the `projectSchemaField` and then fallback on the default project. // If the zone is not specified, it takes the value of `zoneSchemaField`. func parseZonalFieldValue(resourceType, fieldValue, projectSchemaField, zoneSchemaField string, d TerraformResourceData, config *Config, isEmptyValid bool) (*ZonalFieldValue, error) { if len(fieldValue) == 0 { if isEmptyValid { return &ZonalFieldValue{resourceType: resourceType}, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("The zonal field for resource %s cannot be empty.", resourceType) } r := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(zonalLinkBasePattern, resourceType)) if parts := r.FindStringSubmatch(fieldValue); parts != nil { return &ZonalFieldValue{ Project: parts[1], Zone: parts[2], Name: parts[3], resourceType: resourceType, }, nil } project, err := getProjectFromSchema(projectSchemaField, d, config) if err != nil { return nil, err } r = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(zonalPartialLinkBasePattern, resourceType)) if parts := r.FindStringSubmatch(fieldValue); parts != nil { return &ZonalFieldValue{ Project: project, Zone: parts[1], Name: parts[2], resourceType: resourceType, }, nil } if len(zoneSchemaField) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid field format. Got '%s', expected format '%s'", fieldValue, fmt.Sprintf(globalLinkTemplate, "{project}", resourceType, "{name}")) } zone, ok := d.GetOk(zoneSchemaField) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("A zone must be specified") } return &ZonalFieldValue{ Project: project, Zone: zone.(string), Name: GetResourceNameFromSelfLink(fieldValue), resourceType: resourceType, }, nil } func getProjectFromSchema(projectSchemaField string, d TerraformResourceData, config *Config) (string, error) { res, ok := d.GetOk(projectSchemaField) if !ok || len(projectSchemaField) == 0 { if config.Project != "" { return config.Project, nil } return "", fmt.Errorf("project: required field is not set") } return res.(string), nil }